- several smaller bug fixes: #52, #51, #50
- In the capabilities locale, emulator and androidTarget are now optional.
- moved all packages to domain selendroid.io
- added new component: selendroid-standalone
- moved the documentation from wiki to web page: http://selendroid.io
- selendroid gem has been refactored to support only starting selendroid-shell
- Removed dependencies: Guava, commons-io, slf4j-android
- Find By Tag Name refactored to find by the class now, not by text
- L10n Locators not longer available, the translation can be done executing the script: ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("getL10nKeyTranslation", "l10nKey");
- Several bug fixes
- Gem does support the new location of aapt.
- Gem does require Ruby version >= 1.9.2
- Moved from google gson library to org.json
- Added first support of Selenium Advanced User Interactions API
- Added to the selendroid-gem new commands to support
- build-and-start: automatically build the selendroid-server and resigns the given apk with the debug certificate and starts afterwards the selendroid server.
- start: Starts the selendroid server on the first available Android device.
- Fix for bug #6 that solves send key to an element.
- Fixed a bug in getCapabilities handler that adds now e.g. support for javascript.
- Fixed a bug in getElementLocation handler
- Added support for:
- Get size of an element
- Get attribute of an element
- Get the info if an element is displayed or enabled
- execute script (only supported for webview mode)
- Added css locator support in webviews
- selendroid-grid-plugin that adds support to use the selenium grid for parallel testing
- Fix for native UI hierarchy handling
- Several smaller bugfixes with regards to element handling
- Gem can now be use on Windows
- Gem source has been added to the main project
- Added FindByPartialLinkText locator support for native and webview elements
- Adding (experimental) mechanism to add 'executeScript' in Native
- fixed to major bugs #1 and #2
- Created an inspector that allows to inspect the application under test and makes it easier to write test cases: http://localhost:8080/inspector
- Added support for pressing keys like the Android menu button.
- Fixed a bug in taking screenshots. Now pop up dialogs are included as well.
- Added /sessionId/keys support and a client library that contains already selenium as dependency and the interface SelendroidKeys.
- The gem contains an interactive shell that starts automatically selendroid-server and a Ruby webdriver client that allows to interactively try commands out.
- Added locator strategy by class for native and web view context
- added support for all available locators findElement, findElements and corresponding find child element and find child elements.
- initial Selendroid version including support for android native and hybrid apps.
- Driver support:
- takeScreenshot
- getPageSource
- get current url/ activity and open activity
- Driver supports following find element locators:
- for web views: by id, by xpath, by text, by name
- for Android native: by id, by l10n key, by text
- Found elements features:
- click, clear, enter text, getValue, is selected and submit
- Driver support: