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Demultiplexing utility, companion to flowcelltool.


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CUBI Demuxtool

Automated demultiplexing + quality control. Companion to Flowcelltool.


cubi-demuxtool is a single command line tool that will

  • demultiplex Illumina data (both RTAv1 and RTAv2)
  • perform QC with FastQC,
  • screen reads for model organisms with HTS Screen (similar to FastqScreen),
  • screen reads that do not align to model organisms with kraken for viral/bacterial DNA,
  • aggregate the FastQC and HTS Screen reports using MultiQC.

Overall Workflow

After installation (see below), the overall workflow is as follows:

  1. Generate a global configuration file (see below, you can reuse this file for future uses).
  2. Generate a sample sheet YAML file using CUBI Flowcelltool.
  3. Call cubi-demux pointing it to the sample sheet YAML, as well as the input and output folder.
  4. Wait until the demultiplexing is complete.

And you're done.

Calling cubi-demux


  • creating the configuration file config.yaml (see below, the default configuration is fine on the BIH cluster),
  • building the reference data set for screening the demultiplexing result (already done on the BIH cluster), and
  • exporting sheet.yml from Flowcelltool,

running demultiplexing is as easy as calling:

cubi-demux \
    --input-dir path/to/FLOWCELL_DIR \
    --output-dir path/to/RESULT \
    --config config.yaml \
    --sample-sheet sheet.yml


Sensible default configuration is shown below together with documentation of the values. Below, :ref:`create_screening_data` explains how to build the reference data.

# Configuration for cubi-demux.
# This file is a YAML configuration file.  The default configuration is
# preconfigured for the BIH cluster and has to be adjusted accordingly.

# Configuration for the demultiplexing.
  input_dir: null  # path to input, override with `--input-dir`
  output_dir: null  # path to input, override with `--output-dir`
  cores: 8   # number of threads, override with `--cores`
  barcode_mismatches: null  # default is RTA version specific
  # Selecting lanes and tiles are mutually exclusive.
  lanes: null  # null or list of integers
  tiles: null  # tile specifications for bcl2fastq executable
  continue: false  # continue (do not break if output dir exists)

# Configuration for the screening after demultiplexing.  You should provide
# a list of BWA-indexed references and the path to a Kraken DB.  The data
# will first be subsampled and screened versus the given model organisms'
# genomes.  Unaligned reads will then be screened by Kraken.
  sample_rate: 0.001  # sample this rate of reads for screening
  kraken_db: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/app_support/kraken/0.10.5-cubi20160426/minikraken_20141208'
  - name: 'H. sapiens'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/GRCh37/hs37/hs37.fa'
  - name: 'M. musculus'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/NCBIM37/sanger/NCBIM37_um.fa'
  - name: 'D. rerio'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/danRer10/ucsc/danRer10.fa'
  - name: 'D. melanogaster'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/dm6/ucsc/dm6.fa'
  - name: 'S. cerevisiae'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/sacCer3/ucsc/sacCer3.fa'
  - name: 'E. coli'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/ecoli/GCA_000005845.2_ASM584v2/ecoli.fa'
  - name: 'Phi X 174'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/phix/illumina/phix.fa'
  - name: 'Univec 9'
    bwa_index: '/fast/projects/cubit/current/static_data/precomputed/BWA/0.7.12/UniVec/9/UniVec.fa'

# The sample sheet.  Either a path to the sample sheet or a dict with the
# sample sheet.  The path can can also be set with `--sample-sheet`.
sample_sheet: null

Copy and paste the configuration into a configuration.yaml file and adjust the paths according to the location in your installation.


The installation of cubi_demux itself is very simple but because of its nature, it has a dependency on the open source but not free bcl2fastq by Illumina. We cannot distribute binary packages of that software so please bear with us through the following steps.


Building bcl2fastq Conda Packages

First, setup Bioconda build installation (to ~/miniconda3, you might want to use a different path).

You can do this on a different server from the one that you will execute cubi_demux on.

$ wget
$ bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda3
$ export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --add channels bioconda

$ conda install conda-build

Next, clone the cubi_demux Git repository

$ git clone
$ cd cubi_demux
$ git checkout master

Next, we download the bcl2fastq source packages.

$ mkdir -p downloads
$ cd downloads
$ wget \
    ftp://webdata:[email protected]/Downloads/Software/bcl2fastq/bcl2fastq-1.8.4.tar.bz2 \
    ftp://webdata2:[email protected]/downloads/software/bcl2fastq/
$ cd ..

Then, we build the conda packages but inside the bioconda-utils-build-env container:

host $ mkdir packages
host $ docker run -v $PWD:/cubi_demux -i -t bioconda/bioconda-utils-build-env /bin/bash

container $ cd /cubi_demux

container $ conda build conda/bcl2fastq-v1.8.4
container $ cp /opt/conda/conda-bld/linux-64/bcl2fastq-1.8.4-pl5.20.3_4.tar.bz2 packages

container $ conda build conda/bcl2fastq2-v2.17.1.14
container $ cp /opt/conda/conda-bld/linux-64/bcl2fastq2- packages

We now have to create a local conda repository containing these packages somewhere on the file system where you want to run demultiplexing. For example, this would be on the demultiplexing server in the case of working on one server or the shared cluster file system in the case of working with HPC. For the sake of simplicity, we assume this is the same as the build machine and create the repository in your home folder:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/local_channel/{linux-64,noarch}s
$ cp packages/* $HOME/local_channel/linux-64
$ conda index $HOME/local_channel/linux-64

Building cubi_demux Package

If we were able to redistribute Illumina bcl2fastq packages via Bioconda, this would be much simpler. Now, we have to build a bcl2fastq conda package on our own:

$ conda build conda/cubi_demux
anaconda upload /bioconda/2018-02/miniconda3/conda-bld/linux-64/cubi_demux-0.1.1-py36_1.tar.bz2
$ cp \
    /bioconda/2018-02/miniconda3/conda-bld/linux-64/cubi_demux-*.tar.bz2 \
$ conda index $HOME/local_channel/{linux-64,noarch}

Installing cubi_demux

First, make your local_channel Conda channel known to conda

$ conda config --add channels file://$HOME/local_channel

Then, you can install cubi_demux:

$ conda install cubi_demux

However, we now have to use a hack for making the local_channel known to cubi_demux:

$ BCL2FASTQ_CHANNEL=file:/$HOME/local_channel
$ for path in $(find $(dirname $(which cubi-demux))/../lib/python3.?/site-packages -name '*.yaml.tpl' | grep cubi_demux); do
    perl -p -e "s|__BCL2FASTQ_CHANNEL__|$BCL2FASTQ_CHANNEL|g" "$path" >"${path%.tpl}"

Create Data for Read Screening and Kraken

As a QC method, cubi_demux contains scripts that fulfill a similar functionality as FastQ Screen but using BWA instead of Bowtie. For this, you have to (1) download a Kraken DB (for screening for microbial contamination) and (2) download reference sequences and build an BWA index on them. The folder misc contains a helper script to help you in doing so. The only prerequisite is that you have conda/bioconda installed and the conda executable is in your path.

$ export BCL2FASTQ_CHANNEL=file:/$HOME/local_channel
$ wget
$ bash /tmp/reference

Command Line Interface

You can override certain settings from the configuration file directly on the command line.

usage: cubi-demux [-h] [--version] [--verbose] [--work-in-output]
                [--config CONFIG] [--sample-sheet SAMPLE_SHEET]
                [--num-threads NUM_THREADS] [--input-dir INPUT_DIR]
                [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                [--barcode-mismatches BARCODE_MISMATCHES] [--cores CORES]
                [--continue] [--lane LANES | --tiles TILES]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--version             show program's version number and exit
--work-in-output      Work output directory instead of temporary directory.
--config CONFIG       Path to configuration YAML file. Default: /fast/users/
--sample-sheet SAMPLE_SHEET
                        Path to sample sheet YAML file, overrides setting in
                        config YAML.
--num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        Number of threads to run with, overrides setting in
                        config YAML.
--input-dir INPUT_DIR
                        Path to input sequencer output folder, overrides
                        setting in config YAML.
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Path to output folder, overrides setting in config
--barcode-mismatches BARCODE_MISMATCHES
                        Mismatches to allow in barcode, default is 0 for v1
                        and 1 for v2
--cores CORES         Number of cores to use, overrides setting in config
--continue            Do not exit if output dir exists but continue.

Lane/Tile Selection:
--lane LANES          Select individual lanes for demultiplexing; default is
                        to use all for which the sample sheet provides
                        information; provide multiple times for selecting
                        multiple lanes.
--tiles TILES         Select tile regex; provide multiple times for multiple
                        regexes; conflicts with --lane