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II. Installing Istio Using Pre-built

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II. Installing Istio Using Pre-built Images

1. Istio Installation

The process of installing Istio using an existing built image

Proceed with the Istio installation with the built image through the following command

Note: TLS Version and CipherSuite are predefined and can be modified as you needed

yes | istioctl install \
  --set profile=default \
  --set \
  --set tag=cryptoflex \
  --set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout \
  --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true \
  --set 'meshConfig.meshMTLS.minProtocolVersion=TLSV1_3' \
  --set 'meshConfig.meshMTLS.cipherSuites[0]=TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256'

istio installation process

2. Verifying Deployment Status

Deploying test workloads to verify Istio's deployment status

The test workloads are configured as follows:

  • Istio-Proxy is injected into both the Echo-server and Echo-client Pods, establishing mTLS communication
  • mTLS is renewed every 2 seconds, enabling observation of TLS Handshake processes to verify the configurations for each workload

Create a test namespace for test workload deployment and enable Istio injection

kubectl create ns test && \
./cryptoflex-test/prerequisite/kubernetes/istio/ test

create test namespace and allow istio injection

Deploy the test workloads to the test namespace and wait until they are ready

Note: This process may take over 100 seconds depending on network condition

kubectl apply -f cryptoflex-test/deployment/ -n test && \
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=echo-server -n test --timeout=100s

deploy test workload

Verify the workloads' mTLS information using the TLS Inspector container

kubectl logs -n test deployments/echo-server -c tls-inspector -f

Verify that the TLS Handshake is conducted using the CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 CipherSuite as configured earlier

Note: The first few TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 logs are initial logs generated during Istio's initialization process and are independent of dynamic Cipher Suite transitions