Provides aggregation of metrics samples over periods of time.
Building: tsd> ./gradlew installApp
The artifacts from the build are in tsd/tsd-aggregator/build/install/tsd-aggregator/ and should be copied to an appropriate directory on your application host(s).
In the installation's bin directory there are scripts to start ReMet Proxy: tsd-aggregator (Linux) and tsd-aggregator.bat (Windows). One of these should be executed on system start with appropriate parameters; for example:
/usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/bin/tsd-aggregator --config file:/usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/config/config.json
To customize logging you may provide a LogBack configuration file. To use a custom logging configuration you need to define and export an environment variable before executing tsd-aggregator:
Where /usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/config/logger.xml is the path to your logging configuration file.
The Tsd Aggregator daemon configuration is specified in a JSON file. The location of the configuration file is passed to tsd-aggregator as a command line argument:
--config file:/usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/config/config.json
The configuration specifies three directories:
- logDirectory - The location of additional logs. This is independent of the logging configuration.
- stateDirectory - The location of application state.
- pipelinesDirectory - The location of configuration files for each metrics pipeline.
For example:
"logDirectory": "/usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/logs",
"stateDirectory": "/usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/state",
"pipelinesDirectory": "/usr/local/lib/tsd_aggregator/config/pipelines/"
One instance of Tsd Aggregator supports multiple independent services on the same host. The most basic single application host still typically configures two services: i) the end-user application running on the host, and ii) the system metrics captured by CollectD. Each of these services is configured as a pipeline in Tsd Aggregator. The pipeline defines the name of the service, one or more sources of metrics and one more destinations or sinks for the aggregated statistics.
For example:
"name": "MyApplicationPipeline",
"serviceName": "MyApplication",
"type": "com.arpnetworking.tsdcore.sources.FileSource",
"name": "my_application_source",
"filePath": "/var/log/my-application-query.log",
"parser": {
"type": "com.arpnetworking.tsdaggregator.parsers.QueryLogParser"
"type": "com.arpnetworking.tsdcore.sinks.ReMetSink",
"name": "my_application_remet_sink",
"uri": "http://localhost:7090/report"
Each of the pipeline configuration files should be placed in the pipelinesDirectory defined as part of the daemon configuration above.
Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE