usage without composer no longer officially supported.
bdk/http-message no longer bundled and is now a dependency
Autoloader class given two new methods: addClass($className, $filepath) & addPsr4($namespace, $dir)
Php 8.4
No deprecation notices (implicit nullable types / E_STRICT)
Display property hook information / virtual properties / write-only properties
private/protected set
SimpleCache decorator/collector now supports v2 and v3 of SimpleCache interface
Added Doctrine Middleware (Doctrine deprecated/removed SQLLogger)
"Confusable" characters now highlighted (as whitespace / control chars are)
PDO / mysqli transaction methods no longer open / close a group. Now create an info logEntry
descriptions and summaries are now sanitized
Full phpDoc now captured for properties and constants (formerly only the descritpion)
@deprecated , @SInCE , & version tags now parsed into version & desc values
alert() - now accepts multiple arguments (like log, info, error, & warn)
trace() - new limit argument. Arguments may be passed in any order
properties: collect 'isDeprecated'
New Abstraction type: TYPE_IDENTIFIER (for constants, classNames, properties, methods
Deprecate Abstraction types: TYPE_CONST & TYPE_STRING_CLASSNAME
Response not always getting captured
Code quality / maintainability improvements
You can’t perform that action at this time.