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Event loops demystified

Build a Node.js/EventMachine-style event loop in roughly 150 lines of Ruby code.

This chapter was written by Magnus Holm (@judofyr), a Ruby programmer from Norway. Magnus works on various open source projects (including the Camping web framework), and writes articles over at the timeless repository.

Working with network I/O in Ruby is so easy:

require 'socket'

# Start a server on port 9234
server ='', 9234)

# Wait for incoming connections
while io = server.accept
  io << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nHello world!"

# Visit http://localhost:9234/ in your browser.

Boom, a server is up and running! Working in Ruby has some disadvantages, though: we can handle only one connection at a time. We can also have only one server running at a time. There's no understatement in saying that these constraints can be quite limiting.

There are several ways to improve this situation, but lately we've seen an influx of event-driven solutions. Node.js is just an event-driven I/O-library built on top of JavaScript. EventMachine has been a solid solution in the Ruby world for several years. Python has Twisted, and Perl has so many that they even have an abstraction around them.

Although these solutions might seem like silver bullets, there are subtle details that you'll have to think about. You can accomplish a lot by following simple rules ("don't block the thread"), but I always prefer to know precisely what I'm dealing with. Besides, if doing regular I/O is so simple, why does event-driven I/O have to be looked at as black magic?

To show that they are nothing to be afraid of, we are going to implement an I/O event loop in this article. Yep, that's right; we'll capture the core part of EventMachine/Node.js/Twisted in about 150 lines of Ruby. It won't be performant, it won't be test-driven, and it won't be solid, but it will use the same concepts as in all of these great projects. We will start by looking at a minimal chat server example and then discuss how to build the infrastructure that supports it.

Obligatory chat server example

Because chat servers seem to be the event-driven equivalent of a "hello world" program, we will keep with that tradition here. The following example shows a trivial ChatServer object that uses the IOLoop that we'll discuss in this article:

class ChatServer
  def initialize
    @clients = []
    @client_id = 0

  def <<(server)
    server.on(:accept) do |stream|

  def add_client(stream)
    id = (@client_id += 1)
    send("User ##{id} joined\n")

    stream.on(:data) do |chunk|
      send("User ##{id} said: #{chunk}")

    stream.on(:close) do
      send("User ##{id} left")

    @clients << stream

  def send(msg)
    @clients.each do |stream|
      stream << msg

# usage

io     =
server =

server << io.listen('', 1234)


To play around with this server, run this script and then open up a couple of telnet sessions to it. You should be able to produce something like the following with a bit of experimentation:

# from User #1's console:
$ telnet 1234

User #2 joined
User #2 said: Hi
User #1 said: Hi
User #2 said: Bye
User #2 left

# from User #2's console (quits after saying Bye)
$ telnet 1234

User #1 said: Hi
User #2 said: Bye

If you don't have the time to try out this code right now, don't worry: as long as you understand the basic idea behind it, you'll be fine. This chat server is here to serve as a practical example to help you understand the code we'll be discussing throughout this article.

Now that we have a place to start from, let's build our event system.

Event handling

First of all we need, obviously, events! With no further ado:

module EventEmitter
  def _callbacks
    @_callbacks ||= { |h, k| h[k] = [] }

  def on(type, &blk)
    _callbacks[type] << blk

  def emit(type, *args)
    _callbacks[type].each do |blk|*args)

class HTTPServer
  include EventEmitter

server =
server.on(:request) do |req, res|
  res.respond(200, 'Content-Type' => 'text/html')
  res << "Hello world!"

# When a new request comes in, the server will run:
#   server.emit(:request, req, res)

EventEmitter is a module that we can include in classes that can send and receive events. In one sense, this is the most important part of our event loop: it defines how we use and reason about events in the system. Modifying it later will require changes all over the place. Although this particular implementation is a bit more simple than what you'd expect from a real library, it covers the fundamental ideas that are common to all event-based systems.

The IO loop

Next, we need something to fire up these events. As you will see in the following code, the general flow of an event loop is simple: detect new events, run their associated callbacks, and then repeat the whole process again.

class IOLoop
  # List of streams that this IO loop will handle.
  attr_reader :streams

  def initialize
    @streams = []

  # Low-level API for adding a stream.
  def <<(stream)
    @streams << stream
    stream.on(:close) do

  # Some useful helpers:
  def io(io)
    stream =
    self << stream

  def open(file, *args)
    io, *args)

  def connect(host, port)
    io, port)

  def listen(host, port)
    server =, port))
    self << server
    server.on(:accept) do |stream|
      self << stream

  # Start the loop by calling #tick over and over again.
  def start
    @running = true
    tick while @running

  # Stop/pause the event loop after the current tick.
  def stop
    @running = false

  def tick
    @streams.each do |stream|
      stream.handle_read  if stream.readable?
      stream.handle_write if stream.writable?

Notice here that IOLoop#start blocks everything until IOLoop#stop is called. Everything after IOLoop#start will happen in callbacks, which means that the control flow can be surprising. For example, consider the following code:

l =

ruby = i.connect('', 80)  # 1
ruby << "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"       # 2

# Print output
ruby.on(:data) do |chunk|
  puts chunk   # 3

# Stop IO loop when we're done
ruby.on(:close) do
  l.stop       # 4

l.start        # 5

You might think that you're writing data in step 2, but the << method actually just stores the data in a local buffer. It's not until the event loop has started (in step 5) that the data actually gets sent. The IOLoop#start method triggers #tick to be run in a loop, which delegates to Stream#handle_read and Stream#handle_write. These methods are responsible for doing any necessary I/O operations and then triggering events such as :data and :close, which you can see being used in steps 3 and 4. We'll take a look at how Stream is implemented later, but for now the main thing to take away from this example is that event-driven code cannot be read in top-down fashion as if it were procedural code.

Studying the implementation of IOLoop should also reveal why it's so terrible to block inside a callback. For example, take a look at this call graph:

# indentation means that a method/block is called
# deindentation means that the method/block returned

tick (10 streams are readable)
      your callback

      your callback
        you have a "sleep 5" inside here

      your callback

By blocking inside the second callback, the I/O loop has to wait 5 seconds before it's able to call the rest of the callbacks. This wait is obviously a bad thing, and it is important to avoid such a situation when possible. Of course, nonblocking callbacks are not enough—the event loop also needs to make use of nonblocking I/O. Let's go over that a bit more now.

IO events

At the most basic level, there are only two events for an IO object:

  1. Readable: The IO is readable; data is waiting for us.
  2. Writable: The IO is writable; we can write data.

These might sound a little confusing: how can a client know that the server will send us data? It can't. Readable doesn't mean "the server will send us data"; it means "the server has already sent us data." In that case, the data is handled by the kernel in your OS. Whenever you read from an IO object, you're actually just copying bytes from the kernel. If the receiver does not read from IO, the kernel's buffer will become full and the sender's IO will no longer be writable. The sender will then have to wait until the receiver can catch up and free up the kernel's buffer. This situation is what makes nonblocking IO operations tricky to work with.

Because these low-level operations can be tedious to handle manually, the goal of an I/O loop is to trigger some more usable events for application programmers:

  1. Data: A chunk of data was sent to us.
  2. Close: The IO was closed.
  3. Drain: We've sent all buffered outgoing data.
  4. Accept: A new connection was opened (only for servers).

All of this functionality can be built on top of Ruby's IO objects with a bit of effort.

Working with the Ruby IO object

There are various ways to read from an IO object in Ruby:

data =
data =
data = io.readpartial(12)
data = io.read_nonblock(12)
  • reads until the IO is closed (e.g., end of file, server closes the connection, etc.)

  • reads until it has received exactly 12 bytes.

  • io.readpartial(12) waits until the IO becomes readable, then it reads at most 12 bytes. So if a server sends only 6 bytes, readpartial will return those 6 bytes. If you had used read(12), it would wait until 6 more bytes were sent.

  • io.read_nonblock(12) will read at most 12 bytes if the IO is readable. It raises IO::WaitReadable if the IO is not readable.

For writing, there are two methods:

length = io.write(str)
length = io.write_nonblock(str)
  • io.write writes the whole string to the IO, waiting until the IO becomes writable if necessary. It returns the number of bytes written (which should always be equal to the number of bytes in the original string).

  • io.write_nonblock writes as many bytes as possible until the IO becomes nonwritable, returning the number of bytes written. It raises IO::WaitWritable if the IO is not writable.

The challenge when both reading and writing in a nonblocking fashion is knowing when it is possible to do so and when it is necessary to wait.

Getting real with

We need some mechanism for knowing when we can read or write to our streams, but I'm not going to implement Stream#readable? or #writable?. It's a terrible solution to loop over every stream object in Ruby and check whether it's readable/writable over and over again. This is really just not a job for Ruby; it's too far away from the kernel.

Luckily, the kernel exposes ways to efficiently detect readable and writable I/O streams. The simplest cross-platform method is called select(2) and is available in Ruby as [, write_array [, error_array [, timeout]]])

Calls select(2) system call. It monitors supplied arrays of IO objects and waits
until one or more IO objects are ready for reading, ready for writing, or have
errors. It returns an array of those IO objects that need attention. It returns
nil if the optional timeout (in seconds) was supplied and has elapsed.

With this knowledge, we can write a much better #tick method:

class IOLoop
  def tick
    r, w =, @streams)
    r.each do |stream|

    w.each do |stream|
end will block until some of our streams become readable or writable and then return those streams. From there, it is up to those streams to do the actual data processing work.

Handling streaming input and output

Now that we've used the Stream object in various examples, you may already have an idea of what its responsibilities are. But let's first take a look at how it is implemented:

class Stream
  # We want to bind/emit events.
  include EventEmitter

  def initialize(io)
    @io = io
    # Store outgoing data in this String.
    @writebuffer = ""

  # This tells what IO to use.
  def to_io; @io end

  def <<(chunk)
    # Append to buffer; #handle_write is doing the actual writing.
    @writebuffer << chunk

  def handle_read
    chunk = @io.read_nonblock(4096)
    emit(:data, chunk)
  rescue IO::WaitReadable
    # Oops, turned out the IO wasn't actually readable.
  rescue EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET
    # IO was closed

  def handle_write
    return if @writebuffer.empty?
    length = @io.write_nonblock(@writebuffer)
    # Remove the data that was successfully written.
    @writebuffer.slice!(0, length)
    # Emit "drain" event if there's nothing more to write.
    emit(:drain) if @writebuffer.empty?
  rescue IO::WaitWritable
  rescue EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET

Stream is nothing more than a wrapper around a Ruby IO object that abstracts away all the low-level details of reading and writing that were discussed throughout this article. The Server object we make use of in IOLoop#listen is implemented in a similar fashion but is focused on accepting incoming connections instead:

class Server
  include EventEmitter

  def initialize(io)
    @io = io

  def to_io; @io end

  def handle_read
    sock = @io.accept_nonblock
  rescue IO::WaitReadable

  def handle_write
    # do nothing

Now that you've studied how these low-level objects work, you should be able to revisit the full source code for the Chat Server example and understand exactly how it works. If you can do that, you know how to build an evented I/O loop from scratch.


Although the basic ideas behind event-driven I/O systems are easy to understand, there are many low-level details that complicate things. This article discussed some of these ideas, but there are many others that would need to be considered if we were trying to build a real event library. Among other things, we would need to consider the following problems:

  • Because our event loop does not implement timers, it is difficult to do a number of important things. Even something as simple as keeping a connection open for a set period of time can be painful without built-in support for timers, so any serious event library must support them. It's worth pointing out that IO#select does accept a timeout parameter, and it would be possible to make use of it fairly easily within this codebase.

  • The event loop shown in this article is susceptible to back pressure, which occurs when data continues to be buffered infinitely even if it has not been accepted for processing yet. Because our event loop provides no mechanism for signaling that its buffers are full, incoming data will accumulate and have a similar effect to a memory leak until the connection is closed or the data is accepted.

  • The performance of select(2) is linear, which means that handling 10,000 streams will take 10,000x as long as handling a single stream. Alternative solutions do exist at the kernel, but many are not cross-platform and are not exposed to Ruby by default. If you have high performance needs, you may want to look into the nio4r project, which attempts to solve this problem in a clean way by wrapping the libev library.

The challenges involved in getting the details right in event loops are the real reason why tools like EventMachine and Node.js exist. These systems allow application programmers to gain the benefits of event-driven I/O without having to worry about too many subtle details. Still, knowing how they work under the hood should help you make better use of these tools, and should also take away some of the feeling that they are a kind of deep voodoo that you'll never comprehend. Event-driven I/O is perfectly understandable; it is just a bit messy.