Moves the user into the specified directory. Change Directory.
cd ..
to move one directory up
by itself to move to home directory
cd -
to move to previous directory
cd <directory-path>
to move to a directory (can be an absolute path or relative path)
Copies the file into the specified directory
Clears the terminal
Lists the contents of a file. Concatenate files.
List contents within the current directory
Searches for the string / regular expression within the specified file and prints the line(s) with the result
Displays the path of the current directory that you are in. Present Working Directory
Displays the help manual instruction for the given command
Moves a file into a new directory.
mv <old_file_name> <new_file_name>
to rename a file
Creates a new directory
Deletes a file
Deletes directories and the contents within them. -r
stands for recursive
Removes the specified directory (must be empty)
Creates a blank new file