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Authentication Concept

gberaudo edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 6 revisions


  • No session on server (should be able to deploy instance on multiple servers)
  • Multiple clients (web, mobile, third-party sites)
  • Remember-me functionality
  • True logout (invalidate token)

Authentication method

Originally we considered setting up an OAuth 1/2 provider, but because of the complexity we decided to use a token-based authenticated method, which also meets our requirements. We will use JSON Web Tokens, which are more common than mod_auth_tkt (used in c2cgeoportal).

Master key vs. RSA keys

The advantage of RSA keys is that a client can verify the signature of a token with the public key. Since our only use case is to check the token server side, we will use a single master key, which is only known on the servers.


For the website: A user logins, the server sets the token on a cookie (with the HttpOnly flag, so that the cookie can not be read on the client-side with JavaScript). The expiration date on the token is set to 2 (?) weeks. To renew a token, the client can call a dedicated web-service (once per day?).

The token is stored in a database, so that it can be invalidated when logging out.

For the mobile application: The main difference is that the expiration data is set to never, so that a user only has to log in once. Also the token will not be transferred as cookie, but for example in the Authorization header (still to check what works best).


With pyramid_jwtauth (Example).

Open questions

  • How to remove expired tokens from the database? (use Redis? use a task for Postgres?)
  • Where to store the master key in a safe manner?
  • ?
