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Shiv is a multithreaded G-code generator for 3D printers.



  • C++11 compiler


For Unix-like systems:

$ ./

Note: If you're compiling under Cygwin, remove -fopenmp from $CXXFLAGS in Libgomp doesn't seem to work very well under Windows so shiv often ends up running slower with OpenMP enabled.

For Windows (make sure cl is in your %PATH%):

> build.bat

OpenMP is enabled by default for both platforms.



shiv [-hp] [-o output_path] [-c config_path] [-S setting=value]
     [-l layer_height] [-w extrusion_width] [-t tolerance]
     [-s scale_factor] [-d infill_density] [-n shells]
     [-r roof_thickness] [-f floor_thickness] [-b brim_width]
     [-C coarseness] [-x x_translate] [-y y_translate]
     [-z z_chop] binary_stl_file


Flag Description
-h Show help text
-p Print configuration
-o output_path Output gcode path
-c config_path Configuration file path
-S setting=value Set setting to value
-l layer_height Layer height
-w extrusion_width Constrained extrusion width
-t tolerance Segment connection tolerance
-s scale_factor Object scale factor
-d infill_density Sparse infill density
-n shells Number of shells
-r roof_thickness Solid roof thickness
-f floor_thickness Solid floor thickness
-b brim_width Brim width
-C coarseness Output coarseness
-x x_translate Translate object in the x-axis
-y y_translate Translate object in the y-axis
-z z_chop Sink object into build plate

Full settings list:

Setting Default value Description
layer_height 0.2 Layer height.
tolerance 0.001 Segment connection tolerance. Large values can be used to close holes in broken models.
scale_constant 1000000.0 Clipper uses integers, so we need to scale floating point values. Precision is 1/scale_constant units. Coordinates in the range ±4.6e+18/scale_constant are accepted.
coarseness 0.01 Approximate output coarseness. Useful for simplifying high polygon count meshes.
extrusion_width 0.45 Constrained extrusion width. Should generally be set to a value equal to or slightly larger than the nozzle diameter.
xy_scale_factor 1.003 The object is scaled by this ratio in the x and y axes to compensate for shrinkage. Around 1.003 works for PLA. ABS should be somewhere between 1.004 and 1.009.
z_scale_factor 1.0 The object is scaled by this ratio in the z axis to compensate for shrinkage. Should probably be left at 1 unless a high temperature heated chamber is used.
x_center 0.0 X coordinate to center the object on.
y_center 0.0 Y coordinate to center the object on.
packing_density 0.75 Controls how tightly packed the extrusions are. 0 means just touching and 1 means fully packed.
edge_packing_density 0.5 Controls how much extra negative offset is applied to the outer perimeter to compensate for reduced packing density of its constrained edge. Automatically set to 1 when outside_first is true or shells is less than 2.
shell_clip 0.15 Length to clip off the ends of shells in units of extrusion_width.
extra_offset 0.0 Offset the object by this distance in the xy plane.
infill_density 0.2 Sparse infill density.
infill_pattern grid Sparse infill pattern. Legal values are grid, triangle, triangle2, and rectilinear.
solid_infill_angle 45.0 Solid infill angle in degrees.
sparse_infill_angle 45.0 Sparse infill angle in degrees.
shells 2 Number of loops/perimeters/shells (whatever you want to call them).
roof_thickness 0.8 Solid surface thickness when looking upwards.
floor_thickness 0.8 Solid surface thickness when looking downwards.
min_shell_contact 0.0 Minimum contact patch through roof and floor layers in units of extrusion_width. Small values will reduce print time compared to larger values, but may produce weaker parts.
solid_fill_expansion 1.0 Distance to expand solid infill, in units of extrusion_width.
material_diameter 1.75 Diameter of material.
flow_multiplier 1.0 Flow rate adjustment to compensate for incorrect E-steps or E-step variation between material types.
feed_rate 50.0 Base feed rate. Feed rates below are actual speeds (in units/s) if set to a positive value, or a multiple of feed_rate (or other if specified) if set to a negative value. In other words, 40 is 40 units/s, but -0.5 is feed_rate * 0.5 units/s.
perimeter_feed_rate -0.5 Outer shell feed rate.
loop_feed_rate -0.7 Inner shell(s) feed rate.
infill_feed_rate None Sets both solid_infill_feed_rate and sparse_infill_feed_rate.
solid_infill_feed_rate -1.0 Solid infill feed rate.
sparse_infill_feed_rate -1.0 Sparse infill feed rate.
support_feed_rate -1.0 Support structure feed rate.
iron_feed_rate -1.0 Top surface ironing feed rate. A negative value means a multiple of solid_infill_feed_rate.
travel_feed_rate 120.0 Travel feed rate.
first_layer_mult 0.5 First layer feed rates (except travel) are multiplied by this value.
coast_len 0.0 Length to coast (move with the extruder turned off) at the end of a shell. This can reduce start/end blobs if set correctly, but will cause gaps if set too high.
wipe_len 0.0 Length to wipe the nozzle after retracting.
retract_len 1.0 Retraction length.
retract_speed 20.0 Retraction speed.
restart_speed -1.0 Restart speed. A negative value means a multiple of retract_speed.
retract_threshold 30.0 Unconditional retraction threshold.
solid_infill_retract_threshold 5.0 Retraction threshold when doing solid infill in units of extrusion_width.
retract_after_shells false Retract unconditionally after printing the last shell.
extra_restart_len 0.0 Extra material length on restart.
sparse_restart_max_dist 0.0 Travel distance required to reach sparse_restart_max_vol when doing non-retracted travel moves during sparse infill.
sparse_restart_max_vol 0.0 Maximum extra restart volume for the above case.
z_hop 0.0 Raise the z axis by this amount after retracting when traveling.
z_hop_angle 15.0 Ascent angle for z-hop.
only_hop_between_islands false If z_hop > 0, only do a z-hop move when traveling between islands.
cool_layer 2 Turn on part cooling at this layer (numbered from zero). Set to -1 to disable cooling.
start_gcode None Prepend this G-code to beginning of the output file.
end_gcode None Append this G-code to the end of the output file.
cool_on_gcode M106 S{cool_value} G-code to turn on cooling.
cool_off_gcode M107 G-code to turn off cooling.
cool_min 127.0 Minimum cool value.
cool_max 255.0 Maximum cool value.
cool_min_time 60.0 If layer time >= cool_min_time, the cool_min value will be used.
cool_max_time 10.0 If layer time <= cool_max_time, the cool_max value will be used.
cool_off_time 0.0 If layer time >= cool_off_time, cooling will be turned off. Set to zero to disable this feature.
edge_overlap 0.5 Allowable edge path overlap in units of extrusion_width.
comb true Avoid crossing boundaries. Automatically disabled if z_hop > 0 and only_hop_between_islands is false.
strict_shell_order false Always do insets in order within an island.
align_seams true Align seams to the lower left corner. The nearest point is picked instead if this is false.
align_interior_seams true Align interior seams to the lower left corner if align_seams is also true. If false, only exterior seams are aligned.
simplify_insets true Do simplify_path() operation on all insets (only the initial outline is simplified if this is false)
fill_inset_gaps true Fill gaps between shells.
no_solid false If true, only generate solid fill on the very top and bottom of the model.
anchor false Clip and anchor inset paths.
outside_first false Prefer exterior shells.
iron_top_surface false Run the nozzle over exposed top surfaces a second time.
separate_z_travel false Generate a separate z travel move instead of moving all axes together.
preserve_layer_offset false Preserve layer offset when placing the object on the build plate. Useful for certain multi-part prints.
combine_all false Orients all outlines counter-clockwise. This can be used to fix certain broken models, but it also fills holes.
poly_fill_type non_zero Poly fill type for union. Sometimes even_odd is useful for broken models with self-intersections and/or incorrect normals.
inset_join_type miter Join type for negative offsets. Legal values are miter, square, and round. square tends to retain tiny details better, but miter produces simpler (smaller) gcode.
outset_join_type miter Join type for positive offsets. Legal values are miter, square, and round.
offset_miter_limit 2.0 Sets ClipperOffset.MiterLimit. See the ClipperLib documentation for details.
offset_arc_tolerance 5.0 Sets ClipperOffset.ArcTolerance. See the ClipperLib documentation for details.
fill_threshold 0.25 Infill and inset gap fill is removed when it would be narrower than extrusion_width * fill_threshold.
infill_smooth_threshold 2.0 Solid infill lines are converted to a smooth curve when the region being filled is narrower than extrusion_width * infill_smooth_threshold.
min_sparse_infill_len 1.0 Minimum length for sparse infill lines.
infill_overlap 0.05 Overlap between infill and shells in units of extrusion_width.
iron_flow_multiplier 0.1 Flow adjustment (relative to normal flow) for top surface ironing.
iron_density 2.0 Density of passes for top surface ironing.
generate_support false Generate support structure.
support_everywhere true False means only touching build plate.
solid_support_base true Make supports solid at layer 0.
connect_support_lines false Connect support lines together. Makes the support structure more robust, but harder to remove.
expand_support_interface true Expand support interface by the distance between support lines.
support_angle 70.0 Angle threshold for support.
support_margin 0.6 Horizontal spacing between support and model, in units of edge_width.
support_vert_margin 1 Vertical spacing between support and model, in layers.
interface_roof_layers 3 Number of support interface layers when looking upwards.
interface_floor_layers 0 Number of support interface layers when looking downwards.
support_xy_expansion 2.0 Expand support map by this amount. Larger values will generate more support material, but the supports will be stronger.
support_density 0.2 Support structure density.
interface_density 0.7 Support interface density.
support_flow_mult 0.75 Flow rate is multiplied by this value for the support structure. Smaller values will generate a weaker support structure, but it will be easier to remove. The default works well for PLA, but should be increased for materials that have trouble bridging (like PETG).
min_layer_time 8.0 Minimum layer time.
min_feed_rate 10.0 Minimum feed rate.
brim_width 0.0 Brim width.
brim_adhesion_factor 0.5 How stuck to the object the brim is. 0 is just touching and 1 is packed as tightly as normal shells.
raft_xy_expansion 5.0 Expand raft beyond the model by this amount.
raft_base_layer_height 0.3 Layer height for the first layer of the raft.
raft_base_layer_width 0.6 Extrusion width for the first layer of the raft.
raft_base_layer_density 0.5 Fill density for the first layer of the raft.
raft_vert_margin 1.0 Vertical gap between the model and raft, in units of layer_height.
raft_interface_flow_mult 0.75 Flow rate is multiplied by this value for the raft interface layers.
raft_interface_layers 1 Number of solid interface layers.
material_density 0.00125 Material density in arbitrary_mass_unit / input_output_unit^3. The default is approximately correct for PLA and millimeter input/output units.
material_cost 0.01499 Material cost in arbitrary_currency / arbitrary_mass_unit. The arbitrary mass unit must be the same as used in material_density.
gcode_variable None Set a variable that can be expanded within a G-code string option (see "G-code variables" below).
v None Alias for gcode_variable.
at_layer None Print a string to the output file at the beginning of a given layer (numbered from zero).

G-code variables:

Variables and settings can be expanded within the start_gcode, end_gcode, cool_on_gcode, cool_off_gcode, and at_layer settings by enclosing the variable/setting name in curly braces: {name}. Alternates can be specified by separating multiple names with colons: {var1:var2:var3}. If a variable/setting does not exist, the next alternate will be tried. If none of the alternates exist, it will expand to an empty string and warning will be printed.

Configuration files:

Configuration files are a simple key-value format. Comment lines start with a #. Lines starting with whitespace are interpreted as a continuation of the previous line.


### Generic printer configuration
cool_on_gcode=M106 S{fan_speed}
cool_off_gcode=M106 S0
	G21              ; Metric
	G90              ; Absolute positioning
	M82              ; Absolute extruder position
	G28 X0 Y0        ; Home X and Y
	G28 Z0           ; Home Z
	G1 Z20.0 F3300
	M190 S{first_layer_bed_temp:bed_temp} ; Wait for bed to reach temp
	M109 S{first_layer_temp:temp}         ; Wait for hotend to reach temp
	G92 E0
	G1 E20.0 F100    ; Prime extruder
	G92 E0
	G1 E-{retract_len} F{retract_speed} ; Retract
	G92 E0
	M104 S0          ; Zero temps
	M140 S0
	G28 X0 Y0
	M84              ; Disable steppers
	M104 S{temp}     ; Set second layer temp
	M140 S{bed_temp} ; Set second layer bed temp


Slice infile.stl and output gcode to outfile.gcode:

shiv -o outfile.gcode infile.stl

Same as above, but with some options set:

shiv -o outfile.gcode -d 0.5 -n 3 -x 30 -y 30 -S min_layer_time=15 -S gcode_variable=temp=200 infile.stl

Preview slices of infile.stl in gnuplot:

shiv -p infile.stl | gnuplot

Feature wishlist:

  • ASCII STL, AMF, OBJ, etc. support (only reads binary STL currently)
  • Bridge detection
  • Multi-extrusion support