A set of utilities to take your DeepRacer experience to the next level.
Make sure you have deepracer-utils >= 0.9 installed.
Then run this to install:
python -m deepracer install-cli
If you want to ensure you have the latest deepracer service definition, you can run:
python -m deepracer install-cli --force
To remove deepracer support from aws-cli and boto3, run:
python -m deepracer remove-cli
For pip/venv:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
(For newer systems python3 may be referred to as python)
For Anaconda:
conda create --name env pip
conda activate pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop
Once finished working, run:
python setup.py develop --uninstall
See Python Packaging User Guide for more info.
This will package the project, install and run tests.
Checking the current version:
python setup.py version
Marking new release:
git tag deepracer-utils-version
git push origin deepracer-utils-version
Building the package:
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Uploading to test.pypi.org:
python -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
Uploading to pypi.org:
python -m twine upload dist/*
This project retains the license of the aws-deepracer-workshops project which has been forked for the initial Community contributions. Our understanding is that it is a license more permissive than the MIT license and allows for removing of the copyright headers. We have decided to preserve the headers and only add copyright notice for the Community.
While doing our best to make deepracer-utils an outcome of best practices and standards, we are using what we learn, as we learn. If you see a solution that would be better to apply, if you see something that is a risk, do raise it with the Community. Thank you.
We are open to merge requests. Please open an issue first to agree on the outcomes of your work.
You can contact Tomasz Ptak through the Community Slack: http://join.deepracing.io