The table below lists old Oscar modules and their corresponding LMOD modules.
If a cell
- is blank, that module will be installed later
- says "(system RPM)", that software is installed on the nodes. Users don't need to load this module.
- says "N/A", that module will NOT be installed
- lists one or more modules , users can load a listed module using the command
module load <name>
Old Oscar Module | LMOD Module |
abaqus | abaqus/2021.1 |
abinit | abinit-mpi/9.8.3 |
admixture | admixture/1.3.0 |
afni | afni/23.3.07s |
ambertools | |
anaconda | miniconda3/22.11.1 |
angsd | angsd/0.935 |
ants | ants/2.4.3 |
apache-ant | ant/1.10.13 |
argweaver | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
aria2 | aria2/1.36.0 |
ase | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
aspera | |
assura | |
atlas | openblas/0.3.23 |
atom | atom/1.19.3 |
awscli | awscli/1.27.84 |
bamtools | bamtools/2.5.2 |
basilisk | basilisk/2023.11.11s |
bazel | bazel/6.1.1 |
bbmap | bbmap/39.01 |
bbtools | bbmap/39.01 |
bcftools | bcftools/1.16 |
bcl2fastq | bcl2fastq2/ |
beagle | beagle/5.4 |
bedGraphToBigWig | |
bedops | bedops/2.4.40 |
bedtools | bedtools2/2.31.0 |
binutils | (system RPM) |
biopython | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
bismark | bismark/0.23.0 |
blas | netlib-lapack/3.11.0 |
blast | blast-plus/2.2.30 |
blat | blat/37 |
blender | blender/4.0.0 |
boost |
bowtie | bowtie/1.3.1 |
bowtie2 | bowtie2/2.4.2 |
brotli | brotli/1.0.9 |
busco | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
bwa | bwa/0.7.17 |
bxh_xcede_tools | |
bzip2 | (system RPM) |
cadence | cadence/IC06.18.090 |
caffe | |
cantera | N/A - deprecated |
cartopy | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
casa | casa/6.6.0-20-py3.8.el7 |
cave-utils | N/A |
cdhit | cdhit/4.8.1 |
cdo | cdo-mpi/2.1.1 |
cellranger |
cesm | N/A |
cfitsio | cfitsio/4.2.0 |
cgal | cgal/5.4.1 |
CharMM | |
chrome | chrome/119.0.6045.159s |
circlator | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
clang | llvm/16.0.2 |
CloudCompare | |
clustal_omega | clustal-omega/1.2.4 |
cmake | cmake/3.26.3 |
colordiff | olordiff/1.0.21 |
comsol |
conn | conn/22a |
connectome_workbench | connectome-workbench/1.5.0 |
cp2k | |
cppunit | [email protected] |
crossrate | |
cuda | cuda/12.1.1 |
cudnn | cudnn/ |
cufflinks | cufflinks/2.2.1 |
curl | (system RPM) |
cutadapt | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
dada2 | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
datamash | datamash/1.8 |
dcm2bids | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
dcm2niix | dcm2niix/1.0.20220720 |
dedalus | |
deeparg | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
deeplabcut | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
deeptools | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
deeptoolsintervals | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
diamond | diamond/2.0.15 |
dicombrowser | dicombrowser/20181217 |
dlib | dlib/19.22 |
dmtcp | dmtcp/3.0.0 |
dos2unix | dos2unix/7.4.2 |
dotnet | dotnet/8.0.100 |
dropest | dropest/0.8.6 |
ds9 | ds/9.8.5s |
dsi | dsi-studio/chen-2023-sif |
dtitk | dtitk/2.3.1s |
eigen | eigen/3.4.0 |
eigensoft | eigensoft/7.2.1 |
elbencho | N/A |
emacs | (system RPM) |
emboss | |
engineering | |
fastme | fastme/ |
fastq_screen | |
fastqc | fastqc/0.11.9 |
fasttree | fasttree/2.1.11 |
fastx-toolkit | fastx-toolkit/0.0.14 |
ferret | ferret/7.6.0 |
ffmpeg | ffmpeg/6.0 |
fftw | fftw/3.3.10 |
fiji | fiji/20231107-1617 |
fileZilla | filezilla/3.49.1 |
firefox | firefox-102.9.0 |
flashpca | flashpca/2.0 |
freebayes | freebayes/1.3.6 |
freeglut | freeglut/3.2.2 |
freesurfer | freesurfer/7.3.2 |
freetype | freetype/2.11.1 |
fsl | fsl/ |
fv | fv/5.5.2 |
gatk | gatk/ |
gaussian | gaussian/09_v1 |
gaussview | gaussview/v05 |
gcc | (system RPM) |
gdal | gdal/3.7.0 |
gdb | (system RPM) |
geos | geos/3.11.2 |
ghostscript | ghostscript/10.0.0 |
gimp | gimp/2.10.32 |
git | (system RPM) |
gitlfs | git-lfs/3.3.0 |
glew | glew/2.2.0 |
glm | glm/ |
glmnet | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
global_arrays | globalarrays-mpi/5.8. |
globus | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
gmp | gmp/6.2.1 |
gnuplot | gnuplot/5.4.3 |
golang | go/1.20.3 |
gpaw | |
grace | grace/5.1.25 |
graphviz | graphviz/8.0.1 |
gromacs |
gsl | gsl/2.7.1 |
gsutil | google-cloud-cli/456.0.0 |
guppy |
gurobi | gurobi/10.0.1 |
h5py | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
haplostrips | |
hdf5 | hdf5/1.14.1-2 |
hdfview |
hisat2 | hisat2/2.2.1 |
hmmer | hmmer-mpi/3.3.2 |
homer | homer/4.11.1 |
htop | htop/3.2.2 |
htseq | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
htslib | htslib/1.17 |
idba | idba/1.1.3 |
idemp | idemp/201706 |
idl | idl/8.8.2 |
idl_DEEPS | N/A |
igraph | igraph/0.7.1 |
imagej | imagej/154-linux64-java8 |
imagemagick | imagemagick/7.1.1-3 |
incisive | |
inkscape | inkscape/1.3s |
intel | intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.1.0 |
intltool | intltool/0.51.0 |
ior | ior-mpi/3.3.0 |
iq-tree | iq-tree/2.1.3 |
iraf | iraf/2.17.1s |
isis | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
JAGS | jags/4.3.1 |
java | openjdk/11.0.17_8 |
jellyfish | jellyfish/2.2.7 |
jo | jo/1.9 |
json_cpp | jsoncpp/1.9.5 |
json_fortran | [email protected] |
julia | julia/1.9.0 |
keras | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
kneaddata | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
kraken | kraken/1.1.1 |
lammps | lammps-mpi/20220623.3 |
lapack | netlib-lapack/3.11.0 |
leveldb | leveldb/1.23 |
lftp | lftp/4.9.2 |
libarchive | libarchive/3.6.2 |
libbeef | libbeef/Nov2020 |
libcutensor | cutensor/ |
libgd | libgd/2.3.3 |
libgeotiff | libgeotiff/1.6.0 |
libgit | libgit2/1.6.4 |
libjpeg | libjpeg/9e |
libjpeg-turbo | libjpeg-turbo/2.1.5 |
libpng12 | libpng/1.6.39 |
libreoffice | libreoffice/7.2.2.sif |
libtiff | libtiff/4.5.0 |
libvdwxc | libvdwxc-mpi/0.4.0 |
libwnck | libwnck/3.24.1 |
libxc | libxc/5.2.3 |
libzip | libzip/1.3.2 |
llvm | llvm/16.0.2 |
macs | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
mafft | mafft/7.505 |
magma-gpu | magma/2.7.1 |
maple | maple/22 |
mark | mark/2018.07.08 |
materialstudio | materialstudio/2020s |
mathematica | mathematica/13.2.0 |
matlab | matlab/R2023a |
matplotlib | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
maven | maven/3.8.4 |
mayavi | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
meme | meme-mpi/5.3.0 |
mentor-calibre | |
mercurial | mercurial/5.8 |
meshlab | |
metaphlan | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
metis | metis/5.1.0 |
miniconda | miniconda3/23.11.0 |
minimap2 | minimap2/2.14 |
minvr | |
mne | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
molden | molden/6.7 |
Molpro | |
mpfr | mpfr/4.2.0 |
mpi |
mpi4py | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
mrcc | |
mriconvert | mriconvert/2.1.0 |
mricrogl | mricrogl/2022.07.20 |
mricron | mricron/201909 |
msmc | msmc2/2.1.4 |
msprime | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
mujoco-py | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
MultiQC | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
multiwfn | multiwfn/3.8_1208 |
mummer | mummer4/4.0.0rc1 |
muscle | muscle/3.8.1551 |
mysql | mysql/8.0.29 |
n2p2 | n2p2-mpi/2.2.0 |
nbo | nbo/7.0 |
nccl | nccl/2.16.2-1 |
ncdu | ncdu/1.18.1 |
ncl | ncl-mpi/6.6.2 |
nco | nco/5.1.5 |
ncview | ncview/2.1.8 |
neovim | neovim/0.9.4 |
netcdf | netcdf-c/4.7.4 |
netpbm | netpbm/10.73.43 |
neuron | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
ninja | ninja/1.11.1 |
nipype | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
nlopt | nlopt/2.7.1 |
node.js | node-js/18.12.1 |
numpy | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
numpydoc | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
nvhpc-sdk | nvhpc/23.3 |
nvtop | nvtop/3.0.1 |
nwchem | nwchem-mpi/7.2.0 |
obitools | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
octopus | octopus-lunter/0.7.4 |
openbabel | openbabel/3.1.1 |
openblas | openblas/0.3.23 |
opencv | opencv/4.6.0s |
opencv-python | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
openexr | openexr/3.1.5 |
openfoam | |
opengl | mesa/22.1.6 |
openjpeg | openjpeg/2.5.0 |
openmolcas | |
openscenegraph | N/A |
openslide | openslide/3.4.1 |
openslide-python | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
openssl |
orca | orca-mpi/5.0.7 |
osgearth | N/A |
ovito | ovito/3.6.0 |
p7zip | p7zip/17.05 |
pandas | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
pandoc | pandoc/2.19.2 |
paraview | |
patchelf | patchelf/0.17.2 |
paup | paup/4.0a168 |
pcre2 | pcre2/10.42 |
pdftk | pdftk/2.02 |
pdsh | pdsh-chaos/22.12 |
perl | perl/5.36.0 |
petsc | |
photoscan | |
picard-tools | picard/2.26.2 |
pigz | pigz/2.7 |
planetaryviewer | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
plink | plink/2.00 |
plotly | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
plumed | |
pnetcdf | parallel-netcdf-mpi/1.12.3 |
popoolation2 | popoolation2/1.205s |
prodigal | prodigal/2.6.3 |
proj | proj/9.2.0 |
protobuf | protobuf/3.22.2 |
py2bit | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
pybigwig | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
pycharm | pycharm-community/2021.3.3 |
pymol | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
pypy | pypy/7.3.13 |
pysam | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
pyscf | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
python | (system RPM - python/3.9.16) |
pytorch | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
qchem | |
qgis | qgis/3.22 |
qiime | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
qit | qit/2023-04-04 |
qmcpack | qmcpack-mpi/3.16.0s |
qt | qt/5.15.9 |
qualimap | qualimap/2.2.1 |
quantumespresso | quantum-espresso/7.1 |
quast | N/A - User install in their python/conda environments |
R | r/4.2.2 |
RAiSD | raisd/2.9 |
raxml | |
raxml-ng | raxml-ng-mpi/1.1.0 |
rclone | rclone/1.62.2 |
repeatmasker | repeatmasker-mpi/4.1.2-p1 |
root | root/6.28.04 |
rsem | rsem/1.3.3 |
rstudio | rstudio/2023.09.1 |
rsync | (system RPM) |
ruby | ruby/3.1.0 |
rust | rust/1.74.0s |
sage | sage/9.5 |
salmon | salmon/1.9.0 |
samtools | samtools/1.16.1 |
SAS | |
scalable | N/A |
scalapack | netlib-scalapack |
schrodinger | schrodinger/2023-4 |
scikit-image | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
scikit-learn | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
scons | scons/4.5.2 |
scotch | scotch-mpi/7.0.3 |
seaborn | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
selscan | selscan/2.0.0 |
seqkit | seqkit/0.10.1 |
seqtk | seqtk/1.3 |
sextractor | sextractor/2.25.0 |
sga | N/A |
sharc | sharc-mpi/3.0.1 |
singularity2 | (system RPM) |
six | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
skewer | skewer/0.2.2 |
slicer | slicer/5.4.0 |
slim | slim/4.0.1 |
snakemake | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
SNAP | N/A |
spectre | |
splash | splash/2.1.4 |
spm | spm/12_r7606 |
spyder | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
sqlite | (system RPM) |
sratoolkit | sratoolkit/3.0.0 |
stacks | stacks/2.65 |
star | star/2.7.10b |
stata | stata/mp17 |
statsmodels | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
stringtie | stringtie/2.2.1 |
sublime | sublime-text/4.4143 |
subread | subread/2.0.2 |
svn | subversion/1.14.1 |
swarp | swarp/2.41.5 |
sympy | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
synopsys | |
sysstat | sysstat/12.5.4 |
tabix | tabix/2013-12-16 |
tecplot | tecplot/2022r1 |
tensorflow | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
tesseract | tesseract/4.1.1 |
texlive | texlive/20220321 |
texstudio | texstudio/3.0.1 |
tmux | tmux/3.3a |
tn93 | tn93/1.0.12- |
tophat | |
tortoise | N/A |
tree | tree/2.1.0-7 |
trimal | trimal/1.4.1 |
trimgalore | trimgalore/0.6.6 |
trimmomatic | trimmomatic/0.39 |
trinity | |
udunits | udunits/2.2.28 |
usearch | usearch/11.0.667 |
v8 | v8/3.14.5 |
vasp |
vcftools | vcftools/0.1.14 |
vep | |
vim | (system RPM) |
virtualgl | virtualgl/3.1 |
visit | N/A |
vmd | vmd/1.9.3 |
vrg3d | N/A |
vrpn | N/A |
vscode | vscode/1.84.2 |
vtk | vtk-mpi/9.2.6 |
wcstools | wcstools/3.9.7 |
weblogo | N/A - Users install in their python/conda environments |
workshop | N/A |
xcrysden | xcrysden/1.5.60 |
xeyes | xeyes/1.2.0 |
xfce | |
xgboost | xgboost/1.6.2 |
Xvfb | (system RPM) |
yaml-cpp | yaml-cpp/0.7.0 |
zlib | zlib/1.2.13 |
zsh | (system RPM) |