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Some errors in installation #29

Yangr116 opened this issue May 31, 2021 · 2 comments

Some errors in installation #29

Yangr116 opened this issue May 31, 2021 · 2 comments


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Thanks for your nice work!!!

But, I met some errors in the process of installation. Please see below.

INFO: LeeSigma cython module not found. (run build process?) INFO: LeeSigma2 cython module not found. (run build process?) INFO: N-Dimensional Beltrami cython modules not found. (run build process?) INFO: Bilateral module not found. (run build process?) INFO: SRAD cython module not found. (run build process?) INFO: EMDES cython module not found. (run build process?) INFO: IDANQ cython module not found. (run build process?) /home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/viewer/ SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="? elif[layer].name is not '': /home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/viewer/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="? if itemname[0] is 'L': /home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/viewer/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="? elif itemname[0] is 'D': Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 9, in <module> import pyrat.lib.nlsar.nlsetup as nlsetup File "/home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/", line 105, in <module> from . import filter File "/home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/filter/", line 9, in <module> from .Spectrum import * File "/home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/filter/", line 10, in <module> from pyrat.filter import Unweight File "/home/yr2/PyRAT/pyrat/filter/", line 2, in <module> matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg') File "/home/yr2/.conda/envs/pyrat/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1171, in use plt.switch_backend(name) File "/home/yr2/.conda/envs/pyrat/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 284, in switch_backend raise ImportError( ImportError: Cannot load backend 'Qt5Agg' which requires the 'qt5' interactive framework, as 'headless' is currently running

And, my env packages are OK.

Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

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The syntax warning are puzzeling me a bit, I don't get them. Can you tell me your Python version (I use 3.7), Windows or Linux? Latest master version?

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Yangr116 commented Jun 1, 2021

The syntax warning are puzzeling me a bit, I don't get them. Can you tell me your Python version (I use 3.7), Windows or Linux? Latest master version?

Thanks for your quick reply.

I used python version == 3.7.1 in Linux.

My conda list is as below(Sorry, I don't know how to show it better):

Name Version Build Channel
_libgcc_mutex 0.1 main
anyio 2.2.0 py37h06a4308_1
argon2-cffi 20.1.0 py37h27cfd23_1
asn1crypto 1.4.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
async_generator 1.10 py37h28b3542_0
attrs 21.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
babel 2.9.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
backcall 0.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
blas 1.0 mkl
bleach 3.3.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
blosc 1.21.0 h8c45485_0
boost-cpp 1.70.0 ha2d47e9_1 conda-forge
brotli 1.0.9 he6710b0_2
brotlipy 0.7.0 py37h27cfd23_1003
brunsli 0.1 h2531618_0
bzip2 1.0.8 h7b6447c_0
ca-certificates 2021.5.25 h06a4308_1
cairo 1.14.12 h8948797_3
certifi 2020.12.5 py37h06a4308_0
cffi 1.14.4 py37h11fe52a_0 conda-forge
chardet 4.0.0 py37h06a4308_1003
charls 2.2.0 h2531618_0
cloudpickle 1.6.0 py_0
cryptography 2.5 py37hb7f436b_1 conda-forge
curl 7.64.0 h646f8bb_0 conda-forge
cycler 0.10.0 py37_0
cython 0.29.23 pypi_0 pypi
cytoolz 0.11.0 py37h7b6447c_0
dask-core 2021.5.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dbus 1.13.18 hb2f20db_0
decorator 5.0.7 pyhd3eb1b0_0
defusedxml 0.7.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
entrypoints 0.3 py37_0
expat 2.3.0 h2531618_2
ffmpeg 4.0 hcdf2ecd_0
fontconfig 2.13.1 h6c09931_0
freeglut 3.0.0 hf484d3e_5
freetype 2.10.4 h5ab3b9f_0
freexl 1.0.5 h516909a_1002 conda-forge
fsspec 0.9.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
gdal 2.3.2 py37h2924dbc_0
geos 3.6.2 heeff764_2
gettext hf34092f_1004 conda-forge
giflib 5.1.9 h516909a_0 conda-forge
glib 2.66.3 h58526e2_0 conda-forge
graphite2 1.3.14 h23475e2_0
gst-plugins-base 1.14.0 h8213a91_2
gstreamer 1.14.0 h28cd5cc_2
h5py 2.8.0 py37h989c5e5_3
harfbuzz 1.8.8 hffaf4a1_0
hdf4 4.2.13 0 conda-forge
hdf5 1.10.2 hba1933b_1
icu 58.2 he6710b0_3
idna 2.10 pyhd3eb1b0_0
imagecodecs 2021.4.28 py37h581e88b_0
imageio 2.9.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
importlib-metadata 3.10.0 py37h06a4308_0
importlib_metadata 3.10.0 hd3eb1b0_0
intel-openmp 2021.2.0 h06a4308_610
ipykernel 5.3.4 py37h5ca1d4c_0
ipython 7.22.0 py37hb070fc8_0
ipython_genutils 0.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
jasper 2.0.14 h07fcdf6_1
jedi 0.17.0 py37_0
jinja2 2.11.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
joblib 1.0.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jpeg 9b h024ee3a_2
json-c 0.13.1 hbfbb72e_1002 conda-forge
json5 0.9.5 py_0
jsonschema 3.2.0 py_2
jupyter-packaging 0.7.12 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jupyter_client 6.1.12 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jupyter_contrib_core 0.3.3 py_2 conda-forge
jupyter_contrib_nbextensions 0.5.1 pyhd8ed1ab_2 conda-forge
jupyter_core 4.7.1 py37h06a4308_0
jupyter_highlight_selected_word 0.2.0 py37h89c1867_1002 conda-forge
jupyter_latex_envs 1.4.6 pyhd8ed1ab_1002 conda-forge
jupyter_nbextensions_configurator 0.4.1 py37h89c1867_2 conda-forge
jupyter_server 1.4.1 py37h06a4308_0
jupyterlab 3.0.14 pyhd3eb1b0_1
jupyterlab_pygments 0.1.2 py_0
jupyterlab_server 2.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jxrlib 1.1 h7b6447c_2
kealib 1.4.7 h77bc034_6
kiwisolver 1.3.1 py37h2531618_0
krb5 1.16.3 hc83ff2d_1000 conda-forge
lcms2 2.12 h3be6417_0
ld_impl_linux-64 2.33.1 h53a641e_7
lerc 2.2.1 h2531618_0
libaec 1.0.4 he6710b0_1
libcurl 7.64.0 h01ee5af_0 conda-forge
libdap4 3.19.1 h6ec2957_0
libdeflate 1.7 h27cfd23_5
libedit 3.1.20191231 he28a2e2_2 conda-forge
libffi 3.2.1 he1b5a44_1007 conda-forge
libgcc-ng 9.1.0 hdf63c60_0
libgdal 2.3.2 h9d4a965_0
libgfortran-ng 7.3.0 hdf63c60_0
libglib 2.66.3 hbe7bbb4_0 conda-forge
libglu 9.0.0 hf484d3e_1
libiconv 1.16 h516909a_0 conda-forge
libkml 1.3.0 h4fcabce_1010 conda-forge
libnetcdf 4.6.1 h5e45101_3 conda-forge
libopencv 3.4.2 hb342d67_1
libopus 1.3.1 h7b6447c_0
libpng 1.6.37 hbc83047_0
libpq 10.6 h13b8bad_1000 conda-forge
libsodium 1.0.18 h7b6447c_0
libspatialite 4.3.0a he475c7f_19
libssh2 1.8.0 h1ad7b7a_1003 conda-forge
libstdcxx-ng 9.1.0 hdf63c60_0
libtiff 4.1.0 h2733197_1
libuuid 1.0.3 h1bed415_2
libvpx 1.7.0 h439df22_0
libwebp 1.0.1 h8e7db2f_0
libxcb 1.14 h7b6447c_0
libxml2 2.9.10 hb55368b_3
libxslt 1.1.34 hc22bd24_0
libzopfli 1.0.3 he6710b0_0
locket 0.2.1 py37h06a4308_1
lxml 4.6.3 py37h9120a33_0
lz4-c 1.9.3 h2531618_0
mako 1.1.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
markupsafe 1.1.1 py37h14c3975_1
matplotlib 3.3.4 py37h06a4308_0
matplotlib-base 3.3.4 py37h62a2d02_0
mistune 0.8.4 py37h14c3975_1001
mkl 2021.2.0 h06a4308_296
mkl-service 2.3.0 py37h27cfd23_1
mkl_fft 1.3.0 py37h42c9631_2
mkl_random 1.2.1 py37ha9443f7_2
nbclassic 0.2.6 pyhd3eb1b0_0
nbclient 0.5.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
nbconvert 6.0.7 py37_0
nbformat 5.1.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
ncurses 6.2 he6710b0_1
nest-asyncio 1.5.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
networkx 2.2 py37_1
notebook 6.3.0 py37h06a4308_0
numexpr 2.7.3 py37h22e1b3c_1
numpy 1.20.1 py37h93e21f0_0
numpy-base 1.20.1 py37h7d8b39e_0
olefile 0.46 py37_0
opencv 3.4.2 py37h6fd60c2_1
opencv-contrib-python pypi_0 pypi
openjpeg 2.3.1 h981e76c_3 conda-forge
openssl 1.0.2u h7b6447c_0
packaging 20.9 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pandas 1.2.4 py37h2531618_0
pandoc 2.12 h06a4308_0
pandocfilters 1.4.3 py37h06a4308_1
parso 0.8.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
partd 1.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pcre 8.44 he6710b0_0
pexpect 4.8.0 pyhd3eb1b0_3
pickleshare 0.7.5 pyhd3eb1b0_1003
pillow 8.2.0 py37he98fc37_0
pip 21.0.1 py37h06a4308_0
pixman 0.40.0 h7b6447c_0
poppler 0.65.0 h581218d_1
poppler-data 0.4.10 0 conda-forge
proj4 5.0.1 h14c3975_0
prometheus_client 0.10.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
prompt-toolkit 3.0.17 pyh06a4308_0
ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_2
py-opencv 3.4.2 py37hb342d67_1
pycparser 2.20 py_2
pygments 2.8.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pyopenssl 19.0.0 py37_0 conda-forge
pyparsing 2.4.7 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pyqt 5.9.2 py37h05f1152_2
pyrsistent 0.17.3 py37h7b6447c_0
pysocks 1.7.1 py37_1
python 3.7.1 hd21baee_1001 conda-forge
python-dateutil 2.8.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
python_abi 3.7 1_cp37m conda-forge
pytz 2021.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pywavelets 1.1.1 py37h7b6447c_2
pyyaml 5.4.1 py37h27cfd23_1
pyzmq 20.0.0 py37h2531618_1
qt 5.9.6 h8703b6f_2
readline 7.0 hf8c457e_1001 conda-forge
requests 2.25.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
scikit-image 0.18.1 py37ha9443f7_0
scikit-learn 0.24.2 py37ha9443f7_0
scipy 1.6.2 py37had2a1c9_1
send2trash 1.5.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
setuptools 52.0.0 py37h06a4308_0
sip 4.19.8 py37hf484d3e_0
six 1.15.0 py37h06a4308_0
snappy 1.1.8 he6710b0_0
sniffio 1.2.0 py37h06a4308_1
sqlite 3.28.0 h8b20d00_0 conda-forge
terminado 0.9.4 py37h06a4308_0
testpath 0.4.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
threadpoolctl 2.1.0 pyh5ca1d4c_0
tifffile 2021.4.8 pyhd3eb1b0_2
tk 8.6.10 hbc83047_0
toolz 0.11.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tornado 6.1 py37h27cfd23_0
traitlets 5.0.5 pyhd3eb1b0_0
typing_extensions pyha847dfd_0
urllib3 1.26.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
wcwidth 0.2.5 py_0
webencodings 0.5.1 py37_1
wheel 0.36.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
xerces-c 3.2.2 hea5cb30_1003 conda-forge
xz 5.2.5 h7b6447c_0
yaml 0.2.5 h7b6447c_0
zeromq 4.3.4 h2531618_0
zfp 0.5.5 h2531618_6
zipp 3.4.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
zlib 1.2.11 h7b6447c_3
zstd 1.4.9 haebb681_0

Looking forward to your new reply, thanks.

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