title | section | permalink | layout |
Exclusive Works |
library |
/exclusive/ |
page |
Here you will find links to the content on the site which is difficult to find elsewhere: either because it went offline, it was edited, or because it's a file that was previously circulating offline. They are collected here in the hope that it will be useful to other collectors. You can download (most of) the files below as a single, big zip archive.
{% assign categories = "articles,av,essays,papers,reference" | split: ',' %}
{% for category_slug in categories %}
{% assign category = site.categories | find: "slug", category_slug %}
{% assign contents = site.content | where: "category", category_slug %}
{% assign contents = contents | where_exp: "c", "c.drive_links.size > 0" %}
{% assign contents = contents | where_exp: "c", "c.external_url == nil" %}
{% include content_list.html contents=contents orderby="slug" %}
{% endfor %}