Before you can start working on your full-stack project you need to pick an app to build. You will start by submitting a list of three possible apps you would be interested in creating. This is your tentative proposal. You will assigned one of them.
Before you start on your full-stack project you will create a detailed proposal in which you carefully plan out the app you are going to build. This is your full-stack project proposal. Here are the important deadlines for this part of the curriculum.
- W7D2: Submit your tentative proposal by 9am
- W8D1: Submit your full-stack proposal by 9am
You will spend the next two weeks working full-time on your full-stack project Here are the important deadlines.
- W8D2: Start work on your full-stack project after you finish A06
- W9D2: Peer Review
- W9D5: Turn in Full Stack Project
While it is both normal and acceptable to view other code bases to find inspiration for your own project, plagiarism is not tolerated. Any act of plagiarism is deemed an infraction of the code of conduct and could result in immediate dismissal from the course.
Here are some additional resources to help get your app running and add common features.
- Getting Your App Production Ready
- Do this before submitting your app on Jobberwocky (not necessary before W9D5)
- Heroku
- Web services
- Figaro gem securely store api keys. Necessary for google maps, Cloudinary and AWS.
- Cloudinary video demo work with images
- Paperclip and AWS S3 Hosting Demo
- Google maps
- Other tools
- Redux dev tools view your react state live and see a list of dispatched actions
Is there something your looking for that's not on the list? We have lots of extra readings and videos on other topics in additional resources.
If you finish your MVP features early you should consider enhancing your app to add technical depth. Here are a few directions you could take.