The following people have made source contributions to the metrics project:
Abhishek Prasad (abhishek at groupon dot com) Alan Shield (ashield at groupon dot com) Brandon Arp (barp at groupon dot com) Deepika Misra (deepika at groupon dot com) Gil Markham (gilligan at groupon dot com) Joe Frisbie (jfrisbie at groupon dot com) Kevin Jungmeisteris (kjungmeisteris at groupon dot com) Matthew Hayter (mhayter at groupon dot com) Mohammed Kamel (mkamel at groupon dot com) Robert Lee (rlee at groupon dot com) Ruchita Venugopal (rvenugopal at groupon dot com) Ting Tu (ting at groupon dot com) Ville Koskela (vkoskela at groupon dot com) Vivek Muppalla (vmuppalla at groupon dot com)