+ $input.on("blur.tt", function($e) {
+ var active, isActive, hasActive;
+ active = document.activeElement;
+ isActive = $menu.is(active);
+ hasActive = $menu.has(active).length > 0;
+ if (_.isMsie() && (isActive || hasActive)) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ _.defer(function() {
+ $input.focus();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $menu.on("mousedown.tt", function($e) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ },
+ _onSelectableClicked: function onSelectableClicked(type, $el) {
+ this.select($el);
+ },
+ _onDatasetCleared: function onDatasetCleared() {
+ this._updateHint();
+ },
+ _onDatasetRendered: function onDatasetRendered(type, suggestions, async, dataset) {
+ this._updateHint();
+ if (this.autoselect) {
+ var cursorClass = this.selectors.cursor.substr(1);
+ this.menu.$node.find(this.selectors.suggestion).first().addClass(cursorClass);
+ }
+ this.eventBus.trigger("render", suggestions, async, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncRequested: function onAsyncRequested(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asyncrequest", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncCanceled: function onAsyncCanceled(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asynccancel", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onAsyncReceived: function onAsyncReceived(type, dataset, query) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("asyncreceive", query, dataset);
+ },
+ _onFocused: function onFocused() {
+ this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(this.input.getQuery());
+ },
+ _onBlurred: function onBlurred() {
+ if (this.input.hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus()) {
+ this.eventBus.trigger("change", this.input.getQuery());
+ }
+ },
+ _onEnterKeyed: function onEnterKeyed(type, $e) {
+ var $selectable;
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable()) {
+ if (this.select($selectable)) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ } else if (this.autoselect) {
+ if (this.select(this.menu.getTopSelectable())) {
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ $e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onTabKeyed: function onTabKeyed(type, $e) {
+ var $selectable;
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable()) {
+ this.select($selectable) && $e.preventDefault();
+ } else if (this.autoselect) {
+ if ($selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable()) {
+ this.autocomplete($selectable) && $e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onEscKeyed: function onEscKeyed() {
+ this.close();
+ },
+ _onUpKeyed: function onUpKeyed() {
+ this.moveCursor(-1);
+ },
+ _onDownKeyed: function onDownKeyed() {
+ this.moveCursor(+1);
+ },
+ _onLeftKeyed: function onLeftKeyed() {
+ if (this.dir === "rtl" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) {
+ this.autocomplete(this.menu.getActiveSelectable() || this.menu.getTopSelectable());
+ }
+ },
+ _onRightKeyed: function onRightKeyed() {
+ if (this.dir === "ltr" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) {
+ this.autocomplete(this.menu.getActiveSelectable() || this.menu.getTopSelectable());
+ }
+ },
+ _onQueryChanged: function onQueryChanged(e, query) {
+ this._minLengthMet(query) ? this.menu.update(query) : this.menu.empty();
+ },
+ _onWhitespaceChanged: function onWhitespaceChanged() {
+ this._updateHint();
+ },
+ _onLangDirChanged: function onLangDirChanged(e, dir) {
+ if (this.dir !== dir) {
+ this.dir = dir;
+ this.menu.setLanguageDirection(dir);
+ }
+ },
+ _openIfActive: function openIfActive() {
+ this.isActive() && this.open();
+ },
+ _minLengthMet: function minLengthMet(query) {
+ query = _.isString(query) ? query : this.input.getQuery() || "";
+ return query.length >= this.minLength;
+ },
+ _updateHint: function updateHint() {
+ var $selectable, data, val, query, escapedQuery, frontMatchRegEx, match;
+ $selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable();
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ val = this.input.getInputValue();
+ if (data && !_.isBlankString(val) && !this.input.hasOverflow()) {
+ query = Input.normalizeQuery(val);
+ escapedQuery = _.escapeRegExChars(query);
+ frontMatchRegEx = new RegExp("^(?:" + escapedQuery + ")(.+$)", "i");
+ match = frontMatchRegEx.exec(data.val);
+ match && this.input.setHint(val + match[1]);
+ } else {
+ this.input.clearHint();
+ }
+ },
+ isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
+ return this.enabled;
+ },
+ enable: function enable() {
+ this.enabled = true;
+ },
+ disable: function disable() {
+ this.enabled = false;
+ },
+ isActive: function isActive() {
+ return this.active;
+ },
+ activate: function activate() {
+ if (this.isActive()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (!this.isEnabled() || this.eventBus.before("active")) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ this.active = true;
+ this.eventBus.trigger("active");
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ deactivate: function deactivate() {
+ if (!this.isActive()) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (this.eventBus.before("idle")) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.close();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("idle");
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ return this.menu.isOpen();
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ if (!this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("open")) {
+ this.input.setAriaExpanded(true);
+ this.menu.open();
+ this._updateHint();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("open");
+ }
+ return this.isOpen();
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ if (this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("close")) {
+ this.input.setAriaExpanded(false);
+ this.menu.close();
+ this.input.clearHint();
+ this.input.resetInputValue();
+ this.eventBus.trigger("close");
+ }
+ return !this.isOpen();
+ },
+ setVal: function setVal(val) {
+ this.input.setQuery(_.toStr(val));
+ },
+ getVal: function getVal() {
+ return this.input.getQuery();
+ },
+ select: function select($selectable) {
+ var data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ if (data && !this.eventBus.before("select", data.obj, data.dataset)) {
+ this.input.setQuery(data.val, true);
+ this.eventBus.trigger("select", data.obj, data.dataset);
+ this.close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ autocomplete: function autocomplete($selectable) {
+ var query, data, isValid;
+ query = this.input.getQuery();
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable);
+ isValid = data && query !== data.val;
+ if (isValid && !this.eventBus.before("autocomplete", data.obj, data.dataset)) {
+ this.input.setQuery(data.val);
+ this.eventBus.trigger("autocomplete", data.obj, data.dataset);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ moveCursor: function moveCursor(delta) {
+ var query, $candidate, data, suggestion, datasetName, cancelMove, id;
+ query = this.input.getQuery();
+ $candidate = this.menu.selectableRelativeToCursor(delta);
+ data = this.menu.getSelectableData($candidate);
+ suggestion = data ? data.obj : null;
+ datasetName = data ? data.dataset : null;
+ id = $candidate ? $candidate.attr("id") : null;
+ this.input.trigger("cursorchange", id);
+ cancelMove = this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(query);
+ if (!cancelMove && !this.eventBus.before("cursorchange", suggestion, datasetName)) {
+ this.menu.setCursor($candidate);
+ if (data) {
+ if (typeof data.val === "string") {
+ this.input.setInputValue(data.val);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.input.resetInputValue();
+ this._updateHint();
+ }
+ this.eventBus.trigger("cursorchange", suggestion, datasetName);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ this.input.destroy();
+ this.menu.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ return Typeahead;
+ function c(ctx) {
+ var methods = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function() {
+ var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
+ _.each(methods, function(method) {
+ return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ }();
+ (function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var old, keys, methods;
+ old = $.fn.typeahead;
+ keys = {
+ www: "tt-www",
+ attrs: "tt-attrs",
+ typeahead: "tt-typeahead"
+ };
+ methods = {
+ initialize: function initialize(o, datasets) {
+ var www;
+ datasets = _.isArray(datasets) ? datasets : [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ o = o || {};
+ www = WWW(o.classNames);
+ return this.each(attach);
+ function attach() {
+ var $input, $wrapper, $hint, $menu, defaultHint, defaultMenu, eventBus, input, menu, status, typeahead, MenuConstructor;
+ _.each(datasets, function(d) {
+ d.highlight = !!o.highlight;
+ });
+ $input = $(this);
+ $wrapper = $(www.html.wrapper);
+ $hint = $elOrNull(o.hint);
+ $menu = $elOrNull(o.menu);
+ defaultHint = o.hint !== false && !$hint;
+ defaultMenu = o.menu !== false && !$menu;
+ defaultHint && ($hint = buildHintFromInput($input, www));
+ defaultMenu && ($menu = $(www.html.menu).css(www.css.menu));
+ $hint && $hint.val("");
+ $input = prepInput($input, www);
+ if (defaultHint || defaultMenu) {
+ $wrapper.css(www.css.wrapper);
+ $input.css(defaultHint ? www.css.input : www.css.inputWithNoHint);
+ $input.wrap($wrapper).parent().prepend(defaultHint ? $hint : null).append(defaultMenu ? $menu : null);
+ }
+ MenuConstructor = defaultMenu ? DefaultMenu : Menu;
+ eventBus = new EventBus({
+ el: $input
+ });
+ input = new Input({
+ hint: $hint,
+ input: $input,
+ menu: $menu
+ }, www);
+ menu = new MenuConstructor({
+ node: $menu,
+ datasets: datasets
+ }, www);
+ status = new Status({
+ $input: $input,
+ menu: menu
+ });
+ typeahead = new Typeahead({
+ input: input,
+ menu: menu,
+ eventBus: eventBus,
+ minLength: o.minLength,
+ autoselect: o.autoselect
+ }, www);
+ $input.data(keys.www, www);
+ $input.data(keys.typeahead, typeahead);
+ }
+ },
+ isEnabled: function isEnabled() {
+ var enabled;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ enabled = t.isEnabled();
+ });
+ return enabled;
+ },
+ enable: function enable() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.enable();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ disable: function disable() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.disable();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isActive: function isActive() {
+ var active;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ active = t.isActive();
+ });
+ return active;
+ },
+ activate: function activate() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.activate();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ deactivate: function deactivate() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.deactivate();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ isOpen: function isOpen() {
+ var open;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ open = t.isOpen();
+ });
+ return open;
+ },
+ open: function open() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.open();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ close: function close() {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.close();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ select: function select(el) {
+ var success = false, $el = $(el);
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.select($el);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ autocomplete: function autocomplete(el) {
+ var success = false, $el = $(el);
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.autocomplete($el);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ moveCursor: function moveCursoe(delta) {
+ var success = false;
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ success = t.moveCursor(delta);
+ });
+ return success;
+ },
+ val: function val(newVal) {
+ var query;
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ ttEach(this.first(), function(t) {
+ query = t.getVal();
+ });
+ return query;
+ } else {
+ ttEach(this, function(t) {
+ t.setVal(_.toStr(newVal));
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy() {
+ ttEach(this, function(typeahead, $input) {
+ revert($input);
+ typeahead.destroy();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.typeahead = function(method) {
+ if (methods[method]) {
+ return methods[method].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ } else {
+ return methods.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.typeahead.noConflict = function noConflict() {
+ $.fn.typeahead = old;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function ttEach($els, fn) {
+ $els.each(function() {
+ var $input = $(this), typeahead;
+ (typeahead = $input.data(keys.typeahead)) && fn(typeahead, $input);
+ });
+ }
+ function buildHintFromInput($input, www) {
+ return $input.clone().addClass(www.classes.hint).removeData().css(www.css.hint).css(getBackgroundStyles($input)).prop({
+ readonly: true,
+ required: false
+ }).removeAttr("id name placeholder").removeClass("required").attr({
+ spellcheck: "false",
+ tabindex: -1
+ });
+ }
+ function prepInput($input, www) {
+ $input.data(keys.attrs, {
+ dir: $input.attr("dir"),
+ autocomplete: $input.attr("autocomplete"),
+ spellcheck: $input.attr("spellcheck"),
+ style: $input.attr("style")
+ });
+ $input.addClass(www.classes.input).attr({
+ spellcheck: false
+ });
+ try {
+ !$input.attr("dir") && $input.attr("dir", "auto");
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return $input;
+ }
+ function getBackgroundStyles($el) {
+ return {
+ backgroundAttachment: $el.css("background-attachment"),
+ backgroundClip: $el.css("background-clip"),
+ backgroundColor: $el.css("background-color"),
+ backgroundImage: $el.css("background-image"),
+ backgroundOrigin: $el.css("background-origin"),
+ backgroundPosition: $el.css("background-position"),
+ backgroundRepeat: $el.css("background-repeat"),
+ backgroundSize: $el.css("background-size")
+ };
+ }
+ function revert($input) {
+ var www, $wrapper;
+ www = $input.data(keys.www);
+ $wrapper = $input.parent().filter(www.selectors.wrapper);
+ _.each($input.data(keys.attrs), function(val, key) {
+ _.isUndefined(val) ? $input.removeAttr(key) : $input.attr(key, val);
+ });
+ $input.removeData(keys.typeahead).removeData(keys.www).removeData(keys.attr).removeClass(www.classes.input);
+ if ($wrapper.length) {
+ $input.detach().insertAfter($wrapper);
+ $wrapper.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ function $elOrNull(obj) {
+ var isValid, $el;
+ isValid = _.isJQuery(obj) || _.isElement(obj);
+ $el = isValid ? $(obj).first() : [];
+ return $el.length ? $el : null;
+ }
+ })();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/history/6.33.1/search.json b/docs/history/6.33.1/search.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f90daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/history/6.33.1/search.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Deprecated. Data not collected.
Sets the unique identifier for the user.
An enum value representing the creative type of the offer associated with this viewable impression.
The URL that is associated with the offer.
An enum value representing type of the visibleRate for the offer that is displayed to the user,","parent_name":"ViewableImpression"},"Classes/ViewableImpression.html#/c:objc(cs)BTNViewableImpression(py)visibleRate":{"name":"visibleRate","abstract":"
The rate visible to the user. If the visibleRateType is fixed
, this value represents the amount in the","parent_name":"ViewableImpression"},"Classes/ViewableImpression.html#/c:objc(cs)BTNViewableImpression(py)offerId":{"name":"offerId","abstract":"
The optional Button-provided value that identifies the rate of the served offer.
An enum value representing the creative type of the offer associated with this impression view.
The details of the displayed offer—tracked when this view meets the requirements of a Viewable Impression.
The initializer to be used when creating an impression view programmatically.
Configure this ImpressionView with the offer details to be tracked when this view meets the requirements of a Viewable Impression.
Enqueues a viewable impression to be reported.
An optional token to be associated with all downstream orders, transactions and webhooks. (Max 100 chars.)
The Button-provided identifier for the offer backing the Purchase Path this may begin.
The title to show in the Browser header chrome.
The subtitle to show in the Browser header chrome.
Initializes a Browser Config object with a pubRef
Initializes a Browser Config object with a title
and an optional subtitle
Opens a URL in the Browser. Works with direct and non-direct partnerships.
Opens a URL in the Browser with a configuration object. Works with direct and non-direct partnerships.
Opens a URL in the Browser with a completion handler. Works with direct and non-direct partnerships.
Opens a URL in the Browser with a configuration object and a completion handler.","parent_name":"ButtonBrowser"},"Protocols/ButtonBrowser.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNButtonBrowser(cm)openURL:title:subtitle:completion:":{"name":"open(url:title:subtitle:)","abstract":"
Opens a URL in the Browser. Works with direct and non-direct partnerships.
Configuration class used to provide customizable parameters to the Browser.
The copy displayed to the user.
The text color displayed to the user.
Called when the custom view has been tapped.
Called when the header subtitle has been tapped.
The tint color of the browser footer chrome.
The background color of the browser header chrome.
The title of the browser header chrome.
The subtitle of the browser header chrome.
The tint color of the browser header chrome.
The background color of the browser header chrome.
Specifies a view to be placed in the browser’s rightBarButtonItem,","parent_name":"BrowserHeader"},"Protocols/BrowserInterface.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNBrowserInterface(py)header":{"name":"header","abstract":"
A transparent view on top of the In-App Checkout content view for containing arbitrary views.","parent_name":"BrowserInterface"},"Protocols/BrowserInterface.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNBrowserInterface(im)cardList":{"name":"cardList()","abstract":"
An object belonging to the browser interface that maintains the list of cards currently in","parent_name":"BrowserInterface"},"Protocols/BrowserInterface.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNBrowserInterface(im)reloadCards":{"name":"reloadCards()","abstract":"
Reloads all cards from scratch and re-renders any visible cards.","parent_name":"BrowserInterface"},"Protocols/BrowserInterface.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNBrowserInterface(im)showTopCard":{"name":"showTopCard()","abstract":"
Animates the top card in the card list into the browser view.
Animates the top card in the card list out of the browser view.
Indicates whether or not cards can be shown.
Navigates the browser to a new url.
Dismisses the browser.
The list of cards currently added to the card system, in the order they can","parent_name":"CardList"},"Protocols/CardList.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNCardList(im)setCards:":{"name":"setCards(_:)","abstract":"
Sets the cards to be maintained by the card list.
Appends a card to the end of the current list of cards in the card system.
Inserts a card into the current list of cards in the card system at a specific index.
Returns the card in the current card system that matches the given key.","parent_name":"CardList"},"Protocols/CardList.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNCardList(im)replaceCardForKey:withCard:":{"name":"replaceCard(forKey:with:)","abstract":"
Replaces the card in the current card system that matches the given key with a new card.","parent_name":"CardList"},"Protocols/CardList.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNCardList(im)removeCardForKey:":{"name":"removeCard(forKey:)","abstract":"
Removes the card in the current card system that matches the given key.","parent_name":"CardList"},"Protocols/CardList.html#/c:objc(pl)BTNCardList(im)removeAllCards":{"name":"removeAllCards()","abstract":"
Removes all cards in the current card system.
The icon representing the call to action.
The title text for the call to action.
The color for the call to action title text.
Creates a call to action instance.
A reference to the browser interface.
The view instance currently associated with this card.
The call to action object to be displayed when the card is “active”.
An object that implements the isEqual: method of the NSObject protocol.","parent_name":"Card"},"Classes/Card.html#/c:objc(cs)BTNCard(im)initWithCallToAction:":{"name":"init(callToAction:)","abstract":"
Designated initializer for concrete subclass usage.
Called when a card instance needs a view for displaying on screen.","parent_name":"Card"},"Classes/Card.html#/c:objc(cs)BTNCard(im)prepareView:":{"name":"prepareView(_:)","abstract":"
Called just before the card’s view is displayed on screen.","parent_name":"Card"},"Classes/TextCard.html#/c:objc(cs)BTNTextCard(py)title":{"name":"title","abstract":"
The title of the card to be displayed in the card’s view.
The color with which the title will be displayed.
The font with which the title will be displayed.
The body of the card to be displayed in the card’s view.
The color with which the body will be displayed.
The font with which the body will be displayed.
The background color of the card view.
Creates a new text card.
Called before the browser is closed.
Called when the browser initializes and before anything is displayed.
Called when the browser prepares for navigation to a new page.
Called when the browser navigates to a new page that is neither a product nor a purchase.
Called when the browser navigates to a product page.
Called when the browser navigates to a purchase page.
Called when the browser is closed. This does not mean a purchase was completed.
This is a concrete card class that can display a title and body text.
This is an abstract class upon which to build concrete card implementations.
An unknown error occurred
Purchase Path not found
Failed to open url in app or browser
Failed to open app with app scheme
Failed to open universal link in app
The destination app is not installed. Installs are not configured for this partnership.
Purchase Path attributed url (may be a universal link)
The attribution token associated with the Purchase Path.
Presents the user with the merchant product or category represented by the URL used to fetch the Purchase Path.
Presents the user with the merchant product or category represented by the URL used to fetch the Purchase Path.
A merchant URL to a product, category or just the homepage.
An optional token to be associated with all downstream orders, transactions and webhooks. (Max 100 chars.)
An optional description of the instance of a button that triggers this request.
The Button-provided identifier for the offer backing this Purchase Path request.
Initializes a Purchase Path request for a given merchant URL.
Sets a Purchase Path extension.
Fetches a Purchase Path with a Purchase Path request.
Button Purchase Path takes regular Merchant URLs to products, categories or just the homepage and replaces"},"Classes/PurchasePathRequest.html":{"name":"PurchasePathRequest","abstract":"
A Purchase Path request defines the parameters for a Purchase Path fetch.
@returns The current SDK version (e.g. @“6.33.0”).
Configures Button with your applicationId
Button Purchase Path takes regular Merchant URLs to products, categories or just the homepage and replaces","parent_name":"Button"},"Classes/Button.html#/c:objc(cs)Button(cpy)user":{"name":"user","abstract":"
Associate your user with a Button session.
Button SDK feature configuration.
Offer impressions
Debug the Button SDK.
Discards the current session and all persisted data.
The main interface to the Button SDK.
"},"Button%20SDK.html":{"name":"Button SDK"},"Purchase%20Path.html":{"name":"Purchase Path"},"Purchase%20Path%20Extensions.html":{"name":"Purchase Path Extensions"},"Browser%20Styling.html":{"name":"Browser Styling"},"Button%20Browser.html":{"name":"Button Browser"},"Offers.html":{"name":"Offers"},"User.html":{"name":"User"},"Debugging.html":{"name":"Debugging"},"Other%20Protocols.html":{"name":"Other Protocols","abstract":"
The following protocols are available globally.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/history/6.33.1/undocumented.json b/docs/history/6.33.1/undocumented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..632fcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/history/6.33.1/undocumented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ "warnings": [
+ {
+ "file": "/Users/runner/actions-runner/_work/button-ios-private/button-ios-private/Button/Browser/BTNButtonBrowserProtocol.h",
+ "line": 6,
+ "symbol": "ButtonBrowser",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.protocol",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "/Users/runner/actions-runner/_work/button-ios-private/button-ios-private/Button/Button/Button.h",
+ "line": 136,
+ "symbol": "Button(Browser)",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.category",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
+ {
+ "file": "/Users/runner/actions-runner/_work/button-ios-private/button-ios-private/Button/Debug/BTNDebugInterfaceProtocol.h",
+ "line": 4,
+ "symbol": "DebugInterface",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.protocol",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
+ {
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+ "line": 69,
+ "symbol": "ViewableImpression.init(url:creativeType:visibleRateType:visibleRate:offerId:)",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.method.instance",
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+ "line": 24,
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+ "line": 7,
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+ "line": 17,
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+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.property",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
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+ "line": 23,
+ "symbol": "BrowserInterface.chromeDelegate",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.property",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
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+ "line": 3,
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+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
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+ "line": 6,
+ "symbol": "BrowserChromeDelegate",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.protocol",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
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+ "line": 6,
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+ "line": 7,
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+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.protocol",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "line": 8,
+ "symbol": "CardList",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.protocol",
+ "warning": "undocumented"
+ },
+ {
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+ "line": 6,
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+ "line": 37,
+ "symbol": "CardCallToAction.-init",
+ "symbol_kind": "sourcekitten.source.lang.objc.decl.method.instance",
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+ }
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