Before testing, remove existing configurations and namespaces
yes | istioctl uninstall --purge && \
kubectl delete ns test test1 test2 2>/dev/null; while kubectl get ns test test1 test2 >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
Test scenarios cover the following configurations:
a. Deploy and verify the operation of cluster-level settings
b. Deploy and verify the operation of namespace-level settings
c. Deploy and verify the operation of settings based on labels
Configure cluster-wide settings through meshconfig
yes | istioctl install \
--set profile=default \
--set \
--set tag=cryptoflex \
--set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout \
--set meshConfig.enableTracing=true \
--set meshConfig.meshMTLS.cipherSuites[0]=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Deploy a workload to verify the cluster-level settings
As with the previous tests, create a dedicated test namespace, enable Istio injection, and deploy the test workload
kubectl create ns test && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test
Inspect the logs of the TLS Inspector in the test workload
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector
It can be confirmed that AES_256_GCM_SHA384
is specified as set
Similarly, create a test namespace and enable Istio injection
kubectl create ns test1 && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test1
Set annotations on the namespace using the kubectl annotate
Next, deploy the test workload
kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace test1 cipherSuites=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test1
Inspect the logs of the TLS Inspector in the test workload
kubectl logs -n test1 deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector
This confirms AES_128_GCM_SHA256
is specified as set
As in the previous examples, proceed with creating a test namespace, activating Istio injection, and deploying the test workload
kubectl create ns test2 && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test2 && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test2
Modify the annotation of the Pod using the kubectl annotate command to specify settings based on labels
kubectl annotate pods -n test2 -l app=echo-server --overwrite cipherSuites="TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256"
Inspect the logs of the TLS Inspector for the test workload
kubectl logs -n test2 deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector
Similarly, the specified CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
is successfully applied to the label unit as well
Use the command below to check the CipherSuites of the entire test workload with the applied granular settings
for ns in test test1 test2; do echo "=== $ns ==="; kubectl logs -n $ns deployment/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=3; done
As it appears, it verifies the settings specified at the cluster level, namespace level, and label level
Before testing, remove existing configurations and namespaces
yes | istioctl uninstall --purge && \
kubectl delete ns test test1 test2 2>/dev/null; while kubectl get ns test test1 test2 >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
Specify cluster-level settings through meshconfig
yes | istioctl install \
--set profile=default \
--set \
--set tag=cryptoflex \
--set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout \
--set meshConfig.enableTracing=true \
--set meshConfig.meshMTLS.cipherSuites[0]=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Deploy a workload to verify the cluster-level settings
As with the previous tests, create a namespace, enable Istio injection, and deploy the test workload
kubectl create ns test && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test
Create a new namespace (test1) and deploy a test workload consisting of a pair of echo-server and echo-client
kubectl create ns test1 && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test1 && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test1
Check the CipherSuite logs for each workload
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=5
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server2 -c tls-inspector --tail=5
kubectl logs -n test1 deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=5
With cluster-level configuration in place, all workloads have the same CipherSuite configuration
Set the CipherSuite by specifying annotations in the namespace and verify it
kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace test1 cipherSuites=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 && \
kubectl rollout restart -n test1 deployment echo-server echo-client
Check the CipherSuite settings for each workload again
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=5
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server2 -c tls-inspector --tail=5
kubectl logs -n test1 deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=5
As configured, the CipherSuite setting for the test1 namespace is updated
kubectl annotate pods -n test -l app=echo-server --overwrite cipherSuites="TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256"
Check the CipherSuite settings for each workload again
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=5
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server2 -c tls-inspector --tail=5
kubectl logs -n test1 deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector --tail=5
The namespace settings have been redefined over the cluster settings, and the label settings have also been redefined, confirming that each setting has its own priority
In Istio based on Vanilla Envoy, only the TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 CipherSuite is available.
Additionally, if a different TLSv1.3 CipherSuite is specified, an error will occur
This section, we will directly verify this and test the method for specifying the CipherSuite
Before testing, remove existing configurations and namespaces
yes | istioctl uninstall --purge && \
kubectl delete ns test test1 test2 2>/dev/null; while kubectl get ns test test1 test2 >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
Specify the meshconfig
without a CipherSuite and install Istio
yes | istioctl install \
--set profile=default \
--set \
--set tag=cryptoflex \
--set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout \
--set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
Create a test namespace (test) and enable Istio injection, then deploy workloads to test the CipherSuite specification
Set the encryption library of the test workload to BoringSSL
kubectl create ns test && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test && \
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=echo-server -n test --timeout=100s && \
cryptoflex -n test deployments/echo-server bssl
Since the CipherSuite is not specified at the cluster level, it is fixed to AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Now, test by specifying the TLSv1.3 CipherSuite as CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
HUB=<HUB> TAG=<TAG> ./cryptoflex-test/script/
Create another namespace (test1) and add the test workload
kubectl create ns test1 && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test1 && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test1
Check the Istiod log
kubectl logs -n istio-system deployments/istiod
Check the Istio-Proxy log
kubectl logs -n test1 deployments/echo-server -c istio-proxy
As demonstrated, this confirms specifying a CipherSuite for TLSv1.3 is not possible in Vanilla Envoy
Applying a new CipherSuite to a active workload allows for dynamic changes without interrupting the session
Before testing, remove existing configurations and namespaces
yes | istioctl uninstall --purge && \
kubectl delete ns test test1 test2 2>/dev/null; while kubectl get ns test test1 test2 >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
Specify cluster-level settings through meshconfig
yes | istioctl install \
--set profile=default \
--set \
--set tag=cryptoflex \
--set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout \
--set meshConfig.enableTracing=true \
--set 'meshConfig.meshMTLS.minProtocolVersion=TLSV1_3' \
--set 'meshConfig.meshMTLS.cipherSuites[0]=TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256'
Create a test namespace (test) and enable Istio injection, then deploy workloads to test the Dynamic transition
kubectl create ns test && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test && \
kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test
Existing session of the workload uses the TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector -f
Specify a different CipherSuite from the existing one for the test workload through annotations
kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace test chiperSuites=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
This confirms the transition to TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
occurs as specified
kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace test chiperSuites=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Section 5 discusses the method for dynamic switching of encryption libraries
The encryption library is switched without interrupting the active workload through the previously installed Cryptoflex
Before testing, remove existing configurations and namespaces
yes | istioctl uninstall --purge && \
kubectl delete ns test test1 test2 2>/dev/null; while kubectl get ns test test1 test2 >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
Perform the Istio build as done in Section 3.3, and deploy the test workload
HUB=<HUB> TAG=<TAG> ./cryptoflex-test/script/ && \
Check the CipherSuite currently in use by the test workload
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector
[스크린샷] 테스트 워크로드의 CipherSuite 재확인 (아직 없음)
This confirms no further communication occurs after the switch
Check the istio-proxy logs of the test workload to identify the reason for the communication interruption
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c istio-proxy
[스크린샷] 테스트 워크로드의 istio-proxy 컨테이너 확인 (아직 없음)
This confirms an error occurred due to the unsupported CipherSuite, as mentioned above
BoringSSL does not support the specification of CipherSuites other than AES_128_GCM_SHA256
for TLS 1.3, so the currently specified CipherSuite cannot be applied in BoringSSL
Use the cryptoflex command to switch the encryption library of the current workload back to OpenSSL
cryptoflex -n test deployments/echo-server ossl
Check the CipherSuite of the test workload again
kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector
[스크린샷] 테스트 워크로드의 CipherSuite 재확인 (아직 없음)
This confirms communication is functioning normally
Due to the unsupported CipherSuite error caused by the library switch, communication was not possible.
However, after switching back, it has been confirmed that normal communication is occurring.