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root window object:
root = @
SQLitePlugin object is defined by a constructor function and prototype member functions:
SQLitePlugin = (openargs, openSuccess, openError) -> console.log "SQLitePlugin openargs: #{JSON.stringify openargs}"
if !(openargs and openargs['name']) throw new Error("Cannot create a SQLitePlugin instance without a db name") dbname = @openargs = openargs @dbname = dbname @openSuccess = openSuccess @openError = openError @openSuccess or @openSuccess = -> console.log "DB opened: " + dbname return @openError or @openError = (e) -> console.log e.message return #@bg = !!openargs.bgType and openargs.bgType == 1 @bg = if !openargs.bgType # default to true for iOS only (due to memory issue) ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i))) else openargs.bgType == 1 @open @openSuccess, @openError return
SQLitePlugin::databaseFeatures = isSQLitePluginDatabase: true SQLitePlugin::openDBs = {}
SQLitePlugin::txQ = []
SQLitePlugin::addTransaction = (t) -> @txQ.push t if @txQ.length is 1 t.start() return
SQLitePlugin::transaction = (fn, error, success) -> @addTransaction new SQLitePluginTransaction(this, fn, error, success, true) return
SQLitePlugin::startNextTransaction = -> @txQ.shift() if @txQ[0] @txQ[0].start() return
SQLitePlugin::open = (success, error) -> unless @dbname of @openDBs @openDBs[@dbname] = true cordova.exec success, error, "SQLitePlugin", "open", [ @openargs ]
SQLitePlugin::close = (success, error) -> #console.log "SQLitePlugin.prototype.close"
if @dbname of @openDBs delete @openDBs[@dbname] cordova.exec null, null, "SQLitePlugin", "close", [ { path: @dbname } ] return
SQLitePlugin::executeSql = (statement, params, success, error) -> mysuccess = (t, r) -> if !!success then success r myerror = (t, e) -> if !!error then error e
myfn = (tx) -> tx.executeSql(statement, params, mysuccess, myerror) return @addTransaction new SQLitePluginTransaction(this, myfn, myerror, mysuccess, false) return
Deprecated pragma API, use db.executeSql() instead:
pcb = -> 1
SQLitePlugin::executePragmaStatement = (statement, success, error) -> console.log "SQLitePlugin::executePragmaStatement" pcb = success
cordova.exec (-> 1), error, "SQLitePlugin", "executePragmaStatement", [ @dbname, statement ] return
FUTURE TBD GONE: Required for db.executePragmStatement() callback ONLY:
SQLitePluginCallback = p1: (id, result) -> console.log "PRAGMA CB"
mycb = pcb pcb = -> 1 mycb result return
SQLitePluginTransaction object for batching:
Transaction batching object:
SQLitePluginTransaction = (db, fn, error, success, txlock) -> if typeof(fn) != "function" ### This is consistent with the implementation in Chrome -- it throws if you pass anything other than a function. This also prevents us from stalling our txQueue if somebody passes a false value for fn. ### throw new Error("transaction expected a function")
@db = db @fn = fn @error = error @success = success @txlock = txlock @executes = [] if txlock @executeSql "BEGIN", [], null, (tx, err) -> throw new Error("unable to begin transaction: " + err.message) return
SQLitePluginTransaction::start = -> try unless @fn return @fn this @fn = null @run() catch err ### If "fn" throws, we must report the whole transaction as failed. ### @db.startNextTransaction() if @error @error err return
SQLitePluginTransaction::executeSql = (sql, values, success, error) -> qid = @executes.length
@executes.push success: success error: error qid: qid sql: sql params: values || [] return
SQLitePluginTransaction::handleStatementSuccess = (handler, response) -> if !handler return
rows = response.rows || [] payload = rows: item: (i) -> rows[i] length: rows.length rowsAffected: response.rowsAffected or 0 insertId: response.insertId or undefined handler this, payload return
SQLitePluginTransaction::handleStatementFailure = (handler, response) -> if !handler throw new Error "a statement with no error handler failed: " + response.message if handler(this, response) throw new Error "a statement error callback did not return false" return
SQLitePluginTransaction::run = -> txFailure = null
tropts = [] batchExecutes = @executes waiting = batchExecutes.length @executes = [] tx = this handlerFor = (index, didSucceed) -> (response) -> try if didSucceed tx.handleStatementSuccess batchExecutes[index].success, response else tx.handleStatementFailure batchExecutes[index].error, response catch err txFailure = err unless txFailure if --waiting == 0 if txFailure tx.abort txFailure else if tx.executes.length > 0 ### new requests have been issued by the callback handlers, so run another batch. ### else tx.finish() return i = 0 mycbmap = {} while i < batchExecutes.length request = batchExecutes[i] qid = request.qid mycbmap[qid] = success: handlerFor(i, true) error: handlerFor(i, false) tropts.push qid: qid # for ios version: query: [request.sql].concat(request.params) sql: request.sql params: request.params i++ mycb = (result) -> #console.log "mycb result #{JSON.stringify result}" for r in result type = r.type qid = r.qid res = r.result q = mycbmap[qid] if q if q[type] q[type] res return mycommand = if then "backgroundExecuteSqlBatch" else "executeSqlBatch" cordova.exec mycb, null, "SQLitePlugin", mycommand, [{dbargs: {dbname: @db.dbname}, executes: tropts}] return
SQLitePluginTransaction::abort = (txFailure) -> if @finalized then return tx = @
succeeded = (tx) -> tx.db.startNextTransaction() if tx.error then tx.error txFailure return failed = (tx, err) -> tx.db.startNextTransaction() if tx.error then tx.error new Error("error while trying to roll back: " + err.message) return @finalized = true if @txlock @executeSql "ROLLBACK", [], succeeded, failed @run() else succeeded(tx) return
SQLitePluginTransaction::finish = -> if @finalized then return tx = @
succeeded = (tx) -> tx.db.startNextTransaction() if tx.success then tx.success() return failed = (tx, err) -> tx.db.startNextTransaction() if tx.error then tx.error new Error("error while trying to commit: " + err.message) return @finalized = true if @txlock @executeSql "COMMIT", [], succeeded, failed @run() else succeeded(tx) return
SQLite plugin object factory:
SQLiteFactory = ### NOTE: this function should NOT be translated from Javascript back to CoffeeScript by js2coffee. If this function is edited in Javascript then someone will have to translate it back to CoffeeScript by hand. ### opendb: -> if arguments.length < 1 then return null
first = arguments[0] openargs = null okcb = null errorcb = null if first.constructor == String openargs = {name: first} if arguments.length >= 5 okcb = arguments[4] if arguments.length > 5 then errorcb = arguments[5] else openargs = first if arguments.length >= 2 okcb = arguments[1] if arguments.length > 2 then errorcb = arguments[2] new SQLitePlugin openargs, okcb, errorcb deleteDb: (databaseName, success, error) -> cordova.exec success, error, "SQLitePlugin", "delete", [{ path: databaseName }]
FUTURE TBD GONE: Required for db.executePragmStatement() callback ONLY:
root.SQLitePluginCallback = SQLitePluginCallback
Exported API:
root.sqlitePlugin = sqliteFeatures: isSQLitePlugin: true
openDatabase: SQLiteFactory.opendb deleteDatabase: SQLiteFactory.deleteDb