Set the value of "desired_settings" from the list of macros from TABLE 1.0-Macros for enabling the desired_settings to enable the configuration of the selected settings. (Multiple settings can be set by bitwise OR-ing of the macros)
Ex. desired_settings = BMM150_SEL_DRDY_PIN_EN | BMM150_SEL_DRDY_POLARITY;
Set the desired configuration in the dev structure using macros from the TABLE 1.1-Interrupt configuration settings.
NOTE : Configuration settings will be set only when we set the corresponding "desired_settings" which enables the settings.
/* Select the DRDY pin and polarity settings */
desired_settings = BMM150_SEL_DRDY_PIN_EN | BMM150_SEL_DRDY_POLARITY;
/* Set the desired configurations of DRDY pin and its polarity */
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_pin_en = BMM150_INT_ENABLE;
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_polarity = BMM150_ACTIVE_LOW_POLARITY;
Invoke the "bmm150_set_sensor_settings" API after setting the desired configuration in dev structure and enabling the corresponding "desired_settings" value,
Invoke the "bmm150_get_interrupt_status" API to get the interrupt status value in the dev->int_status.
The value of dev->int_status is taken and a bitwise AND operation is performed with predefined interrupt status macros (listed below) to find the interrupt status which is either set or reset.
/* Example for checking interrupt status*/
if (dev->int_status & BMM150_INT_ASSERTED_DRDY) {
/*Occurrence of data ready interrupt */
printf("\n Interrupt asserted");
} else {
/* No interrupt occurred */
printf("\n Interrupt not asserted");
NOTE : The interrupt configuration settings which are set can be read from the sensor by invoking the "bmm150_get_sensor_settings" API.
NOTE : In BMM150 the interrupt pin INT is in default latched state and the polarity of INT and DRDY pins in default is active high.
NOTE : The macros mentioned below are present in the bmm150_defs.h file for setting the desired user configuration.
Macros to set for "desired_settings" | Settings which can be enabled/Disabled |
BMM150_SEL_DRDY_PIN_EN | Data ready interrupt mapping to DRDY PIN |
BMM150_SEL_INT_PIN_EN | Low-Threshold, High-Threshold and Overflow interrupts mapping to INT PIN |
BMM150_SEL_DRDY_POLARITY | Polarity of DRDY pin |
BMM150_SEL_INT_LATCH | Latch settings of INT pin |
BMM150_SEL_INT_POLARITY | Polarity of INT pin |
BMM150_SEL_DATA_OVERRUN_INT | Data overrun interrupt setting |
BMM150_SEL_OVERFLOW_INT | Data overflow interrupt setting |
BMM150_SEL_HIGH_THRESHOLD_INT | High threshold interrupt setting |
BMM150_SEL_LOW_THRESHOLD_INT | Low threshold interrupt setting |
BMM150_SEL_LOW_THRESHOLD_SETTING | Setting Low threshold value to trigger interrupt |
BMM150_SEL_HIGH_THRESHOLD_SETTING | Setting High threshold value to trigger interrupt |
User configration in the dev structure | Macros which can be assigned | Significance |
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_pin_en | BMM150_INT_ENABLE | Maps the data ready interrupt to the DRDY pin of sensor |
^ | BMM150_INT_DISABLE | Disables the mapping of data ready interrupt signal to the DRDY pin |
dev->settings.int_settings.int_pin_en | BMM150_INT_ENABLE | Enables the mapping of Low-Threshold, High-Threshold and Overflow interrupts to INT (interrupt) pin |
^ | BMM150_INT_DISABLE | Disables the interrupt mapping to the INT pin |
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_polarity | BMM150_ACTIVE_HIGH_POLARITY | Sets the interrupt signal polarity in DRDY pin as active high |
^ | BMM150_ACTIVE_LOW_POLARITY | Sets the interrupt signal polarity in DRDY pin as active low |
dev->settings.int_settings.int_polarity | BMM150_ACTIVE_HIGH_POLARITY | Sets the interrupt signal polarity in INT pin as active high |
^ | BMM150_ACTIVE_LOW_POLARITY | Sets the interrupt signal polarity in INT pin as active low |
dev->settings.int_settings.int_latch | BMM150_LATCHED | Sets the interrupt signal in INT pin in latched mode |
^ | BMM150_NON_LATCHED | Sets the interrupt signal in INT pin in non - latched mode |
dev->settings.int_settings.data_overrun_en | BMM150_INT_ENABLE | Enables the data overrun interrupt |
^ | BMM150_INT_DISABLE | Disables the data overrun interrupt |
dev->settings.int_settings.overflow_int_en | BMM150_INT_ENABLE | Enables the overflow interrupt |
^ | BMM150_INT_DISABLE | Disables the overflow interrupt |
dev->settings.int_settings.high_int_en | BMM150_THRESHOLD_X | Enables the threshold interrupt detection for X axis |
dev->settings.int_settings.high_int_en | BMM150_THRESHOLD_Y | Enables the threshold interrupt detection for Y axis |
^ | BMM150_THRESHOLD_Z | Enables the threshold interrupt detection for Z axis |
^ | (BMM150_THRESHOLD_X & BMM150_THRESHOLD_Y) | Enables the threshold interrupt detection for x,y axes |
^ | (BMM150_THRESHOLD_X & BMM150_THRESHOLD_Y & BMM150_THRESHOLD_Z) | Enables the threshold interrupt interrupt detection for all 3 X,Y and Z axes |
Configuring the high threshold interrupt
int8_t high_threshold_interrupt(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint16_t desired_settings;
/* Enable the desired settings to be set in the sensor */
/* Set the desired configuration */
/* Enable the mapping of interrupt to the interrupt pin*/
dev->settings.int_settings.int_pin_en = BMM150_INT_ENABLE;
/* Set the interrupt in non latched mode */
dev->settings.int_settings.int_latch = BMM150_NON_LATCHED;
/* Set the interrupt polarity as active high */
dev->settings.int_settings.int_polarity = BMM150_ACTIVE_HIGH_POLARITY;
/* Set the threshold value as 0x0A (10*6 = 60 micro-tesla)*/
dev->settings.int_settings.high_threshold = 0x0A;
/* Set the high threshold detection for all 3 axis */
dev->settings.int_settings.high_int_en = BMM150_THRESHOLD_X & BMM150_THRESHOLD_Y & BMM150_THRESHOLD_Z;
/* Set the configurations in the sensor */
rslt = bmm150_set_sensor_settings(desired_settings, dev);
return rslt;
Read the interrupt status continuously to check for interrupt assertion (Polling method)
int8_t high_threshold_interrupt_handling(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
rslt = bmm150_get_interrupt_status(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
if (dev->int_status & BMM150_INT_THRESHOLD_X_HIGH) {
if (dev->int_status & BMM150_INT_THRESHOLD_Y_HIGH) {
if(dev->int_status & BMM150_INT_THRESHOLD_Z_HIGH) {
return rslt;
Configuring the overflow and data ready interrupts and interrupt pins and latch settings
int8_t drdy_overflow_int_setting(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
uint16_t desired_settings;
/* Enable the desired settings to be set in the sensor */
desired_settings = BMM150_SEL_DRDY_PIN_EN | BMM150_SEL_OVERFLOW_INT |
/* Set the desired configuration */
/* Enable the drdy interrupt */
dev->settings.int_settings.drdy_pin_en = BMM150_INT_ENABLE;
/* Enable the mapping of interrupt to the interrupt pin */
dev->settings.int_settings.int_pin_en = BMM150_INT_ENABLE;
/* Enable the overflow interrupt */
dev->settings.int_settings.overflow_int_en = BMM150_INT_ENABLE;
/* Set the interrupt in non latched mode */
dev->settings.int_settings.int_latch = BMM150_NON_LATCHED;
/* Set the configurations in the sensor */
rslt = bmm150_set_sensor_settings(desired_settings, dev);
Read the interrupt status continuously to check for interrupt assertion (Polling method)
int8_t drdy_overflow_int_handling(struct bmm150_dev *dev)
int8_t rslt;
rslt = bmm150_get_interrupt_status(dev);
if (rslt == BMM150_OK) {
/* Multiple interrupt assertion can be checked as follows */
if ((dev->int_status & BMM150_INT_ASSERTED_DRDY) ||
(dev->int_status & BMM150_INT_DATA_OVERFLOW)) {
/* Either data ready or overflow has occurred */
printf("\n Interrupt asserted ");
} else {
printf("\n Interrupt not asserted ");
return rslt;