Closed issues:
- Update Latest version of Atmosphere's JavaScript Client #2113
- Failed to create AsyncSupport class: class org.atmosphere.container.JSR356AsyncSupport #2111
atmosphere-project-2.4.2 (2016-01-04)
Closed issues:
- Add a configurable option to suppress detecting JSR356 #2104
atmosphere-project- (2015-12-09)
Closed issues:
- Avoid throwing JSR356 exception in modules/cpr unit tests #2106
- Some improvement for class loading detection #2105
atmosphere-project- (2015-12-08)
atmosphere-project- (2015-12-08)
Closed issues:
- Add some classes to 2.4.x and 2.3.x to make the changes less visible #2103
atmosphere-project- (2015-12-07)
atmosphere-project-2.3.6 (2015-12-01)
atmosphere-project-2.4.1 (2015-11-26)
Closed issues:
- Exception warning in InjectableObjectFactory.configure ( #2098
atmosphere-project- (2015-11-25)
Closed issues:
atmosphere-project- (2015-11-23)
atmosphere-project- (2015-11-18)
Closed issues:
- Setup with jetty, jersey and guice #2085
atmosphere-project-2.4.0 (2015-11-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- EndpointMapper not suppored by META-INF/service #2078
- [jsr356] Mapping must cover all defined servlet-mapping #1532
Closed issues:
- Websocket reconnect fails when disconnecting network #2082
- [Long-Polling] @PathParam not working #2080
- FrameworkConfig.SUPPORT_SESSION is not used #2079
- WebSocketHandlerService interceptor not called. #2076
- [CDI] Allow pluggable @Produces implementation #2065
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC7 (2015-10-27)
Closed issues:
- AtmosphereInterceptor.postInspect() is not called in case of a handler thrown exception #2073
- ConcurrentModificationException on request.getHeaderNames() #2072
- ClassCastException on AsynchronousProcessor#invokeAtmosphereHandler #2071
- Expected hostname at index 5: ws://:0/ #2070
- Sending information to Atmosphere's Google Analytics without requesting user #2068
- Glassfish completely broken when JSR 356 is enabled. #2067
- Nested webapp context path breaks @ManagedResource #2064
- ConcurrentModificationException #2062
- org.sonatype.oss oss-parent version 5 does not exists #2061
- atmosphere-runtime limits org.eclipse.jetty.continuation imports to version 8 #2058
- [jsr356] Spring mvc and atmosphere : works with tomcat7, not with tomcat 8 #2050
atmosphere-project-2.2.9 (2015-10-02)
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC6 (2015-10-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- CleanUp IOUtils.guestServletPath and Servlet Path Calculation for Jsr356 #2057
atmosphere-project-2.3.5 (2015-09-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Report a possible race issue #2055
Closed issues:
- Prevent re-scan of core annotation when new custom annotationw are defined. #2060
- WriteOperation instances climbing #2056
- Duplicate resource warnings on page navigation/reload in firefox #2052
- AtmosphereServlet initialized twice #1775
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC5 (2015-09-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- [inject] Allow second chance injection #2041
- Provide an option for the client to request for websocket responses without the length delimiter #2013
Closed issues:
- Broadcaster resending message to @Message #2051
- ServiceInterceptor must recalculate it's optimization when a new xxxHandler is deployed #2049
- [ForkJoinPool] Thread Local Leak with Netty's fork on shutdown #2048
- Impossible to connect using the last version of #2047
- Typecast error in AtmosphereFramework.defaultInterceptors() #2046
- Support to retrieve factory outside the AtmosphereServlet class #2043
- Universe static helper is not populated if the LOG level is not at least INFO #2042
- atmosphere breaks communication using apache cxf #2040
- incomingBroadcast Exception Broadcaster will be broken unless reconfigured #2038
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC4 (2015-08-21)
Closed issues:
- Set the org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcaster.maxAsyncWriteThreads to -1 to fully use its power #2036
- test #2035
- IllegalStateException exception for the session Check #2034
atmosphere-project-2.3.4 (2015-08-05)
atmosphere-project-2.1.12 (2015-08-04)
Closed issues:
- Install without maven #2031
- Install without maven #2030
- ManagedAtmosphereHandler bypass the @Message method for the second broadcasted message #2029
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC3 (2015-07-25)
Closed issues:
- atmosphere-redis functioning differently in aws elasticcache then local redis #2028
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC2 (2015-07-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- JgroupBroadcaster #2022
Closed issues:
- Problem with long-pooling in atmosphere-samples in IE 9 (browser without websocket support) #2023
- ConcurrentModificationException in WebSocket.shiftAttributes method #2021
atmosphere-project-2.2.8 (2015-07-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- [WebLogic] 12.1.3 BlockingIOCometSupport selected #2018
Closed issues:
- jquery.atmosphere.js - long polling request is being aborted by firefox #2020
atmosphere-project-2.4.0-RC1 (2015-07-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make JSR-356 the preferred websocket implementation #1940
Closed issues:
- Jetty9WebSocket.write tries to write on CLOSING connection #2015
- Shiro + Tomcat 8 websocket (JSR356) #2014
- BroadcasterCache excludeFromCache #2007
- messages cached to wrong clients when broadcasting to subset (UUIDBroadcasterCache) #2004
atmosphere-project-2.3.3 (2015-07-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- [inject] Allow AtmophereXXX injection in WebSocketHandler #2012
- [inject] Allow injection of AtmosphereResourceEvent #2011
- [inject] Allow injection of AtmosphereResponse #2010
- [inject] Allow injection of AtmosphereRequest #2009
- [inject] Allow runtime injection of AtmosphereResource #2008
- [inject] Add support for javax.inject.Named annotation for Broadcaster #2006
- [Inject] Allow introspection of method and field before injection #2005
- Support for JDK 8 only #1912
- [AtmosphereResourceLifeCycleInterceptor] Prevent application error by suspending first #1524
Closed issues:
- Minimum supported Servlet version? #2003
- Typo in #2001
- websocket servlet object doesn't want to write the header #2000
- Jetty 9.3 and Atmosphere do not play nicely together #1998
- long-polling transport problem with chat example #1996
- @ManagedService unexpected behaviour with DeliverTo.DELIVER_TO.RESOURCE over long-polling #1994
- atmosphere-jersey @Suspend(writeEntity=false) not working #1993
- HeartbeatInterceptor make redirecting failed #1967
atmosphere-project-2.3.2 (2015-06-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- If AtmosphereFramework.isInit return true, execute immediately the StartupHook #1984
- Add support for WebSocketFactory #1980
- Use ServiceLoader for loading Injectable instance #1977
Closed issues:
- atmosphere-runtime 2.3.1's bundle manifest does not mark CDI dependency as optional #1992
- js Client Messages gets dropped/ignored by atmosphere #1991
- How to stop client receiving own data #1990
- HeartbeatInterceptor does not appear to work with TrackMessageSizeInterceptor #1989
- Servlet 2.5 issues in Atmosphere 2.2.x and 2.3.x #1987
- [META-INF/services] broken for WebSocketProcessor and WebSocketProtocol #1986
- Atmosphere 2.3.1: NPE on JSR356Endpoint close event #1983
- Using IE9, NoSuchMethodError displayed in log file. #1982
- Invalid lookup class org.atmosphere.plugin.hazelcast.HazelcastBroadcaster. Cached class is: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcaster #1981
- org.atmosphere:atmosphere-runtime-native Maven Central sources jars do not contain source for all classes in binary jars #1979
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SessionManager in Atmosphere-2.3.1 with some jetty #1978
- [Regression] PostConstruct called twice #1976
- ManagedAtmosphereHandler should not try to re-encode if no BroadcasterFilter are defined #1975
atmosphere-project-2.1.11 (2015-05-11)
atmosphere-project-2.2.7 (2015-05-08)
Closed issues:
- @DeliverTo(DELIVER_TO.RESOURCE) does not work at all #1952
atmosphere-project-2.3.1 (2015-05-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Small issue with Atmosphere on Websphere Liberty when shutting down the server. #1974
- [Performance] Add Support for ForkJoinPool when jdk7+ is used #1972
- [Inject] Allow injection of declared and parent methods and fields. #1971
- [annotation] Warn user when more than one WebSocketProcessor are defined. #1963
- [webSocket] Expose PIng/Pong Message API #1959
- [WebSocket] Allow WebSocket to go through when only AtmosphereInterceptor are defined #1957
- Current Version check done in AtmosphereFramework is wrong #1954
Closed issues:
- Provide error page support #1973
- [Undertow] Prevent NPE. #1969
- May sending incorrect Websocket message while no AsyncIOInterceptor is registered #1968
- Return wrong PathInfo/ServletPath from AtmosphereRequest while using Tomcat 8(JSR356AsyncSupport) #1966
- [jsr356] Possible NPE on close #1965
- Concurrency issue in WebSocket's write operation #1961
- Can not create a Broadcaster, because an implementation is required. #1960
- [Annotation] NPE when no annotation defined #1956
- Controlling AtmosphereResponse's ServletOutputStream writing behavior #1949
atmosphere-project-2.3.0 (2015-04-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Reduce the number of AtmosphereResponse's inner object #1951
- [Legacy] Allow registration of connections with X-Atmosphere-Transport #1939
- Client misbehaves when server has TrackMessageSizeInterceptor and trackMessageLength=false #1848
Closed issues:
- Atmosphere Framework: Invalid lookup class org.atmosphere.plugin.hazelcast.HazelcastBroadcaster exception #1953
- [Tyrus] Tyrus/GlassFish 4.1 fails to initialize jsr356 #1946
- JSR356Endpoint discards header values #1944
- [Jetty] Internal Jetty NPE of flushBuffer() #1943
- Log the exception if DefaultAsyncSupport.newCometSupport fails #1942
- TimeOut exception long polling #1941
- Firefox fails to reconnect websocket connection after server side timeout #1938
- Multiple threads call AtmosphereResource.write(), websocket stops working #1937
- OnDisconnectInterceptor transport check failure when using JS client. #1934
- Glassfish 4 websocket support is broken if using multiple endpoints #1933
- Possible Thread Race with AsyncToken in DefaultBroadcaster #1932
- Trailing slashes in JSR 356 path not handled correctly for Jetty 9.2 #1910
- ConcurrentModificationException on atmosphere websocket connection #1908
atmosphere-project-2.3.0-RC6 (2015-03-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Performance] [WebSocket] Avoid coyping parent attributes #1931
Closed issues:
- ConcurrrentHashMap Leaking. #1929
- Not able to receive messages on client side when the war is bundeled inside ear #1928
- osgi #1927
- Prevent Duplicate AtmosphereInterceptor to be installed #1905
atmosphere-project-2.3.0-RC5 (2015-03-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve AtmosphereInterceptor Lifecycle by exposing a destroy() method #1904
- [Performance][IldeResourceInterceptor] Excludes POLLING AtmosphereResource #1903
- getInitParameter also from ServetContext? #1897
- [Performance] Avoid looping and removing an AtmosphereResource from all available Broadcasters #1885
- Bump to Jersey 1.19 #1884
- Add xxxFactoryListener to complement BroadcastListener #1883
- HeartbeatInterceptor executed before IdleResourceInterceptor #1760
- MeteorServlet using Java config #1587
Closed issues:
- Long-Polling interrupted on initial connect #1906
- [websocket] Wrong closing code when jquery.atmosphere.js is used #1902
- Atmosphere generates nonstandard HTTP headers #1900
- Can't use Atmosphere Framework with Jersey in Apache Karaf #1899
- Unable to load atmosphere-runtime and atmosphere-annotations into OSGi (Apache Karaf) #1896
- Guice extensions does not work with 2.3.0 #1895
- long-polling causes IllegalStateException: "STREAM" #1894
- NullPointerException in MeteorServlet #1893
- [Jersey-Spring] Client can not reconnect to atmosphere after disconnect #1892
- No AtmosphereHandler maps request for #1891
- [ManagedAtmosphereHandler] Messages not delivered after broadcast from @Ready method #1890
- AtmosphereResponse.getHeaderNames() may throw Exception #1888
- [ManagedAtmosphereHandler] Second consequent message not delivered #1887
- [Long-Polling] Possible Thread Race when message is retrieved from the cache #1886
- V2.3.0-RC3 ManagedAtmosphereHandler:message discard the second request on the same method #1880
- Multiple handler's interceptors will be combined and intercepts all the services' message #1845
- [SpringBoot] Try to workaround broken SpringBoot and bad JHipster integration #1836
- [Tomcat 7.x only] Reloading the servlet context (tomcat 7) does not close all active web sockets #1827
- [Tomcat] NIO error when the websocket is closed #1646
- AtmosphereResponse.getWriter().print(int) doesn't work with non-servlet frameworks #1193
atmosphere-project-2.3.0-RC4 (2015-03-03)
Closed issues:
- ManagedServiceProcessor always load three default interceptors #1857
atmosphere-project-2.2.6 (2015-03-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Performance] Add a Poolable BroadcasterFactory #1879
- Improve AtmosphereFrameworkInitializer #1875
- [Performance] Share BroadcasterListener's Map, Reduce the number of BroadcasterLifecyclePolicyHandler created. #1870
- Allow discarting message on flush() and flushBuffer() I/O Exception #1867
- [optimization][runtime] Inline method #1595
- [optimization] [Jersey] inlining method #1594
Closed issues:
- V2.3.0-RC3 AtmosphereFramework::doCometSupport, java.lang.NullPointerException #1881
- [Performance] Reduce contention on DefaultBroadcasterFactory internal store #1878
- Incorrect use of Arrays.copyOfRange in org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils #1873
- [JBossWeb] Remove JBossWebSocket Container #1872
- Atmosphere in Dropwizard: Unable to use Dropwizard-Testing #1868
- [DefaultBroadcaster] [Tomcat] Improve error handling #1866
- [Netty] Possible deadlock #1865
- [Native] AtmosphereServlet must behave exactly the same way as org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet #1864
- Is synchronous XHR really needed by Atmosphere? #1863
- Allow onTransportFailure handler to abort reconnect attempt #1862
- Network issues should not cause permanent downgrade to long polling #1861
- Reconnect not reliable with Chrome + Jetty 9.2 #1860
- AtmosphereRequest is not configured properly when using Weblogic 12c with websockets #1854
- Client side 'connectTimeout' parameter doesn't work when WebSocket is opened but messages are blocked #1844
- [JBossWeb] Read Operation Block When APR is enabled #1843
- Atmosphere + Tomcat + Long-Polling: Possible race condition resulting in corrupt server response #1791
atmosphere-project-2.3.0-RC3 (2015-02-13)
Closed issues:
- [WebLogic] jsr356 support broken #1856
atmosphere-project-2.2.5 (2015-02-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Tomcat] Improve logging for IOException: Broken pipe exceptions #1852
- DefaultWebSocketProcessor must fail if no AtmosphereHandler or WebSocketHandler installed. #1851
Closed issues:
- unsubscribe for a specific request when multiple subscriptions #1855
- jquery.atmosphere-min.js contains lot of security bridges. #1853
- AsynchronousProcessor should cancel the processing when the request is closed mid-way #1850
- NPE When using long-polling with tomcat7 - reproduce with gwt-20-managed-rpc #1849
- atmosphere WebSocket not using the right Response? #1846
- Not closing the WebSocket when closing ServletOutputStream returned by AtmosphereResponse.getOutputStream() #1842
- AtmosphereResourceImpl doesn't override hashcode() which will fail the hash collection #1841
- Logging every message to info in AutoBeanClientSerializer.deserialize #1840
- Tomcat 8.x + Jersey ( 1.18.1 ) + atmosphere-runtime 2.2.x cannot correctly route WebSocket requests due to an incorrect requestURI implementation in org.atmosphere.container.JSR356Endpoint.onOpen #1839
- [jsr356] Wrong path calculation for servletContext == /* #1838
- Cordova/PhoneGap integration #1837
- [Meteor][Jersey][JSONP] doPost is executed before doGet when data is pushed from subSocket.onOpen() #1832
atmosphere-project-2.1.10 (2015-01-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Tomcat7only] Badly implemented WebSocket client makes Tomcat/Atmosphere to create sessions in an endless loop #1834
- UUIDBroadcastCache buffer messages on timeout/severed connections #1674
- AtmosphereResourceSessionListener #1630
- Possible ClassCastException when resolving AtmosphereResource #1561
- long-polling protocol (at least) doesn't encode messages as UTF-8 like websocket #1424
- BroadcasterCache apply to all deployed @Service #1299
- Add support, in Atmosphere Protocol, messaging when the server is about to close the connection #953
- Make Message UUID generator pluggable #626
Closed issues:
- [Meteor] SSE doesn't work if TrackMessageSizeInterceptor is used #1835
- DefaultBroadcaster's messages queue is not processed #1822
- Documentation: Failed to get Atmosphere 2.3 to run on WebSphere 7 (Java EE 5/Servlet 2.5) #1751
- [Clarification] Action.SKIP_ATMOSPHEREHANDLER behavior #1664
- [OSGi] MeteorServlet.init() - two calls to delegate servlet init() method #1571
atmosphere-project-2.3.0-RC2 (2015-01-07)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- [AtmosphereResourceStateRecover] Must not re-add filtered messages. #1833
- [AtmosphereResourceStateRecover] onSuspend must be called independently of the transport #1831
- [Firefox] [NettoSphere] ManagedService Disconnect never called #1830
- CorsInterceptor: Wrong DROP_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER value #1829
- The AtmosphereResponse only return the header from its own "headers" map #1828
- Reloading a context throws following exception #1826
- node-webkit chrome based browser throws exceptions (internal DoS) #1825
- Long Pooling with 2.2.4 version not working #1821
- Message lost when long polling disconnects (2.2.4 + JS 2.2.6) #1820
- Default Serializer configuration isn't used by Meteor #1817
- ClassFileIterator can stop AnnotationDetector #1816
- [jersey] JSONP is broken with rest-chat sample #1815
- v2.2.4: Can't open websocket in Android browser to Jetty 9.2.5.v20141112 #1814
- [Native] META-SERVICE missing #1813
- Howto: server(combined with data generator) -->(push new data)--> all subscriped clients #1812
- Upgrading to Atmosphere 2.2.0 makes new Spring ContextRefreshedEvent events #1722
- AtmosphereResource.isSuspended() doesn't always work as expected #1320
atmosphere-project-2.3.0-RC1 (2014-12-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Document how implement acknowledgement support by creating an AtmosphereInterceptor #1034
atmosphere-project-2.2.4 (2014-12-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Reduce AtmosphereRequest's attributes size #1810
- A lot of logs "Invalid request state. Websocket protocol not supported " #1797
- Add support for AtmosphereFramework lifecycle #1796
- Allow DI to instanciate xxxFactory #1785
- Add a Universe for hacking factory #1767
- Improve Custom Injection API #1763
- Allow an application to reset the thread pools #1759
- Allow configuring the number of Scheduler Threads #1757
- JSR356: Ability to retrieve remote client intels #1752
- Interceptor ordering behavior leads to missconfiguration and uncontrollable behavior #1698
Closed issues:
- [Spring] Add void annotation processor #1809
- BroadcastFilterLifecycle.destroy called twice on shutdown #1807
- [Tomcat] Possible NPE on setAttribute #1806
- [Tomcat8] Workaround Tomcat Internal NullPointerException #1804
- [Tomcat8] Prevent exception from breaking the request flow #1803
- [JSR356/AsyncContext] org.atmosphere.useNative must never be honored #1801
- [memory] Remove BroadcastFuture from the Request's attributes #1800
- Improve annotation scanning. #1798
- the param of custom package doesn't work, custom package found same class anotation twice #1795
- BroadcasterListener#onComplete invoked multiple times #1793
- DefaultBroadcaster broadcast future is not released when PerRequestBroadcastFilter returns ABORT #1792
- NPE in TrackMessageSizeInterceptor #1789
- [jsr356] A lot of attempts to write to the closed socket #1788
- Deadlock in JSR356 Tomcat implementation #1786
- Running Atmosphere within Resin 4 #1783
- [Tomcat CometEvent/HttpEvent] Possible deadlock on disconnect #1782
- Reconnect behaviour improvement #1779
- AnnotationDetector ignores subpackage on wildfly8 #1778
- AnnotationDetector should log with slf4j #1777
- Atmosphere-Shared-AsyncOp Thread is blocked on JSR356WebSocket:65 #1773
- Use constant expression for ApplicationConfig's constants #1772
- [jsr356] AtmosphereResource#transport representing WebSocket message returns undefined when enableProtocol is false #1771
- WebSocket session closed on tomcat 8 #1770
- atmosphere Broadcast #1769
- Allow Configuring Keep-Alive Thread value #1768
- NullPointerException in AtmosphereResourceEventImpl.isResuming #1766
- [Tomcat] onTimeout() failed for listener of type [org.apache.catalina.core.AsyncListenerWrapper] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Calling [asyncComplete()] is not valid for a request with Async state [MUST_COMPLETE] #1765
- Atmosphere broadcaster read only? prevent push #1764
- Completely remove BroadcasterFactory.getDefault #1762
- Prevent Tomcat/jsr356 from crashing on Error #1758
- Prevent Client to reconnect and leaks thread when Atmosphere is undeployed #1756
- Problem with Chrome DNS cache #1755
- Atmosphere on Heroku with Play Framework 2, Scaling issue #1753
- Use long polling broadcast the first message the AtmosphereResource will remove from broadcast. #1749
- Primepush and JavaEE websockets #1747
- Missing Origin header causes Atmosphere to add requestURI twice to the generated Origin header. #1745
- AtmosphereResourceImpl implements equals but not hashCode #1743
- Memory leak, thread named [Atmosphere-Shared-AsyncOp-**] #1740
- Can't get AtmosphereFramework from servlet context on JBoss EAP 6.1 #1716
- [Jersey] NPE with websocket and sendError #1547
atmosphere-project-2.2.3 (2014-10-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- receipt asked by client and server aknowledgement #1576
Closed issues:
- Sometimes use broadcast will push two times.(safari and IE9) #1739
- FD for the Atmosphere socket not released after closing the socket #1738
- [JBossWeb] Prevent java.lang.IllegalStateException: Request object no longer valid when completing the request #1737
- [Heartbeat][enableXDR][IE] Allow changing padding bytes, in 2.3, change whitespace to 'X' #1736
- [WebSocket] onOpen called with wrong UUID on reconnect #1735
- Deadlock issue related to DefaultBroadcaster and OnDisconnectInterceptor #1734
- [JBossWeb] Messages are lost in long-polling when Heartbeat occurs at the same time a message arrives #1733
- [WebSphere] NPE on HttpServletRequest.getAttribute #1732
atmosphere-project-2.0.10 (2014-10-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for @Inject annotation of Atmosphere Factory #1560
Closed issues:
- Problem with WeblogicWebSocketHandler #1729
atmosphere-project-2.2.2 (2014-09-29)
Closed issues:
- [Wildfly 8.0.0.Final] Blocking request failed HttpServerExchange{ GET /primepush/message/qla/robert}: java.lang.NullPointerException #1728
- BroadcastMessage not properly implemented, Javadoc wrong. #1726
- ClassCastException during AtmosphereFramework initialization when using Spring's ExecutorServiceAdapter #1725
atmosphere-project-2.1.9 (2014-09-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- [AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor] Performance improvements, Prevent POLLING to be added #1718
- Not easy to customize DefaultWebSocketProcessor #1714
Closed issues:
- Receiving error: Backlog is present in JBoss 7.2.0 #1724
- Upgrading to Atmosphere 2.2.0 creates empty @ManagedService messages #1723
- Communication error with Push and long enough string of multibyte characters #1720
- Anti-virus software blocking atmosphere server-push messages #1719
- Possible NPE in Utils.websocketResource #1717
- atmosphere-jersey depends on an ancient version of Jersey #1715
- JSR356: Wrong pathInfo calculation in JSR356Endpoint when deploying on context root #1712
- NPE in PushEndpointHandlerProxy.invokeOpenOrClose() #1711
- AtmosphereServletProcessor not always initialized #1710
- 2.1.2+ can't pass the Atmosphere Vibe platform test. #1623
atmosphere-project-2.2.1 (2014-09-10)
atmosphere-project-1.0.19 (2014-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create a switch to disable AtmosphereInitializer framework creation #1695
- RFE: Configure default Serializer #1692
- @ManagedService with only @Ready method #1648
- Broadcasting List<Object> does not send the list #1555
- TrackMessageLength does not actually work for long messages and websocket #1398
- Add support for Google App Engine #1371
Closed issues:
- [annotation] ManagedService shound not override default interceptor list #1709
- MetaBroadcaster adding '/' not working to Jersey/WebSocket #1707
- [Spring Boot] Atmosphere can't scan its annotations when packaged into an executable WAR file #1706
- Prevent AtmosphereInterceptor from being added more than once #1705
- Use the long-polling that can't continuous broadcast meaage. #1704
- maxReconnectOnClose error with heartbeat and long polling on Atmosphere 2.2.0 #1703
- AnnotationDetector doesn't understand all VFS protocols #1701
- [OnDisconnectInterceptor] Allow invoking listener's onDisconnect from the closing message #1700
- onClientTimeout #1699
- Atmosphere Chat application not working in IE9 -- Long Polling #1694
- SessionSupport error. Make sure you define org.atmosphere.cpr.SessionSupport as a listener in web.xml instead #1691
- Jetty9WebSocketHandler#onWebSocketError causing NPE #1690
- ManagedAtmosphereHandler methods for resume and timeout #1682
- Broadcaster Lifecycle logic must be moved inside an BroadcasterListener #1667
- Embedded Tomcat 8 does not find matching path for ManagedService #1663
- Build fails using JDK 8 #1652
- spring security session invalidation in 2.2.0-RC2 #1634
- PrimePush (Primefaces 5) with TomEE 1.6 Error: can't find annotations #1624
- Document Firefox/Reload Phantom WebSocket connection #1606
- Problem setting an interceptor with priority FIRST_BEFORE_DEFAULT #1603
- Jersey2-Chat sample with Embedded Jetty results in 404 #1586
- Totally remove X-Cache-Date feature #1584
- [OSGI] Annotation Scanning Broken #1539
- DefaultAsyncSupportResolver.resolve disregards the useServlet30Async parameter #1386
- onDisconnect not called with long-polling a if a message is send during the onClose #1295
atmosphere-project-2.1.8 (2014-08-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- HeartbeatInterceptor should use out of scope Request/Response #1683
Closed issues:
- Atmosphere does not work well with log4j2 in Wildfly #1688
- Websockets gives 501 error in 'some' networks in NGINX but works via Tomcat #1687
- Broadcaster Concatenating two messages and sending in single response #1686
- Atmosphere - Multiple Close requests within the same second #1685
- Backward compatibility after #1666 changes #1681
- DefaultBroadcaster doesn't cleanup cache on broadcaster destroy. #1673
- AtmosphereRequest wrapper loses custom HTTP attributes created before the upgrade #1672
atmosphere-project-2.2.0 (2014-07-22)
Closed issues:
- Long-polling doesn't work on JBoss EAP 6.1 with APR (native support) #1670
- Force Resume on undetected disconnect for AtmosphereResource caused by broken clients #1669
- Javascript (2.2.2) close() submission with different session ID #1665
- [curl issue] UUIDBroadcastCache and timeout/severed connections with Jersey #1655
atmosphere-project-2.0.9 (2014-07-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- [heartbeat] Allow configuring if long-polling resume or not #1668
Closed issues:
- @DeliverTo annotation for methods annotated with @Ready and @Message #1666
- Using the long-polling can't broadcast more messsage #1662
- Not possible to unset a BroadcasterCacheClass with empty string #1661
atmosphere-project-2.1.7 (2014-07-10)
Closed issues:
- Atmosphere 2.1.6 failed to use Tomcat7 APR support for Comet, logs confusing message #1659
- Disconnect Handler is called twice with JSR 356 in Tomcat 7 #1658
- GWT Atmosphere number of Threads #1657
- Atmosphere Broadcasters' Version #1656
- Infinite session timeout on Tomcat crashes AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor #1654
- Refresh the page request. OnOPen didn't happen when set the request uuid not equal zero. #1653
- Failed using comet support with runtime-native #1651
- Broader character support in author field. #1650
- Tomcat 8: X-Atmosphere-tracking-id stays equal 0 #1649
atmosphere-project- (2014-06-25)
atmosphere-project-2.2.0-RC3 (2014-06-25)
Closed issues:
- SSE and CORS interceptor #1647
- [Tomcat] Tomcat call onClose several time when it fail to detect the connection is down #1645
- [Tomcat8] Jersey2 sample broken #1644
- [Tomcat] Possible NPE on close #1643
- [Jetty] X-Atmosphere-WebSocket-Proxy=true breaks Jetty 9.2.x #1642
- Error in BroadcasterConfig#getExecutorServer() javadoc #1640
- IE 9/8 does not fall back to long-polling when X-Atmosphere-WebSocket-Proxy is added #1631
atmosphere-project-2.1.6 (2014-06-20)
Closed issues:
- [Heartbeat] write operation must be synchronized #1639
- [Tomcat7] request.isAsyncEnabled() broken #1637
- [WebSocket][Jetty] onDisconnect isn't invoked on event listener when a connection is closed when hixie-76/draft-00 is used #1636
- AtmosphereService wildfly + restEasy getting 400 #1635
- Never trust underlying websocket implementation when closing #1633
- Maven Parent #1632
- SessionSupport error. Make sure you define org.atmosphere.cpr.SessionSupport as a listener in web.xml instead #1629
- [websocket] When broadcasting binary data it throws ClassCastException #1628
- GWT polling transport not supported #1627
- onReady doesn't get called anymore when SuspendTrackerInterceptor is installed. #1626
- SPRING_INJECTOR in 2.1.5 #1625
atmosphere-project-2.2.0-RC2 (2014-06-06)
Closed issues:
- [EQUINOX] Throw NPE when calling ServletContext/Registration at startup #1622
- [Jetty9.2] #1621
- [SuspendTrackerInterceptor] Regression for long-polling #1619
- Memory leak: 2.2.0-RC1 + MeteorServlet + Jetty #1618
- [Undertow] Undertow consider Headers are case sensitive causing NPE #1617
- Jetty 9 Websocket support #1616
- [BroadcasterLIfeCyclePolicy] Timeout fires after twice the time #1615
atmosphere-project-2.1.5 (2014-05-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- [WebSocketHandler] Interceptor not called for websocket messages #1609
- Client tries to reconnect even on clean close by server #1585
- Enhance HeartbeatInterceptor #1581
- Add @Heartbeat Annotation for Tracking Heartbeat Events #1549
- Possible static issue with BroadcasterFactory #1543
- Deprecate XFactory.getDefault() methods and move to AtmosphereConfig #1451
Closed issues:
- [Firefox] Wrong closing logic in DefaultWebSocketProcessor #1614
- [jsr356] Workaround\_SPEC-228 #1612
- [Glassfish] Workaround Issue GRIZZLY-1676 #1611
- [SuspendTrackerInterceptor] Possible leak is AtmosphereResource.resume() is called #1608
- Uncaught message length #1605
- [annotation] Scan all classes when getRealPath return null #1604
- Atmosphere Servlet not starting in Weblogic 10.3.0 #1602
- [Webstart] Annotation Scanning Broken #1599
- [Regression] Interceptor fail to install when detected from external dependecies #1598
- [JBoss EAP 6] JSR 356 not properly implemented, need a workaround #1597
- [Regression] AbstractBroadcasterProxy throw a Runtime exception #1596
- NullPointerException with JMSBroadcaster #1592
- Exception when war is not unpacked #1591
- @Disconnect is not called when WebSocket client terminates #1590
- [websocket] Tomcat goes in limbo when an evil load balancer close the connection #1589
- [Servlet30] Force BlockingIO if async-support missing in web.xml #1588
- WebSocket disabled if webapp deployed as default-web-module in GlassFish #1580
atmosphere-project-2.1.4 (2014-05-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow UUIDBroadcasterCache configuration of clientIdleTime and invalidateCacheInterval #1582
- Finer priority management for interceptors #1574
Closed issues:
- noOpsResource field in DefaultBroadcaster #1579
- [jersey] runtime error about org.atmosphere.util.AbstractBroadcasterProxy's constructor method #1578
atmosphere-project-2.2.0-RC1 (2014-04-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add META/services/org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework support #1573
Closed issues:
- [websocket ] SuspendTrackerInterceptor leaks UUID #1572
- Websockets not working on ubuntu production server #1570
- Failed to start on weblogci #1569
- Add AtmosphereFramework.reload() support #1568
- Messages ids not deleted from UUIDBroadcasterCache #1566
- Atmosphere 2.0.4 in embedded Jetty 9.1.0 #1565
- TrackMessageSizeInterceptor called multiple time #1564
- IndexOutOfBounds - buffer truncated in Websocket.write(...) #1563
- NPE in AsynchronousProcessor#getContainerName when atmosphere is configured using Embedding AtmosphereFramework #1562
- CDI not working with TomEE 1.6.0 when deployed inside EAR #1559
- Messages not sent with current long poll request for concurrent message send and receive requests #1558
- Firefox "no element found" error on unsubscribe #1557
- HeartbeatInterceptor only fires after the first message #1553
atmosphere-project-2.1.3 (2014-04-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow Detection of Empty Broadcaster in BroadcastFilter #914
Closed issues:
- getInputStream/Reader confused when an AtmosphereResquest.Body is used #1556
- wildfly 8: ERROR o.a.container.JSR356Endpoint - java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException: null #1550
- [websocket] [jsr356] Issue with /* mapping #1548
- Issue in enabling CORS in atmosphere client #1546
- wasync reconnection not works #1545
- wrong version range of catalina in atmosphere-runtime bundle #1541
- @Disconnect not called for @ManagedService #1535
- Atmosphere Jersey api and WebRTC not work well together #905
atmosphere-project-2.1.2 (2014-04-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- [wifi] Allow delaying the processing of AtmosphereResource's disconnection #1538
- No API for retrieve broadcaster in PerRequest filter #1435
- Stomp protocol support #1339
Closed issues:
- [websocket] AtmosphereResourceEventListener#onDisconnect must be invoked after physical connection is closed #1542
- [wasync]"application/octet-stream" should enable binary support automatically. #1540
- @Message-annotated method not called for @ManagedService if there is only one annotated method #1537
- [Firefox] Unpredictable behavior of OnDisconnectInterceptor #1536
- [websocket] Improve Close Code 1001 support #1534
- Atmosphere resource is null #1533
- [BroadcasterFactory] Clashes when more than one AtmosphereServlet is defined #1531
- ServletContainerInitializer issue with multiple Servlet #1530
- When sending binary data throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch #1529
- @ManagedService and BroadcastFilter issue #1528
- Invalid broadcaster in ManagedService #1522
atmosphere-project-2.0.8 (2014-03-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- [performance] AtmosphereResourceFactory.find is slow #1526
- TrackMessageSizeInterceptor must execute before everything else #1525
- [BroadcasterCache] Expose API to register AtmosphereResource for cache #1510
- [BroadcastListener] Allow listener to manipulate messages, resources etc. #1509
- [JavascriptProtocol] Improve robusness when a connection is closed before execution #1506
Closed issues:
- [jsr356] Wrong pathInfo computed. #1527
- [Embedded] AtmosphereFramework.interceptor(..) called before started must be reconfigured #1523
- Broadcaster can't send message when go to another page #1521
- [BroadcasterListener] Make sure already created Broadcaster are passed to onPostConstruct #1520
- [BroadcasterCache] Allow external components to add messages to cache #1519
- [BroadcasterCache] Add BroadcasterCacheListener support #1518
- WebsocketHandlerAdapter onclose method #1517
- rboristerie #1516
- Broadcast still send message after onDisconnect - browser close #1513
- Bug on org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils class at String guestServletPath(AtmosphereFramework, String) #1512
- AtmosphereSession class broken #1511
- Servlet with /* mapping and websockets throws exception in Tomcat 8 #1508
- [websocket] Possible NPE when client close the connection during the handshake #1507
- [jersey] Missing Injection Point #1505
- Connection not correctly closed ? #1504
- Long-polling takes long time to connect on BlackBerry 7 browser #1498
atmosphere-project-2.1.1 (2014-03-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow configuring SessionTimeoutRestorer default HttpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval #1502
Closed issues:
- [websphere 8.5.5] NPE when removing an attribute #1503
- [jsonp] TrackMessageSizeInterceptor must compute the original String, not the escaped. #1501
- Atmosphere chat example with XDR enabled fails on Android #1499
- Websockets does not work on BlackBerry 7 browser #1497
- Bottleneck? Finding a AtmosphereResource. #1496
- [WebSocketHandlerService] BroadcasterCache defined not installed #1495
- [DefaultWebSocketProtocol] Must suspend the AtmosphereResource before calling onOpen #1494
- [Gwt1] [1.0.18] Response over websocket is broken #1493
- endless loop while calling DefaultBroadcaster.removeAtmosphereResource() #1492
- [Jetty 9.1] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Blocking message pending 10000 for BLOCKING #1491
- Broadcaster created by ManagedServiceProcessor #1489
- NPE if AtmosphereResource is closed inside @Ready annotated method #1488
- Encoders are populated only with the encoders specified with @Message #1487
- [Proxy] Force Fallback when a Proxy confuse a websocket connection #1486
- Specify the JDK and other dependencies in the Document or Wiki page #1485
- [Annotation] AtmosphereInterceprorProcessor must add the interceptor after the framework started #1484
- [ManagedService Annotation] Simultaneous write to AtmosphereResponse #1483
- Intermittent NullPointerException with long polling in Atmosphere 2.1 #1482
- Hardcoded GWT SerializationPolicy #1481
- [EndpointMapper] Possible mapping exception #1480
- Sending a pipe ('|') with streaming causes a javascript exception #1479
- AtmosphereRequest.getLocale throws exception in Tomcat 8 #1478
- Ready.DELIVER_TO.RESOURCE with SSE/WS/HttpStreaming #1477
- [jsr356] Two Atmosphere Servlet's may clash on jsr356 #1476
- Atmosphere triggers fatal error killing the JVM #1475
- Adding the SessionSupport listener fails on Jetty 8 #1474
- [JBoss 7.1.1] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI scheme is not "file" #1473
- Logs are spammed if async support is not enabled #1472
- Events sequence for AtmosphereResourceEventListener and Transport.Websocket #1471
- Forcing jsr356 WebSocket support doesn't work., #1470
- Crash with java.lang.IllegalStateException: The Atmosphere Framework is not installed properly and unexpected result may occurs #1469
- NullReferenceException thrown when calling BroadcasterFactory.lookup #1468
- NullReferenceException thrown when calling BroadcasterFactory.lookup #1467
- AtmosphereResource must be removed from Broadcaster if the suspend operation fail. #1465
- Different Handler Registration in Atmosphere 2.1.0 compared to 2.1.0-RC2 #1464
- 2.1.0-RC2, AtmosphereFramework can't init the "webSocketProtocol" based on the configured WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL in web.xml #1463
atmosphere-project-2.1.0 (2014-02-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- [performance] Reduce bytes copy by allowing direct access to Request's body #1452
- AtmosphereResource Session #1426
Closed issues:
- Better explanation of chat-multiroom example #1462
- HeartbeatInterceptor causes issues for undefined transport. #1461
- Websocket failed. Downgrading to Comet and resending using https/wss #1460
- [Evil Proxy] Messages may not not broadcasted when long-polling reconnects and proxy close the connection #1459
- [Meteor] AtmosphereResource.close() must remove the associated Meteor #1457
- [Meteor] Reduce memory footprint by using the AtmosphereResource.uuid() #1456
- IE 9 and Safari caused on Tomcat (NIO) to fallback to BIO #1455
- AtmosphereResource.close() must properly resume the underlying connection #1453
- IE8 fails to access ajaxRequest.status #1450
atmosphere-project-2.0.7 (2014-01-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- List of broadcasters per resource #1430
- DefaultWebSocketProcessor does not notify listeners of the HANDSHAKE #1390
Closed issues:
- Duplicate Broadcasters Created #1449
- ERROR org.atmosphere.cache.SessionBroadcasterCache #1448
- atmosphere_socketio_chat Chinese messy code #1447
- [jsr356] Message can be lost if websocket closed #1446
- [annotation] BroadcasterCache defined too late #1445
- o.a.c.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity not working OK in 2.0.6 with long-polling #1444
- Encoding of broadcasted messages does not work reliably with multiple @Message annotations #1443
- Add IdleResourceInterceptor by default to uniformize annotation usage #1442
- o.a.c.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity -1 vs 5 minutes #1441
- AtmosphereInterceptorWriter.interceptor() - reverse order of invocation #1439
- Incorrect javadoc for DISABLE_ATMOSPHEREINTERCEPTORS #1438
- Javadoc for InvokationOrder #1437
- AtmosphereInterceptorWriter.interceptor() - will be invoked in the order it was added #1436
- [regression] Heartbeat interceptors creates too many inner classes #1434
- .lookup() synchronization on strings (or .equal objects) #1413
atmosphere-project-2.0.6 (2014-01-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- PrivateMessag can‘t be sent in sample chat-multiroom with RedisBroadcaster #1427
- Concrete classes are passed to AtmosphereObjectFactory #1410
Closed issues:
- [jetty 9.1.1] ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jetty/websocket/api/io/WebSocketBlockingConnection #1433
- [UUIDBroadcasterCache] Possible minor leak when the cache is invalidated #1431
- Prevent Broadcaster from throwing java.lang.IllegalStateException: Request object no longer valid. This object has been cancelled #1429
- QueryString with value of '=' not parsed properly #1428
- Allow disabling a subset of the default Interceptor instead of all #1425
- Build status on cloudbees #1422
- ERROR o.a.cpr.AsynchronousProcessor - No AtmosphereHandler found #1421
- Possible Concurrent Issue with AtmosphereStateRecovery Interceptor #1419
- Prevent AtmosphereInterceptor from crashing each others #1418
- Truth table for atmosphere jars #1417
- Spray support #1416
- License: Apache/CDDL/GPL2 with exception #1415
- ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange function called twice for each message response #1414
- Broadcast to BroadcasterCache AtmosphereResource #1412
- possible finatra support? #1411
- Documentation does not match ApplicationConfig.OBJECT_FACTORY #1409
- Incomplete Jetty version for OSGi #1408
- [regression] in 2.1.0-RC2, wicket-atmosphere is unable to load the page #1407
atmosphere-project-2.1.0-RC2 (2013-12-20)
Closed issues:
atmosphere-project-2.0.5 (2013-12-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for websocketd #1400
- Allow configuring which WebSocket versions Jetty 7/8 should accept #1396
- Reduce Padding Size for Up To Date Browser #1392
- Add a ServletContextFactory #1387
- Memory leak (and perhaps infinite loop) when used in Spring controller with patterned url #1385
- [@___Service] Allow Encoder/Decoder of type InputStream and Reader #1380
- Add support for AtmosphereSession #1359
- MetaBroadcaster lost messages when no match #1143
- Implement SockJs support #630
Closed issues:
- [regression] ManagedService.broadcasterCache broken #1404
- WebSocket draft-00 / hixie-76 doesn't work when request headers are attached in the query string #1403
- [websocket] Make sure parent's UUID resource is always removed from Broadcaster #1402
- Remove CloseDetector, Add IdleResourceInterceptor for WIFI outage #1401
- Wrong Broadcaster Detected when using @___Service and classpath #1399
- IllegalStateException #1397
- Broadcastable.broadcast() does not have timeout #1395
- [websocket] AtmosphereHandler not invoked when WebSocket is closed and enableProtocol == false #1394
- Promote HeartbeatInterceptor to core, installed by default #1393
- Browser Safari : server resumed the connection or down #1391
- How can i transfer binary content (files) through atmosphere layer, and make them available for download on the client side? #1389
- [annotation] applicationConfig may not work for some features #1388
- set import range for javax.servlet to include 3.0 #1383
- ConcurrentModificationException #1382
- Links to GWT samples are broken #1381
- Setting priority AFTER_DEFAULT for interceptor doesn't work #1311
- TrackMessageSizeInterceptor's AsyncIOInterceptorAdapter should be executed before eg. JSONPAtmosphereInterceptor #1310
atmosphere-project-2.0.4 (2013-11-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- AtmosphereResource not suspend, cannot resume it, on server shutdown #1344
Closed issues:
- [Servlet30] AsyncContext.complete() must be called in timeout #1379
- [regression] Broadcaster.broadcastOnResume(OBJ) #1378
- [AtmosphereJS][2.0.3] enableProtocol + trackMessageSize not reconnecting #1377
- [Jboss EAP 5.1.0] ClassCastException on deployment #1376
- BroadcasterListener on refresh page #1372
- 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT should be newer than 2.0.0.RCx #1297
- Atmosphere cannot scan annotations on JBoss 5.1 #1204
- Add MemoryAware Interceptor for checking load on the server #1200
- [doc] Add architecture diagrams #422
atmosphere-project-2.1.0-RC1 (2013-11-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Client-driven option to enable websocket binary write #1338
Closed issues:
- onReopen not called when Atmosphere protocol is enabled #1375
- UUIDBroadcasterCache leak #1374
- [HeartbeatInterceptor] Add a callback for detecting dead client #1373
- [websocket] OnDisconnectInterceptor broken #1370
- [OnMessage] OnMessageAtmosphereHandler lack of client/application close support #1369
- [websocket] Survice Proxy that Strip Out the Upgrade Header #1368
- Meteor+Struts2: X-Atmosphere-tracking-id - BigDecimal cannot be cast to java.lang.String #1367
- [websocket] [annotation] WebSocketHandler's AtmosphereResource default Broadcaster class may not be honored #1366
- [annotation] Honor specified Broadcaster #1365
- [websocket] Avoid calling webSocket.close when a remote close happens #1364
- [Tomcat] [websocket] Tomcat send wrong opcode when an exception happens inside onOpen #1363
- JS: Unsubscribe should clear uuid #1362
- Classes without a package won't deploy #1360
- Messages greater than 8KB are chunked #1358
- Make calls to analytics() optional #1356
- [Undertow issue] Websocket Connection Fails On Wildfly 8.0.0.Beta1 #1348
- Add init/configure method to BroadcasterConfig #1294
atmosphere-project-2.1.0-beta1 (2013-10-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- When an AtmosphereHandler is mapped, skip WebSocketHandler Mapping #1350
Closed issues:
- [WebLogic] Add support for native WebSocket #1355
- [weblogic] Annotation Scanning not working #1354
- JQuery trackMessageLength vs. trackMessageSize #1353
- [Primefaces 4.0 Push + Atmosphere 2.0.3 + IE8] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. #1352
- Long-polling connection issue with Firefox and IE #1351
- [Atmosphere/TomEE] WARNING: Unable to detect annotations. Application may fail to deploy. #1349
- [Performance] Preset Number of Threads instead of unlimited #1347
- Unable to configure more than one Broadcaster Class with annotation #1346
- [websocket] Possible thread race when wildcard mapping is used and fast broadcasting #1345
- Message is not received all the time at client side #1343
- [AtmosphereResourceStateRecovery] BroadcastTracker lost state when timeout exprires #1342
- [ Message Buffer too small] Allow configuring the bytebuffer/charbuffer of WebSocketProcessor #1330
- [Tomcat 7.0.27 and lower] DefaultAsyncSupportResolver uses Jetty Continuation classes to detect Jetty #1290
- Add a new 5 minutes tutorial that use annotation only #1286
- Retrieving the original AtmosphereResource with WebSocket does not work in Jetty8 if recycleAtmosphereRequestResponse property is set to true #1081
- Add tutorial for WebSocket's streaming API #811
atmosphere-project-2.0.3 (2013-10-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- [AtmosphereResourceLifecyleInterceptor] Add timeout support #1334
Closed issues:
- Jersy and atmosphere 2.0.2 #1341
- Performance regression with WebSocket and 2.0.2 #1340
- [runtime] Allow Listeners to handle a resumed connection BEFORE the connection is resumed #1337
- @ManagedService - auto broadcast executed unless @Message defined #1336
- [regression] [jsr356] Jersey broken with latest jsr356 implementation #1335
- [Undertow/GlassFish4] JSR-356 Support is broken since 2.0.1 #1333
- [AtmosphereResourceStateRecovery] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException #1332
- Add support for WebSocketStreamingProtocol implementation #1331
- HTTP Requests get suspended when sent during atmosphere connect #1323
- Wasync client hangs when connecting to atmosphere-runtime-native 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT #1301
atmosphere-project-2.0.2 (2013-10-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- [CDI, Spring, Guice and Injection] Ability to pass dependencies to resources #1190
Closed issues:
- Adding Programmatically AtmosphereInterceptor doesn't call the configure method #1329
- NPE with HeaderBroadcasterCache #1328
- [Graddle] Fallback to manual annotation scanning #1327
- @ManagedService object confusion #1326
- [websocket] If server times out the websocket, padding must be sent back #1325
- [dropWizard] Enable all classes scanning causes null pointer exception in org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework.setDefaultBroadcasterClassName() #1324
- AtmosphereResponse.addCookie() issue. #1322
- AtmosphereFramework.configureQueryStringAsRequest fails parsing queryString "=&X-atmo-protocol=true" at async timeout #1321
- Message lost when broadcasting to an empty Set<AtmosphereResource> #1318
- Unsubscribe event sends a synchronous http call for cross domains and no cookie and session information is present in this request #1315
- No Cookie and session information in the unsubscribe request #1313
- Duplicate atmosphere resources on a broadcaster #1305
- FakeHttpSession in Wicket causes java.lang.IllegalStateException: getAttribute: Session already invalidated at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.getAttribute #1164
atmosphere-project-2.0.1 (2013-09-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fix Tomcat 7.0.43 WebSocket runtime changes with JDK 6 #1307
Closed issues:
- NPE in GrizzlyCometSupport.resume() #1319
- Wrong media type reported to Jersey #1317
- [jsr356] Session, Principal and Headers aren't set. #1316
- Annotations does not work with JavaRebel #1314
- Turn off jsr356 by default #1312
- Applying filters to cached messages in AtmosphereResourceStateRecovery #1309
- Tomcat WebSockets issues and workaround, workarounds missing #1308
- Use X-Forwarded-For in WebSocket IP logging ? #1306
atmosphere-project-1.0.18 (2013-09-20)
atmosphere-project-2.0.0 (2013-09-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- RFE: Allow closing websockets from AtmosphereInterceptor #1162
- Switching WebSocket Write Mode at Runtime #857
Closed issues:
- AtmosphereResource.write swallow exceptions, prevent BroadcasterCache from caching messages #1303
- [runtime] New value returned from PerRequestBroadcastFilter breaks the UUIDBroadcasterCache #1302
- [jersey] [tomcat] [native] Tomcat fails to detect CometEvent for AtmosphereServlet mapped to "/*" #1300
- AtmosphereFramework.addAtmosphereHandler must configure AtmosphereInterceptor for Dependency Injection #1298
- Primefaces push with GlassFish 4.0 #1296
- ConcurrentModificationException in DefaultWebSocketProcessor when original AtmosphereResource used #1293
- [APR/JBossWeb] Native doesn't find annotation #1292
- Tutorial for AtmosphereHandler with Websockets and Long Polling contains an error #1291
- [websocket][tomcat] DefaultWebSocketProcessor.dispatchReader() exception #1289
- Too many files open #1288
- Fix sample broken link, update the page #1287
- Update documentation atmosphere.js AND jquery.atmosphere.js #1285
- Document new Javascrip function. #1284
- [websockethandler] Possible deadlock? #1283
- Invalid <issueManagement> in the pom file #1281
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Recycled #1280
- 1.0.16 compat bundles importing 2.0 version and exporting 0.0 of the corresponding package #1276
- Recent change to atmosphere-runtime-native 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT causes wasync Java client to hang when connecting. #1273
- Atmosphere invalidade Spring Security Session #1244
- CORS with IE8 and IE9 seems broken in v1.0.15 (worked in v1.0.13) #1236
- [play] NullPointerException in WebSocket.write() #1196
- java.lang.NullPointerException: charsetName with socketio #1169
- Auto-detection of atmosphere handlers fails in specific deployments #1157
- MetaBroadcaster not compatible with Jersey Path annotation #1154
- Firefox closes websocket/streaming/long-polling request when window.location is changed #1128
- Chrome cancels streaming/long-polling request when maybe navigating away #1126
- WebSocket doesn't work with Glassfish 3.1.2 when Guice is used #1112
- Setting request shared attribute to true causes JavaScript errors in Firefox, IE, and Safari #1102
- JMS, XMPP, ... (via AbstractBroadcasterProxy) : Broadcast to a specific resource #799
- [FeatureRequest] MetaBroadcaster should work in Cloud based environments #729
- RFE: callback for a message #507
- @Singleton -> ClassCastException on broadcaster.addAtmosphereResource() w/ Jersey resource #444
- Add documentation for channel-based annotation @Susbscribe/@Publish #410
atmosphere-project-2.0.0.RC5 (2013-09-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add an option to bypass FakeHttpSession #1269
- How to integrate Atmosphere with Spring/Grizzly without XML #990
Closed issues:
- JSONPAtmosphereInterceptor fails to encode JSON properly #1279
- [Regression 2.0.0.RC4] BytecodeBasedAnnotationProcessor fail to find classes #1278
- Document InvokationOrder interface for AtmosphereInterceptor #1275
- [migration ] Document before/afterFilter changes from 1.0.x to 2.0 #1251
- [migration] whitespace messages #1219
- AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor and event listeners Documentation #1180
- [atmosphere.js] JSONP not working #1090
atmosphere-project-1.0.17 (2013-09-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a way to support AtmosphereInterceptor execution order #1274
- Document new Custom Annotation mechanism #1270
- Improve javadoc for BroadcasterCache #1188
Closed issues:
- [play] Browser tabs freeze #1194
- Document @AtmosphereService annotations #1173
- GWT: IE cannot read session cookie with Tomcat7, results in IllegalStateException: #1096
- [DefaultBroadcaster] Invoking BroadcasterFuture.cancel(..) must cancel the async write operation. #889
- Document the new @ManagedService annotation #810
- Update tutorial to Atmosphere 1.1 #809
- Add full documentation of new annotation: @Get @Post @Delete @Message etc. #807
atmosphere-project-2.0.0.RC4 (2013-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- How About Jersey 2 support? #1257
- [Improvement] make it easy to register a WebSocketHandler to AtmosphereFramework #1255
- Remove charset from SSE Content-Type #1250
- Feature request: An AtmosphereResourceEventListener method which is invoked when AtmosphereResource.close() is used #1242
- [atmosphere.js] Memory can grow pretty heavily when local is used #1058
Closed issues:
- DefaultBroadcaster.removeAtmosphereResource() doesn't remove #1272
- Atmosphere 2.0.0.RC3: NullPointerException at org.atmosphere.cpr.SessionSupport.sessionDestroyed( #1268
- Tomcat/Spring should not create "phantom" HTTP request upon web app startup #1267
- Annotation scanning is broken in JBoss 6.1.x #1266
- Deadlock detected in Atmosphere Scheduler-2 #1265
- [Tomcat/WebSocket] Deadlock detected in Atmosphere Scheduler #1264
- Compatibility check for 'org.apache.catalina.websocket.WebSocketServlet' with jbossweb 7.2.2.Final yields a false positive #1262
- Misfire of the polling request #1261
- Atmosphere causing stuck threads on Weblogic 12 #1260
- rest-chat jersey demo app freezes #1259
- Long-polling chat in 2.0.0.RC3 #1258
- [RestEasy] @FormParam params reset to null 2.0 RC3 . Works fine in 1.0.15 #1256
- [investigate] Path problem? #1254
- Atmosphere's HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI() must never return
in all circumstances #1246 - [SSE] First two messages parsed incorrectly when TrackMessageSizeInterceptor is used #1245
- Can't get websockets to work with JBOSS EAP6 #1243
- AtmosphereResourceEventListener.onBroadcast isn't called when broadcasting to long-polling connected clients #1241
- Pushing data from client to server doesn't reset MAX_INACTIVE attribute #1240
- [jetty9] native == true cause issues #1238
- query string for POST requests #1228
- Inability to detect closed connection using WebLogic/Jersey #1227
- Test Jetty 9.1 JSR 356 before releasing 2.0.0 #1222
- [jetty 9.1] Native WebSocket Support broken #1220
- Not possible to remove AtmosphereResource from Broadcaster under default scope #1213
- GlassFish 4 mapping issue #1209
- Encoding issue with 'streaming' transport #1208
- Provide an example showing atmospherehandler-pubsub working with JBoss AS 7 and WebSockets #1191
- [GlassFish 4] No AtmosphereHandler maps request for ... #1179
- Possible SessionSupport issues with GWT #1166
- [jersey] NPE with Websocket when unexpected Jersey error happens. #1163
- Auto-configuration via annotation processing fails in specific deployments #1159
- Server side timeout not working under certain conditions #1061
- Atmosphere incompatible with Grizzly 2.3.1 #1055
- Atmosphere Rest-Chat not deploying to jboss 5.1.0 #995
- [test] re-enable tests before 1.1.0 release #980
- [Internet Explorer] Tracking cookie not deleted with shared = true #968
- org.atmosphere.cpr.defaultContextType #929
atmosphere-project-1.0.16 (2013-08-28)
Closed issues:
- [patch] PrimeFaces Implementation loose messages #1253
- [cache] Filter abording or skipping messages must remove original message from the cache #1252
- Cyclic dependencies unnessary with BroadcasterFuture #1249
- [leak] Possible Memory Leak with BroadcasterCache #1248
- [cache] Let the specific server throws exception instead of babysitting a connection #1247
- Message received from cache is erroring in 1.0.15 version #1239
- Error: Request object no longer valid. This object has been cancelled #1235
- BlockingIO always selected even when org.atmosphere.useWebSocketAndServlet3 is true #1234
- Atmosphere OSGI bundle requires javax.websocket version < 1.0 #1233
- Recovering a destroyed Broadcaster Docu unclear #1232
- atmosphere-runtime-native 2.0.0.RC3 generates old dependency #1231
- onOpen is not called when connected using long polling #1230
- [Weblogic 12c] AnnotationDetector Not Able to Load and Scan Handler Classes In .war Deployment #1229
- Invalidating spring security session in tomcat 7 #1226
- Any URI with "_" in first path segment will throw: org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereMappingException: No AtmosphereHandler maps request for /_... #1225
- Websocket Error when using IE8 or IE9 #1224
- ERROR cpr.AtmosphereFramework - AtmosphereFramework exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. #1218
- Improve JavaDoc #1217
- Documentation - plugins #1216
- ERROR cpr.AtmosphereFramework - AtmosphereFramework exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. #1215
- ERROR cpr.AtmosphereFramework - AtmosphereFramework exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. #1214
- Need configuration option for disabling analytics. #1212
- IE9 Error: RROR cpr.AtmosphereFramework - AtmosphereFramework exception Message: Not supported. #1211
- Test Tomcat 8 WebSocket API before final 2.0.0 release #1210
- [https] Atmosphere 1.0.x MessageLengthTracking broken when "chunking" happens in wrong place #1199
- flushPadding in 1.0.x AtmosphereResourceImpl incorrect? #1198
- Deadlock with Grizzly #1183
- Atmosphere ignores interceptors configured in atmosphere.xml #1161
- Websocket error on Atmosphere.js #1146
atmosphere-project-2.0.0.RC3 (2013-07-26)
atmosphere-project-1.0.15 (2013-07-26)
Closed issues:
- Jersey rest-chat sample - writeEntity=false is ignored #1206
atmosphere-project-1.0.14 (2013-07-26)
atmosphere-project-2.0.0.RC2 (2013-07-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add jquery-atmosphere to cdnjs #904
Closed issues:
- ERROR cpr.AtmosphereFramework - AtmosphereFramework exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. #1205
- java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException when broadcasting to IE8 #1203
- ERROR handler.ReflectorServletProcessor - onRequest() javax.servlet.ServletException #1202
- Enabling org.atmosphere.cpr.sessionSupport throws #1201
- get headers from server #1197
- Is there a way to share the application context with atmosphere servlet? #1195
- Atmosphere v2.0.0.RC1 -TrackMessageSizeFilter Issue #1192
- ClassCastException when multiple non-String objects returned from Cache #1189
- Race condition in DefaultBroadcaster.getAsyncWriteHandler #1187
- [JBossWeb] Handle ERROR events as END/EOF #1186
- @Disconnect not getting called in @ManagedService #1181
- Annotation configuration issue #1177
- Websocket: AtmosphereResourceStateRecovery produces warning message #1167
- SSE: AtmosphereResource has wrong Broadcaster on disconnection #1158
- SSE + CORS restricted on the client side #1156
- UUIDBroadcasterCache: ClassCastException when using Jersey and broadcasting Object #1155
- Multiple Content-Type Headers are returned #1147
- JBoss websocket detection incorrectly done #1145
- ReflectorServletProcessor.servletClassName isn't set when Guice is used #1129
- AtmosphereNativeCometServlet can't be used if AtmosphereGuiceServlet is used in 1.1 #1125
- Shiro & null ServletContext #724
atmosphere-project-2.0.0.RC1 (2013-07-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- [For Framework] Add @AtmosphereService #1109
Closed issues:
- AtmosphereFramework exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. #1184
- Wrong logic in UUIDBroadcasterCache may cause messages lost #1176
- Memory leak in PrimePush #1171
- @ManagedService does not work according to documentation #1170
- Delay in broadcasting data #1168
- atmosphere-jersey: It's possible to send data to a client before Atmosphere sends the UUID #1160
- [optimization] Flush cache in one big string instead of one by one. #1152
- WebSocketProcessorFactory sometimes returns wrong WebSocketProcessor with multiple AtmosphereFramework instances #1150
- resource.resume() locks #1148
- [Enhancement] deprecate AtmosphereResouce.setBroadcaster() #1091
- MetaBroadcaster broadcastTo not thread safe #1035
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.RC4 (2013-06-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- [jQuery.atmosphere] Add callbacks for successful push requests #808
- Create an AMQPBroadcaster for use with RabbitMQ #703
- [sse] Add support for event definition #434
- [runtime] Add SPDY support #232
Closed issues:
- Atmosphere on Tomcat/7.0.39 not Working with Servlet 3.0 Async API correctly #1144
- jquery.atmosphere - trackMessageSize #1142
- [long-polling] Possible Message Duplication if retrieving from the cache fail #1141
- Streaming always aborts if connectTimeout is set #1138
- PerRequestBroadcastFilter called twice #1136
- Possible Message Lost #1135
- ERROR cpr.AtmosphereFramework - AtmosphereFramework exception when using IE8 #1131
- jquery.atmosphere.js uses deprecated JQuery features #1130
- Client does not try to re-establish a closed streaming connection #1127
- [enableProtocol=false, Jetty 7.5] Streaming transport allows writing to the response indefinitely after disconnect #1123
- Unsubscribing from a failed subscription pauses while the close AJAX request is being sent #1122
- onOpen callback not invoked after Websocket connection fails and is restored #1121
- [CORS] Streaming broken #1120
- [CORS] Issues when enableProtocol : true #1119
- Jquery.atmosphere.js issue in IE8 #1116
- [jersey] Deprecate outputComments API for 1.1 #1115
- [jetty9] Possible ClassCastException on Linux #1113
- [sse] Chrome reconnect forever on failure #1111
- IE8 error with latest jquery.atmosphere.js #1108
- Atmosphere cannot scan annotations on Wildfly/Jboss #1107
- Use java.util.logging instead of slf4j #1106
- atmosphere.js give error related to atmosphere.debug() method call #1105
- [runtime] - high cpu usage #1104
- Atmosphere project is not up to date on Ohloh web site #1101
- [osgi[ [session] Exception running 1.0.13 on jetty 8.1.10 #1100
- Snapshot artifacts contain wrong metadata #1098
- Two consecutive emtpy messages confuse message size tracking #1042
- [jquery.atmosphere.js]can not detect connection failure when unplug the network cable. #1004
- failed to create comet support class #912
- Generic WebSocketEventListener interface needed #887
- Deprecate BroadcasterFactory.getDefault() #867
- [atmosphere.js] Add support for .on("event",function") #402
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.RC3 (2013-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- [atmosphere.js] Add Encoder/Decoder Support #1089
- [#1078] Interceptors should skip requests if transport is undefined #1082
- [api] Fix AtmosphereResourceEventListener & WebSocketEventListener onDisconnect #818
Closed issues:
- Atmosphere 1.1.0.RC2 doesn't support filterClassName #1103
- Atmosphere mapper exception #1099
- browser making get method call #1097
- Custom headers end up in URL parameters instead of HTTP headers section #1095
- [firefox][atmosphere.js] SSE fail to detect disconnection #1094
- Atmosphere GWT20 RC2 on maven central? #1093
- X-Atmosphere-tracking-id - BigDecimal cannot be cast to java.lang.String #1092
- [websocket] Possible race between OnDisconnectInterceptor and WebSocket.onClose #1087
- AtmosphereResource.getRequest().getHeader("User-Agent") returns null #1085
- Client timeout setting doesn't work properly #1084
- Jquery 1.0.12 X-Atmosphere-tracking-id is 0 #1083
- Atmosphere GWT20 RC2? #1080
- Documentation request for Example without jQuery #1030
- Performance issues with supportOutOfOrderBroadcast=true and many broadcasters #1029
- [portal.js] Streaming incorrectly combines messages if a part of the message starts with whitespace #1024
- [portal.js] Websocket transport never falls back to backup transport #997
- [atmosphere/portal.js] Cached Messages sent twice upon browser reconnection #989
atmosphere-project-1.0.13 (2013-05-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- [runtime] Add MeteorNativeCometServlet and AtmosphereNativeCometServlet for Tomcat6/7/JBoss native CometSupport #1072
- [@Subscribe] Allow configuring the timeout #1069
- AtmosphereInterceptor must be able to skip AtmosphereHandler but not AtmosphereInterceptor's chain #1067
- Add support for Tomcat/Servlet 3 only. #718
- [jquery] opera - websocket 2 min chars #549
- [jquery] safari - websocket 8 min chars #548
- Add support for GlassFish's WebSocket + Servlet 3.0 API #458
Closed issues:
- 1.1.0.RC2: Filter's does not work anymore #1079
- Interceptors should skip requests if transport is undefined #1078
- [atmosphere.js] Do not trim messages before trackMessageLength is executed #1076
- [streaming] Switch padding to whitespace #1075
- Session caching in Atmosphere resource fails session fixation protection #1074
- [Serializer] AbstractReflectorAtmosphereHandler fail to serialize cached messages #1073
- GuiceManagedAtmosphereServlet forces JerseyBroadcaster to be used if jersey annotations is used for Atmosphere #1071
- [DefaultAnnotationProcessor] Possible memory leak/problem with 1.1.0.RC2 #1070
- Add a new AtmosphereServlet30 only for 3.x ServletContainer #1066
- "No AtmosphereHandler maps request for null" with Atmosphere 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT and portal-java #1056
- [BroadcasterCache] Add an API to exclude/include AtmosphereResource from getting the cache #1051
- IE8 fails to receive initial streaming data if data is small #1019
- Tomcat comet + session support fails to restore old session value on cancel/resume #950
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.RC2 (2013-05-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add an interceptor for limiting onSuspend call to once for long-polling #1065
- [runtime] Add AtmosphereResourceEvent.isClosedByClient() #1064
- Atmosphere 1.0.13 (and PrimeFaces Push) is not CDI compliant #1060
- Add an AtmosphereInterceptor for re-adding AtmosphereResource to all previous broadcaster #1050
- atmosphere-jquery.war with minimized (compressed) version of jquery.js #1045
- [atmosphere.js] Better onXXX lifecycle implementation in 1.1 #976
- onDisconnect must not be called when resuming or timing out #948
- [atmosphere.js] Reset failure counter when reconect was successfull #908
- Redesign BroadcasterCache API #865
- Add Annotation to add Notification in BroadcasterCache when a Broadcaster is added are removed #752
- [runtime] add option to configure default broadcaster suspendPolicy through xml #701
- [jquery] when websocket is reconnected I have no event fired #529
Closed issues:
- [websocket] resource.getResponse().getCharacterEncoding() return null #1063
- long polling issue while working with IE8 and IE9 #1062
- [atmosphere.js] onOpen must not get called before enableProtocol: true happended #1059
- Atmosphere 1.0.13 snapshot (2013-04-26) says, support Out Of Order Broadcast: false #1057
- org.atmosphere.gwt20.AtmosphereGwt20 not found on GWT client? #1054
- [deploy/undeploy] Atmosphere 1.1.RC1 Memory leak on Tomcat 6 #1053
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Request object no longer valid #1052
- [atmosphere.js] Add support for onReconnect -> onReopen workflow #1049
- [atmosphere.js] Document onXXX life cycle #1048
- [atmosphere.js] Opera fail to detect server going down #1047
- Jetty 8 websockets are used on Jetty 7 #1046
- Streaming unreliable on Opera in 1.0.12 #1044
- IOException with PrintWriter must be propagated to the Broadcaster #1043
- AtmosphereResourceEventListener.onDisconnect() isn't called when client closes WebSocket connection #1039
- atmosphere-gwt-jackson.jar should be updated with correct service package name #1038
- client unsubscribe causes browser not responding #1036
- How to listen for incoming data using atmosphere-jersey #1033
- What do I have to update when changing from 1.1.0.beta3 to 1.1.0.RC1? #1032
Neither TrackMessageSizeInterceptor or TrackMessageSizeFilter are installed
warning when using Wicket'sorg.apache.wicket.atmosphere.TrackMessageSizeFilter
#1031- [Tomcat BIO] Thread Count Explosion #1028
- Streaming + trackMessageSize broken (1.0.12) #1027
- Setting org.atmosphere.websocket.maxIdleTime property closes the websocket connection as soon as it is opened. #1026
- Websocket max message size params ignored on Tomcat (maxTextMessageSize and maxBinaryMessageSize config params) #1025
- X-Atmosphere-tracking-id header is not set in 1.1.0.RC1 #1023
- Long polling fails in IPAD version 6.0.1 #1021
- [streaming] Reconnect logic must send the CLOSE signal #1020
- Content type is not set for initial streaming request #1018
- [IE] Streaming issue with trackMessageLength #1017
- Missing static attribute BroadcasterLifeCyclePolicy.IDLE_RESUME in BroadcasterLifeCyclePolicy #1016
- Document new Function in 1.1 #1015
- [atmosphere.js] invoke _onError when fallbackTransport fail to reconnect #1014
- Return an error when WebSocket only application are used #1013
- Incorrect X-Atmosphere-tracking-id param when using Padding and Long-Polling #1012
- Investigate Atmosphere+WS support on GlassFish 4. #1011
- [jquery.atmosphere.js] problem using streaming transport in IE6 with trackMessageLength #1010
- jquery client separate getStatus & getStatusText #1009
- can not send message that contains "|"(messageDelimiter). #1008
- 1.1.0.RC1 contains bugs which are not in 1.1.0.beta3 #1007
- Timing issue in DefaultBroadcaster causes cached message to be missed #1003
- java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onComponentTag( during Atmosphere if using WebSockets #1002
- IllegalStateException thrown after Session was destroyed #1001
- Atmosphere should send X-Accel-Buffering: no #1000
- [atmosphere.js] enableProtocol = true, trackMessageSize = true and TrackMessageFilter issue #993
- [jquery.atmosphere.js] long-polling does not work if set maxReconnectOnClose=0. #992
- ClassCastException on CometEvent #991
- Javadoc: ApplicationConfig.DISABLE_ATMOSPHEREINTERCEPTOR has an incorrect package #987
- [Filter not called when message are cached and retrieved] Cast Exception when DefaultBroadcaster tries to send a cached message #986
- Shield the OnDisconnect AtmosphereIntercetor from connection close #983
- [hazelcast] HazelcastBroadcaster must invokes parent.destroy() #982
- Possible NPE with WebSocket encoding #981
- Other clients (then localhost) are not receiving broadcasted messages before server shutdown #979
- [Jetty 9/mvn jetty-run issue] Atmosphere 1.1.0.RC1 throws ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.continuation.ContinuationListener on Jetty 9.0.0.v20130308 #978
- Error: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. #977
- [logger] Possible java.util.ConcurrentModificationException #975
- if org.atmosphere.cpr.Broadcaster.supportOutOfOrderBroadcast set 'true', atmosphere don't broadcast. #974
- [websocket] DefaultWebSocketProcessor must suspend the resource before invoking onOpen #973
- High CPU usage in Firefox browser (19.0.2) running WebSocket (1.0.11) in jetty 8 server #964
- Firefox Offline Mode Reconnect Issues #962
- Backport Jetty 9 support in 1.0.x #952
- Add documentation for readResponseHeaders #941
- HazelcastBroadcaster will broadcast two times when using long-polling. #934
- [HeaderBroadcasterCache] multiple broadcast in a post request will lose message with long-polling. #923
- [atmosphere/portal.js] long-polling reconnect forever #771
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.RC1 (2013-03-22)
Closed issues:
- NPE when trying to looking a Broadcaster from WebSocketHandler#onOpen #972
- [websocket] webSocket.onClose must allow retrieval of request's attribute #971
- Channels concept in Atmosphere #970
- [Internet Explorer] trackMessageLength doesn't work with streaming #969
- [atmosphere.js] OnDisconnect event must be sent before closing the request #967
- [sse] Uncaught Error: SecurityError: DOM Exception 18 #966
- Backport support for packages scanning with annotations #965
- client-side onError() function is not fired as expected when the client can not connect the server. #963
- [runtime] - 1.0.13 cached messages causes streaming to disconnect #961
- jquery-pubsub sample not working on 1.0.12 #960
- [runtime] - 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT thread leak #959
- [runtime] - messages.offer() not working anymore #958
- [runtime] - deadlock #957
- [atmosphere.js] Prevent delivering empty message when long-polling connection is resumed #956
- [atmosphere.js] Duplicate message when the long-polling connection is resumed and trackMessageLength is used #955
- [atmosphere.js] Possible NaN error with message delimiter and transport 'polling' #954
- Corrections to CorsFilter #951
- encodeURL and encodeRedirectURL return null #949
- Deadlock with Jetty9-Websocket #945
- AtmosphereFramework init handling parameters too late #819
atmosphere-project-1.0.12 (2013-03-01)
Closed issues:
- [atmosphere.js] when unsubscribe , clearTimeout problem #944
- Characterset is not used on IE 8 & 9 sending message from client to server #943
- [atmosphere.js] when unsubscribe, if request url contains search key, push close event will cause problems #942
- [runtime] Encoding issue #940
- [websocket] AtmosphereResource associated WebSocket's Message needs to be removed from Broadcaster #938
- [atmosphere.js] WebSocket timeout only honored once #937
- [atmosphere.js] onOpen is called twice when using long-polling #936
- [atmosphere.js] IE9 aborted connection #935
- SimpleBroadcaster with UUIDBroadcasterCache can not be used in version 1.0.11 #933
- infinite Loop in Atmosphere Servlet #932
- Not able to received data on suspended connection when using AtmosphereInterceptor #931
- TrackMessageSizeFilter not working properly when using AFTER_FILTER #930
- unsubscribeUrl does not invoke X-Atmosphere-Transport=close for enableProtocol=true and resource is not removed from broadcaster #928
atmosphere-project-1.0.11 (2013-02-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- RedisBroadcaster configuration - cluster #924
- Update Hazelcast version and code #922
- [jQuery] streaming onOpen/OnReconnect not fired after reconnect #550
- RFE: Wait for the connection estabilished event before sending any message to the server for each request. #495
- [socketio] Re-add SocketIO Unit Test #394
Closed issues:
- [atmosphere.js] Prevent onClose called twice when unsubscribe #927
- [atmosphere.js] Strange behavior when push is called from onClose #926
- [atmosphere.js] function resolution issue #921
- [Tomcat + GWT + Websocket] Comet event shouldn't spin infinitely #920
- [Tomcat7] Atmosphere Websocket handler should overwrite default outbound buffer size #919
- Redis Shared Pool being closed/destroyed when one of the broadcasters is destroyed #918
- [DefaultBroadcaster] When one Broadcaster per connection is used, reduce at the minimum the number of thread used #917
- Issue with long-polling and broadcast multiple times #916
- [atmosphere.js] enableProtocol = true and streaming issue with Meteor #915
- [sample] Using an distant redis server doesn't work #913
- Embedded Usage with Jetty and Close / Disconnect Events #911
- [regression] BroadcasterLifecyclePolicy doesn't work when using SimpleBroadcaster #910
- native demo doesn't use websocket if nio configured in Tomcat 7 #885
- NPE at InternalNioOutputBuffer.addToBB() in Tomcat 7 #874
- APR Connector on win7/tomcat doesn't seem to support websockets #435
- [sample] 404 when index.html is appended to the URL #310
atmosphere-project-1.0.10 (2013-02-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- [asynchronous] Add support for content-type on suspend. #906
- [Tomcat] Possible Denial of Service with WebSocket #902
- Add support for write timeout with Broadcaster #890
- [Tomcat] Add timeout support for WebSocket to prevent thread waiting indefinitely. #888
- messages lost with SessionBroadcasterCache on broadcast #743
- Executor of all type must be shareable amongst all components #645
- [jQuery] streaming,network disconnected abruptly, disconnect not fired #604
Closed issues:
- INFO: Using shared ExecutorServices amongst all Atmosphere components: Broadcaster ... #909
- [atmosphere.js] request.reconnect == false should at least execute one request #907
- [Broadcaster] Enabled Shared Thread Pool by Default #903
- When Broadcaster is empty, perRequestFilter must always be executed for BEFORE and AFTER strategy #901
- Duplicate Filter Execution #899
- [websockets] The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes #897
- Wrong error/warning message on TrackMessageSizeFilter #896
- sse with jQuery.atmosphere and https #895
- Broadcaster can locks if the I/O layer block #894
- [atmosphere.js] WebSocket reconnect using the wrong timeout #893
- wss downgrades to comet #892
- Tilde character ~ in path causes error #891
- testEmptyBroadcastMethod(org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcasterTest) FAILED #886
- Should serializers close or flush their OutputStream? #884
- Recover from an IOException when a message is found from the cache #883
- Enforce same origin policy in TomcatWebSocketUtil #880
- [atmosphere.js] Long-Polling reconnect twice on timeout #879
- checkMessageLength fails on Firefox when xml has trailing carriage return #878
- [jersey] Make @Broadcast asynchronous #877
- EventCacheBroadcasterCache should use System.currentTimeMillis instead of System.nanoTime #876
- Heap dump while running Atmosphere (1.0.9) with TomEE 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT (20130128 version which has Tomcat 7.0.35 dependency) #875
- Logging message #863
- [atmosphere.js] Cannot set client request timeout and get WebSocket error #860
- [tomcat][grails]Threads get suck writing and BLOCK the Broadcaster #849
- [jquery][streaming] - Atmosphere crashes ie10 on windows 7 #848
- [jQuery] cannot close/abort connection in IE 9 #829
- Last message rebroadcast when using WS w/maxInactiveActivity & BroadcastCache #706
- [NettoSphere] Unexpected behavior with suspend() / resume() #633
- [NettoSphere] AtmosphereResource.suspend(timeout, true) results in unpredictable channel closing #620
- onDisconnect is not called in firefox for sse transport until firefox is fully closed #565
- [tomcat] org.atmosphere.websocket.maxIdleTime - ignored #524
- Add support for OnDisconnectAtmosphereInterceptor #523
- BroadcasterCache json response bad #514
- [jetty] WebSocketHandshakeFilter must force underlying Websocket to close #471
- Websocket transport can not handle large data greater than default TCP buffer #282
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.beta3 (2013-01-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- [atmosphere.js] Bump to jQuery 1.9.0 #871
- Upgrade Jetty 9 support to 9.0.0.M5 #850
- [atmosphere.js] Always try to reconnect when receiving a 503 #844
- jQuery.browser is deprecated and removed in jQuery 1.9 #839
- [broadcasterCache] Add a new cache that only retrieve messages when reconnecting #832
- Log an exception when a broken BroadcastFilter throw an exception #827
- Expose BroadcasterCache STATEGY API to DefaultBroadcaster #826
- [runtime] - atmosphere switches to BIO when exception occurs #813
- TrackMessageSizeInterceptor: Allow for delimiter character in message content #756
- Add support for interface free component in Atmosphere #705
- Add semi protocol negotiation to the atmosphere.js #680
Closed issues:
- Inability to use WebLogic native support without providing Tomcat, JBossWeb, etc. libs #873
- PrimeFaces.widget.Socket = ignore configuration #872
- Guice support broken with Jersey 1.14 #870
- java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "(TomEE)/7" #869
- Uncomment BroadcasterCacheTest #868
- NPE at AtmosphereRequest.setAttribute( #866
- [cache] EventCacheBroadcasterCache still miss some messages, need a new API #864
- [glassfish] Cancelling the connection with streaming. #862
- Tomcat, Servlet 3: The request associated with the AsyncContext has already completed processing. #858
- jquery.atmosphere.js does not support websockets with binary frames #855
- Broken Pipe even with org.atmosphere.cpr.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity if server broadcast events in intervalls < maxInactiveActivity #854
- Cache messages as soon as we know an AtmosphereResource has been resumed #853
- [BroadcasterCache] Ensure the cache is delivered in the order it was populated #852
- Messages are delivered not in order they get broadcasted #851
- Mix od Broadcast filter and PerRequestBroadcastFilter produces wrong messages #847
- [firefox][glassfish] When websocket not enabled, firefox doesn't automatically close the connection #846
- [glassfish] WebSocket behaves strangely when timing out WebSocket #845
- TrackMessageSizeFilter perform the calculation on the original message instead of the transformed one #843
- TrackMessageSizeFilter perform the calculation on the original message instead of the transformed one #842
- BroadcasterFactory issues with WebFragment/multiple AtmosphereServlet or Injection #841
- [Glassfish] NPE on connection times out #840
- OnMessage handler must handles BroadcasterCache's ArrayList #838
- NPE failed to timeout resource null #837
- MetaBroadcaster won't find broadcasters with @ in the name #836
- dispatchUrl unused by websocket push #835
- [http] Gives a chance to the connection to be established before calling the callback #833
- [websocket] Push the uuid and the server timestamp as the first message so it get set #831
- [websocket] When used with the org.atmosphere.cpr.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity mechanism, must reset the timestamp #830
- [GlassFish] Wrong WebSocket error code on browser close #828
- DefaultBroadcaster is caching it's object instead of the message #825
- Port BroadcasterCache's PerRequest filter code to 1.1.x #824
- [GlassFish] Two AtmosphereHandler will maps to the same GlassFishWebSocketHandler #823
- [GlassFish] NPE on shutdown #822
- [GlassFish] GlassFishWebSocketHandler needs to be stateless as it cause thread race #821
- onOpen() callback function in jquery.atmospehere.js does not fire properly when using long-polling #816
- jquery long-polling with trackMessageLength bug #775
- [jQuery][long-polling][XDR] IE9 does not reissue GET after receiving a message #750
- cacheLostMessage breaks broadcaster cache #658
- Document enableXDR and it's limitation #636
- [runtime] JSONP Transport doesn't work with BroadcasterCache #249
atmosphere-project-1.0.9 (2013-01-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- [api] Allow an AtmosphereResource to close a WebSocket connection #817
- send max reconnect reached error code or event #774
- Scan dependencies or other locations for annotations #614
- Enhancement : transport() could support custom transport #328
- [websocket][atmosphere.js] Not able to change request timeout (client side) #291
Closed issues:
- onResume and onDisconnect are not fired with WebSocket connection. #814
- NPE from Wicket Atmospere support when shutting down Tomcat #812
- sample not working #789
- Using atmosphere causes Glassfish requests to hang, only over SSL. #770
- [runtime] thread leak in DefaultBroadcasterFactory #766
- [runtime] , MetaBroadcaster regex issue #693
- [RFE] Introduce maxRetryAttempts property instead of maxRequest #589
- Comet connection lost in IE8 when clicking a hash link #465
- [JBossWeb] error when refreshing page with wicket servlet with tcnative-1.dll #374
atmosphere-project-1.0.8 (2013-01-09)
Closed issues:
- [long-polling] AbstractReflectorAtmosphereHandler does not resume on broadcast #806
- AtmosphereRequest.queryString(Sring) method seems to be bug(values size) #805
- [JbossWeb] Websocket protocol not supported #804
- [atmosphere.js] Sharing tabs timeout issue #803
- [IE regression] maxReconnectOnClose undefined #802
- [gwt] unloadHandlerReg #801
- Configure to suppres java.lang.IllegalStateException: The event object has been recycled and is no longer associated with a request #800
- Atmosphere servlet fails to broadcast the response when configuring with apache web server #798
- setCharacterEncoding method doesn't work in onPreSuspend method #797
- GWT Comet over HTTPS on Chrome doesn't work #796
- Improper GET parameter addition #795
- resource.getRequest().getAttribute(...) doesn't work for long-polling/IE/Tomcat 7 #794
- Inject servlets and filters instantiated by ReflectorServletProcessor. #793
- [jQuery] reconnectInterval has no effect on reissue request after timeout #792
- Exception when using SimpleBroadcaster instead of the default. #791
- Osgi problem Import-Package org.mortbay.util.ajax is not optional #790
- Problem with HeaderBroadcasterCache and long polling #788
- Unnecessary data being sent upon connecting to receive updates #787
- Add annotation scanner dependencies by default #785
- AbstractBroadcasterCache.getQueueDepth() #783
- NPE in DefaultBroadcaster.entryDone using SimpleBroadcaster or sub-class thereof #782
- messageDelimiter in jquery.atmosphere.js #780
- Intermittent failure IllegalStateException during @Suspend #772
- [Glassfish] [HTTPS] Сonnection breaks every few seconds #744
- Add WebSocket support for JBoss 7.x #362
atmosphere-project-1.0.7 (2012-12-18)
Closed issues:
- [SimpleBroadcaster] NPE with latest 1.0.6 #781
atmosphere-project-1.0.6 (2012-12-17)
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.beta2 (2012-12-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- [performance] Allow out of order broadcast delivery #779
- Add support for unique AtmosphereResource UUID with WebSocket #778
- Add Session's creation Interceptor #777
- Add .zip distribution with all dependencies #769
Closed issues:
- Resuming with Serializers #776
- Atmosphere resources with the same uuid #773
- Intermittent InterruptedException destroying Broadcaster #768
- Ruby client #767
- [runtime] DefaultBroadcaster hold threads under load. #765
- comet not working with tomcat7 and atmos 1.0.5 #764
- 404 url results in infinite requests to the server #763
- Failed using comet support with tomcat NIO connector #762
- If possible trigger event when maximum reconnect is reached #761
- Jguery plugin: reset connectionCount after reconnect #760
- [runtime] leak #751
- [Glassfish] PWC3990: getWriter() has already been called for this response #722
- Parameter parsing problem in 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT #691
atmosphere-project-1.0.5 (2012-12-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for non-jquery atmosphere.js #684
- Inconsisten use of BroadcasterFactory in AtmosphereFramework #430
- [client] Add a Java Based Atmosphere's Client #262
Closed issues:
- [atmosphere.js] Deprecate maxRequest, add maxReconnectOnClose #759
- WebSocketProtocol and Handler must first be loaded using the Thread's classloader #758
- [websocket][tomcat] org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereRequest.getRemoteAddr() returns empty string #757
- [GlassFish] resource.getRequest().getPathInfo() issue #755
- [Glassfish and PrimeFaces Push] No BroadcasterCache configured. #754
- Websocket connection doesnt close with firefox #753
- [runtime] - performance issue (thread blocked) #749
- Critical memory leak #748
- [jersey] @Asynchronous must set the Broadcaster's life cycle to EMPTY_DESTROY #747
- Force resuming long-polling connection on Callable exception #746
- toLowerCase on parameters #745
- Generate a default UUID for WebSocket/Streaming #742
- Configuration of Primefaces-Push with Apache Server Load Balancing #741
- Resolution of optional bundles #740
- [runtime] - onSuspend not invoked after reconnect with cached message #738
- Passing the actual location to WebSocketImpl #737
- applicationConfig not parsed properly in atmosphere.xml #736
- perRequestFilter must not synchronize when no filters defined #735
- [atmosphere.js] global onTransportFailure not defined properly #734
- Atmosphere.js reports 1.0.3 in 1.0.4 #733
- Implement getAuth and setAuth in RedisFilter. #732
- [runtime] - push performance issue #730
- Setting org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterLifeCyclePolicy in atmosphere.xml doesn't work #728
- 0.a.c.AtmosphereRequest.getLocale() returns null on Tomcat7 whereas on Jetty8 or JBoss7 it returns non-null Locale. #727
- [streaming] reconnect issue when maxStreamingLength is reached #726
- [performance] Make WebSocketProcessor a singleton #725
- [runtime] - 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT broadcaster.lookup is not thread safe #723
- SimpleBroadcaster does not create a unique instance of BroadcasterConfig #720
- createStreamingPadding does not respect padding member variable #672
- IE closes socket after 10 minutes #623
- [atmosphere.js] IE 8 doesn't work when share = true #580
- [runtime] Possible Broacaster leaks #528
atmosphere-project-1.0.4 (2012-11-02)
Closed issues:
- Server XML Configuration table in the wiki doesn't display properly. #719
- [runtime] [long-polling] [EMPTY_DESTROY] - AsyncWrite thread leak #717
- Growing number of broadcaster threads #716
atmosphere-project-1.0.3 (2012-10-29)
atmosphere-project-1.1.0.beta1 (2012-10-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for excluding content-type when TrackMessageSizeInterceptor is used #704
Closed issues:
- Update GWT module to support GWT 2.5.0 #713
- [android 2.3.3/3.2] Messages get lost if published "at the same time" #712
- Publish - Reconnect Problem on Android #711
- [jetty] EofException / IOException using InternetExplorer #710
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in AbstractBroadcasterCache #709
- GWT client can fail to post messages to server #708
- webSocketUrl does not dispatch to proper Jersey resource method #707
- Clients hang when multiple tabs (~20+) opened #702
- withCredentials not set when atmosphere.push is called. #700
- [runtime] MetaBroadcaster Leaks #699
- Add support for WebSocketStreamHandler #698
- [GlassFish] WebSocket implementation doesn't call doCometSupport #696
- json response is invalid #695
- [GWT] (de-)serialization issue when broadcasting nested, complex object #694
- onError not called for streaming/long-polling #692
- AtmosphereResource.closeStreamOrWriter should not close the WebSocket. #690
- [runtime] - AsyncWriteToken leak #689
- [atmosphere.js] Mixing Callback and Function doesn't work with WebSocket #687
- ClassNotFoundException for GWT 2.5-RC2 #686
- [GlassFish] Atmosphere interrupts writer thread even if it didn't complete writing data to a client #651
- resource.getRequest().getCookies() doesn't work #485
atmosphere-project-1.0.2 (2012-10-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a new meta annotation that does everything: @AtmosphereManagedService #685
- Deprecate/remove all traces of suspend(time, junk) API #675
- Add onPreSuspend callback to AtmosphereResourceEventListener #657
- Add an HeartBeat AtmosphereInterceptor #654
- [runtime] Add support for multiple WebSocketHandler #470
- Add WebLogic pre-12.x Support #277
Closed issues:
- Suspended requests never freed when using Tomcat Native (CometEvent.END handling bug) #683
- onStateChange not always called when AtmosphereResource.resume() is called. #682
- AtmosphereResponse must invoke onDisconnect callback on IOException #681
- X-Cache-Date and X-Atmosphere-tracking-id not properly read in jquery.atmosphere.js #679
- onStateChange returning a different resource UUID when connection is closed #678
- onDisconnect must be called after onResume #677
- [jersey] Make sure only one Broadcaster gets created when @Asynchronous annotation is used #676
- Bug in #674
- is ie8 supported? #673
- Grizzly2WebSocketSupport and fallbacks #670
- RediBroadcaster broken because of wrong initialization logic #667
- OSGI import packages - issue #219 #666
- Must honor the defined Broadcaster web.xml instead of auto discovering #665
- [jetty][websockets] WebSocketFactory may throws IllegalStateException #663
- Filter based applications do not initialize at all #662
- QueryString must not be re-added after Interceptor/Processor dispatch, must be decoded #660
- SessionBroadcasterCache throws ClassCastException #656
- Document List<Object> returned by a BroadcasterCache when used with custom AtmosphereHandler #655
- Message is not filtered if there are not resources associated with the Broadcaster #653
- GWT Demo not working with IE9 on Tomcat and Glassfish #652
- @ character not working in url path in Atmosphere framework #650
- Missing shutdown of asyncSupport in case of fallback to other implementation #649
- WebSocketProcessorFactory not application isolated #648
- Typo in configuration parameter name DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE #647
- Messages lost when using long-polling, Cache and TrackMessageSizeFilter #646
- Add support for Jetty 9 new WebSocket API #644
- Logging for AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor uses SSEAtmosphereInterceptor logger #643
- AtmosphereHandler in web.xml does not get injected by org.atmosphere.di.Injector #642
- native chat is broken #641
- [runtime] streaming,gzip, broadcast split + stuck issue #621
- SocketIOSessionManagerImpl trying to send on a closed websocke #609
- Allow BroadcasterCache to discard some message #607
- Connection sharing child-to-parent promotion sometimes does not occur #602
- 1.0.0.rc1 breaks GWT apps #587
- GWT client can't build with GWT 2.5.0-rc1 #575
- Support for Gwt comet over https #574
- [gwt] When WebSockets fail over 3G, Atmosphere should switch to long-poll #571
- HazlecastBroadcaster wrong use of topic listener #536
- GWT client API needs documenation #534
- GWT with Basic container security causes NPE #518
- Atmosphere GWT Client 1.0.x fails with SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12 #506
- [GlassFish] When connection is down sometimes AtmosphereResource does not destroy #499
- Inflexible mapping regex #498
- [gwt] error on startup sometimes. #489
- NullPointerException on atmosphere + tapestry5 (centOS + tomcat 7.0.26) #478
- [gwt] unicode character transfer not possible #476
- [gwt/glassfish] WebSocket not supported after restarting the server #462
- Atmosphere GWT 0.9/1.0 fails with JavaFX WebView #440
- User selectable tranports #433
- Create Long-Polling transport #432
- Test with JDK 7 #416
- Add support for HeaderBroadcasterCache #401
- [gwt] Exception happens when heartbeat parameter is empty string on Tomcat 7. #298
- [extra] Add support for Jersey 2 runtime #297
atmosphere-project-1.0.1 (2012-09-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for simple AtmosphereHandler called OnMessage #635
- Broadcaster: Improve #broadcast API #629
- Broadcaster: Improve #broadcast API #628
- [websocket] WebSocket class must be re-written to support AtmosphereInterceptorWriter #610
Closed issues:
- SimpleHttpProtocol might lose part of the message with messageDelimiter defined #640
- Inconsistent support-session value in atmosphere.xml/web.xml and ignored supportSession in AtmosphereHandlerService annotation #639
- [atmosphere.js] JSONP must carry the headers from the server. #638
- [atmosphere.js] XDomainRequest logic doesn't support all request's properties #637
- [IE 8] With enableXDR, IE 8 reconnect forever. #634
- @MeteorService breaks Meteor #632
- org.atmosphere.cpr.Meteor, cache Memory Leak #631
- Several AsyncIOWriterAdapter methods default to infinite loops, not no-ops #627
- [jQuery] streaming, opera breaks on junk split + FIX #625
- Atmosphere response setHeader adds header value instead of replacing it #624
- Window close events randomly failing to be processed due to dead AtmosphereResource #619
- [runtime] Improve BroadcasterCache handling of duplicate #616
- [jQuery] [long-polling] callbacks for aggregated messages still not fired properly #615
- cleaning up sessions - jboss 5.1 + long polling #613
- annotation detection doesn't work in scala projects #611
- IE9 loses messages during alert freeze #606
- Receive part of streaming junk in onMessage callback #605
- deadlock when disconnecting clients #601
- [websocket] [jetty8] Cookies get recycled by Jetty and un availaible after initial handshake #600
- messageLength of next message is glued after current one in IE #597
- tracking-id is not reused upon reconnect #596
- AtmosphereResourceLifecycleInterceptor does not resume resource for long-polling #594
- maxInactiveActivity is not detected when tomcat failed using comet support #588
- [atmosphere.js] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'concat' of null #586
- [wicket] NPE on timeout #417
- Atmosphere&Jersey: Wrong restfull api method is called when do push message from client side #241
atmosphere-project-1.0.0 (2012-09-04)
Closed issues:
- AtmosphereServlet does not delegate to the default servlet if no filter matches #595
- Session timeout restorer can get overwritten and the original timeout value is lost #592
- Unsubscribe in window.unload instead of window.beforeunload #591
- Message delimiter is added several times if message payload exceeds 8192 when using jersey #590
- [runtime] org.atmosphere.cpr.recycleAtmosphereRequestResponse not properly implemented #584
- TomcatWebSocketHandler handle onBinaryMessage as whole ByteBuffer #582
- Grizzly2WebSocketSupport: pathInfo in HttpServletRequestImpl null #581
- Session timeout not restored on serialized sessions #555
- cleaning up sessions - jboss 5.1 + long polling #407
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.RC1 (2012-08-30)
Closed issues:
- BroadcasterCache API must pass an ID to implementation #577
- Possible Thread Race when Broadcaster gets destroyed and the re-use option is set to true #576
- Cached messages multiplied #573
- [runtime] cached messages missed when using exclude resource #572
- Runtime errors with jdk 5.0 and Weblogic 10.0 #570
- [jQuery] firefox, ESC key closes request #569
- [atmosphere.js] long-polling, two messages in one request, only last one does callback #568
- SessionBroadcasterCache deliver messages twice #567
- HeaderBroadcasterCache delivers first message twice #566
- MessageLengthInterceptor breaks SSE transport #564
- Connection sharing doesn't work with atmosphere.js after first tab is closed #563
- [jQuery] - streaming, junk issue #562
- [glassfish][jersey] IllegalAccessException on Chrome browser #561
- [jQuery] streaming, IE , disconnect event not fired when server closed #559
- memory leak in the class Meteor #558
- Connection sharing does not work in certain cases #557
- [runtime] cached messages - first message is skipped #556
- [jQuery] streaming, cached messages not passing through _trackMessageSize #554
- Request parameters get lost on ws requests on Tomcat 7 #553
- [jQuery] - streaming, onMessage is not fired when a lot requests made in short time #552
- [runtime] streaming - different broadcasts combined #551
- [jquery] IE9 - onClose not fired #547
- disconnect event not fired issue #545
- [1.0.0b5] AtmosphereResource.uuid != tracking-id #544
- [1.0.0b5] examples chat, meteor-chat don't work #543
- [1.0.0b5] SSE Interceptor - String vs. byte[] bug. #542
- Chat Sample does not seem to work with Firefox 14.0.1 #541
- Allow multiple fallback transports in atmosphere.js #540
- Handling of "glued" messages #286
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.beta5 (2012-07-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- [atmosphere.js] Add a way to disable reading response's headers #539
- [atmosphere.js] [firefox] websocket it auto reopened when I refresh the webpage - firefox 14.0.1 #522
- [runtime] Refactor WebSocket implementation #270
Closed issues:
- @Asynchronous annotation must use the generatred AtmosphereResource's UUID #538
- AtmosphereResource Initial Suspended's uuid is null when using streaming + POST #537
- [atmosphere.js] long-polling XDR fails to suspend in IE9 #535
- streaming transport disconnection event missing #533
- streaming transport disconnection event missing #532
- [atmosphere.js] Firefox/IE close tabs not detected #531
- GlassFish WebSocketListenerEvent not working #530
- [runtime] Factory should not be destroyed when shared amongst multiple application #527
- [atmosphere.js] Wrong logic for executeCallbackBeforeReconnect and jsonp/ajaxtransport #526
- Using multiple AtmosphereInterceptors results in only one being applied #525
- cloneRequest puts copied session in wrong object on Tomcat 7 #520
- SessionTimeoutSupport throws Exception if Session does not exists #510
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.beta4 (2012-07-20)
Closed issues:
- Occasional GWT server NPE when using IE browser #519
- exclude resource doesnt work #517
- [streaming] switch streaming junk from atmosphere to whitespace #516
- [websocket] Make sure FakeSession is shared amongst message #515
- AtmosphereRequest.getSession(create) may return null, even if a session exists #513
- Autoconfigure Service fails when using embedded Jetty #512
- GWT + GlassFish 3.1.2 + Websockets only #511
- [atmosphere.js] Add support for jQuery 1.7.2 #509
- [runtime] WebSocketProcessor must be pluggable to support JSR 356 #508
- [websocket] Possible memory leak on Tomcat with WebSocket #505
- Atmosphere Server on Android Compatibility #503
- org.atmosphere.filter ignored if org.atmosphere.servlet not set #502
- [gwt] AtmosphereProxy - exponential backoff on reconnect #497
- [atmosphere.js] Multi Tabs, Multi Window transport sharing #493
- streaming transport not working in Android 2.2/2.3 browser #400
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.beta3 (2012-07-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- each request from the same client returns a different AtmosphereResource #488
- Default Broadcaster /* should be shareable amongst AtmosphereServlet #487
Closed issues:
- [gwt] Char sequence "\n" in String messages gets corrupted through PLAIN String serialization in GWT #494
- [atmosphere.js] AtmosphereRequest.uuid should be the server generated one #492
- [atmosphere.js] unsubscribe events should invoke onClose function #491
- sending pure binary data feature please #490
- [gwt] Glassfish , Refresh page error #486
- MetaBroadcaster must return a Future instead of a collection #484
- Add BroadcasterListener support #483
- Broadcaster.broadcast().get() innacurate #482
- [jersey] Upgrade to 1.12 #481
- Content-Type in query string not added as header before passing request to Jersey #480
- [Spring] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: > org.atmosphere.cache.HeaderBroadcasterCache #479
- Redis: jQuery pubsub example wiping out my redis data #477
- NPE in AtmosphereResponse #475
- NPE logged when client closes WebSocket #474
- [atmosphere.js] with long-polling transport _attachHeaders is not called #473
- GWT posting Date on serialized data gives error on Glassfish 3.1.2 server #472
- Error in java doc for addAtmosphereResource and removeAtmosphereResource #469
- Broadcaster#broadcast(event, Set) -> Set may contains null value #467
- [Tomcat 7.0.28] Comet fallback not working #464
- Should Server-Sent Event processing include same-origin check? #463
- Glassfish 3.1.2 atmosphere caching bug #461
- NullPointerException on Glassfish 3.1.2 log #460
- FakeHttpSession#copyAttributes doesn't do anything #459
- Wrong AsyncSupport detected with webSocketSupported = false #457
- Java Swing and JavaFX integration easy? #456
- Java Swing and JavaFX integration easy? #455
- [runtime] SessionSupport must be set to false #454
- Glassfish 3.1.2 bug on web.xml context-path #453
- [jaxrs2] Update to last version, fix regression #452
- [runtime] Glassfish 3.1.2 WebSocket broken #451
- using broadcaster cache results in reception of nested^3+ ArrayLists #449
- XML response won't work correctly when using HTTP streaming #427
- ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange fails when junk packet is chunked #314
- Issues with using FixedThreadPool for maxProcessingThreads with SharedExecutors set to true #264
- Can't produce JSONP with Jersey #194
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.beta2a (2012-06-28)
Closed issues:
- [documentation] Document onDisconnect/disconnection behaviour #437
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.beta2 (2012-06-28)
Closed issues:
- Possible NPE with WebSocket and Jersey #446
- ClassCastException on broadcaster.addAtmosphereResource() w/ Jersey resource #445
- MetaBroadcaster.broadcast causes NPE if no AtmosphereResource has been accessed #442
- [websocket] Default SimpleHttpWebSocketProtocol Content-Type should be text/plain #441
- [jersey] Content-Type sometimes written twice #439
- <jquery-atmosphere>Cross domain requests with IE not working #425
- SuspendResponse not honoring content-type #423
- AtmosphereFilter content-type not handled correctly #418
- Time interval between re-connect attempts #415
- Rest-Chat: message body writer issues using streaming for transport #411
atmosphere-project-0.9.7 (2012-06-26)
Closed issues:
- [regression] Fix for #412 brokes WebSocket InputStream #438
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: STREAM Exception since 0.9.5 #436
- NPE session troubles with 0.9.6 and later #431
- Clarify difference between native websocket and websocket #429
- Link ... take a look at the WebSocketProtocol documentation #428
atmosphere-project-0.9.6 (2012-06-22)
Closed issues:
- GWT Starting double comet connection #426
- Fixed a bug where the websocket transport was recreating it's server transport #424
- TrackMessageSizeFilter and MessageLengthInterceptor incompatibility #421
- [websocket] Broadcaster set in onOpen lost #420
- NPE with AtmosphereResource.getSession() #414
- atm-jquery: FF12 - reconnect issues. #413
- UTF-8 characters encoding not working #412
- Large message issues #405
- [gwt] Add connection sharing between windows #372
atmosphere-project-1.0.0.beta1 (2012-06-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- [extra] Add support for CometD support #404
- [runtime] Add a BroadcastOnPost AtmosphereInterceptor #403
- [runtime] Add support for automatic suspend/upgrade of AtmosphereResource based on the client protocol #398
- Write a sample for Atmosphere multi-request / Wicket integration #239
Closed issues:
- Allow AtmosphereHandler specific interceptors #409
- AtmosphereInterceptorService's scope issue #408
- Allow removal of pre-installed AtmosphereInterceptor #406
- [socketio] Add official documentation, add sample descrition #397
- [socketio] Change Chat logic to use the same CSS/layout than other chat #396
- [socketio] SimpleHttpProtocol warning with chat sample #395
- onMessage signature change dropped generics #391
- [doc] Things I'd like to see documented #342
atmosphere-project-0.9.5 (2012-05-30)
Closed issues:
- Some wierd code in the wiki examples #390
- [gwt] NullPointerException on resumeAfterDeath #388
- [websocket] GlassFish's WebSocket implementation scope issue #386
- [runtime] Remove Trackable concept and support #385
default/master (2012-05-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- [atmosphere.js] Add a specific function for transport failure #382
- [runtime] Add support for a MetaBroadcaster #381
- [runtime] Generate an UUID for each AtmosphereResource and add a method to find them #379
- Enhancement : SSEAtmosphereInterceptor and JSONPAtmosphereInterceptor should be annoted #377
- [runtime] Add AsyncSupportListener #373
- NullPointerException when is not present #346
- Add support for Annotated Atmosphere's Component #316
Closed issues:
- broadcasting in IE8 are not getting update after the first broadcast #384
- broadcasting in IE8 are not getting update after the first broadcast #383
- Plugin JQuery not compatible with RequireJS #378
- GWT demo fails in bc32ef6 #375
- Websocket wierd exceptions on disconnect #371
- [runtime] Cookies issues #370
- ClassCastException with Servlet 3.0 onTimeout #368
- IllegalStateException: No SessionManager even when PROPERTY_SESSION_SUPPORT set to false #367
- [runtime] Prevent AtmosphereFilter to intercept static resource #366
- Disconnect Not Called On Tomcat7-Jersey #365
- [ webSocket.resource() == null ] in the WebSocketHandler.onOpen(WebSocket webSocket) method #364
- [atmosphere-jersey] forward URL is broken #363
- AtmosphereRequest may return invalid Session #361
- [atmosphere.js] Allow disabling Atmosphere's Headers #360
- Http11NioProtocol on Tomcat: AtmosphereResource's compound with Comet transports #359
- java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError Using WebSockets on Jetty 8.1.3 #358
- [runtime] URI mapping exception #357
- broadcasting in IE8 stop working when moving to 0.9.4 #356
- Error when writing with jetty #354
- IE8 & jquery.atmosphere.js: JS error if server connection is lost #331
- [jersey] NPE during Broadcast #323
- Add full WebSocket support for GWT #237
atmosphere-project-0.9.4 (2012-05-11)
Closed issues:
- Simple long-poll example that doesn't reconnect on timeout #355
- connection being Close after Suspending - JBossWebCometSupport #353
- [websocket] WebSocketProtocol#onOpen must be called before dispatch #352
- [atmosphere.js] Problem with JSESSIONID and GlassFish #351
- [runtime] AtmosphereRequest/Response Wrapper lack of setRequest/Response #350
- Jetty and Websocket, warning abotu status code >400 #349
- NullPointerException from AtmosphereFramework#setBroadcasterFactory #348
- Undefined variables in jquery.atmosphere.js #347
- AtmosphereInterceptor should be configurable #344
- exception using spring mvc with MeteorServlet on jboss 6.1 #343
- Package jquery.atmosphere.js in a jar #340
- [runtime] Possible StackOverflow when using AsyncIOWriter and AtmosphereResource.write API #336
- [runtime] AsyncProtocol should works without the needs of AsyncIOWriter #335
- [runtime] Mapping Algorithm fail to map /a/x to /a #317
- [runtime] Add support for auto discovering AtmosphereHandler in library #222
atmosphere-project-0.8.7 (2012-05-07)
Closed issues:
- SerializationException: Too few tokens in RPC request #320
atmosphere-project-0.9.3 (2012-05-07)
Closed issues:
- [runtime] JBossWebCometSupport EOF issue #318
atmosphere-project-0.9.2 (2012-05-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- [websocket] Remove AsyncProtocol API, replace with WebSocketResponseFilter #338
- [annotation] Add contentType support to the Suspend annotation #329
- load AtmosphereResourceConfig add a trim #322
- [websocket] Improve WebSocketHandshakeFilter logic #313
- [atmosphere.js] Expose the Request to the Response object #312
- AtmosphereRequest.getSession returns null when session is set #311
- [atmosphere.js] Reconnect function must always be invoked before reconnect #309
- [tomcat7] Fix Tomcat + WebSocket + Nio Connector Support #308
- [runtime] Add support for AtmosphereInterceptor #306
- [atmosphere.js] Client JS should handle null fallbackTransport #304
- [runtime] Add support for HTLM5 Server Side Events #302
Closed issues:
- [atmosphere.js] Add a AtmosphereRequest.reconnect attribute to be set and prevent reconnecting #341
- [websocket] Expose Binary Write API #339
- Safari Error when connecting Websockets #337
- [atmosphere.js] Add "ajax" transport support #334
- [atmosphere.js] jsonp transport reconnect forever #333
- Memory leak on Tomcat when websocket endpoint terminated #332
- 'Original SevletRequest or wrapped original ServletRequest not passed to RequestDispatcher in violation of SRV.8.2 and SRV.' #330
- AtmosphereRequest.getParameter should check for isNotNoOps() #327
- AtmosphereRequest.getParameter should check for isNotNoOps() #326
- [websocket] WebSocket + Comet issue using the Http11NioProtocol #325
- [websocket] return a 501 instead of a 202 when WebSocket Handshake fail #324
- AtmosphereFramework getFiles wrong validation #321
- SerializationException: Too few tokens in RPC request #319
- [atmosphere.js] FF 12 breaks WebSocket #315
- [v0.9.1] error JSON parsing for sample rest-chat #307
- Tomcat 7.0.27 websocket onClose called every 60 seconds #305
- Serializer will be ignored in case JersyBroadcaster in in use #303
atmosphere-project-0.9.1 (2012-04-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- [runtime] Expose atmosphere.xml path in AtmosphereFramework #295
Closed issues:
- [runtime] NettyCometSupport must be detected at the very last #301
- [runtime] NPE on SessionBroadcasterCache.cache() #300
- [sample] Add the Tiles/Spring samples #299
- [Guice] GuiceManagedAtmosphereServlet broken #296
- WebSocket enabled but implementing different transport protocol #294
- atmosphere-jquery socket.subscribe() succeeds although server returns 500 #293
- [websocket][firefox11] Wrong handling of Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade. #292
- [jgroups] *.xml not added to the jar, default constructor missed breaking @Cluster #290
- [websocket] [Tomcat] One or more reserved bits are on: reserved1 = 0, reserved2 = 1, reserved3 = 1 #289
- [websocket] ConcurrentModification Exception when protocol use asyncDispatch(true) #288
- Tomcat Error: "getWriter() has already been called..." w/ Spring Security, Spring MVC, MeteorServlet #287
- Add jquery.atmosphere.js connection error handling callbacks #285
- AtmosphereRequest.getSession returns null when it shouldn't (Spring Security) #284
- Tomcat7 websocket support blows up with spring security enabled #283
- [websocket] Basic Authentication? #281
- [tomcat] Sprint exception with WebSocket #280
- [atmosphere.js] Firefox Bug: getAllResponseHeaders() returns empty String #273
atmosphere-project-0.9 (2012-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- [runtime] Add writeOnTimeout API to AtmosphereResource #276
- [websocket] Add support for suspend(timeout) semantic #275
- [runtime] Add support for Tomcat WebSocket #195
Closed issues:
- [websocket] [regression] Safari supports broken #278
- [atmosphere.js] long-polling issue with jQuery Atmosphere 0.9 RC3 #274
- [runtime] Deprecate Jetty 7.4.x and 8.0.0 Mx Websocket support #272
- [runtime] Deprecate WebLogic support. #271
- Problem with Meteor.resumeOnBroadcast #269
- IE does not reconnect streaming http connections #268
- [runtime] Do not send 503 on connection closed detection #267
- [atmosphere.js] Support connect timeout #266
- withCredentials support in doRequest #2 #265
- [performance] Reduce the wrapping of Request #263
- [jersey][0.9.0.RC2] Not all parameters are applied by pushing with websockit #261
- [jersey][0.9.0.RC2] The WebSocketProtocol.configure() method is never call if custom WebSocketProtocol is assigned in the web.xml #260
- [documentation] Need a migration guide for 0.x to 0.9 new API #246
atmosphere-project-0.9.0.RC3 (2012-03-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- [atmosphere.js] attachHeaderAsQueryString set to true by default #256
- [runtime] Rename CometSupport -> AsyncSupport #255
- [runtime] Improve Broadcaster fluid API #252
- withCredentials support in doRequest #251
- [atmosphere.js] [regression] Unable to override reconnect method/data #250
- [runtime] Add support for CacheMessage ID #248
- Json data that I pass using atmosphere sometimes is corrupted #200
Closed issues:
- [Jersey] [0.9.0.RC2] NPE during debugging #259
- [guice] [regression] Initialization logic broken #258
- [atmosphere.js] [regression] Re-add $.atmosphere.publish API #257
- [Jersey] [0.9-SNAPSHOT] NPE #254
- [runtime] Future returned by Broadcast#broadcast(Object, Set) doesn't block properly on get #253
- onStateChange not called when client disconnects #247
- AtmosphereResponse.DummyHttpServletResponse#flushBuffer throws UnsupportedOperationException #245
- Atmosphere&Jersey: method of PerRequestBroadcastFilter is not called #244
- Atmosphere&Jersey: interesting behavior with JSON support powered by Jersey #243
- Atmosphere&Jersey: Problem with using the session #242
- [runtime] JBoss7 initialization issue #240
- [websocket] Attributes must not be cleaned when AtmosphereRequest.isDestroyable return true #231
- [runtime][jetty] Session lost on first request #230
- [atmosphere.js] Script must survive callback error #210
atmosphere-project-0.9.0.RC2 (2012-03-23)
Closed issues:
- Jersey's @HeaderParam no more injected with WebSocket #238
- [extras] Stop supporting GrizzlyAdapter #236
- [jersey] Broadcast annotation must respect the writeEntity value #234
- [runtime] Skip auto-discovering of AtmosphereHandler is already specified #233
- Null contentType when suspending response #218
- Jetty8WebSocket - 405 Method Not Allowed #208
- [jersey] @Singleton fail to initialize #207
- Cannot instantiate 2 JGroupsFilters w/ default constructor #205
atmosphere-project-0.9.0.RC1 (2012-03-16)
Closed issues:
- [regression] [runtime] MeteorServlet Broken #229
- [regression] [runtime] Some components not loaded by the MeteorServlet #228
- [atmosphere.js] regression with 0.9: push method should take request as param #226
- [atmosphere.js] Fires 'opening' event for transport other than Websocket #225
- [runtime] Add .transport() method to AtmosphereResource #224
- [websocket] onControl must not be propagated to AtmosphereHandler #223
- [runtime] Allow WebSocketProtocol to dispatch asynchronously #220
- [runtime] OSGi - combat bundles - import package optional #219
- AmosphereServlet mapping and relative @Path? #217
- Filters defined in the web.xml are not applied to the MeteorServlet #216
- jquery-pubsub 0.8.6/0.9 first push seems to be incorrect #215
- [runtime] Make AtmosphereResource API fluid #214
- [runtime] DefaultBroadcaster must never return null instead of Future #213
- Atmosphere-meteor bug with IE 9. #209
- [websocket] Add support for simple WebSocketHandler #206
- Incorrect Access-Control-Allow-Origin Headers on Credentialed CORS request #204
- [runtime] Possible deadlock on unsubscribe #188
- jquery pubsub behaves differently using long-polling and websocket #187
atmosphere-project-0.9.0.alpha.v20120301 (2012-03-01)
atmosphere-project-0.8.6 (2012-03-01)
Closed issues:
- [runtime] Tomcat 6 disconnection detection broken #203
- SCRIPT16389: Unspecified error in 0.8.5 and 0.9 #197
- [runtime] [api-break] Fix PerRequestFilter dependencies on HttpServlet* classes #193
- [runtime] Allow multiple instance of the same BroadcastFilter #192
- undefined 'headers' in jquery.atmosphere.js v0.9 #191
- [guice, websockets] WebSocketProtocol implementation does not get DI #190
- [guice, websockets] The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes #189
- [runtime] AtmosphereServlet must throw AtmosphereMappingException instead of SevletException when mapping fail #186
- [Jersey] Add support for customizable ContainerResponseWriter #183
atmosphere-project-0.8.5 (2012-02-06)
atmosphere-project-0.8.4 (2012-01-18)
atmosphere-project-0.8.3 (2012-01-12)
atmosphere-project-0.8.2 (2011-12-21)
atmosphere-project-0.8.1 (2011-11-25)
atmosphere-project-0.8.0 (2011-11-24)
atmosphere-project-0.8.0-RC3 (2011-11-02)
atmosphere-project-0.8.0-RC2 (2011-10-25)
atmosphere-project-0.8.0-RC1 (2011-10-03)
atmosphere-project-0.7.2 (2011-06-10)
atmosphere-project-0.7.1 (2011-04-05)
atmosphere-project-0.7 (2011-02-25)
atmosphere-0.6.5 (2011-02-11)
atmosphere-0.6.4.GA (2011-02-04)
atmosphere-0.6.3 (2010-10-08)
atmosphere-0.6.2 (2010-09-30)
atmosphere-0.6.1 (2010-07-22)
atmosphere-0.6 (2010-06-24)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator