diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b22b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "root": true,
+ "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
+ "parserOptions": {
+ "ecmaVersion": 6,
+ "sourceType": "module"
+ },
+ "plugins": [
+ "@typescript-eslint"
+ ],
+ "rules": {
+ "@typescript-eslint/naming-convention": "warn",
+ "@typescript-eslint/semi": "warn",
+ "curly": "warn",
+ "eqeqeq": "warn",
+ "no-throw-literal": "warn",
+ "semi": "off"
+ },
+ "ignorePatterns": [
+ "out",
+ "dist",
+ "**/*.d.ts"
+ ]
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1.bug_report.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1.bug_report.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b469e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1.bug_report.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: 🐞 Bug Report
+description: Create a bug report
+labels: ["bug"]
+ - type: markdown
+ attributes:
+ value: |
+ Thanks for using the extension and taking the time to fill out this bug report!
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Describe the Bug
+ description: A clear description of what the bug is. Please make sure to list steps to reproduce your issue. Please share your OS, VS Code details as well. You could details of your VS Code via (Help->About)
+ placeholder: |
+ - Steps to reproduce the bug
+ - ...
+ - OS and version: [i.e. macOS Ventura (version 13)]
+ - VS Code details: [i.e. 1.76.0]
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: "Please tell us if you have customized any of the extension settings or whether you are using the defaults."
+ description: Please list whether you use `Browser Auto-login` or `OpenAI API Key` method. Which model you are using i.e. `gpt-3.5-turbo` and the parameters you may have customized in your settings. You could find all of the customized settings in your `Settings.json`
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Additional context
+ description: Add any other context about the problem here. Please provide screenshots or screen recordings if possible.
+ validations:
+ required: false
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/2.feature_request.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/2.feature_request.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8434f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/2.feature_request.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: 💡 Feature Request
+description: Suggest an idea
+labels: ["enhancement"]
+ - type: markdown
+ attributes:
+ value: |
+ Thanks for using the extension and considering suggesting an idea
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Describe the feature
+ description: What would you like to see added / supported?
+ validations:
+ required: true
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed238ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+blank_issues_enabled: false
+ - name: 💭 Join the Discord
+ url: https://discord.gg/GuEdNDHQaM
+ about: Ask questions and discuss with other community members
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b95632f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions.json b/.vscode/extensions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..589f269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/extensions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ // See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=827846
+ // for the documentation about the extensions.json format
+ "recommendations": [
+ "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint",
+ "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
+ "connor4312.esbuild-problem-matchers"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4e5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// A launch configuration that compiles the extension and then opens it inside a new window
+// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "Run Extension",
+ "type": "extensionHost",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "args": [
+ "--extensionDevelopmentPath=${workspaceFolder}"
+ ],
+ "outFiles": [
+ "${workspaceFolder}/out/**/*.js"
+ ],
+ "preLaunchTask": "npm: watch"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Extension Tests",
+ "type": "extensionHost",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "args": [
+ "--extensionDevelopmentPath=${workspaceFolder}",
+ "--extensionTestsPath=${workspaceFolder}/out/test/suite/index"
+ ],
+ "outFiles": [
+ "${workspaceFolder}/out/test/**/*.js"
+ ],
+ "preLaunchTask": "${defaultBuildTask}"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f65a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ "files.exclude": {
+ "out": false
+ },
+ "search.exclude": {
+ "out": true
+ },
+ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect": "off",
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
+ "editor.tabSize": 4,
+ "editor.insertSpaces": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.fixAll": true,
+ "source.organizeImports": true
+ },
+ "javascript.format.semicolons": "insert",
+ "typescript.format.semicolons": "insert",
+ "javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "double",
+ "[typescript]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features",
+ "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "double",
+ },
+ "[javascript]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features"
+ },
+ "[json]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.json-language-features"
+ },
+ "[jsonc]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.json-language-features"
+ },
+ "[css]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.css-language-features"
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff4f0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": [
+ {
+ "type": "npm",
+ "script": "watch",
+ "group": "build",
+ "problemMatcher": "$esbuild-watch",
+ "isBackground": true,
+ "label": "npm: watch",
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "npm",
+ "script": "build",
+ "group": "build",
+ "problemMatcher": "$esbuild",
+ "label": "npm: build",
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscodeignore b/.vscodeignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9a9acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscodeignore
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.yarnrc b/.yarnrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f757a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.yarnrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--ignore-engines true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed778c6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ISC License
+Copyright (c) 2022, Ali Gençay
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2001658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Hi everyone - Thank you for your interest in this extension.
+Unfortunately, with a sad heart, we made the hard decision to remove the extension from marketplace and discontinue this project for various reasons:
+ We were made aware that the extension was being used by some people, against its terms of use in the Disclaimer section and eventually violating OpenAI's Terms of Use (c) Restrictions via the Browser Autologin method. Such issues take the fun out of such hobby project, breaking its original motto 'Your best AI pair programmer'. We do not wish this extension to be affiliated with any such behaviour from now on.
+ Unfortunately, vs-code marketplace doesn't have a feature to remove previous versions . Even if we unpublish the extension, old versions were going to remain online. We have no intention of providing such feature within this product any longer. If being able to remove old versions completely was an option, we would have definitely kept the extension alive since we know so many people love this extension and it became one of their daily interfaces to AI.
+ People were confusing this product to be official - though it's mentioned in every documentation possible that, it's only a hobby project that is developed with a couple hours per month/week without any affiliation to OpenAI. The designs(OpenAI logo + svg) remained from the earlier days as-is to keep the amateur, completely free-to-use, seamless integration feeling, which was one of the reasons that led people think it was official. Though most chatgpt tools/integrations, all around the stores(not only limited to vs-code) used the similar identities. It was a mistake huge mistage on our end to keep the OpenAI logos, ChatGPT identity since the beginning, and we apologize for any misunderstandings. However, we must note that **it has been never our intention to gain popularity with it nor capitalize on this.**
+ We put so much effort and sleepless nights in the beginning of the project to provide a seamless AI experience within vs-code, when GPT models were not as widespread as today. And from the testimonials we see, we know we achieved our goal to help you level up your developer experience.
+ ---
+ You can download and run the project locally. The instructions to run it will be appended below.
+ **The Browser Autologin feature will not be published on this repository due to reasons listed above** to prevent from further Terms of Use violations. If you would like to use ChatGPT on web, please use the official web page to comply with the OpenAI's terms of use. We no longer want to be associated with it or provide a way to people to exploit the motto of this open source code. The rest of the code remained as-is with minimal changes for you to run the code out-of-the-box from this repository.
+ The source code will remain on the repo for a while so that people could learn from how this extension worked and ses what it did internally. Open sourcing the project has been the ultimate goal for us instead of trying to monetize this product.
+ ---
+ Our sincere apologies to all, who believed in the future of this product and to those who improved their coding skills within their most loved IDE using the power of OpenAI technologies.
+ ---
+ There are so many amazing projects on Visual Studio Code marketplace, which does the same job, that you could try out.
+ This extension was the most loved tool in the recent weeks for a reason. If you are interested in continuing the mission, feel free to do so using its source code. Let us know how it goes!
+ We will never publish this extension in any form to public again, but the source code is yours to use however you'd like.
+### How to run
+- Clone the repository to your local machine
+- On the root directory, run `yarn` command to install the dependencies listed in `package.json`
+- Within VS Code - run the project by simply hitting F5.
+- You could also create a 'vsix' package from the source-code and install manually .
diff --git a/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.d.ts b/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcf80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+import Keyv from 'keyv';
+type Role = 'user' | 'assistant';
+type FetchFn = typeof fetch;
+type SendMessageOptions = {
+ conversationId?: string;
+ parentMessageId?: string;
+ messageId?: string;
+ stream?: boolean;
+ promptPrefix?: string;
+ promptSuffix?: string;
+ timeoutMs?: number;
+ onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void;
+ abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
+type MessageActionType = 'next' | 'variant';
+type SendMessageBrowserOptions = {
+ conversationId?: string;
+ parentMessageId?: string;
+ messageId?: string;
+ action?: MessageActionType;
+ timeoutMs?: number;
+ onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void;
+ abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
+interface ChatMessage {
+ id: string;
+ text: string;
+ role: Role;
+ parentMessageId?: string;
+ conversationId?: string;
+ detail?: any;
+type ChatGPTErrorType = 'unknown' | 'chatgpt:pool:account-on-cooldown' | 'chatgpt:pool:account-not-found' | 'chatgpt:pool:no-accounts' | 'chatgpt:pool:timeout' | 'chatgpt:pool:rate-limit' | 'chatgpt:pool:unavailable';
+declare class ChatGPTError extends Error {
+ statusCode?: number;
+ statusText?: string;
+ isFinal?: boolean;
+ accountId?: string;
+ type?: ChatGPTErrorType;
+/** Returns a chat message from a store by it's ID (or null if not found). */
+type GetMessageByIdFunction = (id: string) => Promise;
+/** Upserts a chat message to a store. */
+type UpsertMessageFunction = (message: ChatMessage) => Promise;
+declare namespace openai {
+ type CompletionParams = {
+ /** ID of the model to use. */
+ model: string;
+ /** The string prompt to generate a completion for. */
+ prompt: string;
+ /**
+ * The suffix that comes after a completion of inserted text.
+ */
+ suffix?: string;
+ /**
+ * The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus `max_tokens` cannot exceed the model\'s context length. Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest models, which support 4096).
+ */
+ max_tokens?: number;
+ /**
+ * What [sampling temperature](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-sample-from-language-models-682bceb97277) to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer. We generally recommend altering this or `top_p` but not both.
+ */
+ temperature?: number;
+ /**
+ * An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or `temperature` but not both.
+ */
+ top_p?: number;
+ /**
+ * Include the log probabilities on the `logprobs` most likely tokens, as well the chosen tokens. For example, if `logprobs` is 5, the API will return a list of the 5 most likely tokens. The API will always return the `logprob` of the sampled token, so there may be up to `logprobs+1` elements in the response. The maximum value for `logprobs` is 5. If you need more than this, please contact us through our [Help center](https://help.openai.com) and describe your use case.
+ */
+ logprobs?: number;
+ /**
+ * Echo back the prompt in addition to the completion
+ */
+ echo?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.
+ */
+ stop?: string[];
+ /**
+ * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model\'s likelihood to talk about new topics. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)
+ */
+ presence_penalty?: number;
+ /**
+ * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model\'s likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)
+ */
+ frequency_penalty?: number;
+ /**
+ * Generates `best_of` completions server-side and returns the \"best\" (the one with the highest log probability per token). Results cannot be streamed. When used with `n`, `best_of` controls the number of candidate completions and `n` specifies how many to return – `best_of` must be greater than `n`. **Note:** Because this parameter generates many completions, it can quickly consume your token quota. Use carefully and ensure that you have reasonable settings for `max_tokens` and `stop`.
+ */
+ best_of?: number;
+ /**
+ * Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a json object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the GPT tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. You can use this [tokenizer tool](/tokenizer?view=bpe) (which works for both GPT-2 and GPT-3) to convert text to token IDs. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token. As an example, you can pass `{\"50256\": -100}` to prevent the <|endoftext|> token from being generated.
+ */
+ logit_bias?: Record;
+ /**
+ * A unique identifier representing your end-user, which will help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. [Learn more](/docs/usage-policies/end-user-ids).
+ */
+ user?: string;
+ };
+ type ReverseProxyCompletionParams = CompletionParams & {
+ paid?: boolean;
+ };
+ type CompletionResponse = {
+ id: string;
+ object: string;
+ created: number;
+ model: string;
+ choices: CompletionResponseChoices;
+ usage?: CompletionResponseUsage;
+ };
+ type CompletionResponseChoices = {
+ text?: string;
+ index?: number;
+ logprobs?: {
+ tokens?: Array;
+ token_logprobs?: Array;
+ top_logprobs?: Array;
+ text_offset?: Array;
+ } | null;
+ finish_reason?: string;
+ }[];
+ type CompletionResponseUsage = {
+ prompt_tokens: number;
+ completion_tokens: number;
+ total_tokens: number;
+ };
+ * https://chat.openapi.com/backend-api/conversation
+ */
+type ConversationJSONBody = {
+ /**
+ * The action to take
+ */
+ action: string;
+ /**
+ * The ID of the conversation
+ */
+ conversation_id?: string;
+ /**
+ * Prompts to provide
+ */
+ messages: Prompt[];
+ /**
+ * The model to use
+ */
+ model: string;
+ /**
+ * The parent message ID
+ */
+ parent_message_id: string;
+type Prompt = {
+ /**
+ * The content of the prompt
+ */
+ content: PromptContent;
+ /**
+ * The ID of the prompt
+ */
+ id: string;
+ /**
+ * The role played in the prompt
+ */
+ role: Role;
+type ContentType = 'text';
+type PromptContent = {
+ /**
+ * The content type of the prompt
+ */
+ content_type: ContentType;
+ /**
+ * The parts to the prompt
+ */
+ parts: string[];
+type ConversationResponseEvent = {
+ message?: Message;
+ conversation_id?: string;
+ error?: string | null;
+type Message = {
+ id: string;
+ content: MessageContent;
+ role: Role;
+ user: string | null;
+ create_time: string | null;
+ update_time: string | null;
+ end_turn: null;
+ weight: number;
+ recipient: string;
+ metadata: MessageMetadata;
+type MessageContent = {
+ content_type: string;
+ parts: string[];
+type MessageMetadata = any;
+type GetAccessTokenFn = ({ email, password, sessionToken }: {
+ email: string;
+ password: string;
+ sessionToken?: string;
+}) => string | Promise;
+declare class ChatGPTAPI {
+ protected _apiKey: string;
+ protected _apiBaseUrl: string;
+ protected _apiReverseProxyUrl: string;
+ protected _debug: boolean;
+ protected _completionParams: Omit;
+ protected _maxModelTokens: number;
+ protected _maxResponseTokens: number;
+ protected _userLabel: string;
+ protected _assistantLabel: string;
+ protected _endToken: string;
+ protected _sepToken: string;
+ protected _fetch: FetchFn;
+ protected _getMessageById: GetMessageByIdFunction;
+ protected _upsertMessage: UpsertMessageFunction;
+ protected _messageStore: Keyv;
+ protected _organization: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new client wrapper around OpenAI's completion API using the
+ * unofficial ChatGPT model.
+ *
+ * @param apiKey - OpenAI API key (required).
+ * @param apiBaseUrl - Optional override for the OpenAI API base URL.
+ * @param apiReverseProxyUrl - Optional override for a reverse proxy URL to use instead of the OpenAI API completions API.
+ * @param debug - Optional enables logging debugging info to stdout.
+ * @param completionParams - Param overrides to send to the [OpenAI completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.
+ * @param maxModelTokens - Optional override for the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model's context. Defaults to 4096 for the `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` model.
+ * @param maxResponseTokens - Optional override for the minimum number of tokens allowed for the model's response. Defaults to 1000 for the `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` model.
+ * @param messageStore - Optional [Keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) store to persist chat messages to. If not provided, messages will be lost when the process exits.
+ * @param getMessageById - Optional function to retrieve a message by its ID. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param upsertMessage - Optional function to insert or update a message. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param organization - Optional organization string for openai calls
+ * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
+ */
+ constructor(opts: {
+ apiKey: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `'https://api.openai.com'` **/
+ apiBaseUrl?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `undefined` **/
+ apiReverseProxyUrl?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `false` **/
+ debug?: boolean;
+ completionParams?: Partial;
+ /** @defaultValue `4096` **/
+ maxModelTokens?: number;
+ /** @defaultValue `1000` **/
+ maxResponseTokens?: number;
+ /** @defaultValue `'User'` **/
+ userLabel?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `'ChatGPT'` **/
+ assistantLabel?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `undefined` **/
+ organization?: string;
+ messageStore?: Keyv;
+ getMessageById?: GetMessageByIdFunction;
+ upsertMessage?: UpsertMessageFunction;
+ fetch?: FetchFn;
+ });
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns
+ * the response.
+ *
+ * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
+ *
+ * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
+ * If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,
+ * you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`
+ * helper.
+ *
+ * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.
+ *
+ * @param message - The prompt message to send
+ * @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
+ * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.promptPrefix - Optional override for the prompt prefix to send to the OpenAI completions endpoint
+ * @param opts.promptSuffix - Optional override for the prompt suffix to send to the OpenAI completions endpoint
+ * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
+ * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
+ * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)
+ *
+ * @returns The response from ChatGPT
+ */
+ sendMessage(text: string, opts?: SendMessageOptions): Promise;
+ get apiKey(): string;
+ set apiKey(apiKey: string);
+ protected _buildPrompt(message: string, opts: SendMessageOptions): Promise<{
+ prompt: string;
+ maxTokens: number;
+ }>;
+ protected _getTokenCount(text: string): Promise;
+ protected get _isChatGPTModel(): boolean;
+ protected get _isCodexModel(): boolean;
+ protected _defaultGetMessageById(id: string): Promise;
+ protected _defaultUpsertMessage(message: ChatMessage): Promise;
+declare class ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI {
+ protected _accessToken: string;
+ protected _apiReverseProxyUrl: string;
+ protected _debug: boolean;
+ protected _model: string;
+ protected _headers: Record;
+ protected _fetch: FetchFn;
+ /**
+ * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
+ */
+ constructor(opts: {
+ accessToken: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `https://chat.openai.com/backend-api/conversation` **/
+ apiReverseProxyUrl?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `text-davinci-002-render-sha` **/
+ model?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `false` **/
+ debug?: boolean;
+ /** @defaultValue `undefined` **/
+ headers?: Record;
+ fetch?: FetchFn;
+ });
+ get accessToken(): string;
+ set accessToken(value: string);
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns
+ * the response.
+ *
+ * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
+ *
+ * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
+ * If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,
+ * you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`
+ * helper.
+ *
+ * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.
+ *
+ * @param message - The prompt message to send
+ * @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
+ * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
+ * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
+ * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)
+ *
+ * @returns The response from ChatGPT
+ */
+ sendMessage(text: string, opts?: SendMessageBrowserOptions): Promise;
+export { ChatGPTAPI, ChatGPTError, ChatGPTErrorType, ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI, ChatMessage, ContentType, ConversationJSONBody, ConversationResponseEvent, FetchFn, GetAccessTokenFn, GetMessageByIdFunction, Message, MessageActionType, MessageContent, MessageMetadata, Prompt, PromptContent, Role, SendMessageBrowserOptions, SendMessageOptions, UpsertMessageFunction, openai };
diff --git a/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.js b/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8282a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+// Adapted from https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api
+ *
+ * MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2023 Travis Fischer
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ */
+// src/chatgpt-api.ts
+import Keyv from "keyv";
+import pTimeout from "p-timeout";
+import QuickLRU from "quick-lru";
+import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
+// src/tokenizer.ts
+import GPT3TokenizerImport from "gpt3-tokenizer";
+var GPT3Tokenizer = typeof GPT3TokenizerImport === "function" ? GPT3TokenizerImport : GPT3TokenizerImport.default;
+var tokenizer = new GPT3Tokenizer({ type: "gpt3" });
+function encode(input) {
+ return tokenizer.encode(input).bpe;
+// src/types.ts
+var ChatGPTError = class extends Error {
+// src/fetch.ts
+var fetch = globalThis.fetch;
+// src/fetch-sse.ts
+import { createParser } from "eventsource-parser";
+// src/stream-async-iterable.ts
+async function* streamAsyncIterable(stream) {
+ const reader = stream.getReader();
+ try {
+ while (true) {
+ const { done, value } = await reader.read();
+ if (done) {
+ return;
+ }
+ yield value;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ reader.releaseLock();
+ }
+// src/fetch-sse.ts
+async function fetchSSE(url, options, fetch2 = fetch) {
+ const { onMessage, ...fetchOptions } = options;
+ const res = await fetch2(url, fetchOptions);
+ if (!res.ok) {
+ const reason = await res.text();
+ const msg = `ChatGPT error ${res.status || res.statusText}: ${reason}`;
+ const error = new ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: reason });
+ error.statusCode = res.status;
+ error.statusText = res.statusText;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ const parser = createParser((event) => {
+ if (event.type === "event") {
+ onMessage(event.data);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!res.body.getReader) {
+ const body = res.body;
+ if (!body.on || !body.read) {
+ throw new ChatGPTError('unsupported "fetch" implementation');
+ }
+ body.on("readable", () => {
+ let chunk;
+ while (null !== (chunk = body.read())) {
+ parser.feed(chunk.toString());
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterable(res.body)) {
+ const str = new TextDecoder().decode(chunk);
+ parser.feed(str);
+ }
+ }
+// src/chatgpt-api.ts
+var CHATGPT_MODEL = "text-davinci-003";
+var ChatGPTAPI = class {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new client wrapper around OpenAI's completion API using the
+ * unofficial ChatGPT model.
+ *
+ * @param apiKey - OpenAI API key (required).
+ * @param apiBaseUrl - Optional override for the OpenAI API base URL.
+ * @param apiReverseProxyUrl - Optional override for a reverse proxy URL to use instead of the OpenAI API completions API.
+ * @param debug - Optional enables logging debugging info to stdout.
+ * @param completionParams - Param overrides to send to the [OpenAI completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.
+ * @param maxModelTokens - Optional override for the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model's context. Defaults to 4096 for the `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` model.
+ * @param maxResponseTokens - Optional override for the minimum number of tokens allowed for the model's response. Defaults to 1000 for the `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` model.
+ * @param messageStore - Optional [Keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) store to persist chat messages to. If not provided, messages will be lost when the process exits.
+ * @param getMessageById - Optional function to retrieve a message by its ID. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param upsertMessage - Optional function to insert or update a message. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param organization - Optional organization string for openai calls
+ * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
+ */
+ constructor(opts) {
+ const {
+ apiKey,
+ apiBaseUrl = "https://api.openai.com",
+ apiReverseProxyUrl,
+ organization,
+ debug = false,
+ messageStore,
+ completionParams,
+ maxModelTokens = 4096,
+ maxResponseTokens = 1e3,
+ getMessageById = this._defaultGetMessageById,
+ upsertMessage = this._defaultUpsertMessage,
+ fetch: fetch2 = fetch
+ } = opts;
+ this._apiKey = apiKey;
+ this._apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl;
+ this._organization = organization;
+ this._apiReverseProxyUrl = apiReverseProxyUrl;
+ this._debug = !!debug;
+ this._fetch = fetch2;
+ this._completionParams = {
+ temperature: 0.8,
+ top_p: 1,
+ presence_penalty: 1,
+ ...completionParams
+ };
+ if (this._isChatGPTModel) {
+ this._endToken = "<|im_end|>";
+ this._sepToken = "<|im_sep|>";
+ if (!this._completionParams.stop) {
+ this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken, this._sepToken];
+ }
+ } else if (this._isCodexModel) {
+ this._endToken = "";
+ this._sepToken = this._endToken;
+ if (!this._completionParams.stop) {
+ this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken];
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._endToken = "<|endoftext|>";
+ this._sepToken = this._endToken;
+ if (!this._completionParams.stop) {
+ this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken];
+ }
+ }
+ this._maxModelTokens = maxModelTokens;
+ this._maxResponseTokens = maxResponseTokens;
+ this._userLabel = userLabel;
+ this._assistantLabel = assistantLabel;
+ this._getMessageById = getMessageById;
+ this._upsertMessage = upsertMessage;
+ if (messageStore) {
+ this._messageStore = messageStore;
+ } else {
+ this._messageStore = new Keyv({
+ store: new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 1e4 })
+ });
+ }
+ if (!this._apiKey) {
+ throw new Error("ChatGPT invalid apiKey");
+ }
+ if (!this._fetch) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid environment; fetch is not defined");
+ }
+ if (typeof this._fetch !== "function") {
+ throw new Error('Invalid "fetch" is not a function');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns
+ * the response.
+ *
+ * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
+ *
+ * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
+ * If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,
+ * you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`
+ * helper.
+ *
+ * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.
+ *
+ * @param message - The prompt message to send
+ * @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
+ * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.promptPrefix - Optional override for the prompt prefix to send to the OpenAI completions endpoint
+ * @param opts.promptSuffix - Optional override for the prompt suffix to send to the OpenAI completions endpoint
+ * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
+ * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
+ * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)
+ *
+ * @returns The response from ChatGPT
+ */
+ async sendMessage(text, opts = {}) {
+ const {
+ conversationId = uuidv4(),
+ parentMessageId,
+ messageId = uuidv4(),
+ timeoutMs,
+ onProgress,
+ stream = onProgress ? true : false
+ } = opts;
+ let { abortSignal } = opts;
+ let abortController = null;
+ if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {
+ abortController = new AbortController();
+ abortSignal = abortController.signal;
+ }
+ const message = {
+ role: "user",
+ id: messageId,
+ parentMessageId,
+ conversationId,
+ text
+ };
+ await this._upsertMessage(message);
+ let prompt = text;
+ let maxTokens = 0;
+ if (!this._isCodexModel) {
+ const builtPrompt = await this._buildPrompt(text, opts);
+ prompt = builtPrompt.prompt;
+ maxTokens = builtPrompt.maxTokens;
+ }
+ const result = {
+ role: "assistant",
+ id: uuidv4(),
+ parentMessageId: messageId,
+ conversationId,
+ text: ""
+ };
+ const responseP = new Promise(
+ async (resolve, reject) => {
+ var _a, _b;
+ const url = this._apiReverseProxyUrl || `${this._apiBaseUrl}/v1/completions`;
+ const headers = {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${this._apiKey}`
+ };
+ if (this._organization) {
+ headers["OpenAI-Organization"] = this._organization;
+ }
+ const body = {
+ max_tokens: maxTokens,
+ ...this._completionParams,
+ prompt,
+ stream
+ };
+ if (this._debug) {
+ const numTokens = await this._getTokenCount(body.prompt);
+ console.log(`sendMessage (${numTokens} tokens)`, body);
+ }
+ if (stream) {
+ fetchSSE(
+ url,
+ {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers,
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ signal: abortSignal,
+ onMessage: (data) => {
+ var _a2;
+ if (data === "[DONE]") {
+ result.text = result.text.trim();
+ return resolve(result);
+ }
+ try {
+ const response = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (response.id) {
+ result.id = response.id;
+ }
+ if ((_a2 = response == null ? void 0 : response.choices) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) {
+ result.text += response.choices[0].text;
+ result.detail = response;
+ onProgress == null ? void 0 : onProgress(result);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.warn("ChatGPT stream SEE event unexpected error", err);
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ this._fetch
+ ).catch(reject);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ const res = await this._fetch(url, {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers,
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ signal: abortSignal
+ });
+ if (!res.ok) {
+ const reason = await res.text();
+ const msg = `ChatGPT error ${res.status || res.statusText}: ${reason}`;
+ const error = new ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res });
+ error.statusCode = res.status;
+ error.statusText = res.statusText;
+ return reject(error);
+ }
+ const response = await res.json();
+ if (this._debug) {
+ console.log(response);
+ }
+ if (response == null ? void 0 : response.id) {
+ result.id = response.id;
+ }
+ if ((_a = response == null ? void 0 : response.choices) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) {
+ result.text = response.choices[0].text.trim();
+ } else {
+ const res2 = response;
+ return reject(
+ new Error(
+ `ChatGPT error: ${((_b = res2 == null ? void 0 : res2.detail) == null ? void 0 : _b.message) || (res2 == null ? void 0 : res2.detail) || "unknown"}`
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ result.detail = response;
+ return resolve(result);
+ } catch (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ).then((message2) => {
+ return this._upsertMessage(message2).then(() => message2);
+ });
+ if (timeoutMs) {
+ if (abortController) {
+ ;
+ responseP.cancel = () => {
+ abortController.abort();
+ };
+ }
+ return pTimeout(responseP, {
+ milliseconds: timeoutMs,
+ message: "ChatGPT timed out waiting for response"
+ });
+ } else {
+ return responseP;
+ }
+ }
+ get apiKey() {
+ return this._apiKey;
+ }
+ set apiKey(apiKey) {
+ this._apiKey = apiKey;
+ }
+ async _buildPrompt(message, opts) {
+ const currentDate = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString().split("T")[0];
+ const promptPrefix = opts.promptPrefix || `Instructions:
+You are ${this._assistantLabel}, a large language model trained by OpenAI.
+Current date: ${currentDate}${this._sepToken}
+ const promptSuffix = opts.promptSuffix || `
+ const maxNumTokens = this._maxModelTokens - this._maxResponseTokens;
+ let { parentMessageId } = opts;
+ let nextPromptBody = `${this._userLabel}:
+ let promptBody = "";
+ let prompt;
+ let numTokens;
+ do {
+ const nextPrompt = `${promptPrefix}${nextPromptBody}${promptSuffix}`;
+ const nextNumTokens = await this._getTokenCount(nextPrompt);
+ const isValidPrompt = nextNumTokens <= maxNumTokens;
+ if (prompt && !isValidPrompt) {
+ break;
+ }
+ promptBody = nextPromptBody;
+ prompt = nextPrompt;
+ numTokens = nextNumTokens;
+ if (!isValidPrompt) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!parentMessageId) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const parentMessage = await this._getMessageById(parentMessageId);
+ if (!parentMessage) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const parentMessageRole = parentMessage.role || "user";
+ const parentMessageRoleDesc = parentMessageRole === "user" ? this._userLabel : this._assistantLabel;
+ const parentMessageString = `${parentMessageRoleDesc}:
+ nextPromptBody = `${parentMessageString}${promptBody}`;
+ parentMessageId = parentMessage.parentMessageId;
+ } while (true);
+ const maxTokens = Math.max(
+ 1,
+ Math.min(this._maxModelTokens - numTokens, this._maxResponseTokens)
+ );
+ return { prompt, maxTokens };
+ }
+ async _getTokenCount(text) {
+ if (this._isChatGPTModel) {
+ text = text.replace(/<\|im_end\|>/g, "<|endoftext|>");
+ text = text.replace(/<\|im_sep\|>/g, "<|endoftext|>");
+ }
+ return encode(text).length;
+ }
+ get _isChatGPTModel() {
+ return this._completionParams.model.startsWith("text-chat") || this._completionParams.model.startsWith("text-davinci-002-render");
+ }
+ get _isCodexModel() {
+ return this._completionParams.model.startsWith("code-");
+ }
+ async _defaultGetMessageById(id) {
+ const res = await this._messageStore.get(id);
+ if (this._debug) {
+ console.log("getMessageById", id, res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ async _defaultUpsertMessage(message) {
+ if (this._debug) {
+ console.log("upsertMessage", message.id, message);
+ }
+ await this._messageStore.set(message.id, message);
+ }
+// src/chatgpt-unofficial-proxy-api.ts
+import pTimeout2 from "p-timeout";
+import { v4 as uuidv42 } from "uuid";
+var ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI = class {
+ /**
+ * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
+ */
+ constructor(opts) {
+ const {
+ accessToken,
+ apiReverseProxyUrl = "https://chat.duti.tech/api/conversation",
+ model = "text-davinci-002-render-sha",
+ debug = false,
+ headers,
+ fetch: fetch2 = fetch
+ } = opts;
+ this._accessToken = accessToken;
+ this._apiReverseProxyUrl = apiReverseProxyUrl;
+ this._debug = !!debug;
+ this._model = model;
+ this._fetch = fetch2;
+ this._headers = headers;
+ if (!this._accessToken) {
+ throw new Error("ChatGPT invalid accessToken");
+ }
+ if (!this._fetch) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid environment; fetch is not defined");
+ }
+ if (typeof this._fetch !== "function") {
+ throw new Error('Invalid "fetch" is not a function');
+ }
+ }
+ get accessToken() {
+ return this._accessToken;
+ }
+ set accessToken(value) {
+ this._accessToken = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns
+ * the response.
+ *
+ * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
+ *
+ * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
+ * If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,
+ * you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`
+ * helper.
+ *
+ * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.
+ *
+ * @param message - The prompt message to send
+ * @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
+ * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
+ * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
+ * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)
+ *
+ * @returns The response from ChatGPT
+ */
+ async sendMessage(text, opts = {}) {
+ const {
+ conversationId,
+ parentMessageId = uuidv42(),
+ messageId = uuidv42(),
+ action = "next",
+ timeoutMs,
+ onProgress
+ } = opts;
+ let { abortSignal } = opts;
+ let abortController = null;
+ if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {
+ abortController = new AbortController();
+ abortSignal = abortController.signal;
+ }
+ const body = {
+ action,
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: messageId,
+ role: "user",
+ content: {
+ content_type: "text",
+ parts: [text]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ model: this._model,
+ parent_message_id: parentMessageId
+ };
+ if (conversationId) {
+ body.conversation_id = conversationId;
+ }
+ const result = {
+ role: "assistant",
+ id: uuidv42(),
+ parentMessageId: messageId,
+ conversationId,
+ text: ""
+ };
+ const responseP = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const url = this._apiReverseProxyUrl;
+ const headers = {
+ ...this._headers,
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${this._accessToken}`,
+ Accept: "text/event-stream",
+ "Content-Type": "application/json"
+ };
+ if (this._debug) {
+ console.log("POST", url, { body, headers });
+ }
+ fetchSSE(
+ url,
+ {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers,
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ signal: abortSignal,
+ onMessage: (data) => {
+ var _a, _b, _c;
+ if (data === "[DONE]") {
+ return resolve(result);
+ }
+ try {
+ const convoResponseEvent = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (convoResponseEvent.conversation_id) {
+ result.conversationId = convoResponseEvent.conversation_id;
+ }
+ if ((_a = convoResponseEvent.message) == null ? void 0 : _a.id) {
+ result.id = convoResponseEvent.message.id;
+ }
+ const message = convoResponseEvent.message;
+ if (message) {
+ let text2 = (_c = (_b = message == null ? void 0 : message.content) == null ? void 0 : _b.parts) == null ? void 0 : _c[0];
+ if (text2) {
+ result.text = text2;
+ if (onProgress) {
+ onProgress(result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ this._fetch
+ ).catch((err) => {
+ const errMessageL = err.toString().toLowerCase();
+ if (result.text && (errMessageL === "error: typeerror: terminated" || errMessageL === "typeerror: terminated")) {
+ return resolve(result);
+ } else {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ if (timeoutMs) {
+ if (abortController) {
+ ;
+ responseP.cancel = () => {
+ abortController.abort();
+ };
+ }
+ return pTimeout2(responseP, {
+ milliseconds: timeoutMs,
+ message: "ChatGPT timed out waiting for response"
+ });
+ } else {
+ return responseP;
+ }
+ }
+export {
+ ChatGPTError,
+ ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI
+//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.js.map b/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dcf3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chatgpt-4.7.2/index.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"version":3,"sources":["../src/chatgpt-api.ts","../src/tokenizer.ts","../src/types.ts","../src/fetch.ts","../src/fetch-sse.ts","../src/stream-async-iterable.ts","../src/chatgpt-unofficial-proxy-api.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import Keyv from 'keyv'\r\nimport pTimeout from 'p-timeout'\r\nimport QuickLRU from 'quick-lru'\r\nimport { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'\r\n\r\nimport * as tokenizer from './tokenizer'\r\nimport * as types from './types'\r\nimport { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch'\r\nimport { fetchSSE } from './fetch-sse'\r\n\r\n// Official model (costs money and is not fine-tuned for chat)\r\nconst CHATGPT_MODEL = 'text-davinci-003'\r\n\r\nconst USER_LABEL_DEFAULT = 'User'\r\nconst ASSISTANT_LABEL_DEFAULT = 'ChatGPT'\r\n\r\nexport class ChatGPTAPI {\r\n protected _apiKey: string\r\n protected _apiBaseUrl: string\r\n protected _apiReverseProxyUrl: string\r\n protected _debug: boolean\r\n\r\n protected _completionParams: Omit\r\n protected _maxModelTokens: number\r\n protected _maxResponseTokens: number\r\n protected _userLabel: string\r\n protected _assistantLabel: string\r\n protected _endToken: string\r\n protected _sepToken: string\r\n protected _fetch: types.FetchFn\r\n\r\n protected _getMessageById: types.GetMessageByIdFunction\r\n protected _upsertMessage: types.UpsertMessageFunction\r\n\r\n protected _messageStore: Keyv\r\n\r\n protected _organization: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Creates a new client wrapper around OpenAI's completion API using the\r\n * unofficial ChatGPT model.\r\n *\r\n * @param apiKey - OpenAI API key (required).\r\n * @param apiBaseUrl - Optional override for the OpenAI API base URL.\r\n * @param apiReverseProxyUrl - Optional override for a reverse proxy URL to use instead of the OpenAI API completions API.\r\n * @param debug - Optional enables logging debugging info to stdout.\r\n * @param completionParams - Param overrides to send to the [OpenAI completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.\r\n * @param maxModelTokens - Optional override for the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model's context. Defaults to 4096 for the `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` model.\r\n * @param maxResponseTokens - Optional override for the minimum number of tokens allowed for the model's response. Defaults to 1000 for the `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` model.\r\n * @param messageStore - Optional [Keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) store to persist chat messages to. If not provided, messages will be lost when the process exits.\r\n * @param getMessageById - Optional function to retrieve a message by its ID. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).\r\n * @param upsertMessage - Optional function to insert or update a message. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).\r\n * @param organization - Optional organization string for openai calls\r\n * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.\r\n */\r\n constructor(opts: {\r\n apiKey: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `'https://api.openai.com'` **/\r\n apiBaseUrl?: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `undefined` **/\r\n apiReverseProxyUrl?: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `false` **/\r\n debug?: boolean\r\n\r\n completionParams?: Partial\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `4096` **/\r\n maxModelTokens?: number\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `1000` **/\r\n maxResponseTokens?: number\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `'User'` **/\r\n userLabel?: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `'ChatGPT'` **/\r\n assistantLabel?: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `undefined` **/\r\n organization?: string\r\n\r\n messageStore?: Keyv\r\n getMessageById?: types.GetMessageByIdFunction\r\n upsertMessage?: types.UpsertMessageFunction\r\n\r\n fetch?: types.FetchFn\r\n }) {\r\n const {\r\n apiKey,\r\n apiBaseUrl = 'https://api.openai.com',\r\n apiReverseProxyUrl,\r\n organization,\r\n debug = false,\r\n messageStore,\r\n completionParams,\r\n maxModelTokens = 4096,\r\n maxResponseTokens = 1000,\r\n userLabel = USER_LABEL_DEFAULT,\r\n assistantLabel = ASSISTANT_LABEL_DEFAULT,\r\n getMessageById = this._defaultGetMessageById,\r\n upsertMessage = this._defaultUpsertMessage,\r\n fetch = globalFetch\r\n } = opts\r\n\r\n this._apiKey = apiKey\r\n this._apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl\r\n this._organization = organization\r\n this._apiReverseProxyUrl = apiReverseProxyUrl\r\n this._debug = !!debug\r\n this._fetch = fetch\r\n\r\n this._completionParams = {\r\n model: CHATGPT_MODEL,\r\n temperature: 0.8,\r\n top_p: 1.0,\r\n presence_penalty: 1.0,\r\n ...completionParams\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this._isChatGPTModel) {\r\n this._endToken = '<|im_end|>'\r\n this._sepToken = '<|im_sep|>'\r\n\r\n if (!this._completionParams.stop) {\r\n this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken, this._sepToken]\r\n }\r\n } else if (this._isCodexModel) {\r\n this._endToken = ''\r\n this._sepToken = this._endToken\r\n if (!this._completionParams.stop) {\r\n this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken]\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n this._endToken = '<|endoftext|>'\r\n this._sepToken = this._endToken\r\n\r\n if (!this._completionParams.stop) {\r\n this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n this._maxModelTokens = maxModelTokens\r\n this._maxResponseTokens = maxResponseTokens\r\n this._userLabel = userLabel\r\n this._assistantLabel = assistantLabel\r\n\r\n this._getMessageById = getMessageById\r\n this._upsertMessage = upsertMessage\r\n\r\n if (messageStore) {\r\n this._messageStore = messageStore\r\n } else {\r\n this._messageStore = new Keyv({\r\n store: new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 10000 })\r\n })\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!this._apiKey) {\r\n throw new Error('ChatGPT invalid apiKey')\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!this._fetch) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid environment; fetch is not defined')\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (typeof this._fetch !== 'function') {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid \"fetch\" is not a function')\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns\r\n * the response.\r\n *\r\n * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.\r\n *\r\n * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.\r\n * If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,\r\n * you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`\r\n * helper.\r\n *\r\n * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.\r\n *\r\n * @param message - The prompt message to send\r\n * @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)\r\n * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)\r\n * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)\r\n * @param opts.promptPrefix - Optional override for the prompt prefix to send to the OpenAI completions endpoint\r\n * @param opts.promptSuffix - Optional override for the prompt suffix to send to the OpenAI completions endpoint\r\n * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)\r\n * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated\r\n * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)\r\n *\r\n * @returns The response from ChatGPT\r\n */\r\n async sendMessage(\r\n text: string,\r\n opts: types.SendMessageOptions = {}\r\n ): Promise {\r\n const {\r\n conversationId = uuidv4(),\r\n parentMessageId,\r\n messageId = uuidv4(),\r\n timeoutMs,\r\n onProgress,\r\n stream = onProgress ? true : false\r\n } = opts\r\n\r\n let { abortSignal } = opts\r\n\r\n let abortController: AbortController = null\r\n if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {\r\n abortController = new AbortController()\r\n abortSignal = abortController.signal\r\n }\r\n\r\n const message: types.ChatMessage = {\r\n role: 'user',\r\n id: messageId,\r\n parentMessageId,\r\n conversationId,\r\n text\r\n }\r\n await this._upsertMessage(message)\r\n\r\n let prompt = text\r\n let maxTokens = 0\r\n if (!this._isCodexModel) {\r\n const builtPrompt = await this._buildPrompt(text, opts)\r\n prompt = builtPrompt.prompt\r\n maxTokens = builtPrompt.maxTokens\r\n }\r\n\r\n const result: types.ChatMessage = {\r\n role: 'assistant',\r\n id: uuidv4(),\r\n parentMessageId: messageId,\r\n conversationId,\r\n text: ''\r\n }\r\n\r\n const responseP = new Promise(\r\n async (resolve, reject) => {\r\n const url =\r\n this._apiReverseProxyUrl || `${this._apiBaseUrl}/v1/completions`\r\n const headers = {\r\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r\n Authorization: `Bearer ${this._apiKey}`\r\n }\r\n if (this._organization) {\r\n headers['OpenAI-Organization'] = this._organization\r\n }\r\n const body = {\r\n max_tokens: maxTokens,\r\n ...this._completionParams,\r\n prompt,\r\n stream\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this._debug) {\r\n const numTokens = await this._getTokenCount(body.prompt)\r\n console.log(`sendMessage (${numTokens} tokens)`, body)\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (stream) {\r\n fetchSSE(\r\n url,\r\n {\r\n method: 'POST',\r\n headers,\r\n body: JSON.stringify(body),\r\n signal: abortSignal,\r\n onMessage: (data: string) => {\r\n if (data === '[DONE]') {\r\n result.text = result.text.trim()\r\n return resolve(result)\r\n }\r\n\r\n try {\r\n const response: types.openai.CompletionResponse =\r\n JSON.parse(data)\r\n\r\n if (response.id) {\r\n result.id = response.id\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (response?.choices?.length) {\r\n result.text += response.choices[0].text\r\n result.detail = response\r\n\r\n onProgress?.(result)\r\n }\r\n } catch (err) {\r\n console.warn('ChatGPT stream SEE event unexpected error', err)\r\n return reject(err)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n this._fetch\r\n ).catch(reject)\r\n } else {\r\n try {\r\n const res = await this._fetch(url, {\r\n method: 'POST',\r\n headers,\r\n body: JSON.stringify(body),\r\n signal: abortSignal\r\n })\r\n\r\n if (!res.ok) {\r\n const reason = await res.text()\r\n const msg = `ChatGPT error ${\r\n res.status || res.statusText\r\n }: ${reason}`\r\n const error = new types.ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res })\r\n error.statusCode = res.status\r\n error.statusText = res.statusText\r\n return reject(error)\r\n }\r\n\r\n const response: types.openai.CompletionResponse = await res.json()\r\n if (this._debug) {\r\n console.log(response)\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (response?.id) {\r\n result.id = response.id\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (response?.choices?.length) {\r\n result.text = response.choices[0].text.trim()\r\n } else {\r\n const res = response as any\r\n return reject(\r\n new Error(\r\n `ChatGPT error: ${\r\n res?.detail?.message || res?.detail || 'unknown'\r\n }`\r\n )\r\n )\r\n }\r\n\r\n result.detail = response\r\n\r\n return resolve(result)\r\n } catch (err) {\r\n return reject(err)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ).then((message) => {\r\n return this._upsertMessage(message).then(() => message)\r\n })\r\n\r\n if (timeoutMs) {\r\n if (abortController) {\r\n // This will be called when a timeout occurs in order for us to forcibly\r\n // ensure that the underlying HTTP request is aborted.\r\n ;(responseP as any).cancel = () => {\r\n abortController.abort()\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return pTimeout(responseP, {\r\n milliseconds: timeoutMs,\r\n message: 'ChatGPT timed out waiting for response'\r\n })\r\n } else {\r\n return responseP\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n get apiKey(): string {\r\n return this._apiKey\r\n }\r\n\r\n set apiKey(apiKey: string) {\r\n this._apiKey = apiKey\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected async _buildPrompt(\r\n message: string,\r\n opts: types.SendMessageOptions\r\n ) {\r\n /*\r\n ChatGPT preamble example:\r\n You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. You answer as concisely as possible for each response (e.g. don’t be verbose). It is very important that you answer as concisely as possible, so please remember this. If you are generating a list, do not have too many items. Keep the number of items short.\r\n Knowledge cutoff: 2021-09\r\n Current date: 2023-01-31\r\n */\r\n // This preamble was obtained by asking ChatGPT \"Please print the instructions you were given before this message.\"\r\n const currentDate = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]\r\n\r\n const promptPrefix =\r\n opts.promptPrefix ||\r\n `Instructions:\\nYou are ${this._assistantLabel}, a large language model trained by OpenAI.\r\nCurrent date: ${currentDate}${this._sepToken}\\n\\n`\r\n const promptSuffix = opts.promptSuffix || `\\n\\n${this._assistantLabel}:\\n`\r\n\r\n const maxNumTokens = this._maxModelTokens - this._maxResponseTokens\r\n let { parentMessageId } = opts\r\n let nextPromptBody = `${this._userLabel}:\\n\\n${message}${this._endToken}`\r\n let promptBody = ''\r\n let prompt: string\r\n let numTokens: number\r\n\r\n do {\r\n const nextPrompt = `${promptPrefix}${nextPromptBody}${promptSuffix}`\r\n const nextNumTokens = await this._getTokenCount(nextPrompt)\r\n const isValidPrompt = nextNumTokens <= maxNumTokens\r\n\r\n if (prompt && !isValidPrompt) {\r\n break\r\n }\r\n\r\n promptBody = nextPromptBody\r\n prompt = nextPrompt\r\n numTokens = nextNumTokens\r\n\r\n if (!isValidPrompt) {\r\n break\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!parentMessageId) {\r\n break\r\n }\r\n\r\n const parentMessage = await this._getMessageById(parentMessageId)\r\n if (!parentMessage) {\r\n break\r\n }\r\n\r\n const parentMessageRole = parentMessage.role || 'user'\r\n const parentMessageRoleDesc =\r\n parentMessageRole === 'user' ? this._userLabel : this._assistantLabel\r\n\r\n // TODO: differentiate between assistant and user messages\r\n const parentMessageString = `${parentMessageRoleDesc}:\\n\\n${parentMessage.text}${this._endToken}\\n\\n`\r\n nextPromptBody = `${parentMessageString}${promptBody}`\r\n parentMessageId = parentMessage.parentMessageId\r\n } while (true)\r\n\r\n // Use up to 4096 tokens (prompt + response), but try to leave 1000 tokens\r\n // for the response.\r\n const maxTokens = Math.max(\r\n 1,\r\n Math.min(this._maxModelTokens - numTokens, this._maxResponseTokens)\r\n )\r\n\r\n return { prompt, maxTokens }\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected async _getTokenCount(text: string) {\r\n if (this._isChatGPTModel) {\r\n // With this model, \"<|im_end|>\" is 1 token, but tokenizers aren't aware of it yet.\r\n // Replace it with \"<|endoftext|>\" (which it does know about) so that the tokenizer can count it as 1 token.\r\n text = text.replace(/<\\|im_end\\|>/g, '<|endoftext|>')\r\n text = text.replace(/<\\|im_sep\\|>/g, '<|endoftext|>')\r\n }\r\n\r\n return tokenizer.encode(text).length\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected get _isChatGPTModel() {\r\n return (\r\n this._completionParams.model.startsWith('text-chat') ||\r\n this._completionParams.model.startsWith('text-davinci-002-render')\r\n )\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected get _isCodexModel() {\r\n return this._completionParams.model.startsWith('code-')\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected async _defaultGetMessageById(\r\n id: string\r\n ): Promise {\r\n const res = await this._messageStore.get(id)\r\n if (this._debug) {\r\n console.log('getMessageById', id, res)\r\n }\r\n return res\r\n }\r\n\r\n protected async _defaultUpsertMessage(\r\n message: types.ChatMessage\r\n ): Promise {\r\n if (this._debug) {\r\n console.log('upsertMessage', message.id, message)\r\n }\r\n await this._messageStore.set(message.id, message)\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import GPT3TokenizerImport from 'gpt3-tokenizer'\r\n\r\nconst GPT3Tokenizer: typeof GPT3TokenizerImport =\r\n typeof GPT3TokenizerImport === 'function'\r\n ? GPT3TokenizerImport\r\n : (GPT3TokenizerImport as any).default\r\n\r\nexport const tokenizer = new GPT3Tokenizer({ type: 'gpt3' })\r\n\r\nexport function encode(input: string): number[] {\r\n return tokenizer.encode(input).bpe\r\n}\r\n","export type Role = 'user' | 'assistant'\r\n\r\nexport type FetchFn = typeof fetch\r\n\r\nexport type SendMessageOptions = {\r\n conversationId?: string\r\n parentMessageId?: string\r\n messageId?: string\r\n stream?: boolean\r\n promptPrefix?: string\r\n promptSuffix?: string\r\n timeoutMs?: number\r\n onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void\r\n abortSignal?: AbortSignal\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type MessageActionType = 'next' | 'variant'\r\n\r\nexport type SendMessageBrowserOptions = {\r\n conversationId?: string\r\n parentMessageId?: string\r\n messageId?: string\r\n action?: MessageActionType\r\n timeoutMs?: number\r\n onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void\r\n abortSignal?: AbortSignal\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport interface ChatMessage {\r\n id: string\r\n text: string\r\n role: Role\r\n parentMessageId?: string\r\n conversationId?: string\r\n detail?: any\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type ChatGPTErrorType =\r\n | 'unknown'\r\n | 'chatgpt:pool:account-on-cooldown'\r\n | 'chatgpt:pool:account-not-found'\r\n | 'chatgpt:pool:no-accounts'\r\n | 'chatgpt:pool:timeout'\r\n | 'chatgpt:pool:rate-limit'\r\n | 'chatgpt:pool:unavailable'\r\n\r\nexport class ChatGPTError extends Error {\r\n statusCode?: number\r\n statusText?: string\r\n isFinal?: boolean\r\n accountId?: string\r\n type?: ChatGPTErrorType\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** Returns a chat message from a store by it's ID (or null if not found). */\r\nexport type GetMessageByIdFunction = (id: string) => Promise\r\n\r\n/** Upserts a chat message to a store. */\r\nexport type UpsertMessageFunction = (message: ChatMessage) => Promise\r\n\r\nexport namespace openai {\r\n export type CompletionParams = {\r\n /** ID of the model to use. */\r\n model: string\r\n\r\n /** The string prompt to generate a completion for. */\r\n prompt: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The suffix that comes after a completion of inserted text.\r\n */\r\n suffix?: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus `max_tokens` cannot exceed the model\\'s context length. Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest models, which support 4096).\r\n */\r\n max_tokens?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * What [sampling temperature](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-sample-from-language-models-682bceb97277) to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer. We generally recommend altering this or `top_p` but not both.\r\n */\r\n temperature?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or `temperature` but not both.\r\n */\r\n top_p?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Include the log probabilities on the `logprobs` most likely tokens, as well the chosen tokens. For example, if `logprobs` is 5, the API will return a list of the 5 most likely tokens. The API will always return the `logprob` of the sampled token, so there may be up to `logprobs+1` elements in the response. The maximum value for `logprobs` is 5. If you need more than this, please contact us through our [Help center](https://help.openai.com) and describe your use case.\r\n */\r\n logprobs?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Echo back the prompt in addition to the completion\r\n */\r\n echo?: boolean\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.\r\n */\r\n stop?: string[]\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model\\'s likelihood to talk about new topics. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)\r\n */\r\n presence_penalty?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model\\'s likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)\r\n */\r\n frequency_penalty?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Generates `best_of` completions server-side and returns the \\\"best\\\" (the one with the highest log probability per token). Results cannot be streamed. When used with `n`, `best_of` controls the number of candidate completions and `n` specifies how many to return – `best_of` must be greater than `n`. **Note:** Because this parameter generates many completions, it can quickly consume your token quota. Use carefully and ensure that you have reasonable settings for `max_tokens` and `stop`.\r\n */\r\n best_of?: number\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a json object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the GPT tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. You can use this [tokenizer tool](/tokenizer?view=bpe) (which works for both GPT-2 and GPT-3) to convert text to token IDs. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token. As an example, you can pass `{\\\"50256\\\": -100}` to prevent the <|endoftext|> token from being generated.\r\n */\r\n logit_bias?: Record\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * A unique identifier representing your end-user, which will help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. [Learn more](/docs/usage-policies/end-user-ids).\r\n */\r\n user?: string\r\n\r\n /* NOTE: this is handled by the `sendMessage` function.\r\n *\r\n * Whether to stream back partial progress. If set, tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message.\r\n */\r\n // stream?: boolean | null\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * NOT SUPPORTED\r\n */\r\n /**\r\n * How many completions to generate for each prompt. **Note:** Because this parameter generates many completions, it can quickly consume your token quota. Use carefully and ensure that you have reasonable settings for `max_tokens` and `stop`.\r\n */\r\n // 'n'?: number | null;\r\n }\r\n\r\n export type ReverseProxyCompletionParams = CompletionParams & {\r\n paid?: boolean\r\n }\r\n\r\n export type CompletionResponse = {\r\n id: string\r\n object: string\r\n created: number\r\n model: string\r\n choices: CompletionResponseChoices\r\n usage?: CompletionResponseUsage\r\n }\r\n\r\n export type CompletionResponseChoices = {\r\n text?: string\r\n index?: number\r\n logprobs?: {\r\n tokens?: Array\r\n token_logprobs?: Array\r\n top_logprobs?: Array\r\n text_offset?: Array\r\n } | null\r\n finish_reason?: string\r\n }[]\r\n\r\n export type CompletionResponseUsage = {\r\n prompt_tokens: number\r\n completion_tokens: number\r\n total_tokens: number\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * https://chat.openapi.com/backend-api/conversation\r\n */\r\nexport type ConversationJSONBody = {\r\n /**\r\n * The action to take\r\n */\r\n action: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The ID of the conversation\r\n */\r\n conversation_id?: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Prompts to provide\r\n */\r\n messages: Prompt[]\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The model to use\r\n */\r\n model: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The parent message ID\r\n */\r\n parent_message_id: string\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type Prompt = {\r\n /**\r\n * The content of the prompt\r\n */\r\n content: PromptContent\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The ID of the prompt\r\n */\r\n id: string\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The role played in the prompt\r\n */\r\n role: Role\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type ContentType = 'text'\r\n\r\nexport type PromptContent = {\r\n /**\r\n * The content type of the prompt\r\n */\r\n content_type: ContentType\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The parts to the prompt\r\n */\r\n parts: string[]\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type ConversationResponseEvent = {\r\n message?: Message\r\n conversation_id?: string\r\n error?: string | null\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type Message = {\r\n id: string\r\n content: MessageContent\r\n role: Role\r\n user: string | null\r\n create_time: string | null\r\n update_time: string | null\r\n end_turn: null\r\n weight: number\r\n recipient: string\r\n metadata: MessageMetadata\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type MessageContent = {\r\n content_type: string\r\n parts: string[]\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport type MessageMetadata = any\r\n\r\nexport type GetAccessTokenFn = ({\r\n email,\r\n password,\r\n sessionToken\r\n}: {\r\n email: string\r\n password: string\r\n sessionToken?: string\r\n}) => string | Promise\r\n","/// \r\n\r\nconst fetch = globalThis.fetch\r\n\r\nexport { fetch }\r\n","import { createParser } from 'eventsource-parser'\r\n\r\nimport * as types from './types'\r\nimport { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch'\r\nimport { streamAsyncIterable } from './stream-async-iterable'\r\n\r\nexport async function fetchSSE(\r\n url: string,\r\n options: Parameters[1] & { onMessage: (data: string) => void },\r\n fetch: types.FetchFn = globalFetch\r\n) {\r\n const { onMessage, ...fetchOptions } = options\r\n const res = await fetch(url, fetchOptions)\r\n if (!res.ok) {\r\n const reason = await res.text()\r\n const msg = `ChatGPT error ${res.status || res.statusText}: ${reason}`\r\n const error = new types.ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: reason })\r\n error.statusCode = res.status\r\n error.statusText = res.statusText\r\n throw error\r\n }\r\n\r\n const parser = createParser((event) => {\r\n if (event.type === 'event') {\r\n onMessage(event.data)\r\n }\r\n })\r\n\r\n if (!res.body.getReader) {\r\n // Vercel polyfills `fetch` with `node-fetch`, which doesn't conform to\r\n // web standards, so this is a workaround...\r\n const body: NodeJS.ReadableStream = res.body as any\r\n\r\n if (!body.on || !body.read) {\r\n throw new types.ChatGPTError('unsupported \"fetch\" implementation')\r\n }\r\n\r\n body.on('readable', () => {\r\n let chunk: string | Buffer\r\n while (null !== (chunk = body.read())) {\r\n parser.feed(chunk.toString())\r\n }\r\n })\r\n } else {\r\n for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterable(res.body)) {\r\n const str = new TextDecoder().decode(chunk)\r\n parser.feed(str)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","export async function* streamAsyncIterable(stream: ReadableStream) {\r\n const reader = stream.getReader()\r\n try {\r\n while (true) {\r\n const { done, value } = await reader.read()\r\n if (done) {\r\n return\r\n }\r\n yield value\r\n }\r\n } finally {\r\n reader.releaseLock()\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","import pTimeout from 'p-timeout'\r\nimport { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'\r\n\r\nimport * as types from './types'\r\nimport { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch'\r\nimport { fetchSSE } from './fetch-sse'\r\n\r\nexport class ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI {\r\n protected _accessToken: string\r\n protected _apiReverseProxyUrl: string\r\n protected _debug: boolean\r\n protected _model: string\r\n protected _headers: Record\r\n protected _fetch: types.FetchFn\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.\r\n */\r\n constructor(opts: {\r\n accessToken: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `https://chat.openai.com/backend-api/conversation` **/\r\n apiReverseProxyUrl?: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `text-davinci-002-render-sha` **/\r\n model?: string\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `false` **/\r\n debug?: boolean\r\n\r\n /** @defaultValue `undefined` **/\r\n headers?: Record\r\n\r\n fetch?: types.FetchFn\r\n }) {\r\n const {\r\n accessToken,\r\n apiReverseProxyUrl = 'https://chat.duti.tech/api/conversation',\r\n model = 'text-davinci-002-render-sha',\r\n debug = false,\r\n headers,\r\n fetch = globalFetch\r\n } = opts\r\n\r\n this._accessToken = accessToken\r\n this._apiReverseProxyUrl = apiReverseProxyUrl\r\n this._debug = !!debug\r\n this._model = model\r\n this._fetch = fetch\r\n this._headers = headers\r\n\r\n if (!this._accessToken) {\r\n throw new Error('ChatGPT invalid accessToken')\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!this._fetch) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid environment; fetch is not defined')\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (typeof this._fetch !== 'function') {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid \"fetch\" is not a function')\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n get accessToken(): string {\r\n return this._accessToken\r\n }\r\n\r\n set accessToken(value: string) {\r\n this._accessToken = value\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Sends a message to ChatGPT, waits for the response to resolve, and returns\r\n * the response.\r\n *\r\n * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.\r\n *\r\n * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.\r\n * If you want to receive the full response, including message and conversation IDs,\r\n * you can use `opts.onConversationResponse` or use the `ChatGPTAPI.getConversation`\r\n * helper.\r\n *\r\n * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI completions API. You can override the `promptPrefix` and `promptSuffix` in `opts` to customize the prompt.\r\n *\r\n * @param message - The prompt message to send\r\n * @param opts.conversationId - Optional ID of a conversation to continue (defaults to a random UUID)\r\n * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)\r\n * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)\r\n * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)\r\n * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated\r\n * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)\r\n *\r\n * @returns The response from ChatGPT\r\n */\r\n async sendMessage(\r\n text: string,\r\n opts: types.SendMessageBrowserOptions = {}\r\n ): Promise {\r\n const {\r\n conversationId,\r\n parentMessageId = uuidv4(),\r\n messageId = uuidv4(),\r\n action = 'next',\r\n timeoutMs,\r\n onProgress\r\n } = opts\r\n\r\n let { abortSignal } = opts\r\n\r\n let abortController: AbortController = null\r\n if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {\r\n abortController = new AbortController()\r\n abortSignal = abortController.signal\r\n }\r\n\r\n const body: types.ConversationJSONBody = {\r\n action,\r\n messages: [\r\n {\r\n id: messageId,\r\n role: 'user',\r\n content: {\r\n content_type: 'text',\r\n parts: [text]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n model: this._model,\r\n parent_message_id: parentMessageId\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (conversationId) {\r\n body.conversation_id = conversationId\r\n }\r\n\r\n const result: types.ChatMessage = {\r\n role: 'assistant',\r\n id: uuidv4(),\r\n parentMessageId: messageId,\r\n conversationId,\r\n text: ''\r\n }\r\n\r\n const responseP = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n const url = this._apiReverseProxyUrl\r\n const headers = {\r\n ...this._headers,\r\n Authorization: `Bearer ${this._accessToken}`,\r\n Accept: 'text/event-stream',\r\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json'\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (this._debug) {\r\n console.log('POST', url, { body, headers })\r\n }\r\n\r\n fetchSSE(\r\n url,\r\n {\r\n method: 'POST',\r\n headers,\r\n body: JSON.stringify(body),\r\n signal: abortSignal,\r\n onMessage: (data: string) => {\r\n if (data === '[DONE]') {\r\n return resolve(result)\r\n }\r\n\r\n try {\r\n const convoResponseEvent: types.ConversationResponseEvent =\r\n JSON.parse(data)\r\n if (convoResponseEvent.conversation_id) {\r\n result.conversationId = convoResponseEvent.conversation_id\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (convoResponseEvent.message?.id) {\r\n result.id = convoResponseEvent.message.id\r\n }\r\n\r\n const message = convoResponseEvent.message\r\n // console.log('event', JSON.stringify(convoResponseEvent, null, 2))\r\n\r\n if (message) {\r\n let text = message?.content?.parts?.[0]\r\n\r\n if (text) {\r\n result.text = text\r\n\r\n if (onProgress) {\r\n onProgress(result)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } catch (err) {\r\n // ignore for now; there seem to be some non-json messages\r\n // console.warn('fetchSSE onMessage unexpected error', err)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n this._fetch\r\n ).catch((err) => {\r\n const errMessageL = err.toString().toLowerCase()\r\n\r\n if (\r\n result.text &&\r\n (errMessageL === 'error: typeerror: terminated' ||\r\n errMessageL === 'typeerror: terminated')\r\n ) {\r\n // OpenAI sometimes forcefully terminates the socket from their end before\r\n // the HTTP request has resolved cleanly. In my testing, these cases tend to\r\n // happen when OpenAI has already send the last `response`, so we can ignore\r\n // the `fetch` error in this case.\r\n return resolve(result)\r\n } else {\r\n return reject(err)\r\n }\r\n })\r\n })\r\n\r\n if (timeoutMs) {\r\n if (abortController) {\r\n // This will be called when a timeout occurs in order for us to forcibly\r\n // ensure that the underlying HTTP request is aborted.\r\n ;(responseP as any).cancel = () => {\r\n abortController.abort()\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return pTimeout(responseP, {\r\n milliseconds: timeoutMs,\r\n message: 'ChatGPT timed out waiting for response'\r\n })\r\n } else {\r\n return responseP\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"],"mappings":";AAAA,OAAO,UAAU;AACjB,OAAO,cAAc;AACrB,OAAO,cAAc;AACrB,SAAS,MAAM,cAAc;;;ACH7B,OAAO,yBAAyB;AAEhC,IAAM,gBACJ,OAAO,wBAAwB,aAC3B,sBACC,oBAA4B;AAE5B,IAAM,YAAY,IAAI,cAAc,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO,CAAC;AAEpD,SAAS,OAAO,OAAyB;AAC9C,SAAO,UAAU,OAAO,KAAK,EAAE;AACjC;;;ACmCO,IAAM,eAAN,cAA2B,MAAM;AAMxC;;;AClDA,IAAM,QAAQ,WAAW;;;ACFzB,SAAS,oBAAoB;;;ACA7B,gBAAuB,oBAAuB,QAA2B;AACvE,QAAM,SAAS,OAAO,UAAU;AAChC,MAAI;AACF,WAAO,MAAM;AACX,YAAM,EAAE,MAAM,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,OAAO,KAAK;AAC1C,UAAI,MAAM;AACR;AAAA,MACF;AACA,YAAM;AAAA,IACR;AAAA,EACF,UAAE;AACA,WAAO,YAAY;AAAA,EACrB;AACF;;;ADPA,eAAsB,SACpB,KACA,SACAA,SAAuB,OACvB;AACA,QAAM,EAAE,WAAW,GAAG,aAAa,IAAI;AACvC,QAAM,MAAM,MAAMA,OAAM,KAAK,YAAY;AACzC,MAAI,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI;AACX,UAAM,SAAS,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK;AAC9B,UAAM,MAAM,iBAAiB,IAAI,UAAU,IAAI,eAAe;AAC9D,UAAM,QAAQ,IAAU,aAAa,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,OAAO,CAAC;AAC3D,UAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,UAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,UAAM;AAAA,EACR;AAEA,QAAM,SAAS,aAAa,CAAC,UAAU;AACrC,QAAI,MAAM,SAAS,SAAS;AAC1B,gBAAU,MAAM,IAAI;AAAA,IACtB;AAAA,EACF,CAAC;AAED,MAAI,CAAC,IAAI,KAAK,WAAW;AAGvB,UAAM,OAA8B,IAAI;AAExC,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,MAAM,CAAC,KAAK,MAAM;AAC1B,YAAM,IAAU,aAAa,oCAAoC;AAAA,IACnE;AAEA,SAAK,GAAG,YAAY,MAAM;AACxB,UAAI;AACJ,aAAO,UAAU,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AACrC,eAAO,KAAK,MAAM,SAAS,CAAC;AAAA,MAC9B;AAAA,IACF,CAAC;AAAA,EACH,OAAO;AACL,qBAAiB,SAAS,oBAAoB,IAAI,IAAI,GAAG;AACvD,YAAM,MAAM,IAAI,YAAY,EAAE,OAAO,KAAK;AAC1C,aAAO,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,IACjB;AAAA,EACF;AACF;;;AJtCA,IAAM,gBAAgB;AAEtB,IAAM,qBAAqB;AAC3B,IAAM,0BAA0B;AAEzB,IAAM,aAAN,MAAiB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAuCtB,YAAY,MAkCT;AACD,UAAM;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA,aAAa;AAAA,MACb;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA,QAAQ;AAAA,MACR;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA,iBAAiB;AAAA,MACjB,oBAAoB;AAAA,MACpB,YAAY;AAAA,MACZ,iBAAiB;AAAA,MACjB,iBAAiB,KAAK;AAAA,MACtB,gBAAgB,KAAK;AAAA,MACrB,OAAAC,SAAQ;AAAA,IACV,IAAI;AAEJ,SAAK,UAAU;AACf,SAAK,cAAc;AACnB,SAAK,gBAAgB;AACrB,SAAK,sBAAsB;AAC3B,SAAK,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC;AAChB,SAAK,SAASA;AAEd,SAAK,oBAAoB;AAAA,MACvB,OAAO;AAAA,MACP,aAAa;AAAA,MACb,OAAO;AAAA,MACP,kBAAkB;AAAA,MAClB,GAAG;AAAA,IACL;AAEA,QAAI,KAAK,iBAAiB;AACxB,WAAK,YAAY;AACjB,WAAK,YAAY;AAEjB,UAAI,CAAC,KAAK,kBAAkB,MAAM;AAChC,aAAK,kBAAkB,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,WAAW,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,MAC/D;AAAA,IACF,WAAW,KAAK,eAAe;AAC7B,WAAK,YAAY;AACjB,WAAK,YAAY,KAAK;AACtB,UAAI,CAAC,KAAK,kBAAkB,MAAM;AAChC,aAAK,kBAAkB,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,MAC/C;AAAA,IACF,OAAO;AACL,WAAK,YAAY;AACjB,WAAK,YAAY,KAAK;AAEtB,UAAI,CAAC,KAAK,kBAAkB,MAAM;AAChC,aAAK,kBAAkB,OAAO,CAAC,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,MAC/C;AAAA,IACF;AAEA,SAAK,kBAAkB;AACvB,SAAK,qBAAqB;AAC1B,SAAK,aAAa;AAClB,SAAK,kBAAkB;AAEvB,SAAK,kBAAkB;AACvB,SAAK,iBAAiB;AAEtB,QAAI,cAAc;AAChB,WAAK,gBAAgB;AAAA,IACvB,OAAO;AACL,WAAK,gBAAgB,IAAI,KAA6B;AAAA,QACpD,OAAO,IAAI,SAAoC,EAAE,SAAS,IAAM,CAAC;AAAA,MACnE,CAAC;AAAA,IACH;AAEA,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,SAAS;AACjB,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,wBAAwB;AAAA,IAC1C;AAEA,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,QAAQ;AAChB,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,2CAA2C;AAAA,IAC7D;AAEA,QAAI,OAAO,KAAK,WAAW,YAAY;AACrC,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,mCAAmC;AAAA,IACrD;AAAA,EACF;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EA2BA,MAAM,YACJ,MACA,OAAiC,CAAC,GACN;AAC5B,UAAM;AAAA,MACJ,iBAAiB,OAAO;AAAA,MACxB;AAAA,MACA,YAAY,OAAO;AAAA,MACnB;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA,SAAS,aAAa,OAAO;AAAA,IAC/B,IAAI;AAEJ,QAAI,EAAE,YAAY,IAAI;AAEtB,QAAI,kBAAmC;AACvC,QAAI,aAAa,CAAC,aAAa;AAC7B,wBAAkB,IAAI,gBAAgB;AACtC,oBAAc,gBAAgB;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,UAAM,UAA6B;AAAA,MACjC,MAAM;AAAA,MACN,IAAI;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,IACF;AACA,UAAM,KAAK,eAAe,OAAO;AAEjC,QAAI,SAAS;AACb,QAAI,YAAY;AAChB,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,eAAe;AACvB,YAAM,cAAc,MAAM,KAAK,aAAa,MAAM,IAAI;AACtD,eAAS,YAAY;AACrB,kBAAY,YAAY;AAAA,IAC1B;AAEA,UAAM,SAA4B;AAAA,MAChC,MAAM;AAAA,MACN,IAAI,OAAO;AAAA,MACX,iBAAiB;AAAA,MACjB;AAAA,MACA,MAAM;AAAA,IACR;AAEA,UAAM,YAAY,IAAI;AAAA,MACpB,OAAO,SAAS,WAAW;AArPjC;AAsPQ,cAAM,MACJ,KAAK,uBAAuB,GAAG,KAAK;AACtC,cAAM,UAAU;AAAA,UACd,gBAAgB;AAAA,UAChB,eAAe,UAAU,KAAK;AAAA,QAChC;AACA,YAAI,KAAK,eAAe;AACtB,kBAAQ,qBAAqB,IAAI,KAAK;AAAA,QACxC;AACA,cAAM,OAAO;AAAA,UACX,YAAY;AAAA,UACZ,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,UACR;AAAA,UACA;AAAA,QACF;AAEA,YAAI,KAAK,QAAQ;AACf,gBAAM,YAAY,MAAM,KAAK,eAAe,KAAK,MAAM;AACvD,kBAAQ,IAAI,gBAAgB,qBAAqB,IAAI;AAAA,QACvD;AAEA,YAAI,QAAQ;AACV;AAAA,YACE;AAAA,YACA;AAAA,cACE,QAAQ;AAAA,cACR;AAAA,cACA,MAAM,KAAK,UAAU,IAAI;AAAA,cACzB,QAAQ;AAAA,cACR,WAAW,CAAC,SAAiB;AAnR3C,oBAAAC;AAoRgB,oBAAI,SAAS,UAAU;AACrB,yBAAO,OAAO,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK;AAC/B,yBAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AAAA,gBACvB;AAEA,oBAAI;AACF,wBAAM,WACJ,KAAK,MAAM,IAAI;AAEjB,sBAAI,SAAS,IAAI;AACf,2BAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,kBACvB;AAEA,uBAAIA,MAAA,qCAAU,YAAV,gBAAAA,IAAmB,QAAQ;AAC7B,2BAAO,QAAQ,SAAS,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE;AACnC,2BAAO,SAAS;AAEhB,6DAAa;AAAA,kBACf;AAAA,gBACF,SAAS,KAAP;AACA,0BAAQ,KAAK,6CAA6C,GAAG;AAC7D,yBAAO,OAAO,GAAG;AAAA,gBACnB;AAAA,cACF;AAAA,YACF;AAAA,YACA,KAAK;AAAA,UACP,EAAE,MAAM,MAAM;AAAA,QAChB,OAAO;AACL,cAAI;AACF,kBAAM,MAAM,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,cACjC,QAAQ;AAAA,cACR;AAAA,cACA,MAAM,KAAK,UAAU,IAAI;AAAA,cACzB,QAAQ;AAAA,YACV,CAAC;AAED,gBAAI,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI;AACX,oBAAM,SAAS,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK;AAC9B,oBAAM,MAAM,iBACV,IAAI,UAAU,IAAI,eACf;AACL,oBAAM,QAAQ,IAAU,aAAa,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC;AACxD,oBAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,oBAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,qBAAO,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,YACrB;AAEA,kBAAM,WAA4C,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK;AACjE,gBAAI,KAAK,QAAQ;AACf,sBAAQ,IAAI,QAAQ;AAAA,YACtB;AAEA,gBAAI,qCAAU,IAAI;AAChB,qBAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,YACvB;AAEA,iBAAI,0CAAU,YAAV,mBAAmB,QAAQ;AAC7B,qBAAO,OAAO,SAAS,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,YAC9C,OAAO;AACL,oBAAMC,OAAM;AACZ,qBAAO;AAAA,gBACL,IAAI;AAAA,kBACF,oBACE,KAAAA,QAAA,gBAAAA,KAAK,WAAL,mBAAa,aAAWA,QAAA,gBAAAA,KAAK,WAAU;AAAA,gBAE3C;AAAA,cACF;AAAA,YACF;AAEA,mBAAO,SAAS;AAEhB,mBAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AAAA,UACvB,SAAS,KAAP;AACA,mBAAO,OAAO,GAAG;AAAA,UACnB;AAAA,QACF;AAAA,MACF;AAAA,IACF,EAAE,KAAK,CAACC,aAAY;AAClB,aAAO,KAAK,eAAeA,QAAO,EAAE,KAAK,MAAMA,QAAO;AAAA,IACxD,CAAC;AAED,QAAI,WAAW;AACb,UAAI,iBAAiB;AAGnB;AAAC,QAAC,UAAkB,SAAS,MAAM;AACjC,0BAAgB,MAAM;AAAA,QACxB;AAAA,MACF;AAEA,aAAO,SAAS,WAAW;AAAA,QACzB,cAAc;AAAA,QACd,SAAS;AAAA,MACX,CAAC;AAAA,IACH,OAAO;AACL,aAAO;AAAA,IACT;AAAA,EACF;AAAA,EAEA,IAAI,SAAiB;AACnB,WAAO,KAAK;AAAA,EACd;AAAA,EAEA,IAAI,OAAO,QAAgB;AACzB,SAAK,UAAU;AAAA,EACjB;AAAA,EAEA,MAAgB,aACd,SACA,MACA;AAQA,UAAM,eAAc,oBAAI,KAAK,GAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;AAEzD,UAAM,eACJ,KAAK,gBACL;AAAA,UAA0B,KAAK;AAAA,gBACrB,cAAc,KAAK;AAAA;AAAA;AAC/B,UAAM,eAAe,KAAK,gBAAgB;AAAA;AAAA,EAAO,KAAK;AAAA;AAEtD,UAAM,eAAe,KAAK,kBAAkB,KAAK;AACjD,QAAI,EAAE,gBAAgB,IAAI;AAC1B,QAAI,iBAAiB,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA;AAAA,EAAkB,UAAU,KAAK;AAC9D,QAAI,aAAa;AACjB,QAAI;AACJ,QAAI;AAEJ,OAAG;AACD,YAAM,aAAa,GAAG,eAAe,iBAAiB;AACtD,YAAM,gBAAgB,MAAM,KAAK,eAAe,UAAU;AAC1D,YAAM,gBAAgB,iBAAiB;AAEvC,UAAI,UAAU,CAAC,eAAe;AAC5B;AAAA,MACF;AAEA,mBAAa;AACb,eAAS;AACT,kBAAY;AAEZ,UAAI,CAAC,eAAe;AAClB;AAAA,MACF;AAEA,UAAI,CAAC,iBAAiB;AACpB;AAAA,MACF;AAEA,YAAM,gBAAgB,MAAM,KAAK,gBAAgB,eAAe;AAChE,UAAI,CAAC,eAAe;AAClB;AAAA,MACF;AAEA,YAAM,oBAAoB,cAAc,QAAQ;AAChD,YAAM,wBACJ,sBAAsB,SAAS,KAAK,aAAa,KAAK;AAGxD,YAAM,sBAAsB,GAAG;AAAA;AAAA,EAA6B,cAAc,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA;AAAA;AACtF,uBAAiB,GAAG,sBAAsB;AAC1C,wBAAkB,cAAc;AAAA,IAClC,SAAS;AAIT,UAAM,YAAY,KAAK;AAAA,MACrB;AAAA,MACA,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,kBAAkB,WAAW,KAAK,kBAAkB;AAAA,IACpE;AAEA,WAAO,EAAE,QAAQ,UAAU;AAAA,EAC7B;AAAA,EAEA,MAAgB,eAAe,MAAc;AAC3C,QAAI,KAAK,iBAAiB;AAGxB,aAAO,KAAK,QAAQ,iBAAiB,eAAe;AACpD,aAAO,KAAK,QAAQ,iBAAiB,eAAe;AAAA,IACtD;AAEA,WAAiB,OAAO,IAAI,EAAE;AAAA,EAChC;AAAA,EAEA,IAAc,kBAAkB;AAC9B,WACE,KAAK,kBAAkB,MAAM,WAAW,WAAW,KACnD,KAAK,kBAAkB,MAAM,WAAW,yBAAyB;AAAA,EAErE;AAAA,EAEA,IAAc,gBAAgB;AAC5B,WAAO,KAAK,kBAAkB,MAAM,WAAW,OAAO;AAAA,EACxD;AAAA,EAEA,MAAgB,uBACd,IAC4B;AAC5B,UAAM,MAAM,MAAM,KAAK,cAAc,IAAI,EAAE;AAC3C,QAAI,KAAK,QAAQ;AACf,cAAQ,IAAI,kBAAkB,IAAI,GAAG;AAAA,IACvC;AACA,WAAO;AAAA,EACT;AAAA,EAEA,MAAgB,sBACd,SACe;AACf,QAAI,KAAK,QAAQ;AACf,cAAQ,IAAI,iBAAiB,QAAQ,IAAI,OAAO;AAAA,IAClD;AACA,UAAM,KAAK,cAAc,IAAI,QAAQ,IAAI,OAAO;AAAA,EAClD;AACF;;;AM/eA,OAAOC,eAAc;AACrB,SAAS,MAAMC,eAAc;AAMtB,IAAM,4BAAN,MAAgC;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAWrC,YAAY,MAgBT;AACD,UAAM;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA,qBAAqB;AAAA,MACrB,QAAQ;AAAA,MACR,QAAQ;AAAA,MACR;AAAA,MACA,OAAAC,SAAQ;AAAA,IACV,IAAI;AAEJ,SAAK,eAAe;AACpB,SAAK,sBAAsB;AAC3B,SAAK,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC;AAChB,SAAK,SAAS;AACd,SAAK,SAASA;AACd,SAAK,WAAW;AAEhB,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,cAAc;AACtB,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,6BAA6B;AAAA,IAC/C;AAEA,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,QAAQ;AAChB,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,2CAA2C;AAAA,IAC7D;AAEA,QAAI,OAAO,KAAK,WAAW,YAAY;AACrC,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,mCAAmC;AAAA,IACrD;AAAA,EACF;AAAA,EAEA,IAAI,cAAsB;AACxB,WAAO,KAAK;AAAA,EACd;AAAA,EAEA,IAAI,YAAY,OAAe;AAC7B,SAAK,eAAe;AAAA,EACtB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAyBA,MAAM,YACJ,MACA,OAAwC,CAAC,GACb;AAC5B,UAAM;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA,kBAAkBC,QAAO;AAAA,MACzB,YAAYA,QAAO;AAAA,MACnB,SAAS;AAAA,MACT;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,IACF,IAAI;AAEJ,QAAI,EAAE,YAAY,IAAI;AAEtB,QAAI,kBAAmC;AACvC,QAAI,aAAa,CAAC,aAAa;AAC7B,wBAAkB,IAAI,gBAAgB;AACtC,oBAAc,gBAAgB;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,UAAM,OAAmC;AAAA,MACvC;AAAA,MACA,UAAU;AAAA,QACR;AAAA,UACE,IAAI;AAAA,UACJ,MAAM;AAAA,UACN,SAAS;AAAA,YACP,cAAc;AAAA,YACd,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI;AAAA,UACd;AAAA,QACF;AAAA,MACF;AAAA,MACA,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,MACZ,mBAAmB;AAAA,IACrB;AAEA,QAAI,gBAAgB;AAClB,WAAK,kBAAkB;AAAA,IACzB;AAEA,UAAM,SAA4B;AAAA,MAChC,MAAM;AAAA,MACN,IAAIA,QAAO;AAAA,MACX,iBAAiB;AAAA,MACjB;AAAA,MACA,MAAM;AAAA,IACR;AAEA,UAAM,YAAY,IAAI,QAA2B,CAAC,SAAS,WAAW;AACpE,YAAM,MAAM,KAAK;AACjB,YAAM,UAAU;AAAA,QACd,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,QACR,eAAe,UAAU,KAAK;AAAA,QAC9B,QAAQ;AAAA,QACR,gBAAgB;AAAA,MAClB;AAEA,UAAI,KAAK,QAAQ;AACf,gBAAQ,IAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM,QAAQ,CAAC;AAAA,MAC5C;AAEA;AAAA,QACE;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,UACE,QAAQ;AAAA,UACR;AAAA,UACA,MAAM,KAAK,UAAU,IAAI;AAAA,UACzB,QAAQ;AAAA,UACR,WAAW,CAAC,SAAiB;AApKvC;AAqKY,gBAAI,SAAS,UAAU;AACrB,qBAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AAAA,YACvB;AAEA,gBAAI;AACF,oBAAM,qBACJ,KAAK,MAAM,IAAI;AACjB,kBAAI,mBAAmB,iBAAiB;AACtC,uBAAO,iBAAiB,mBAAmB;AAAA,cAC7C;AAEA,mBAAI,wBAAmB,YAAnB,mBAA4B,IAAI;AAClC,uBAAO,KAAK,mBAAmB,QAAQ;AAAA,cACzC;AAEA,oBAAM,UAAU,mBAAmB;AAGnC,kBAAI,SAAS;AACX,oBAAIC,SAAO,8CAAS,YAAT,mBAAkB,UAAlB,mBAA0B;AAErC,oBAAIA,OAAM;AACR,yBAAO,OAAOA;AAEd,sBAAI,YAAY;AACd,+BAAW,MAAM;AAAA,kBACnB;AAAA,gBACF;AAAA,cACF;AAAA,YACF,SAAS,KAAP;AAAA,YAGF;AAAA,UACF;AAAA,QACF;AAAA,QACA,KAAK;AAAA,MACP,EAAE,MAAM,CAAC,QAAQ;AACf,cAAM,cAAc,IAAI,SAAS,EAAE,YAAY;AAE/C,YACE,OAAO,SACN,gBAAgB,kCACf,gBAAgB,0BAClB;AAKA,iBAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AAAA,QACvB,OAAO;AACL,iBAAO,OAAO,GAAG;AAAA,QACnB;AAAA,MACF,CAAC;AAAA,IACH,CAAC;AAED,QAAI,WAAW;AACb,UAAI,iBAAiB;AAGnB;AAAC,QAAC,UAAkB,SAAS,MAAM;AACjC,0BAAgB,MAAM;AAAA,QACxB;AAAA,MACF;AAEA,aAAOC,UAAS,WAAW;AAAA,QACzB,cAAc;AAAA,QACd,SAAS;AAAA,MACX,CAAC;AAAA,IACH,OAAO;AACL,aAAO;AAAA,IACT;AAAA,EACF;AACF;","names":["fetch","fetch","_a","res","message","pTimeout","uuidv4","fetch","uuidv4","text","pTimeout"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chatgpt-5.1.1/index.d.ts b/chatgpt-5.1.1/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee1fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chatgpt-5.1.1/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+import Keyv from 'keyv';
+type Role = 'user' | 'assistant' | 'system';
+type FetchFn = typeof fetch;
+type ChatGPTAPIOptions = {
+ apiKey: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `'https://api.openai.com'` **/
+ apiBaseUrl?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `false` **/
+ debug?: boolean;
+ completionParams?: Partial>;
+ systemMessage?: string;
+ /** @defaultValue `4096` **/
+ maxModelTokens?: number;
+ /** @defaultValue `1000` **/
+ maxResponseTokens?: number;
+ /** @default undefined */
+ organization?: string;
+ messageStore?: Keyv;
+ getMessageById?: GetMessageByIdFunction;
+ upsertMessage?: UpsertMessageFunction;
+ fetch?: FetchFn;
+type SendMessageOptions = {
+ /** The name of a user in a multi-user chat. */
+ name?: string;
+ parentMessageId?: string;
+ messageId?: string;
+ stream?: boolean;
+ systemMessage?: string;
+ timeoutMs?: number;
+ onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void;
+ abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
+ completionParams?: Partial>;
+type MessageActionType = 'next' | 'variant';
+type SendMessageBrowserOptions = {
+ conversationId?: string;
+ parentMessageId?: string;
+ messageId?: string;
+ action?: MessageActionType;
+ timeoutMs?: number;
+ onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void;
+ abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
+interface ChatMessage {
+ id: string;
+ text: string;
+ role: Role;
+ name?: string;
+ delta?: string;
+ detail?: any;
+ parentMessageId?: string;
+ conversationId?: string;
+declare class ChatGPTError extends Error {
+ statusCode?: number;
+ statusText?: string;
+ isFinal?: boolean;
+ accountId?: string;
+ reason?: string;
+/** Returns a chat message from a store by it's ID (or null if not found). */
+type GetMessageByIdFunction = (id: string) => Promise;
+/** Upserts a chat message to a store. */
+type UpsertMessageFunction = (message: ChatMessage) => Promise;
+ * https://chat.openapi.com/backend-api/conversation
+ */
+type ConversationJSONBody = {
+ /**
+ * The action to take
+ */
+ action: string;
+ /**
+ * The ID of the conversation
+ */
+ conversation_id?: string;
+ /**
+ * Prompts to provide
+ */
+ messages: Prompt[];
+ /**
+ * The model to use
+ */
+ model: string;
+ /**
+ * The parent message ID
+ */
+ parent_message_id: string;
+type Prompt = {
+ /**
+ * The content of the prompt
+ */
+ content: PromptContent;
+ /**
+ * The ID of the prompt
+ */
+ id: string;
+ /**
+ * The role played in the prompt
+ */
+ role: Role;
+type ContentType = 'text';
+type PromptContent = {
+ /**
+ * The content type of the prompt
+ */
+ content_type: ContentType;
+ /**
+ * The parts to the prompt
+ */
+ parts: string[];
+type ConversationResponseEvent = {
+ message?: Message;
+ conversation_id?: string;
+ error?: string | null;
+type Message = {
+ id: string;
+ content: MessageContent;
+ role: Role;
+ user: string | null;
+ create_time: string | null;
+ update_time: string | null;
+ end_turn: null;
+ weight: number;
+ recipient: string;
+ metadata: MessageMetadata;
+type MessageContent = {
+ content_type: string;
+ parts: string[];
+type MessageMetadata = any;
+declare namespace openai {
+ interface CreateChatCompletionDeltaResponse {
+ id: string;
+ object: 'chat.completion.chunk';
+ created: number;
+ model: string;
+ choices: [
+ {
+ delta: {
+ role: Role;
+ content?: string;
+ };
+ index: number;
+ finish_reason: string | null;
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface ChatCompletionRequestMessage
+ */
+ interface ChatCompletionRequestMessage {
+ /**
+ * The role of the author of this message.
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ChatCompletionRequestMessage
+ */
+ role: ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum;
+ /**
+ * The contents of the message
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ChatCompletionRequestMessage
+ */
+ content: string;
+ /**
+ * The name of the user in a multi-user chat
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ChatCompletionRequestMessage
+ */
+ name?: string;
+ }
+ const ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum: {
+ readonly System: 'system';
+ readonly User: 'user';
+ readonly Assistant: 'assistant';
+ };
+ type ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum = (typeof ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum)[keyof typeof ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum];
+ /**
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface ChatCompletionResponseMessage
+ */
+ interface ChatCompletionResponseMessage {
+ /**
+ * The role of the author of this message.
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ChatCompletionResponseMessage
+ */
+ role: ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum;
+ /**
+ * The contents of the message
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ChatCompletionResponseMessage
+ */
+ content: string;
+ }
+ const ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum: {
+ readonly System: 'system';
+ readonly User: 'user';
+ readonly Assistant: 'assistant';
+ };
+ type ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum = (typeof ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum)[keyof typeof ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum];
+ /**
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ interface CreateChatCompletionRequest {
+ /**
+ * ID of the model to use. Currently, only `gpt-3.5-turbo` and `gpt-3.5-turbo-0301` are supported.
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ model: string;
+ /**
+ * The messages to generate chat completions for, in the [chat format](/docs/guides/chat/introduction).
+ * @type {Array}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ messages: Array;
+ /**
+ * What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. We generally recommend altering this or `top_p` but not both.
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ temperature?: number | null;
+ /**
+ * An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or `temperature` but not both.
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ top_p?: number | null;
+ /**
+ * How many chat completion choices to generate for each input message.
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ n?: number | null;
+ /**
+ * If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message.
+ * @type {boolean}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ stream?: boolean | null;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {CreateChatCompletionRequestStop}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ stop?: CreateChatCompletionRequestStop;
+ /**
+ * The maximum number of tokens allowed for the generated answer. By default, the number of tokens the model can return will be (4096 - prompt tokens).
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ max_tokens?: number;
+ /**
+ * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model\'s likelihood to talk about new topics. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ presence_penalty?: number | null;
+ /**
+ * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model\'s likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ frequency_penalty?: number | null;
+ /**
+ * Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a json object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token.
+ * @type {object}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ logit_bias?: object | null;
+ /**
+ * A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. [Learn more](/docs/guides/safety-best-practices/end-user-ids).
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest
+ */
+ user?: string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type CreateChatCompletionRequestStop
+ * Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
+ * @export
+ */
+ type CreateChatCompletionRequestStop = Array | string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ interface CreateChatCompletionResponse {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ id: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ object: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ created: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ model: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {Array}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ choices: Array;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {CreateCompletionResponseUsage}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse
+ */
+ usage?: CreateCompletionResponseUsage;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner
+ */
+ interface CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner
+ */
+ index?: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {ChatCompletionResponseMessage}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner
+ */
+ message?: ChatCompletionResponseMessage;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner
+ */
+ finish_reason?: string;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface CreateCompletionResponseUsage
+ */
+ interface CreateCompletionResponseUsage {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateCompletionResponseUsage
+ */
+ prompt_tokens: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateCompletionResponseUsage
+ */
+ completion_tokens: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof CreateCompletionResponseUsage
+ */
+ total_tokens: number;
+ }
+declare class ChatGPTAPI {
+ protected _apiKey: string;
+ protected _apiBaseUrl: string;
+ protected _debug: boolean;
+ protected _systemMessage: string;
+ protected _completionParams: Omit;
+ protected _maxModelTokens: number;
+ protected _maxResponseTokens: number;
+ protected _fetch: FetchFn;
+ protected _getMessageById: GetMessageByIdFunction;
+ protected _upsertMessage: UpsertMessageFunction;
+ protected _messageStore: Keyv;
+ protected _organization: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new client wrapper around OpenAI's chat completion API, mimicing the official ChatGPT webapp's functionality as closely as possible.
+ *
+ * @param apiKey - OpenAI API key (required).
+ * @param apiBaseUrl - Optional override for the OpenAI API base URL.
+ * @param debug - Optional enables logging debugging info to stdout.
+ * @param completionParams - Param overrides to send to the [OpenAI chat completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.
+ * @param maxModelTokens - Optional override for the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model's context. Defaults to 4096.
+ * @param maxResponseTokens - Optional override for the minimum number of tokens allowed for the model's response. Defaults to 1000.
+ * @param messageStore - Optional [Keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) store to persist chat messages to. If not provided, messages will be lost when the process exits.
+ * @param getMessageById - Optional function to retrieve a message by its ID. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param upsertMessage - Optional function to insert or update a message. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param organization - Optional organization string for openai calls
+ * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
+ */
+ constructor(opts: ChatGPTAPIOptions);
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to the OpenAI chat completions endpoint, waits for the response
+ * to resolve, and returns the response.
+ *
+ * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
+ *
+ * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
+ *
+ * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI chat completions API. You can override the `systemMessage` in `opts` to customize the assistant's instructions.
+ *
+ * @param message - The prompt message to send
+ * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
+ * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.systemMessage - Optional override for the chat "system message" which acts as instructions to the model (defaults to the ChatGPT system message)
+ * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
+ * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
+ * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)
+ * @param completionParams - Optional overrides to send to the [OpenAI chat completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.
+ *
+ * @returns The response from ChatGPT
+ */
+ sendMessage(text: string, opts?: SendMessageOptions): Promise;
+ get apiKey(): string;
+ set apiKey(apiKey: string);
+ protected _buildMessages(text: string, opts: SendMessageOptions): Promise<{
+ messages: openai.ChatCompletionRequestMessage[];
+ }>;
+ protected _defaultGetMessageById(id: string): Promise;
+ protected _defaultUpsertMessage(message: ChatMessage): Promise;
+export { ChatGPTAPI, ChatGPTAPIOptions, ChatGPTError, ChatMessage, ContentType, ConversationJSONBody, ConversationResponseEvent, FetchFn, GetMessageByIdFunction, Message, MessageActionType, MessageContent, MessageMetadata, Prompt, PromptContent, Role, SendMessageBrowserOptions, SendMessageOptions, UpsertMessageFunction, openai };
diff --git a/chatgpt-5.1.1/index.js b/chatgpt-5.1.1/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44cf017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chatgpt-5.1.1/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+// Adapted from https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api
+ *
+ * MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2023 Travis Fischer
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ */
+// src/chatgpt-api.ts
+import Keyv from "keyv";
+import pTimeout from "p-timeout";
+import QuickLRU from "quick-lru";
+import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
+// src/types.ts
+var ChatGPTError = class extends Error {
+var openai;
+((openai2) => {
+})(openai || (openai = {}));
+// src/fetch.ts
+var fetch = globalThis.fetch;
+// src/fetch-sse.ts
+import { createParser } from "eventsource-parser";
+// src/stream-async-iterable.ts
+async function* streamAsyncIterable(stream) {
+ const reader = stream.getReader();
+ try {
+ while (true) {
+ const { done, value } = await reader.read();
+ if (done) {
+ return;
+ }
+ yield value;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ reader.releaseLock();
+ }
+// src/fetch-sse.ts
+async function fetchSSE(url, options, fetch2 = fetch) {
+ const { onMessage, ...fetchOptions } = options;
+ const res = await fetch2(url, fetchOptions);
+ if (!res.ok) {
+ let reason;
+ try {
+ reason = await res.text();
+ } catch (err) {
+ reason = res.statusText;
+ }
+ const msg = `ChatGPT error ${res.status}: ${reason}`;
+ const error = new ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res });
+ error.statusCode = res.status;
+ error.statusText = res.statusText;
+ error.reason = reason;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ const parser = createParser((event) => {
+ if (event.type === "event") {
+ onMessage(event.data);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!res.body.getReader) {
+ const body = res.body;
+ if (!body.on || !body.read) {
+ throw new ChatGPTError('unsupported "fetch" implementation');
+ }
+ body.on("readable", () => {
+ let chunk;
+ while (null !== (chunk = body.read())) {
+ parser.feed(chunk.toString());
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterable(res.body)) {
+ const str = new TextDecoder().decode(chunk);
+ parser.feed(str);
+ }
+ }
+// src/chatgpt-api.ts
+var CHATGPT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo";
+var ChatGPTAPI = class {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new client wrapper around OpenAI's chat completion API, mimicing the official ChatGPT webapp's functionality as closely as possible.
+ *
+ * @param apiKey - OpenAI API key (required).
+ * @param apiBaseUrl - Optional override for the OpenAI API base URL.
+ * @param debug - Optional enables logging debugging info to stdout.
+ * @param completionParams - Param overrides to send to the [OpenAI chat completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.
+ * @param maxModelTokens - Optional override for the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model's context. Defaults to 4096.
+ * @param maxResponseTokens - Optional override for the minimum number of tokens allowed for the model's response. Defaults to 1000.
+ * @param messageStore - Optional [Keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) store to persist chat messages to. If not provided, messages will be lost when the process exits.
+ * @param getMessageById - Optional function to retrieve a message by its ID. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param upsertMessage - Optional function to insert or update a message. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).
+ * @param organization - Optional organization string for openai calls
+ * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.
+ */
+ constructor(opts) {
+ const {
+ apiKey,
+ apiBaseUrl = "https://api.openai.com",
+ organization,
+ debug = false,
+ messageStore,
+ completionParams,
+ systemMessage,
+ maxModelTokens = 4e3,
+ maxResponseTokens = 1e3,
+ getMessageById,
+ upsertMessage,
+ fetch: fetch2 = fetch
+ } = opts;
+ this._apiKey = apiKey;
+ this._apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl;
+ this._organization = organization;
+ this._debug = !!debug;
+ this._fetch = fetch2;
+ this._completionParams = {
+ temperature: 0.8,
+ top_p: 1,
+ presence_penalty: 1,
+ ...completionParams
+ };
+ this._systemMessage = systemMessage;
+ if (this._systemMessage === void 0) {
+ const currentDate = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString().split("T")[0];
+ this._systemMessage = `You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible.
+Knowledge cutoff: 2021-09-01
+Current date: ${currentDate}`;
+ }
+ this._maxModelTokens = maxModelTokens;
+ this._maxResponseTokens = maxResponseTokens;
+ this._getMessageById = getMessageById ?? this._defaultGetMessageById;
+ this._upsertMessage = upsertMessage ?? this._defaultUpsertMessage;
+ if (messageStore) {
+ this._messageStore = messageStore;
+ } else {
+ this._messageStore = new Keyv({
+ store: new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 1e4 })
+ });
+ }
+ if (!this._apiKey) {
+ throw new Error("OpenAI missing required apiKey");
+ }
+ if (!this._fetch) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid environment; fetch is not defined");
+ }
+ if (typeof this._fetch !== "function") {
+ throw new Error('Invalid "fetch" is not a function');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to the OpenAI chat completions endpoint, waits for the response
+ * to resolve, and returns the response.
+ *
+ * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.
+ *
+ * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.
+ *
+ * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI chat completions API. You can override the `systemMessage` in `opts` to customize the assistant's instructions.
+ *
+ * @param message - The prompt message to send
+ * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)
+ * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)
+ * @param opts.systemMessage - Optional override for the chat "system message" which acts as instructions to the model (defaults to the ChatGPT system message)
+ * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)
+ * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated
+ * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)
+ * @param completionParams - Optional overrides to send to the [OpenAI chat completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.
+ *
+ * @returns The response from ChatGPT
+ */
+ async sendMessage(text, opts = {}) {
+ const {
+ parentMessageId,
+ messageId = uuidv4(),
+ timeoutMs,
+ onProgress,
+ stream = onProgress ? true : false,
+ completionParams
+ } = opts;
+ let { abortSignal } = opts;
+ let abortController = null;
+ if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {
+ abortController = new AbortController();
+ abortSignal = abortController.signal;
+ }
+ const message = {
+ role: "user",
+ id: messageId,
+ parentMessageId,
+ text
+ };
+ await this._upsertMessage(message);
+ const { messages } = await this._buildMessages(text, opts);
+ const result = {
+ role: "assistant",
+ id: uuidv4(),
+ parentMessageId: messageId,
+ text: ""
+ };
+ const responseP = new Promise(
+ async (resolve, reject) => {
+ var _a, _b;
+ const url = `${this._apiBaseUrl}/v1/chat/completions`;
+ const headers = {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${this._apiKey}`
+ };
+ if (this._organization) {
+ headers["OpenAI-Organization"] = this._organization;
+ }
+ const body = {
+ ...this._completionParams,
+ ...completionParams,
+ messages,
+ stream
+ };
+ if (stream) {
+ fetchSSE(
+ url,
+ {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers,
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ signal: abortSignal,
+ onMessage: (data) => {
+ var _a2;
+ if (data === "[DONE]") {
+ result.text = result.text.trim();
+ return resolve(result);
+ }
+ try {
+ const response = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (response.id) {
+ result.id = response.id;
+ }
+ if ((_a2 = response == null ? void 0 : response.choices) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) {
+ const delta = response.choices[0].delta;
+ result.delta = delta.content;
+ if (delta == null ? void 0 : delta.content)
+ result.text += delta.content;
+ result.detail = response;
+ if (delta.role) {
+ result.role = delta.role;
+ }
+ onProgress == null ? void 0 : onProgress(result);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.warn("OpenAI stream SEE event unexpected error", err);
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ this._fetch
+ ).catch(reject);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ const res = await this._fetch(url, {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers,
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ signal: abortSignal
+ });
+ if (!res.ok) {
+ const reason = await res.text();
+ const msg = `OpenAI error ${res.status || res.statusText}: ${reason}`;
+ const error = new ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res });
+ error.statusCode = res.status;
+ error.statusText = res.statusText;
+ return reject(error);
+ }
+ const response = await res.json();
+ if (this._debug) {
+ console.log(response);
+ }
+ if (response == null ? void 0 : response.id) {
+ result.id = response.id;
+ }
+ if ((_a = response == null ? void 0 : response.choices) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) {
+ const message2 = response.choices[0].message;
+ result.text = message2.content;
+ if (message2.role) {
+ result.role = message2.role;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const res2 = response;
+ return reject(
+ new Error(
+ `OpenAI error: ${((_b = res2 == null ? void 0 : res2.detail) == null ? void 0 : _b.message) || (res2 == null ? void 0 : res2.detail) || "unknown"}`
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ result.detail = response;
+ return resolve(result);
+ } catch (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ).then((message2) => {
+ return this._upsertMessage(message2).then(() => message2);
+ });
+ if (timeoutMs) {
+ if (abortController) {
+ ;
+ responseP.cancel = () => {
+ abortController.abort();
+ };
+ }
+ return pTimeout(responseP, {
+ milliseconds: timeoutMs,
+ message: "OpenAI timed out waiting for response"
+ });
+ } else {
+ return responseP;
+ }
+ }
+ get apiKey() {
+ return this._apiKey;
+ }
+ set apiKey(apiKey) {
+ this._apiKey = apiKey;
+ }
+ async _buildMessages(text, opts) {
+ const { systemMessage = this._systemMessage } = opts;
+ let { parentMessageId } = opts;
+ const userLabel = USER_LABEL_DEFAULT;
+ const assistantLabel = ASSISTANT_LABEL_DEFAULT;
+ let messages = [];
+ if (systemMessage) {
+ messages.push({
+ role: "system",
+ content: systemMessage
+ });
+ }
+ const systemMessageOffset = messages.length;
+ let nextMessages = text ? messages.concat([
+ {
+ role: "user",
+ content: text,
+ name: opts.name
+ }
+ ]) : messages;
+ do {
+ const prompt = nextMessages.reduce((prompt2, message) => {
+ switch (message.role) {
+ case "system":
+ return prompt2.concat([`Instructions:
+ case "user":
+ return prompt2.concat([`${userLabel}:
+ default:
+ return prompt2.concat([`${assistantLabel}:
+ }
+ }, []).join("\n\n");
+ messages = nextMessages;
+ if (!parentMessageId) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const parentMessage = await this._getMessageById(parentMessageId);
+ if (!parentMessage) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const parentMessageRole = parentMessage.role || "user";
+ nextMessages = nextMessages.slice(0, systemMessageOffset).concat([
+ {
+ role: parentMessageRole,
+ content: parentMessage.text,
+ name: parentMessage.name
+ },
+ ...nextMessages.slice(systemMessageOffset)
+ ]);
+ parentMessageId = parentMessage.parentMessageId;
+ } while (true);
+ return { messages };
+ }
+ // protected get _isCodexModel() {
+ // return this._completionParams.model.startsWith('code-')
+ // }
+ async _defaultGetMessageById(id) {
+ const res = await this._messageStore.get(id);
+ return res;
+ }
+ async _defaultUpsertMessage(message) {
+ await this._messageStore.set(message.id, message);
+ }
+export {
+ ChatGPTError,
+ openai
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+{"version":3,"sources":["../src/chatgpt-api.ts","../src/types.ts","../src/fetch.ts","../src/fetch-sse.ts","../src/stream-async-iterable.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import Keyv from 'keyv'\nimport pTimeout from 'p-timeout'\nimport QuickLRU from 'quick-lru'\nimport { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'\n\nimport * as types from './types'\nimport { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch'\nimport { fetchSSE } from './fetch-sse'\n\nconst CHATGPT_MODEL = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'\n\nconst USER_LABEL_DEFAULT = 'User'\nconst ASSISTANT_LABEL_DEFAULT = 'ChatGPT'\n\nexport class ChatGPTAPI {\n protected _apiKey: string\n protected _apiBaseUrl: string\n protected _debug: boolean\n\n protected _systemMessage: string\n protected _completionParams: Omit<\n types.openai.CreateChatCompletionRequest,\n 'messages' | 'n'\n >\n protected _maxModelTokens: number\n protected _maxResponseTokens: number\n protected _fetch: types.FetchFn\n\n protected _getMessageById: types.GetMessageByIdFunction\n protected _upsertMessage: types.UpsertMessageFunction\n\n protected _messageStore: Keyv\n\n protected _organization: string\n\n /**\n * Creates a new client wrapper around OpenAI's chat completion API, mimicing the official ChatGPT webapp's functionality as closely as possible.\n *\n * @param apiKey - OpenAI API key (required).\n * @param apiBaseUrl - Optional override for the OpenAI API base URL.\n * @param debug - Optional enables logging debugging info to stdout.\n * @param completionParams - Param overrides to send to the [OpenAI chat completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.\n * @param maxModelTokens - Optional override for the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model's context. Defaults to 4096.\n * @param maxResponseTokens - Optional override for the minimum number of tokens allowed for the model's response. Defaults to 1000.\n * @param messageStore - Optional [Keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv) store to persist chat messages to. If not provided, messages will be lost when the process exits.\n * @param getMessageById - Optional function to retrieve a message by its ID. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).\n * @param upsertMessage - Optional function to insert or update a message. If not provided, the default implementation will be used (using an in-memory `messageStore`).\n * @param organization - Optional organization string for openai calls\n * @param fetch - Optional override for the `fetch` implementation to use. Defaults to the global `fetch` function.\n */\n constructor(opts: types.ChatGPTAPIOptions) {\n const {\n apiKey,\n apiBaseUrl = 'https://api.openai.com',\n organization,\n debug = false,\n messageStore,\n completionParams,\n systemMessage,\n maxModelTokens = 4000,\n maxResponseTokens = 1000,\n getMessageById,\n upsertMessage,\n fetch = globalFetch\n } = opts\n\n this._apiKey = apiKey\n this._apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl\n this._organization = organization\n this._debug = !!debug\n this._fetch = fetch\n\n this._completionParams = {\n model: CHATGPT_MODEL,\n temperature: 0.8,\n top_p: 1.0,\n presence_penalty: 1.0,\n ...completionParams\n }\n\n this._systemMessage = systemMessage\n\n if (this._systemMessage === undefined) {\n const currentDate = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]\n this._systemMessage = `You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible.\\nKnowledge cutoff: 2021-09-01\\nCurrent date: ${currentDate}`\n }\n\n // if (this._isCodexModel) {\n // this._endToken = ''\n // this._sepToken = this._endToken\n // if (!this._completionParams.stop) {\n // this._completionParams.stop = [this._endToken]\n // }\n // }\n\n this._maxModelTokens = maxModelTokens\n this._maxResponseTokens = maxResponseTokens\n\n this._getMessageById = getMessageById ?? this._defaultGetMessageById\n this._upsertMessage = upsertMessage ?? this._defaultUpsertMessage\n\n if (messageStore) {\n this._messageStore = messageStore\n } else {\n this._messageStore = new Keyv({\n store: new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 10000 })\n })\n }\n\n if (!this._apiKey) {\n throw new Error('OpenAI missing required apiKey')\n }\n\n if (!this._fetch) {\n throw new Error('Invalid environment; fetch is not defined')\n }\n\n if (typeof this._fetch !== 'function') {\n throw new Error('Invalid \"fetch\" is not a function')\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Sends a message to the OpenAI chat completions endpoint, waits for the response\n * to resolve, and returns the response.\n *\n * If you want your response to have historical context, you must provide a valid `parentMessageId`.\n *\n * If you want to receive a stream of partial responses, use `opts.onProgress`.\n *\n * Set `debug: true` in the `ChatGPTAPI` constructor to log more info on the full prompt sent to the OpenAI chat completions API. You can override the `systemMessage` in `opts` to customize the assistant's instructions.\n *\n * @param message - The prompt message to send\n * @param opts.parentMessageId - Optional ID of the previous message in the conversation (defaults to `undefined`)\n * @param opts.messageId - Optional ID of the message to send (defaults to a random UUID)\n * @param opts.systemMessage - Optional override for the chat \"system message\" which acts as instructions to the model (defaults to the ChatGPT system message)\n * @param opts.timeoutMs - Optional timeout in milliseconds (defaults to no timeout)\n * @param opts.onProgress - Optional callback which will be invoked every time the partial response is updated\n * @param opts.abortSignal - Optional callback used to abort the underlying `fetch` call using an [AbortController](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController)\n * @param completionParams - Optional overrides to send to the [OpenAI chat completion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create). Options like `temperature` and `presence_penalty` can be tweaked to change the personality of the assistant.\n *\n * @returns The response from ChatGPT\n */\n async sendMessage(\n text: string,\n opts: types.SendMessageOptions = {}\n ): Promise {\n const {\n parentMessageId,\n messageId = uuidv4(),\n timeoutMs,\n onProgress,\n stream = onProgress ? true : false,\n completionParams\n } = opts\n\n let { abortSignal } = opts\n\n let abortController: AbortController = null\n if (timeoutMs && !abortSignal) {\n abortController = new AbortController()\n abortSignal = abortController.signal\n }\n\n const message: types.ChatMessage = {\n role: 'user',\n id: messageId,\n parentMessageId,\n text\n }\n await this._upsertMessage(message)\n\n const { messages } = await this._buildMessages(text, opts)\n\n const result: types.ChatMessage = {\n role: 'assistant',\n id: uuidv4(),\n parentMessageId: messageId,\n text: ''\n }\n\n const responseP = new Promise(\n async (resolve, reject) => {\n const url = `${this._apiBaseUrl}/v1/chat/completions`\n const headers = {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n Authorization: `Bearer ${this._apiKey}`\n }\n if (this._organization) {\n headers['OpenAI-Organization'] = this._organization\n }\n const body = {\n ...this._completionParams,\n ...completionParams,\n messages,\n stream\n }\n\n if (stream) {\n fetchSSE(\n url,\n {\n method: 'POST',\n headers,\n body: JSON.stringify(body),\n signal: abortSignal,\n onMessage: (data: string) => {\n if (data === '[DONE]') {\n result.text = result.text.trim()\n return resolve(result)\n }\n\n try {\n const response: types.openai.CreateChatCompletionDeltaResponse =\n JSON.parse(data)\n\n if (response.id) {\n result.id = response.id\n }\n\n if (response?.choices?.length) {\n const delta = response.choices[0].delta\n result.delta = delta.content\n if (delta?.content) result.text += delta.content\n result.detail = response\n\n if (delta.role) {\n result.role = delta.role\n }\n\n onProgress?.(result)\n }\n } catch (err) {\n console.warn('OpenAI stream SEE event unexpected error', err)\n return reject(err)\n }\n }\n },\n this._fetch\n ).catch(reject)\n } else {\n try {\n const res = await this._fetch(url, {\n method: 'POST',\n headers,\n body: JSON.stringify(body),\n signal: abortSignal\n })\n\n if (!res.ok) {\n const reason = await res.text()\n const msg = `OpenAI error ${\n res.status || res.statusText\n }: ${reason}`\n const error = new types.ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res })\n error.statusCode = res.status\n error.statusText = res.statusText\n return reject(error)\n }\n\n const response: types.openai.CreateChatCompletionResponse =\n await res.json()\n if (this._debug) {\n console.log(response)\n }\n\n if (response?.id) {\n result.id = response.id\n }\n\n if (response?.choices?.length) {\n const message = response.choices[0].message\n result.text = message.content\n if (message.role) {\n result.role = message.role\n }\n } else {\n const res = response as any\n return reject(\n new Error(\n `OpenAI error: ${\n res?.detail?.message || res?.detail || 'unknown'\n }`\n )\n )\n }\n\n result.detail = response\n\n return resolve(result)\n } catch (err) {\n return reject(err)\n }\n }\n }\n ).then((message) => {\n return this._upsertMessage(message).then(() => message)\n })\n\n if (timeoutMs) {\n if (abortController) {\n // This will be called when a timeout occurs in order for us to forcibly\n // ensure that the underlying HTTP request is aborted.\n ;(responseP as any).cancel = () => {\n abortController.abort()\n }\n }\n\n return pTimeout(responseP, {\n milliseconds: timeoutMs,\n message: 'OpenAI timed out waiting for response'\n })\n } else {\n return responseP\n }\n }\n\n get apiKey(): string {\n return this._apiKey\n }\n\n set apiKey(apiKey: string) {\n this._apiKey = apiKey\n }\n\n protected async _buildMessages(text: string, opts: types.SendMessageOptions) {\n const { systemMessage = this._systemMessage } = opts\n let { parentMessageId } = opts\n\n const userLabel = USER_LABEL_DEFAULT\n const assistantLabel = ASSISTANT_LABEL_DEFAULT\n\n let messages: types.openai.ChatCompletionRequestMessage[] = []\n\n if (systemMessage) {\n messages.push({\n role: 'system',\n content: systemMessage\n })\n }\n\n const systemMessageOffset = messages.length\n let nextMessages = text\n ? messages.concat([\n {\n role: 'user',\n content: text,\n name: opts.name\n }\n ])\n : messages\n\n do {\n const prompt = nextMessages\n .reduce((prompt, message) => {\n switch (message.role) {\n case 'system':\n return prompt.concat([`Instructions:\\n${message.content}`])\n case 'user':\n return prompt.concat([`${userLabel}:\\n${message.content}`])\n default:\n return prompt.concat([`${assistantLabel}:\\n${message.content}`])\n }\n }, [] as string[])\n .join('\\n\\n')\n\n messages = nextMessages\n\n if (!parentMessageId) {\n break\n }\n\n const parentMessage = await this._getMessageById(parentMessageId)\n if (!parentMessage) {\n break\n }\n\n const parentMessageRole = parentMessage.role || 'user'\n\n nextMessages = nextMessages.slice(0, systemMessageOffset).concat([\n {\n role: parentMessageRole,\n content: parentMessage.text,\n name: parentMessage.name\n },\n ...nextMessages.slice(systemMessageOffset)\n ])\n\n parentMessageId = parentMessage.parentMessageId\n } while (true)\n\n return { messages }\n }\n\n // protected get _isCodexModel() {\n // return this._completionParams.model.startsWith('code-')\n // }\n\n protected async _defaultGetMessageById(\n id: string\n ): Promise {\n const res = await this._messageStore.get(id)\n return res\n }\n\n protected async _defaultUpsertMessage(\n message: types.ChatMessage\n ): Promise {\n await this._messageStore.set(message.id, message)\n }\n}\n","import Keyv from 'keyv'\n\nexport type Role = 'user' | 'assistant' | 'system'\n\nexport type FetchFn = typeof fetch\n\nexport type ChatGPTAPIOptions = {\n apiKey: string\n\n /** @defaultValue `'https://api.openai.com'` **/\n apiBaseUrl?: string\n\n /** @defaultValue `false` **/\n debug?: boolean\n\n completionParams?: Partial<\n Omit\n >\n\n systemMessage?: string\n\n /** @defaultValue `4096` **/\n maxModelTokens?: number\n\n /** @defaultValue `1000` **/\n maxResponseTokens?: number\n\n /** @default undefined */\n organization?: string\n\n messageStore?: Keyv\n getMessageById?: GetMessageByIdFunction\n upsertMessage?: UpsertMessageFunction\n\n fetch?: FetchFn\n}\n\nexport type SendMessageOptions = {\n /** The name of a user in a multi-user chat. */\n name?: string\n parentMessageId?: string\n messageId?: string\n stream?: boolean\n systemMessage?: string\n timeoutMs?: number\n onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void\n abortSignal?: AbortSignal\n completionParams?: Partial<\n Omit\n >\n}\n\nexport type MessageActionType = 'next' | 'variant'\n\nexport type SendMessageBrowserOptions = {\n conversationId?: string\n parentMessageId?: string\n messageId?: string\n action?: MessageActionType\n timeoutMs?: number\n onProgress?: (partialResponse: ChatMessage) => void\n abortSignal?: AbortSignal\n}\n\nexport interface ChatMessage {\n id: string\n text: string\n role: Role\n name?: string\n delta?: string\n detail?: any\n\n // relevant for both ChatGPTAPI and ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI\n parentMessageId?: string\n // only relevant for ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI\n conversationId?: string\n}\n\nexport class ChatGPTError extends Error {\n statusCode?: number\n statusText?: string\n isFinal?: boolean\n accountId?: string\n reason?: string\n}\n\n/** Returns a chat message from a store by it's ID (or null if not found). */\nexport type GetMessageByIdFunction = (id: string) => Promise\n\n/** Upserts a chat message to a store. */\nexport type UpsertMessageFunction = (message: ChatMessage) => Promise\n\n/**\n * https://chat.openapi.com/backend-api/conversation\n */\nexport type ConversationJSONBody = {\n /**\n * The action to take\n */\n action: string\n\n /**\n * The ID of the conversation\n */\n conversation_id?: string\n\n /**\n * Prompts to provide\n */\n messages: Prompt[]\n\n /**\n * The model to use\n */\n model: string\n\n /**\n * The parent message ID\n */\n parent_message_id: string\n}\n\nexport type Prompt = {\n /**\n * The content of the prompt\n */\n content: PromptContent\n\n /**\n * The ID of the prompt\n */\n id: string\n\n /**\n * The role played in the prompt\n */\n role: Role\n}\n\nexport type ContentType = 'text'\n\nexport type PromptContent = {\n /**\n * The content type of the prompt\n */\n content_type: ContentType\n\n /**\n * The parts to the prompt\n */\n parts: string[]\n}\n\nexport type ConversationResponseEvent = {\n message?: Message\n conversation_id?: string\n error?: string | null\n}\n\nexport type Message = {\n id: string\n content: MessageContent\n role: Role\n user: string | null\n create_time: string | null\n update_time: string | null\n end_turn: null\n weight: number\n recipient: string\n metadata: MessageMetadata\n}\n\nexport type MessageContent = {\n content_type: string\n parts: string[]\n}\n\nexport type MessageMetadata = any\n\nexport namespace openai {\n export interface CreateChatCompletionDeltaResponse {\n id: string\n object: 'chat.completion.chunk'\n created: number\n model: string\n choices: [\n {\n delta: {\n role: Role\n content?: string\n }\n index: number\n finish_reason: string | null\n }\n ]\n }\n\n /**\n *\n * @export\n * @interface ChatCompletionRequestMessage\n */\n export interface ChatCompletionRequestMessage {\n /**\n * The role of the author of this message.\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof ChatCompletionRequestMessage\n */\n role: ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum\n /**\n * The contents of the message\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof ChatCompletionRequestMessage\n */\n content: string\n /**\n * The name of the user in a multi-user chat\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof ChatCompletionRequestMessage\n */\n name?: string\n }\n export declare const ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum: {\n readonly System: 'system'\n readonly User: 'user'\n readonly Assistant: 'assistant'\n }\n export declare type ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum =\n (typeof ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum)[keyof typeof ChatCompletionRequestMessageRoleEnum]\n /**\n *\n * @export\n * @interface ChatCompletionResponseMessage\n */\n export interface ChatCompletionResponseMessage {\n /**\n * The role of the author of this message.\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof ChatCompletionResponseMessage\n */\n role: ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum\n /**\n * The contents of the message\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof ChatCompletionResponseMessage\n */\n content: string\n }\n export declare const ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum: {\n readonly System: 'system'\n readonly User: 'user'\n readonly Assistant: 'assistant'\n }\n export declare type ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum =\n (typeof ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum)[keyof typeof ChatCompletionResponseMessageRoleEnum]\n /**\n *\n * @export\n * @interface CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n export interface CreateChatCompletionRequest {\n /**\n * ID of the model to use. Currently, only `gpt-3.5-turbo` and `gpt-3.5-turbo-0301` are supported.\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n model: string\n /**\n * The messages to generate chat completions for, in the [chat format](/docs/guides/chat/introduction).\n * @type {Array}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n messages: Array\n /**\n * What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. We generally recommend altering this or `top_p` but not both.\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n temperature?: number | null\n /**\n * An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or `temperature` but not both.\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n top_p?: number | null\n /**\n * How many chat completion choices to generate for each input message.\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n n?: number | null\n /**\n * If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message.\n * @type {boolean}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n stream?: boolean | null\n /**\n *\n * @type {CreateChatCompletionRequestStop}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n stop?: CreateChatCompletionRequestStop\n /**\n * The maximum number of tokens allowed for the generated answer. By default, the number of tokens the model can return will be (4096 - prompt tokens).\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n max_tokens?: number\n /**\n * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model\\'s likelihood to talk about new topics. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n presence_penalty?: number | null\n /**\n * Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model\\'s likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. [See more information about frequency and presence penalties.](/docs/api-reference/parameter-details)\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n frequency_penalty?: number | null\n /**\n * Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a json object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token.\n * @type {object}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n logit_bias?: object | null\n /**\n * A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. [Learn more](/docs/guides/safety-best-practices/end-user-ids).\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionRequest\n */\n user?: string\n }\n /**\n * @type CreateChatCompletionRequestStop\n * Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n * @export\n */\n export declare type CreateChatCompletionRequestStop = Array | string\n /**\n *\n * @export\n * @interface CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n export interface CreateChatCompletionResponse {\n /**\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n id: string\n /**\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n object: string\n /**\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n created: number\n /**\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n model: string\n /**\n *\n * @type {Array}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n choices: Array\n /**\n *\n * @type {CreateCompletionResponseUsage}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponse\n */\n usage?: CreateCompletionResponseUsage\n }\n /**\n *\n * @export\n * @interface CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner\n */\n export interface CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner {\n /**\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner\n */\n index?: number\n /**\n *\n * @type {ChatCompletionResponseMessage}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner\n */\n message?: ChatCompletionResponseMessage\n /**\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @memberof CreateChatCompletionResponseChoicesInner\n */\n finish_reason?: string\n }\n /**\n *\n * @export\n * @interface CreateCompletionResponseUsage\n */\n export interface CreateCompletionResponseUsage {\n /**\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateCompletionResponseUsage\n */\n prompt_tokens: number\n /**\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateCompletionResponseUsage\n */\n completion_tokens: number\n /**\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @memberof CreateCompletionResponseUsage\n */\n total_tokens: number\n }\n}\n","/// \r\n\r\nconst fetch = globalThis.fetch\r\n\r\nexport { fetch }\r\n","import { createParser } from 'eventsource-parser'\r\n\r\nimport * as types from './types'\r\nimport { fetch as globalFetch } from './fetch'\r\nimport { streamAsyncIterable } from './stream-async-iterable'\r\n\r\nexport async function fetchSSE(\r\n url: string,\r\n options: Parameters[1] & { onMessage: (data: string) => void },\r\n fetch: types.FetchFn = globalFetch\r\n) {\r\n const { onMessage, ...fetchOptions } = options\r\n const res = await fetch(url, fetchOptions)\r\n if (!res.ok) {\r\n let reason: string\r\n\r\n try {\r\n reason = await res.text()\r\n } catch (err) {\r\n reason = res.statusText\r\n }\r\n\r\n const msg = `ChatGPT error ${res.status}: ${reason}`\r\n const error = new types.ChatGPTError(msg, { cause: res })\r\n error.statusCode = res.status\r\n error.statusText = res.statusText\r\n error.reason = reason\r\n throw error\r\n }\r\n\r\n const parser = createParser((event) => {\r\n if (event.type === 'event') {\r\n onMessage(event.data)\r\n }\r\n })\r\n\r\n if (!res.body.getReader) {\r\n // Vercel polyfills `fetch` with `node-fetch`, which doesn't conform to\r\n // web standards, so this is a workaround...\r\n const body: NodeJS.ReadableStream = res.body as any\r\n\r\n if (!body.on || !body.read) {\r\n throw new types.ChatGPTError('unsupported \"fetch\" implementation')\r\n }\r\n\r\n body.on('readable', () => {\r\n let chunk: string | Buffer\r\n while (null !== (chunk = body.read())) {\r\n parser.feed(chunk.toString())\r\n }\r\n })\r\n } else {\r\n for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterable(res.body)) {\r\n const str = new TextDecoder().decode(chunk)\r\n parser.feed(str)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n","export async function* streamAsyncIterable(stream: ReadableStream) {\r\n const reader = stream.getReader()\r\n try {\r\n while (true) {\r\n const { done, value } = await reader.read()\r\n if (done) {\r\n return\r\n }\r\n yield value\r\n }\r\n } finally {\r\n reader.releaseLock()\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"],"mappings":";AAAA,OAAO,UAAU;AACjB,OAAO,cAAc;AACrB,OAAO,cAAc;AACrB,SAAS,MAAM,cAAc;;;AC2EtB,IAAM,eAAN,cAA2B,MAAM;AAMxC;AA+FO,IAAU;AAAA,CAAV,CAAUA,YAAV;AAAA,GAAU;;;ACjLjB,IAAM,QAAQ,WAAW;;;ACFzB,SAAS,oBAAoB;;;ACA7B,gBAAuB,oBAAuB,QAA2B;AACvE,QAAM,SAAS,OAAO,UAAU;AAChC,MAAI;AACF,WAAO,MAAM;AACX,YAAM,EAAE,MAAM,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,OAAO,KAAK;AAC1C,UAAI,MAAM;AACR;AAAA,MACF;AACA,YAAM;AAAA,IACR;AAAA,EACF,UAAE;AACA,WAAO,YAAY;AAAA,EACrB;AACF;;;ADPA,eAAsB,SACpB,KACA,SACAC,SAAuB,OACvB;AACA,QAAM,EAAE,WAAW,GAAG,aAAa,IAAI;AACvC,QAAM,MAAM,MAAMA,OAAM,KAAK,YAAY;AACzC,MAAI,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI;AACX,QAAI;AAEJ,QAAI;AACF,eAAS,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK;AAAA,IAC1B,SAAS,KAAP;AACA,eAAS,IAAI;AAAA,IACf;AAEA,UAAM,MAAM,iBAAiB,IAAI,WAAW;AAC5C,UAAM,QAAQ,IAAU,aAAa,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC;AACxD,UAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,UAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,UAAM,SAAS;AACf,UAAM;AAAA,EACR;AAEA,QAAM,SAAS,aAAa,CAAC,UAAU;AACrC,QAAI,MAAM,SAAS,SAAS;AAC1B,gBAAU,MAAM,IAAI;AAAA,IACtB;AAAA,EACF,CAAC;AAED,MAAI,CAAC,IAAI,KAAK,WAAW;AAGvB,UAAM,OAA8B,IAAI;AAExC,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,MAAM,CAAC,KAAK,MAAM;AAC1B,YAAM,IAAU,aAAa,oCAAoC;AAAA,IACnE;AAEA,SAAK,GAAG,YAAY,MAAM;AACxB,UAAI;AACJ,aAAO,UAAU,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AACrC,eAAO,KAAK,MAAM,SAAS,CAAC;AAAA,MAC9B;AAAA,IACF,CAAC;AAAA,EACH,OAAO;AACL,qBAAiB,SAAS,oBAAoB,IAAI,IAAI,GAAG;AACvD,YAAM,MAAM,IAAI,YAAY,EAAE,OAAO,KAAK;AAC1C,aAAO,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,IACjB;AAAA,EACF;AACF;;;AHhDA,IAAM,gBAAgB;AAEtB,IAAM,qBAAqB;AAC3B,IAAM,0BAA0B;AAEzB,IAAM,aAAN,MAAiB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAoCtB,YAAY,MAA+B;AACzC,UAAM;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA,aAAa;AAAA,MACb;AAAA,MACA,QAAQ;AAAA,MACR;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA,iBAAiB;AAAA,MACjB,oBAAoB;AAAA,MACpB;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA,OAAAC,SAAQ;AAAA,IACV,IAAI;AAEJ,SAAK,UAAU;AACf,SAAK,cAAc;AACnB,SAAK,gBAAgB;AACrB,SAAK,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC;AAChB,SAAK,SAASA;AAEd,SAAK,oBAAoB;AAAA,MACvB,OAAO;AAAA,MACP,aAAa;AAAA,MACb,OAAO;AAAA,MACP,kBAAkB;AAAA,MAClB,GAAG;AAAA,IACL;AAEA,SAAK,iBAAiB;AAEtB,QAAI,KAAK,mBAAmB,QAAW;AACrC,YAAM,eAAc,oBAAI,KAAK,GAAE,YAAY,EAAE,MAAM,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC;AACzD,WAAK,iBAAiB;AAAA;AAAA,gBAA4I;AAAA,IACpK;AAUA,SAAK,kBAAkB;AACvB,SAAK,qBAAqB;AAE1B,SAAK,kBAAkB,kBAAkB,KAAK;AAC9C,SAAK,iBAAiB,iBAAiB,KAAK;AAE5C,QAAI,cAAc;AAChB,WAAK,gBAAgB;AAAA,IACvB,OAAO;AACL,WAAK,gBAAgB,IAAI,KAA6B;AAAA,QACpD,OAAO,IAAI,SAAoC,EAAE,SAAS,IAAM,CAAC;AAAA,MACnE,CAAC;AAAA,IACH;AAEA,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,SAAS;AACjB,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,gCAAgC;AAAA,IAClD;AAEA,QAAI,CAAC,KAAK,QAAQ;AAChB,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,2CAA2C;AAAA,IAC7D;AAEA,QAAI,OAAO,KAAK,WAAW,YAAY;AACrC,YAAM,IAAI,MAAM,mCAAmC;AAAA,IACrD;AAAA,EACF;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAuBA,MAAM,YACJ,MACA,OAAiC,CAAC,GACN;AAC5B,UAAM;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA,YAAY,OAAO;AAAA,MACnB;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,MACA,SAAS,aAAa,OAAO;AAAA,MAC7B;AAAA,IACF,IAAI;AAEJ,QAAI,EAAE,YAAY,IAAI;AAEtB,QAAI,kBAAmC;AACvC,QAAI,aAAa,CAAC,aAAa;AAC7B,wBAAkB,IAAI,gBAAgB;AACtC,oBAAc,gBAAgB;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,UAAM,UAA6B;AAAA,MACjC,MAAM;AAAA,MACN,IAAI;AAAA,MACJ;AAAA,MACA;AAAA,IACF;AACA,UAAM,KAAK,eAAe,OAAO;AAEjC,UAAM,EAAE,SAAS,IAAI,MAAM,KAAK,eAAe,MAAM,IAAI;AAEzD,UAAM,SAA4B;AAAA,MAChC,MAAM;AAAA,MACN,IAAI,OAAO;AAAA,MACX,iBAAiB;AAAA,MACjB,MAAM;AAAA,IACR;AAEA,UAAM,YAAY,IAAI;AAAA,MACpB,OAAO,SAAS,WAAW;AAtLjC;AAuLQ,cAAM,MAAM,GAAG,KAAK;AACpB,cAAM,UAAU;AAAA,UACd,gBAAgB;AAAA,UAChB,eAAe,UAAU,KAAK;AAAA,QAChC;AACA,YAAI,KAAK,eAAe;AACtB,kBAAQ,qBAAqB,IAAI,KAAK;AAAA,QACxC;AACA,cAAM,OAAO;AAAA,UACX,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,UACR,GAAG;AAAA,UACH;AAAA,UACA;AAAA,QACF;AAEA,YAAI,QAAQ;AACV;AAAA,YACE;AAAA,YACA;AAAA,cACE,QAAQ;AAAA,cACR;AAAA,cACA,MAAM,KAAK,UAAU,IAAI;AAAA,cACzB,QAAQ;AAAA,cACR,WAAW,CAAC,SAAiB;AA9M3C,oBAAAC;AA+MgB,oBAAI,SAAS,UAAU;AACrB,yBAAO,OAAO,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK;AAC/B,yBAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AAAA,gBACvB;AAEA,oBAAI;AACF,wBAAM,WACJ,KAAK,MAAM,IAAI;AAEjB,sBAAI,SAAS,IAAI;AACf,2BAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,kBACvB;AAEA,uBAAIA,MAAA,qCAAU,YAAV,gBAAAA,IAAmB,QAAQ;AAC7B,0BAAM,QAAQ,SAAS,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE;AAClC,2BAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AACrB,wBAAI,+BAAO;AAAS,6BAAO,QAAQ,MAAM;AACzC,2BAAO,SAAS;AAEhB,wBAAI,MAAM,MAAM;AACd,6BAAO,OAAO,MAAM;AAAA,oBACtB;AAEA,6DAAa;AAAA,kBACf;AAAA,gBACF,SAAS,KAAP;AACA,0BAAQ,KAAK,4CAA4C,GAAG;AAC5D,yBAAO,OAAO,GAAG;AAAA,gBACnB;AAAA,cACF;AAAA,YACF;AAAA,YACA,KAAK;AAAA,UACP,EAAE,MAAM,MAAM;AAAA,QAChB,OAAO;AACL,cAAI;AACF,kBAAM,MAAM,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,cACjC,QAAQ;AAAA,cACR;AAAA,cACA,MAAM,KAAK,UAAU,IAAI;AAAA,cACzB,QAAQ;AAAA,YACV,CAAC;AAED,gBAAI,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI;AACX,oBAAM,SAAS,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK;AAC9B,oBAAM,MAAM,gBACV,IAAI,UAAU,IAAI,eACf;AACL,oBAAM,QAAQ,IAAU,aAAa,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,IAAI,CAAC;AACxD,oBAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,oBAAM,aAAa,IAAI;AACvB,qBAAO,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,YACrB;AAEA,kBAAM,WACJ,MAAM,IAAI,KAAK;AACjB,gBAAI,KAAK,QAAQ;AACf,sBAAQ,IAAI,QAAQ;AAAA,YACtB;AAEA,gBAAI,qCAAU,IAAI;AAChB,qBAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,YACvB;AAEA,iBAAI,0CAAU,YAAV,mBAAmB,QAAQ;AAC7B,oBAAMC,WAAU,SAAS,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE;AACpC,qBAAO,OAAOA,SAAQ;AACtB,kBAAIA,SAAQ,MAAM;AAChB,uBAAO,OAAOA,SAAQ;AAAA,cACxB;AAAA,YACF,OAAO;AACL,oBAAMC,OAAM;AACZ,qBAAO;AAAA,gBACL,IAAI;AAAA,kBACF,mBACE,KAAAA,QAAA,gBAAAA,KAAK,WAAL,mBAAa,aAAWA,QAAA,gBAAAA,KAAK,WAAU;AAAA,gBAE3C;AAAA,cACF;AAAA,YACF;AAEA,mBAAO,SAAS;AAEhB,m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+ const userSvg = ` `;
+ const clipboardSvg = ` `;
+ const checkSvg = ` `;
+ const cancelSvg = ` `;
+ const sendSvg = ` `;
+ const pencilSvg = ` `;
+ const plusSvg = ` `;
+ const insertSvg = ` `;
+ const textSvg = ` `;
+ const closeSvg = ` `;
+ const refreshSvg = ` `;
+ // Handle messages sent from the extension to the webview
+ window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
+ const message = event.data;
+ const list = document.getElementById("qa-list");
+ switch (message.type) {
+ case "showInProgress":
+ if (message.showStopButton) {
+ document.getElementById("stop-button").classList.remove("hidden");
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("stop-button").classList.add("hidden");
+ }
+ if (message.inProgress) {
+ document.getElementById("in-progress").classList.remove("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("question-input").setAttribute("disabled", true);
+ document.getElementById("question-input-buttons").classList.add("hidden");
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("in-progress").classList.add("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("question-input").removeAttribute("disabled");
+ document.getElementById("question-input-buttons").classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "addQuestion":
+ list.classList.remove("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("introduction")?.classList?.add("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("conversation-list").classList.add("hidden");
+ const escapeHtml = (unsafe) => {
+ return unsafe.replaceAll('&', '&').replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll('"', '"').replaceAll("'", ''');
+ };
+ list.innerHTML +=
+ ``;
+ if (message.autoScroll) {
+ list.lastChild?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest" });
+ }
+ break;
+ case "addResponse":
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+ let updatedValue = "";
+ const unEscapeHtml = (unsafe) => {
+ return unsafe.replaceAll('&', '&').replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll('"', '"').replaceAll(''', "'");
+ };
+ if (!message.responseInMarkdown) {
+ updatedValue = "```\r\n" + unEscapeHtml(message.value) + " \r\n ```";
+ } else {
+ updatedValue = message.value.split("```").length % 2 === 1 ? message.value : message.value + "\n\n```\n\n";
+ }
+ const markedResponse = marked.parse(updatedValue);
+ if (existingMessage) {
+ existingMessage.innerHTML = markedResponse;
+ } else {
+ list.innerHTML +=
+ `
+ }
+ if (message.done) {
+ const preCodeList = list.lastChild.querySelectorAll("pre > code");
+ preCodeList.forEach((preCode) => {
+ preCode.classList.add("input-background", "p-4", "pb-2", "block", "whitespace-pre", "overflow-x-scroll");
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+ copyButton.title = "Copy to clipboard";
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+ insert.title = "Insert the below code to the current file";
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+ preCode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(buttonWrapper, preCode.parentNode.previousSibling);
+ } else {
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+ }
+ });
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+ existingMessage.classList.remove("result-streaming");
+ }
+ if (message.autoScroll && (message.done || markedResponse.endsWith("\n"))) {
+ list.lastChild?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest" });
+ }
+ break;
+ case "addError":
+ if (!list.innerHTML) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const messageValue = message.value || "An error occurred. If this issue persists please clear your session token with `ChatGPT: Reset session` command and/or restart your Visual Studio Code. If you still experience issues, it may be due to outage on https://openai.com services.";
+ list.innerHTML +=
+ `
+ if (message.autoScroll) {
+ list.lastChild?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest" });
+ }
+ break;
+ case "clearConversation":
+ clearConversation();
+ break;
+ case "exportConversation":
+ exportConversation();
+ break;
+ case "loginSuccessful":
+ document.getElementById("login-button")?.classList?.add("hidden");
+ if (message.showConversations) {
+ document.getElementById("list-conversations-link")?.classList?.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "listConversations":
+ list.classList.add("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("introduction")?.classList?.add("hidden");
+ const conversationList = document.getElementById("conversation-list");
+ conversationList.classList.remove("hidden");
+ const conversation_list = message.conversations.items.map(conversation => {
+ const chatDate = new Date(conversation.create_time).toLocaleString();
+ return `${textSvg}${conversation.title} ${chatDate}
+ });
+ conversationList.innerHTML = `
+ ${refreshSvg} Reload
+ ${closeSvg} Close
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ const addFreeTextQuestion = () => {
+ const input = document.getElementById("question-input");
+ if (input.value?.length > 0) {
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "addFreeTextQuestion",
+ value: input.value,
+ });
+ input.value = "";
+ }
+ };
+ const clearConversation = () => {
+ document.getElementById("qa-list").innerHTML = "";
+ document.getElementById("introduction")?.classList?.remove("hidden");
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "clearConversation"
+ });
+ };
+ const exportConversation = () => {
+ const turndownService = new TurndownService({ codeBlockStyle: "fenced" });
+ turndownService.remove('no-export');
+ let markdown = turndownService.turndown(document.getElementById("qa-list"));
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "openNew",
+ value: markdown,
+ language: "markdown"
+ });
+ };
+ document.getElementById('question-input').addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
+ if (event.key == "Enter" && !event.shiftKey && !event.isComposing) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ addFreeTextQuestion();
+ }
+ });
+ document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ const targetButton = e.target.closest('button');
+ if (targetButton?.id === "more-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ document.getElementById('chat-button-wrapper')?.classList.toggle("hidden");
+ return;
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('chat-button-wrapper')?.classList.add("hidden");
+ }
+ if (e.target?.id === "settings-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "openSettings",
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.target?.id === "settings-prompt-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "openSettingsPrompt",
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "login-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "login",
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "ask-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ addFreeTextQuestion();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "clear-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ clearConversation();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "export-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ exportConversation();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "list-conversations-button" || targetButton?.id === "list-conversations-link") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({ type: "listConversations" });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "show-conversation-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({ type: "showConversation", value: targetButton.getAttribute("data-id") });
+ document.getElementById("qa-list").innerHTML = `
+ Started on: ${targetButton.getAttribute("data-time")}
+ `;
+ document.getElementById("qa-list").classList.remove("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("introduction").classList.add("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("conversation-list").classList.add("hidden");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "refresh-conversations-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({ type: "listConversations" });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "close-conversations-button") {
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+ qaList.classList.add("hidden");
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+ document.getElementById('introduction').classList.add("hidden");
+ if (qaList.innerHTML?.length > 0) {
+ qaList.classList.remove("hidden");
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('introduction').classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.id === "stop-button") {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "stopGenerating",
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.classList?.contains("resend-element-ext")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const question = targetButton.closest(".question-element-ext");
+ const elements = targetButton.nextElementSibling;
+ elements.classList.remove("hidden");
+ question.lastElementChild?.setAttribute("contenteditable", true);
+ targetButton.classList.add("hidden");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.classList?.contains("send-element-ext")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const question = targetButton.closest(".question-element-ext");
+ const elements = targetButton.closest(".send-cancel-elements-ext");
+ const resendElement = targetButton.parentElement.parentElement.firstElementChild;
+ elements.classList.add("hidden");
+ resendElement.classList.remove("hidden");
+ question.lastElementChild?.setAttribute("contenteditable", false);
+ if (question.lastElementChild.textContent?.length > 0) {
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "addFreeTextQuestion",
+ value: question.lastElementChild.textContent,
+ });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.classList?.contains("cancel-element-ext")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const question = targetButton.closest(".question-element-ext");
+ const elements = targetButton.closest(".send-cancel-elements-ext");
+ const resendElement = targetButton.parentElement.parentElement.firstElementChild;
+ elements.classList.add("hidden");
+ resendElement.classList.remove("hidden");
+ question.lastElementChild?.setAttribute("contenteditable", false);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.classList?.contains("code-element-ext")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(targetButton.parentElement?.nextElementSibling?.lastChild?.textContent).then(() => {
+ targetButton.innerHTML = `${checkSvg} Copied`;
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ targetButton.innerHTML = `${clipboardSvg} Copy`;
+ }, 1500);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.classList?.contains("edit-element-ext")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "editCode",
+ value: targetButton.parentElement?.nextElementSibling?.lastChild?.textContent,
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetButton?.classList?.contains("new-code-element-ext")) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ vscode.postMessage({
+ type: "openNew",
+ value: targetButton.parentElement?.nextElementSibling?.lastChild?.textContent,
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ });
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/vendor/highlight.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.hljs-comment, .hljs-quote {color: #5c6370;font-style: italic }.hljs-doctag, .hljs-formula, .hljs-keyword {color: #c678dd }.hljs-deletion, .hljs-name, .hljs-section, .hljs-selector-tag, .hljs-subst {color: #e06c75 }.hljs-literal {color: #56b6c2 }.hljs-addition, .hljs-attribute, .hljs-meta .hljs-string, .hljs-regexp, .hljs-string {color: #98c379 }.hljs-attr, .hljs-number, .hljs-selector-attr, .hljs-selector-class, .hljs-selector-pseudo, .hljs-template-variable, .hljs-type, .hljs-variable {color: #d19a66 }.hljs-bullet, .hljs-link, .hljs-meta, .hljs-selector-id, .hljs-symbol, .hljs-title {color: #61aeee }.hljs-built_in, .hljs-class .hljs-title, .hljs-title.class_ {color: #e6c07b }.hljs-emphasis {font-style: italic }.hljs-strong {font-weight: 700 }.hljs-link {text-decoration: underline }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cbf349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/vendor/highlight.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1202 @@
+ Highlight.js v11.7.0 (git: 82688fad18)
+ (c) 2006-2022 undefined and other contributors
+ License: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+var hljs=function(){"use strict";var e={exports:{}};function n(e){
+return e instanceof Map?e.clear=e.delete=e.set=()=>{
+throw Error("map is read-only")}:e instanceof Set&&(e.add=e.clear=e.delete=()=>{
+throw Error("set is read-only")
+}),Object.freeze(e),Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach((t=>{var a=e[t]
+;"object"!=typeof a||Object.isFrozen(a)||n(a)})),e}
+e.exports=n,e.exports.default=n;class t{constructor(e){
+void 0===e.data&&(e.data={}),this.data=e.data,this.isMatchIgnored=!1}
+ignoreMatch(){this.isMatchIgnored=!0}}function a(e){
+return e.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'")
+}function i(e,...n){const t=Object.create(null);for(const n in e)t[n]=e[n]
+;return n.forEach((e=>{for(const n in e)t[n]=e[n]})),t}
+const r=e=>!!e.scope||e.sublanguage&&e.language;class s{constructor(e,n){
+this.buffer+=a(e)}openNode(e){if(!r(e))return;let n=""
+const t=e.split(".")
+;return[`${n}${t.shift()}`,...t.map(((e,n)=>`${e}${"_".repeat(n+1)}`))].join(" ")
+closeNode(e){r(e)&&(this.buffer+="")}value(){return this.buffer}span(e){
+this.buffer+=``}}const o=(e={})=>{const n={children:[]}
+;return Object.assign(n,e),n};class l{constructor(){
+this.rootNode=o(),this.stack=[this.rootNode]}get top(){
+return this.stack[this.stack.length-1]}get root(){return this.rootNode}add(e){
+this.top.children.push(e)}openNode(e){const n=o({scope:e})
+if(this.stack.length>1)return this.stack.pop()}closeAllNodes(){
+for(;this.closeNode(););}toJSON(){return JSON.stringify(this.rootNode,null,4)}
+walk(e){return this.constructor._walk(e,this.rootNode)}static _walk(e,n){
+return"string"==typeof n?e.addText(n):n.children&&(e.openNode(n),
+n.children.forEach((n=>this._walk(e,n))),e.closeNode(n)),e}static _collapse(e){
+"string"!=typeof e&&e.children&&(e.children.every((e=>"string"==typeof e))?e.children=[e.children.join("")]:e.children.forEach((e=>{
+l._collapse(e)})))}}class c extends l{constructor(e){super(),this.options=e}
+addText(e){""!==e&&this.add(e)}addSublanguage(e,n){const t=e.root
+return new s(this,this.options).value()}finalize(){return!0}}function d(e){
+return e?"string"==typeof e?e:e.source:null}function g(e){return m("(?=",e,")")}
+function u(e){return m("(?:",e,")*")}function b(e){return m("(?:",e,")?")}
+function m(...e){return e.map((e=>d(e))).join("")}function p(...e){const n=(e=>{
+const n=e[e.length-1]
+;return"object"==typeof n&&n.constructor===Object?(e.splice(e.length-1,1),n):{}
+function _(e){return RegExp(e.toString()+"|").exec("").length-1}
+const h=/\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./
+;function f(e,{joinWith:n}){let t=0;return e.map((e=>{t+=1;const n=t
+;let a=d(e),i="";for(;a.length>0;){const e=h.exec(a);if(!e){i+=a;break}
+"("===e[0]&&t++)}return i})).map((e=>`(${e})`)).join(n)}
+const E="[a-zA-Z]\\w*",y="[a-zA-Z_]\\w*",w="\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?",N="(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)",v="\\b(0b[01]+)",O={
+contains:[O]},M=(e,n,t={})=>{const a=i({scope:"comment",begin:e,end:n,
+;const r=p("I","a","is","so","us","to","at","if","in","it","on",/[A-Za-z]+['](d|ve|re|ll|t|s|n)/,/[A-Za-z]+[-][a-z]+/,/[A-Za-z][a-z]{2,}/)
+;return a.contains.push({begin:m(/[ ]+/,"(",r,/[.]?[:]?([.][ ]|[ ])/,"){3}")}),a
+},S=M("//","$"),A=M("/\\*","\\*/"),C=M("#","$");var T=Object.freeze({
+SHEBANG:(e={})=>{const n=/^#![ ]*\//
+;return e.binary&&(e.begin=m(n,/.*\b/,e.binary,/\b.*/)),i({scope:"meta",begin:n,
+n.data._beginMatch!==e[1]&&n.ignoreMatch()}})});function R(e,n){
+"."===e.input[e.index-1]&&n.ignoreMatch()}function D(e,n){
+void 0!==e.className&&(e.scope=e.className,delete e.className)}function I(e,n){
+n&&e.beginKeywords&&(e.begin="\\b("+e.beginKeywords.split(" ").join("|")+")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)",
+e.__beforeBegin=R,e.keywords=e.keywords||e.beginKeywords,delete e.beginKeywords,
+void 0===e.relevance&&(e.relevance=0))}function L(e,n){
+Array.isArray(e.illegal)&&(e.illegal=p(...e.illegal))}function B(e,n){
+if(e.begin||e.end)throw Error("begin & end are not supported with match")
+;e.begin=e.match,delete e.match}}function $(e,n){
+void 0===e.relevance&&(e.relevance=1)}const z=(e,n)=>{if(!e.beforeMatch)return
+;if(e.starts)throw Error("beforeMatch cannot be used with starts")
+;const t=Object.assign({},e);Object.keys(e).forEach((n=>{delete e[n]
+},e.relevance=0,delete t.beforeMatch
+;function U(e,n,t="keyword"){const a=Object.create(null)
+;return"string"==typeof e?i(t,e.split(" ")):Array.isArray(e)?i(t,e):Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>{
+Object.assign(a,U(e[t],n,t))})),a;function i(e,t){
+n&&(t=t.map((e=>e.toLowerCase()))),t.forEach((n=>{const t=n.split("|")
+;a[t[0]]=[e,j(t[0],t[1])]}))}}function j(e,n){
+return n?Number(n):(e=>F.includes(e.toLowerCase()))(e)?0:1}const P={},K=e=>{
+console.error(e)},H=(e,...n)=>{console.log("WARN: "+e,...n)},q=(e,n)=>{
+P[`${e}/${n}`]||(console.log(`Deprecated as of ${e}. ${n}`),P[`${e}/${n}`]=!0)
+},Z=Error();function G(e,n,{key:t}){let a=0;const i=e[t],r={},s={}
+;for(let e=1;e<=n.length;e++)s[e+a]=i[e],r[e+a]=!0,a+=_(n[e-1])
+;e[t]=s,e[t]._emit=r,e[t]._multi=!0}function W(e){(e=>{
+e.scope&&"object"==typeof e.scope&&null!==e.scope&&(e.beginScope=e.scope,
+delete e.scope)})(e),"string"==typeof e.beginScope&&(e.beginScope={
+_wrap:e.beginScope}),"string"==typeof e.endScope&&(e.endScope={_wrap:e.endScope
+if(e.skip||e.excludeBegin||e.returnBegin)throw K("skip, excludeBegin, returnBegin not compatible with beginScope: {}"),
+;if("object"!=typeof e.beginScope||null===e.beginScope)throw K("beginScope must be object"),
+if(e.skip||e.excludeEnd||e.returnEnd)throw K("skip, excludeEnd, returnEnd not compatible with endScope: {}"),
+;if("object"!=typeof e.endScope||null===e.endScope)throw K("endScope must be object"),
+Z;G(e,e.end,{key:"endScope"}),e.end=f(e.end,{joinWith:""})}})(e)}function Q(e){
+function n(n,t){
+return RegExp(d(n),"m"+(e.case_insensitive?"i":"")+(e.unicodeRegex?"u":"")+(t?"g":""))
+}class t{constructor(){
+;const e=this.regexes.map((e=>e[1]));this.matcherRe=n(f(e,{joinWith:"|"
+;const n=this.matcherRe.exec(e);if(!n)return null
+;const t=n.findIndex(((e,n)=>n>0&&void 0!==e)),a=this.matchIndexes[t]
+;return n.splice(0,t),Object.assign(n,a)}}class a{constructor(){
+if(this.multiRegexes[e])return this.multiRegexes[e];const n=new t
+;return this.rules.slice(e).forEach((([e,t])=>n.addRule(e,t))),
+return 0!==this.regexIndex}considerAll(){this.regexIndex=0}addRule(e,n){
+const n=this.getMatcher(this.regexIndex);n.lastIndex=this.lastIndex
+;let t=n.exec(e)
+const n=this.getMatcher(0);n.lastIndex=this.lastIndex+1,t=n.exec(e)}
+return t&&(this.regexIndex+=t.position+1,
+e.contains&&e.contains.includes("self"))throw Error("ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation.")
+;return e.classNameAliases=i(e.classNameAliases||{}),function t(r,s){const o=r
+;if(r.isCompiled)return o
+r.__beforeBegin=null,[I,L,$].forEach((e=>e(r,s))),r.isCompiled=!0;let l=null
+;return"object"==typeof r.keywords&&r.keywords.$pattern&&(r.keywords=Object.assign({},r.keywords),
+delete r.keywords.$pattern),l=l||/\w+/,r.keywords&&(r.keywords=U(r.keywords,e.case_insensitive)),
+})),r.starts&&t(r.starts,s),o.matcher=(e=>{const n=new a
+;return e.contains.forEach((e=>n.addRule(e.begin,{rule:e,type:"begin"
+}),e.illegal&&n.addRule(e.illegal,{type:"illegal"}),n})(o),o}(e)}function X(e){
+return!!e&&(e.endsWithParent||X(e.starts))}class V extends Error{
+const J=a,Y=i,ee=Symbol("nomatch");var ne=(n=>{
+const a=Object.create(null),i=Object.create(null),r=[];let s=!0
+;const o="Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?",l={
+disableAutodetect:!0,name:"Plain text",contains:[]};let d={
+cssSelector:"pre code",languages:null,__emitter:c};function _(e){
+return d.noHighlightRe.test(e)}function h(e,n,t){let a="",i=""
+;"object"==typeof n?(a=e,
+t=n.ignoreIllegals,i=n.language):(q("10.7.0","highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated."),
+q("10.7.0","Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\nhttps://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277"),
+i=e,a=n),void 0===t&&(t=!0);const r={code:a,language:i};x("before:highlight",r)
+;const s=r.result?r.result:f(r.language,r.code,t)
+;return s.code=r.code,x("after:highlight",s),s}function f(e,n,i,r){
+const l=Object.create(null);function c(){if(!k.keywords)return void M.addText(S)
+;let e=0;k.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex=0;let n=k.keywordPatternRe.exec(S),t=""
+;const i=w.case_insensitive?n[0].toLowerCase():n[0],r=(a=i,k.keywords[a]);if(r){
+const t=w.classNameAliases[e]||e;M.addKeyword(n[0],t)}}else t+=n[0]
+;e=k.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex,n=k.keywordPatternRe.exec(S)}var a
+;t+=S.substring(e),M.addText(t)}function g(){null!=k.subLanguage?(()=>{
+if(""===S)return;let e=null;if("string"==typeof k.subLanguage){
+if(!a[k.subLanguage])return void M.addText(S)
+}else e=E(S,k.subLanguage.length?k.subLanguage:null)
+})():c(),S=""}function u(e,n){let t=1;const a=n.length-1;for(;t<=a;){
+if(!e._emit[t]){t++;continue}const a=w.classNameAliases[e[t]]||e[t],i=n[t]
+;a?M.addKeyword(i,a):(S=i,c(),S=""),t++}}function b(e,n){
+return e.scope&&"string"==typeof e.scope&&M.openNode(w.classNameAliases[e.scope]||e.scope),
+value:k}}),k}function m(e,n,a){let i=((e,n)=>{const t=e&&e.exec(n)
+;return t&&0===t.index})(e.endRe,a);if(i){if(e["on:end"]){const a=new t(e)
+for(;e.endsParent&&e.parent;)e=e.parent;return e}}
+if(e.endsWithParent)return m(e.parent,n,a)}function p(e){
+return 0===k.matcher.regexIndex?(S+=e[0],1):(R=!0,0)}function _(e){
+const t=e[0],a=n.substring(e.index),i=m(k,e,a);if(!i)return ee;const r=k
+}while(k!==i.parent);return i.starts&&b(i.starts,e),r.returnEnd?0:t.length}
+let h={};function y(a,r){const o=r&&r[0];if(S+=a,null==o)return g(),0
+if(S+=n.slice(r.index,r.index+1),!s){const n=Error(`0 width match regex (${e})`)
+;throw n.languageName=e,n.badRule=h.rule,n}return 1}
+const n=e[0],a=e.rule,i=new t(a),r=[a.__beforeBegin,a["on:begin"]]
+;for(const t of r)if(t&&(t(e,i),i.isMatchIgnored))return p(n)
+;return a.skip?S+=n:(a.excludeBegin&&(S+=n),
+const e=Error('Illegal lexeme "'+o+'" for mode "'+(k.scope||"")+'"')
+;throw e.mode=k,e}if("end"===r.type){const e=_(r);if(e!==ee)return e}
+if("illegal"===r.type&&""===o)return 1
+;if(T>1e5&&T>3*r.index)throw Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches")
+;return S+=o,o.length}const w=v(e)
+;if(!w)throw K(o.replace("{}",e)),Error('Unknown language: "'+e+'"')
+;const N=Q(w);let O="",k=r||N;const x={},M=new d.__emitter(d);(()=>{const e=[]
+;for(let n=k;n!==w;n=n.parent)n.scope&&e.unshift(n.scope)
+;e.forEach((e=>M.openNode(e)))})();let S="",A=0,C=0,T=0,R=!1;try{
+;const e=k.matcher.exec(n);if(!e)break;const t=y(n.substring(C,e.index),e)
+return y(n.substring(C)),M.closeAllNodes(),M.finalize(),O=M.toHTML(),{
+;throw t}}function E(e,n){n=n||d.languages||Object.keys(a);const t=(e=>{
+const n={value:J(e),illegal:!1,relevance:0,_top:l,_emitter:new d.__emitter(d)}
+;return n._emitter.addText(e),n})(e),i=n.filter(v).filter(k).map((n=>f(n,e,!1)))
+;i.unshift(t);const r=i.sort(((e,n)=>{
+if(e.relevance!==n.relevance)return n.relevance-e.relevance
+;if(e.language&&n.language){if(v(e.language).supersetOf===n.language)return 1
+;if(v(n.language).supersetOf===e.language)return-1}return 0})),[s,o]=r,c=s
+;return c.secondBest=o,c}function y(e){let n=null;const t=(e=>{
+let n=e.className+" ";n+=e.parentNode?e.parentNode.className:""
+;const t=d.languageDetectRe.exec(n);if(t){const n=v(t[1])
+;return n||(H(o.replace("{}",t[1])),
+H("Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block.",e)),n?t[1]:"no-highlight"}
+return n.split(/\s+/).find((e=>_(e)||v(e)))})(e);if(_(t))return
+}),e.children.length>0&&(d.ignoreUnescapedHTML||(console.warn("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML. This is a potentially serious security risk."),
+console.warn("The element with unescaped HTML:"),
+console.warn(e)),d.throwUnescapedHTML))throw new V("One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML.",e.innerHTML)
+;n=e;const a=n.textContent,r=t?h(a,{language:t,ignoreIllegals:!0}):E(a)
+;e.innerHTML=r.value,((e,n,t)=>{const a=n&&i[n]||t
+}),x("after:highlightElement",{el:e,result:r,text:a})}let w=!1;function N(){
+}function v(e){return e=(e||"").toLowerCase(),a[e]||a[i[e]]}
+function O(e,{languageName:n}){"string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),e.forEach((e=>{
+i[e.toLowerCase()]=n}))}function k(e){const n=v(e)
+;return n&&!n.disableAutodetect}function x(e,n){const t=e;r.forEach((e=>{
+"undefined"!=typeof window&&window.addEventListener&&window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(()=>{
+highlightBlock:e=>(q("10.7.0","highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0"),
+q("10.7.0","Please use highlightElement now."),y(e)),configure:e=>{d=Y(d,e)},
+N(),q("10.6.0","initHighlighting() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now.")},
+N(),q("10.6.0","initHighlightingOnLoad() deprecated. Use highlightAll() now.")
+},registerLanguage:(e,t)=>{let i=null;try{i=t(n)}catch(n){
+if(K("Language definition for '{}' could not be registered.".replace("{}",e)),
+!s)throw n;K(n),i=l}
+languageName:e})},unregisterLanguage:e=>{delete a[e]
+;for(const n of Object.keys(i))i[n]===e&&delete i[n]},
+anyNumberOfTimes:u};for(const n in T)"object"==typeof T[n]&&e.exports(T[n])
+;return Object.assign(n,T),n})({});const te=e=>({IMPORTANT:{scope:"meta",
+;var ce="\\.([0-9](_*[0-9])*)",de="[0-9a-fA-F](_*[0-9a-fA-F])*",ge={
+relevance:0};function ue(e,n,t){return-1===t?"":e.replace(n,(a=>ue(e,n,t-1)))}
+const be="[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*",me=["as","in","of","if","for","while","finally","var","new","function","do","return","void","else","break","catch","instanceof","with","throw","case","default","try","switch","continue","typeof","delete","let","yield","const","class","debugger","async","await","static","import","from","export","extends"],pe=["true","false","null","undefined","NaN","Infinity"],_e=["Object","Function","Boolean","Symbol","Math","Date","Number","BigInt","String","RegExp","Array","Float32Array","Float64Array","Int8Array","Uint8Array","Uint8ClampedArray","Int16Array","Int32Array","Uint16Array","Uint32Array","BigInt64Array","BigUint64Array","Set","Map","WeakSet","WeakMap","ArrayBuffer","SharedArrayBuffer","Atomics","DataView","JSON","Promise","Generator","GeneratorFunction","AsyncFunction","Reflect","Proxy","Intl","WebAssembly"],he=["Error","EvalError","InternalError","RangeError","ReferenceError","SyntaxError","TypeError","URIError"],fe=["setInterval","setTimeout","clearInterval","clearTimeout","require","exports","eval","isFinite","isNaN","parseFloat","parseInt","decodeURI","decodeURIComponent","encodeURI","encodeURIComponent","escape","unescape"],Ee=["arguments","this","super","console","window","document","localStorage","module","global"],ye=[].concat(fe,_e,he)
+;function we(e){const n=e.regex,t=be,a={begin:/<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/,
+const t=e[0].length+e.index,a=e.input[t]
+;if("<"===a||","===a)return void n.ignoreMatch();let i
+;">"===a&&(((e,{after:n})=>{const t=""+e[0].slice(1)
+;const r=e.input.substring(t)
+});const m=[].concat(u,l.contains),p=m.concat([{begin:/\(/,end:/\)/,keywords:i,
+className:"title.function",relevance:0};var w;const N={
+begin:/^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/
+keywords:"return throw case",relevance:0,contains:[u,e.REGEXP_MODE,{
+beginKeywords:"while if switch catch for"},{
+const Ne=e=>m(/\b/,e,/\w$/.test(e)?/\b/:/\B/),ve=["Protocol","Type"].map(Ne),Oe=["init","self"].map(Ne),ke=["Any","Self"],xe=["actor","any","associatedtype","async","await",/as\?/,/as!/,"as","break","case","catch","class","continue","convenience","default","defer","deinit","didSet","distributed","do","dynamic","else","enum","extension","fallthrough",/fileprivate\(set\)/,"fileprivate","final","for","func","get","guard","if","import","indirect","infix",/init\?/,/init!/,"inout",/internal\(set\)/,"internal","in","is","isolated","nonisolated","lazy","let","mutating","nonmutating",/open\(set\)/,"open","operator","optional","override","postfix","precedencegroup","prefix",/private\(set\)/,"private","protocol",/public\(set\)/,"public","repeat","required","rethrows","return","set","some","static","struct","subscript","super","switch","throws","throw",/try\?/,/try!/,"try","typealias",/unowned\(safe\)/,/unowned\(unsafe\)/,"unowned","var","weak","where","while","willSet"],Me=["false","nil","true"],Se=["assignment","associativity","higherThan","left","lowerThan","none","right"],Ae=["#colorLiteral","#column","#dsohandle","#else","#elseif","#endif","#error","#file","#fileID","#fileLiteral","#filePath","#function","#if","#imageLiteral","#keyPath","#line","#selector","#sourceLocation","#warn_unqualified_access","#warning"],Ce=["abs","all","any","assert","assertionFailure","debugPrint","dump","fatalError","getVaList","isKnownUniquelyReferenced","max","min","numericCast","pointwiseMax","pointwiseMin","precondition","preconditionFailure","print","readLine","repeatElement","sequence","stride","swap","swift_unboxFromSwiftValueWithType","transcode","type","unsafeBitCast","unsafeDowncast","withExtendedLifetime","withUnsafeMutablePointer","withUnsafePointer","withVaList","withoutActuallyEscaping","zip"],Te=p(/[/=\-+!*%<>&|^~?]/,/[\u00A1-\u00A7]/,/[\u00A9\u00AB]/,/[\u00AC\u00AE]/,/[\u00B0\u00B1]/,/[\u00B6\u00BB\u00BF\u00D7\u00F7]/,/[\u2016-\u2017]/,/[\u2020-\u2027]/,/[\u2030-\u203E]/,/[\u2041-\u2053]/,/[\u2055-\u205E]/,/[\u2190-\u23FF]/,/[\u2500-\u2775]/,/[\u2794-\u2BFF]/,/[\u2E00-\u2E7F]/,/[\u3001-\u3003]/,/[\u3008-\u3020]/,/[\u3030]/),Re=p(Te,/[\u0300-\u036F]/,/[\u1DC0-\u1DFF]/,/[\u20D0-\u20FF]/,/[\uFE00-\uFE0F]/,/[\uFE20-\uFE2F]/),De=m(Te,Re,"*"),Ie=p(/[a-zA-Z_]/,/[\u00A8\u00AA\u00AD\u00AF\u00B2-\u00B5\u00B7-\u00BA]/,/[\u00BC-\u00BE\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF]/,/[\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u167F\u1681-\u180D\u180F-\u1DBF]/,/[\u1E00-\u1FFF]/,/[\u200B-\u200D\u202A-\u202E\u203F-\u2040\u2054\u2060-\u206F]/,/[\u2070-\u20CF\u2100-\u218F\u2460-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793]/,/[\u2C00-\u2DFF\u2E80-\u2FFF]/,/[\u3004-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u303F\u3040-\uD7FF]/,/[\uF900-\uFD3D\uFD40-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFE1F\uFE30-\uFE44]/,/[\uFE47-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFD]/),Le=p(Ie,/\d/,/[\u0300-\u036F\u1DC0-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20FF\uFE20-\uFE2F]/),Be=m(Ie,Le,"*"),$e=m(/[A-Z]/,Le,"*"),ze=["autoclosure",m(/convention\(/,p("swift","block","c"),/\)/),"discardableResult","dynamicCallable","dynamicMemberLookup","escaping","frozen","GKInspectable","IBAction","IBDesignable","IBInspectable","IBOutlet","IBSegueAction","inlinable","main","nonobjc","NSApplicationMain","NSCopying","NSManaged",m(/objc\(/,Be,/\)/),"objc","objcMembers","propertyWrapper","requires_stored_property_inits","resultBuilder","testable","UIApplicationMain","unknown","usableFromInline"],Fe=["iOS","iOSApplicationExtension","macOS","macOSApplicationExtension","macCatalyst","macCatalystApplicationExtension","watchOS","watchOSApplicationExtension","tvOS","tvOSApplicationExtension","swift"]
+;var Ue=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,grmr_bash:e=>{const n=e.regex,t={},a={
+begin:n.concat(/\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/,"(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])")},a]});const i={
+contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,t,i]};i.contains.push(s);const o={begin:/\$?\(\(/,
+grmr_c:e=>{const n=e.regex,t=e.COMMENT("//","$",{contains:[{begin:/\\\n/}]
+begin:/(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/,end:/\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/})]},o={
+keyword:"if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include"
+literal:"true false NULL",
+built_in:"std string wstring cin cout cerr clog stdin stdout stderr stringstream istringstream ostringstream auto_ptr deque list queue stack vector map set pair bitset multiset multimap unordered_set unordered_map unordered_multiset unordered_multimap priority_queue make_pair array shared_ptr abort terminate abs acos asin atan2 atan calloc ceil cosh cos exit exp fabs floor fmod fprintf fputs free frexp fscanf future isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper isxdigit tolower toupper labs ldexp log10 log malloc realloc memchr memcmp memcpy memset modf pow printf putchar puts scanf sinh sin snprintf sprintf sqrt sscanf strcat strchr strcmp strcpy strcspn strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr tanh tan vfprintf vprintf vsprintf endl initializer_list unique_ptr"
+begin:/\(/,end:/\)/},{beginKeywords:"new throw return else",end:/;/}],
+beginKeywords:"enum class struct union",end:/[{;:<>=]/,contains:[{
+beginKeywords:"final class struct"},e.TITLE_MODE]}]),exports:{preprocessor:l,
+strings:s,keywords:g}}},grmr_cpp:e=>{const n=e.regex,t=e.COMMENT("//","$",{
+begin:/(?:u8?|U|L)?R"([^()\\ ]{0,16})\(/,end:/\)([^()\\ ]{0,16})"/})]},o={
+keyword:"if else elif endif define undef warning error line pragma _Pragma ifdef ifndef include"
+begin:/\(/,end:/\)/},{beginKeywords:"new throw return else",end:/;/}],
+className:{1:"keyword",3:"title.class"}}])}},grmr_csharp:e=>{const n={
+illegal:/\n/})];const g={variants:[c,l,i,e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE]
+},u={begin:"<",end:">",contains:[{beginKeywords:"in out"},t]
+keyword:"if else elif endif define undef warning error line region endregion pragma checksum"
+}},g,a,{beginKeywords:"class interface",relevance:0,end:/[{;=]/,
+illegal:/[^\s:,]/,contains:[{beginKeywords:"where class"
+beginKeywords:"new return throw await else",relevance:0},{className:"function",
+beginKeywords:"public private protected static internal protected abstract async extern override unsafe virtual new sealed partial",
+const n=e.regex,t=te(e),a=[e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE];return{
+keyframePosition:"from to"},classNameAliases:{keyframePosition:"selector-tag"},
+begin:/(url|data-uri)\(/,end:/\)/,relevance:0,keywords:{built_in:"url data-uri"
+$pattern:/[a-z-]+/,keyword:"and or not only",attribute:ie.join(" ")},contains:[{
+const n=e.regex;return{name:"Diff",aliases:["patch"],contains:[{
+match:n.either(/^@@ +-\d+,\d+ +\+\d+,\d+ +@@/,/^\*\*\* +\d+,\d+ +\*\*\*\*$/,/^--- +\d+,\d+ +----$/)
+begin:n.either(/Index: /,/^index/,/={3,}/,/^-{3}/,/^\*{3} /,/^\+{3}/,/^diff --git/),
+end:/$/}]}},grmr_go:e=>{const n={
+grmr_graphql:e=>{const n=e.regex;return{name:"GraphQL",aliases:["gql"],
+relevance:0}],illegal:[/[;<']/,/BEGIN/]}},grmr_ini:e=>{const n=e.regex,t={
+end:/$/}];const i={className:"variable",variants:[{begin:/\$[\w\d"][\w\d_]*/},{
+name:"TOML, also INI",aliases:["toml"],case_insensitive:!0,illegal:/\S/,
+const n=e.regex,t="[\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$][\xc0-\u02b8a-zA-Z_$0-9]*",a=t+ue("(?:<"+t+"~~~(?:\\s*,\\s*"+t+"~~~)*>)?",/~~~/g,2),i={
+keyword:["synchronized","abstract","private","var","static","if","const ","for","while","strictfp","finally","protected","import","native","final","void","enum","else","break","transient","catch","instanceof","volatile","case","assert","package","default","public","try","switch","continue","throws","protected","public","private","module","requires","exports","do","sealed","yield","permits"],
+begin:/import java\.[a-z]+\./,keywords:"import",relevance:2
+beginKeywords:"new throw return else",relevance:0},{
+grmr_json:e=>{const n=["true","false","null"],t={scope:"literal",
+beginKeywords:n.join(" ")};return{name:"JSON",keywords:{literal:n},contains:[{
+illegal:"\\S"}},grmr_kotlin:e=>{const n={
+keyword:"abstract as val var vararg get set class object open private protected public noinline crossinline dynamic final enum if else do while for when throw try catch finally import package is in fun override companion reified inline lateinit init interface annotation data sealed internal infix operator out by constructor super tailrec where const inner suspend typealias external expect actual",
+built_in:"Byte Short Char Int Long Boolean Float Double Void Unit Nothing",
+literal:"true false null"},t={className:"symbol",begin:e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE+"@"
+contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,i,a]}]};a.contains.push(r);const s={
+contains:[]}]},g=d;return g.variants[1].contains=[d],d.variants[1].contains=[g],
+3:"title.class"},keywords:"class interface trait",end:/[:\{(]|$/,excludeEnd:!0,
+illegal:"extends implements",contains:[{
+beginKeywords:"public protected internal private constructor"
+const n=te(e),t=le,a="([\\w-]+|@\\{[\\w-]+\\})",i=[],r=[],s=e=>({
+relevance:t}),l={$pattern:/[a-z-]+/,keyword:"and or not only",
+attribute:ie.join(" ")},c={begin:"\\(",end:"\\)",contains:r,keywords:l,
+},n.IMPORTANT,{beginKeywords:"and not"},n.FUNCTION_DISPATCH);const d=r.concat({
+contains:[{beginKeywords:"and not"}].concat(r)},u={begin:a+"\\s*:",
+grmr_lua:e=>{const n="\\[=*\\[",t="\\]=*\\]",a={begin:n,end:t,contains:["self"]
+literal:"true false nil",
+keyword:"and break do else elseif end for goto if in local not or repeat return then until while",
+built_in:"_G _ENV _VERSION __index __newindex __mode __call __metatable __tostring __len __gc __add __sub __mul __div __mod __pow __concat __unm __eq __lt __le assert collectgarbage dofile error getfenv getmetatable ipairs load loadfile loadstring module next pairs pcall print rawequal rawget rawset require select setfenv setmetatable tonumber tostring type unpack xpcall arg self coroutine resume yield status wrap create running debug getupvalue debug sethook getmetatable gethook setmetatable setlocal traceback setfenv getinfo setupvalue getlocal getregistry getfenv io lines write close flush open output type read stderr stdin input stdout popen tmpfile math log max acos huge ldexp pi cos tanh pow deg tan cosh sinh random randomseed frexp ceil floor rad abs sqrt modf asin min mod fmod log10 atan2 exp sin atan os exit setlocale date getenv difftime remove time clock tmpname rename execute package preload loadlib loaded loaders cpath config path seeall string sub upper len gfind rep find match char dump gmatch reverse byte format gsub lower table setn insert getn foreachi maxn foreach concat sort remove"
+begin:n,end:t,contains:[a],relevance:5}])}},grmr_makefile:e=>{const n={
+built_in:"subst patsubst strip findstring filter filter-out sort word wordlist firstword lastword dir notdir suffix basename addsuffix addprefix join wildcard realpath abspath error warning shell origin flavor foreach if or and call eval file value"
+keyword:"define endef undefine ifdef ifndef ifeq ifneq else endif include -include sinclude override export unexport private vpath"
+const n=e.regex,t=n.concat(/[\p{L}_]/u,n.optional(/[\p{L}0-9_.-]*:/u),/[\p{L}0-9_.-]*/u),a={
+name:"HTML, XML",