(da) maksym@mavs:~/research/da$ fairseq-train -h
usage: fairseq-train [-h] [--no-progress-bar] [--log-interval LOG_INTERVAL] [--log-format {json,none,simple,tqdm}] [--tensorboard-logdir TENSORBOARD_LOGDIR] [--wandb-project WANDB_PROJECT] [--seed SEED] [--cpu] [--tpu] [--bf16] [--memory-efficient-bf16] [--fp16] [--memory-efficient-fp16]
[--fp16-no-flatten-grads] [--fp16-init-scale FP16_INIT_SCALE] [--fp16-scale-window FP16_SCALE_WINDOW] [--fp16-scale-tolerance FP16_SCALE_TOLERANCE] [--min-loss-scale MIN_LOSS_SCALE] [--threshold-loss-scale THRESHOLD_LOSS_SCALE] [--user-dir USER_DIR]
[--empty-cache-freq EMPTY_CACHE_FREQ] [--all-gather-list-size ALL_GATHER_LIST_SIZE] [--model-parallel-size MODEL_PARALLEL_SIZE] [--quantization-config-path QUANTIZATION_CONFIG_PATH] [--profile] [--tokenizer {moses,nltk,space}]
[--bpe {hf_byte_bpe,fastbpe,sentencepiece,characters,subword_nmt,gpt2,bytes,byte_bpe,bert}]
[--criterion {composite_loss,cross_entropy,ctc,label_smoothed_cross_entropy,label_smoothed_cross_entropy_with_alignment,wav2vec,legacy_masked_lm_loss,nat_loss,masked_lm,sentence_prediction,sentence_ranking,adaptive_loss,vocab_parallel_cross_entropy}]
[--optimizer {adagrad,sgd,adam,nag,adadelta,adamax,lamb,adafactor}] [--lr-scheduler {inverse_sqrt,cosine,triangular,polynomial_decay,tri_stage,fixed,reduce_lr_on_plateau}] [--scoring {wer,sacrebleu,bleu,chrf}] [--task TASK] [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS]
[--skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test] [--max-tokens MAX_TOKENS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--required-batch-size-multiple REQUIRED_BATCH_SIZE_MULTIPLE] [--required-seq-len-multiple REQUIRED_SEQ_LEN_MULTIPLE] [--dataset-impl {raw,lazy,cached,mmap,fasta}]
[--data-buffer-size DATA_BUFFER_SIZE] [--train-subset TRAIN_SUBSET] [--valid-subset VALID_SUBSET] [--validate-interval VALIDATE_INTERVAL] [--validate-interval-updates VALIDATE_INTERVAL_UPDATES] [--validate-after-updates VALIDATE_AFTER_UPDATES]
[--fixed-validation-seed FIXED_VALIDATION_SEED] [--disable-validation] [--max-tokens-valid MAX_TOKENS_VALID] [--batch-size-valid BATCH_SIZE_VALID] [--curriculum CURRICULUM] [--gen-subset GEN_SUBSET] [--num-shards NUM_SHARDS] [--shard-id SHARD_ID]
[--distributed-world-size DISTRIBUTED_WORLD_SIZE] [--distributed-rank DISTRIBUTED_RANK] [--distributed-backend DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND] [--distributed-init-method DISTRIBUTED_INIT_METHOD] [--distributed-port DISTRIBUTED_PORT] [--device-id DEVICE_ID] [--local-rank LOCAL_RANK]
[--distributed-no-spawn] [--ddp-backend {c10d,no_c10d}] [--bucket-cap-mb BUCKET_CAP_MB] [--fix-batches-to-gpus] [--find-unused-parameters] [--fast-stat-sync] [--broadcast-buffers] [--distributed-wrapper {DDP,SlowMo}] [--slowmo-momentum SLOWMO_MOMENTUM]
[--slowmo-algorithm SLOWMO_ALGORITHM] [--localsgd-frequency LOCALSGD_FREQUENCY] [--nprocs-per-node NPROCS_PER_NODE] [--pipeline-model-parallel] [--pipeline-balance PIPELINE_BALANCE] [--pipeline-devices PIPELINE_DEVICES] [--pipeline-chunks PIPELINE_CHUNKS]
[--pipeline-encoder-balance PIPELINE_ENCODER_BALANCE] [--pipeline-encoder-devices PIPELINE_ENCODER_DEVICES] [--pipeline-decoder-balance PIPELINE_DECODER_BALANCE] [--pipeline-decoder-devices PIPELINE_DECODER_DEVICES] [--pipeline-checkpoint {always,never,except_last}]
[--zero-sharding {none,os}] [--arch ARCH] [--max-epoch MAX_EPOCH] [--max-update MAX_UPDATE] [--stop-time-hours STOP_TIME_HOURS] [--clip-norm CLIP_NORM] [--sentence-avg] [--update-freq UPDATE_FREQ] [--lr LR] [--min-lr MIN_LR] [--use-bmuf] [--save-dir SAVE_DIR]
[--restore-file RESTORE_FILE] [--finetune-from-model FINETUNE_FROM_MODEL] [--reset-dataloader] [--reset-lr-scheduler] [--reset-meters] [--reset-optimizer] [--optimizer-overrides OPTIMIZER_OVERRIDES] [--save-interval SAVE_INTERVAL] [--save-interval-updates SAVE_INTERVAL_UPDATES]
[--keep-interval-updates KEEP_INTERVAL_UPDATES] [--keep-last-epochs KEEP_LAST_EPOCHS] [--keep-best-checkpoints KEEP_BEST_CHECKPOINTS] [--no-save] [--no-epoch-checkpoints] [--no-last-checkpoints] [--no-save-optimizer-state] [--best-checkpoint-metric BEST_CHECKPOINT_METRIC]
[--maximize-best-checkpoint-metric] [--patience PATIENCE] [--checkpoint-suffix CHECKPOINT_SUFFIX] [--checkpoint-shard-count CHECKPOINT_SHARD_COUNT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no-progress-bar disable progress bar
--log-interval LOG_INTERVAL
log progress every N batches (when progress bar is disabled)
--log-format {json,none,simple,tqdm}
log format to use
--tensorboard-logdir TENSORBOARD_LOGDIR
path to save logs for tensorboard, should match --logdir of running tensorboard (default: no tensorboard logging)
--wandb-project WANDB_PROJECT
Weights and Biases project name to use for logging
--seed SEED pseudo random number generator seed
--cpu use CPU instead of CUDA
--tpu use TPU instead of CUDA
--bf16 use bfloat16; implies --tpu
use a memory-efficient version of BF16 training; implies --bf16
--fp16 use FP16
use a memory-efficient version of FP16 training; implies --fp16
don't flatten FP16 grads tensor
--fp16-init-scale FP16_INIT_SCALE
default FP16 loss scale
--fp16-scale-window FP16_SCALE_WINDOW
number of updates before increasing loss scale
--fp16-scale-tolerance FP16_SCALE_TOLERANCE
pct of updates that can overflow before decreasing the loss scale
--min-loss-scale MIN_LOSS_SCALE
minimum FP16 loss scale, after which training is stopped
--threshold-loss-scale THRESHOLD_LOSS_SCALE
threshold FP16 loss scale from below
--user-dir USER_DIR path to a python module containing custom extensions (tasks and/or architectures)
--empty-cache-freq EMPTY_CACHE_FREQ
how often to clear the PyTorch CUDA cache (0 to disable)
--all-gather-list-size ALL_GATHER_LIST_SIZE
number of bytes reserved for gathering stats from workers
--model-parallel-size MODEL_PARALLEL_SIZE
total number of GPUs to parallelize model over
--quantization-config-path QUANTIZATION_CONFIG_PATH
path to quantization config file
--profile enable autograd profiler emit_nvtx
--tokenizer {moses,nltk,space}
--bpe {hf_byte_bpe,fastbpe,sentencepiece,characters,subword_nmt,gpt2,bytes,byte_bpe,bert}
--criterion {composite_loss,cross_entropy,ctc,label_smoothed_cross_entropy,label_smoothed_cross_entropy_with_alignment,wav2vec,legacy_masked_lm_loss,nat_loss,masked_lm,sentence_prediction,sentence_ranking,adaptive_loss,vocab_parallel_cross_entropy}
--optimizer {adagrad,sgd,adam,nag,adadelta,adamax,lamb,adafactor}
--lr-scheduler {inverse_sqrt,cosine,triangular,polynomial_decay,tri_stage,fixed,reduce_lr_on_plateau}
--scoring {wer,sacrebleu,bleu,chrf}
--task TASK task
--num-workers NUM_WORKERS
how many subprocesses to use for data loading
ignore too long or too short lines in valid and test set
--max-tokens MAX_TOKENS
maximum number of tokens in a batch
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE, --max-sentences BATCH_SIZE
number of examples in a batch
--required-batch-size-multiple REQUIRED_BATCH_SIZE_MULTIPLE
batch size will be a multiplier of this value
--required-seq-len-multiple REQUIRED_SEQ_LEN_MULTIPLE
maximum sequence length in batch will be a multiplier of this value
--dataset-impl {raw,lazy,cached,mmap,fasta}
output dataset implementation
--data-buffer-size DATA_BUFFER_SIZE
Number of batches to preload
--train-subset TRAIN_SUBSET
data subset to use for training (e.g. train, valid, test)
--valid-subset VALID_SUBSET
comma separated list of data subsets to use for validation (e.g. train, valid, test)
--validate-interval VALIDATE_INTERVAL
validate every N epochs
--validate-interval-updates VALIDATE_INTERVAL_UPDATES
validate every N updates
--validate-after-updates VALIDATE_AFTER_UPDATES
dont validate until reaching this many updates
--fixed-validation-seed FIXED_VALIDATION_SEED
specified random seed for validation
--disable-validation disable validation
--max-tokens-valid MAX_TOKENS_VALID
maximum number of tokens in a validation batch (defaults to --max-tokens)
--batch-size-valid BATCH_SIZE_VALID, --max-sentences-valid BATCH_SIZE_VALID
batch size of the validation batch (defaults to --batch-size)
--curriculum CURRICULUM
don't shuffle batches for first N epochs
--gen-subset GEN_SUBSET
data subset to generate (train, valid, test)
--num-shards NUM_SHARDS
shard generation over N shards
--shard-id SHARD_ID id of the shard to generate (id < num_shards)
--distributed-world-size DISTRIBUTED_WORLD_SIZE
total number of GPUs across all nodes (default: all visible GPUs)
--distributed-rank DISTRIBUTED_RANK
rank of the current worker
--distributed-backend DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND
distributed backend
--distributed-init-method DISTRIBUTED_INIT_METHOD
typically tcp://hostname:port that will be used to establish initial connetion
--distributed-port DISTRIBUTED_PORT
port number (not required if using --distributed-init-method)
--device-id DEVICE_ID
which GPU to use (usually configured automatically)
--local-rank LOCAL_RANK
which GPU to use (usually configured automatically)
do not spawn multiple processes even if multiple GPUs are visible
--ddp-backend {c10d,no_c10d}
DistributedDataParallel backend
--bucket-cap-mb BUCKET_CAP_MB
bucket size for reduction
don't shuffle batches between GPUs; this reduces overall randomness and may affect precision but avoids the cost of re-reading the data
disable unused parameter detection (not applicable to no_c10d ddp-backend
--fast-stat-sync [deprecated] this is now defined per Criterion
--broadcast-buffers Copy non-trainable parameters between GPUs, such as batchnorm population statistics
--distributed-wrapper {DDP,SlowMo}
DistributedDataParallel backend
--slowmo-momentum SLOWMO_MOMENTUM
SlowMo momentum term; by default use 0.0 for 16 GPUs, 0.2 for 32 GPUs; 0.5 for 64 GPUs, 0.6 for > 64 GPUs
--slowmo-algorithm SLOWMO_ALGORITHM
whether to use LocalSGD or SGP
--localsgd-frequency LOCALSGD_FREQUENCY
Local SGD allreduce frequency
--nprocs-per-node NPROCS_PER_NODE
number of GPUs in each node. An allreduce operation across GPUs in a node is very fast. Hence, we do allreduce across GPUs in a node, and gossip across different nodes
if set, use pipeline model parallelism across GPUs
--pipeline-balance PIPELINE_BALANCE
partition the model into N_K pieces, where each piece contains N_i layers. The sum(args.pipeline_balance) should equal the total number of layers in the model
--pipeline-devices PIPELINE_DEVICES
a list of device indices indicating which device to place each of the N_K partitions. The length of this list should equal the length of the --pipeline-balance argument
--pipeline-chunks PIPELINE_CHUNKS
microbatch count for pipeline model parallelism
--pipeline-encoder-balance PIPELINE_ENCODER_BALANCE
partition the pipeline parallel encoder into N_K pieces, where each piece contains N_i layers. The sum(args.pipeline_encoder_balance) should equal the total number of encoder layers in the model
--pipeline-encoder-devices PIPELINE_ENCODER_DEVICES
a list of device indices indicating which device to place each of the N_K partitions. The length of this list should equal the length of the --pipeline-encoder-balance argument
--pipeline-decoder-balance PIPELINE_DECODER_BALANCE
partition the pipeline parallel decoder into N_K pieces, where each piece contains N_i layers. The sum(args.pipeline_decoder_balance) should equal the total number of decoder layers in the model
--pipeline-decoder-devices PIPELINE_DECODER_DEVICES
a list of device indices indicating which device to place each of the N_K partitions. The length of this list should equal the length of the --pipeline-decoder-balance argument
--pipeline-checkpoint {always,never,except_last}
checkpointing mode for pipeline model parallelism
--zero-sharding {none,os}
ZeRO sharding
Model configuration:
--arch ARCH, -a ARCH model architecture
--max-epoch MAX_EPOCH
force stop training at specified epoch
--max-update MAX_UPDATE
force stop training at specified update
--stop-time-hours STOP_TIME_HOURS
force stop training after specified cumulative time (if >0)
--clip-norm CLIP_NORM
clip threshold of gradients
--sentence-avg normalize gradients by the number of sentences in a batch (default is to normalize by number of tokens)
--update-freq UPDATE_FREQ
update parameters every N_i batches, when in epoch i
--lr LR learning rate for the first N epochs; all epochs >N using LR_N (note: this may be interpreted differently depending on --lr-scheduler)
--min-lr MIN_LR stop training when the learning rate reaches this minimum
--use-bmuf specify global optimizer for syncing models on different GPUs/shards
--save-dir SAVE_DIR path to save checkpoints
--restore-file RESTORE_FILE
filename from which to load checkpoint (default: <save-dir>/checkpoint_last.pt
--finetune-from-model FINETUNE_FROM_MODEL
finetune from a pretrained model; note that meters and lr scheduler will be reset
--reset-dataloader if set, does not reload dataloader state from the checkpoint
--reset-lr-scheduler if set, does not load lr scheduler state from the checkpoint
--reset-meters if set, does not load meters from the checkpoint
--reset-optimizer if set, does not load optimizer state from the checkpoint
--optimizer-overrides OPTIMIZER_OVERRIDES
a dictionary used to override optimizer args when loading a checkpoint
--save-interval SAVE_INTERVAL
save a checkpoint every N epochs
--save-interval-updates SAVE_INTERVAL_UPDATES
save a checkpoint (and validate) every N updates
--keep-interval-updates KEEP_INTERVAL_UPDATES
keep the last N checkpoints saved with --save-interval-updates
--keep-last-epochs KEEP_LAST_EPOCHS
keep last N epoch checkpoints
--keep-best-checkpoints KEEP_BEST_CHECKPOINTS
keep best N checkpoints based on scores
--no-save don't save models or checkpoints
only store last and best checkpoints
don't store last checkpoints
don't save optimizer-state as part of checkpoint
--best-checkpoint-metric BEST_CHECKPOINT_METRIC
metric to use for saving "best" checkpoints
select the largest metric value for saving "best" checkpoints
--patience PATIENCE early stop training if valid performance doesn't improve for N consecutive validation runs; note that this is influenced by --validate-interval
--checkpoint-suffix CHECKPOINT_SUFFIX
suffix to add to the checkpoint file name
--checkpoint-shard-count CHECKPOINT_SHARD_COUNT
Number of shards containing the checkpoint - if the checkpoint is over 300GB, it is preferable to split it into shards to prevent OOM on CPU while loading the checkpoint
# @package _group_
no_progress_bar: false
log_interval: 100
log_format: null
tensorboard_logdir: null
wandb_project: null
seed: 1
cpu: false
tpu: false
bf16: false
fp16: false
memory_efficient_fp16: false
memory_efficient_bf16: false
fp16_no_flatten_grads: false
fp16_init_scale: 128
fp16_scale_window: null
fp16_scale_tolerance: 0.0
min_loss_scale: 1.0e-4
threshold_loss_scale: null
user_dir: null
empty_cache_freq: 0
all_gather_list_size: 16384
model_parallel_size: 1
quantization_config_path: null
profile: false
distributed_rank: 0
distributed_backend: "nccl"
distributed_init_method: null
distributed_port: -1
device_id: 0
local_rank: 0
distributed_no_spawn: false
ddp_backend: "c10d"
bucket_cap_mb: 25
fix_batches_to_gpus: false
find_unused_parameters: false
fast_stat_sync: false
broadcast_buffers: false
distributed_wrapper: "DDP"
slowmo_momentum: null
slowmo_algorithm: "LocalSGD"
localsgd_frequency: 3
num_workers: 1
skip_invalid_size_inputs_valid_test: false
max_tokens: null
batch_size: null
required_batch_size_multiple: 8
dataset_impl: null
data_buffer_size: 10
train_subset: "train"
valid_subset: "valid"
validate_interval: 1
fixed_validation_seed: null
disable_validation: false
curriculum: 0
gen_subset: "test"
num_shards: 1
shard_id: 0
max_tokens_valid: ${dataset.max_tokens}
batch_size_valid: ${dataset.batch_size}
max_epoch: 0
max_update: 0
clip_norm: 0.0
sentence_avg: false
update_freq: [ 1 ]
lr: [ 0.25 ]
min_lr: -1.0
use_bmuf: false
save_dir: "checkpoints"
restore_file: "checkpoint_last.pt"
reset_dataloader: false
reset_lr_scheduler: false
reset_meters: false
reset_optimizer: false
optimizer_overrides: "{}"
save_interval: 1
save_interval_updates: 0
keep_interval_updates: -1
keep_last_epochs: -1
keep_best_checkpoints: -1
no_save: false
no_epoch_checkpoints: false
no_last_checkpoints: false
no_save_optimizer_state: false
best_checkpoint_metric: "loss"
maximize_best_checkpoint_metric: false
patience: -1
checkpoint_suffix: ""
block_lr: 1
block_momentum: 0.875
global_sync_iter: 50
warmup_iterations: 500
use_nbm: false
average_sync: false
- task: language_modeling
- model: null
- criterion: null
- optimizer: null
- lr_scheduler: null
- bpe: null
- tokenizer: null
- scoring: null
- generation: null
- common_eval: null
- eval_lm: null