- Model a classic benchmark dataset
- Reusable script design
- Good metadata logging
- DONE - grids of outlier digits
- DONE - grid of digit means
- DONE - cumulative distribution plot
- DONE - neural net modeling
- Tune on 150000
- Model on 240000
- Exploratory data analysis script
- Tuning script
- Modeling script
- figures/
- tests/
- Variance Threshold, MinMaxScaler, Gridsearch hidden_layer_sizes, init_learning_rate
- RandomForest
- Variance Threshold, Gridsearch min_samples_leaf
Contents | Filetype |
metadata | meta_*.json |
fitted estimator | grid_result*.pkl |
images | *.png |
log data | log_*.md |
- @ROBUSTNESS Improve checking for whether files exist
- @SIMPLIFY Simplify number of config parameters in tuning.py and model.py