- Base info:
- Production branch: production
- Stage/Dev branch: develop
- Flow fix bug, add feature:
- Pull code from develop
- Create new branch
- Code on that branch
- Push that branch to git
- Create Pull Request
- Ping lead review
- Fix comment (if has any)
- Lead merge that PR
- Rules:
- PR types: feature, fixbug, hotfix
- Branch name: feature/<ticket-id>-ticket-name, exp: feature/#15-impl-event, fixbug/#16-fix-error-wrong-config
- If there is conflict when create PR, fix conflict before ping lead review
- File name convention: kecab case and singular, exp: event-code.entity.ts
- Folder name convention: kacab case and plural, exp: entities
- Use repository pattern, check base repo for detail
- Use transaction if neccessary