This cross reference list for repo (VbaGit) was automatically created on 4/18/2017 10:42:59 AM by VBAGit.For more information see the desktop liberation site You can see library and dependency information here
###Below is a cross reference showing which modules and procedures reference which others
module | proc | referenced by module | proc |
cJobject | VbaGit | deleteThisAfterRunningOnce | |
cJobject | VbaGit | getVGSettings | |
cJobject | VbaGit | getAllInfoFiles | |
cJobject | VbaGit | getDependencyList | |
cJobject | VbaGit | dependencyResolve | |
cJobject | VbaGit | makeCrossReferenceJob | |
cJobject | VbaGit | getProjects | |
cJobject | VbaGit | makeInfoFile | |
cregXLib | regXLib | rxMakeRxLib | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | dependencyResolve | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | makeCross | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | makeReadMe | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | makeDependency | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | constructModLink | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | makeArguments | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | findModLink | |
cStringChunker | VbaGit | getDependencyList | |
cVBAArgument | cVBAProcedure | dealWithArguments | |
cVbaGit | VbaGit | doImportFromGit | |
cVbaGit | VbaGit | doGit | |
cVBAmodule | VbaGit | isModuleObj | |
cVBAmodule | VbaGit | getmoduleList | |
cVBAProcedure | VbaGit | getProcList | |
cVBAProject | VbaGit | getProjects | |
regXLib | rxReplace | usefulcJobject | hackJSONPObjectToJSON |
regXLib | rxReplace | usefulcJobject | cleanGoogleWire |
regXLib | rxReplace | usefulcJobject | hackJSObjectToJSON |
urlResult | urlGet | cVbaGit | getSpecificRepo |
urlResult | urlGet | cVbaGit | getFileByPath |
urlResult | urlGet | cVbaGit | getUnpaged |
urlResult | urlGet | cVbaGit | getMyRepos |
urlResult | urlPost | cVbaGit | commitFile |
urlResult | urlPost | cVbaGit | getTokenFromBasic |
urlResult | urlPost | cVbaGit | createRepo |
usefulcJobject | JSONParse | VbaGit | doImportFromGit |
usefulcJobject | JSONParse | VbaGit | getAllInfoFiles |
usefulRegex | getRx | VbaGit | dependencyResolve |
usefulRegex | getTheEndRx | VbaGit | testmodulestuff |
usefulStuff | Base64Encode | VbaGit | setGitBasicCredentials |
usefulStuff | Base64Encode | VbaGit | setGitClientCredentials |
usefulStuff | checkOrCreateFolder | VbaGit | writeInfoFile |
usefulStuff | conditionalAssignment | VbaGit | modulesToInfo |
usefulStuff | getAllSubFolderPaths | VbaGit | getAllInfoFiles |
usefulStuff | getTimestampFromDate | VbaGit | makeInfoFile |
usefulStuff | isSomething | VbaGit | dependencyResolve |
usefulStuff | isSomething | VbaGit | makeCrossReferenceJob |
usefulStuff | isSomething | VbaGit | createRepos |
usefulStuff | isSomething | VbaGit | getDependencyList |
usefulStuff | isUndefined | VbaGit | deleteThisAfterRunningOnce |
usefulStuff | isUndefined | VbaGit | getVGSettings |
usefulStuff | readFromFolderFile | VbaGit | writeTheFiles |
usefulStuff | writeToFolderFile | VbaGit | writeToStagingArea |