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Vim Configuration

This repository contains a custom Vim configuration designed to enhance usability, provide flexible indentation settings for various file types, and improve the overall coding experience.


  • Search and Encoding:

    • Highlights all matches in search results (hlsearch).
    • Ignores case in search patterns (ignorecase).
    • Disables incremental search, highlighting matches only after pressing Enter (noincsearch).
    • Sets file encoding to UTF-8 (encoding=utf8).
    • Always displays the status line at the bottom of the screen (laststatus=2).
  • Mouse Support:

    • Enables mouse functionality in visual mode (set mouse=v), if supported.
  • Cursor Highlighting:

    • Highlights the entire line where the cursor is positioned for better focus (cursorline).
  • Vi Compatibility:

    • Ensures Vim is not in compatibility mode with Vi, enabling modern features (nocompatible).
  • Color Scheme:

    • Sets the color scheme to codedark for a modern look.
  • Filetype-Specific Indentation:

    • HTML: 2 spaces for tabs and indentation.
    • Python: 4 spaces for tabs and indentation.
    • YAML: 2 spaces for tabs and indentation with custom indent keys.
  • Autocommands:

    • Exits Insert mode automatically if idle for a defined period (CursorHoldI).
    • Applies filetype-specific indentation settings when opening files.
  • Status Line:

    • Displays detailed information, including file name, working directory, cursor position, and more.

Configuration Details

syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

" Search and encoding settings
set noincsearch                        " Disables incremental search; highlights only on Enter
set ignorecase                         " Ignores case in search patterns for easier matching
set encoding=utf8                      " Sets file encoding to UTF-8 for better compatibility
set laststatus=2                       " Always displays the status line at the bottom of the screen
set hlsearch                           " Highlights all matches for search results to improve visibility
set showmatch                          " Briefly highlights matching parentheses, brackets, or braces
set cursorline                         " Highlights the entire line where the cursor is positioned for better focus
set nocompatible                       " Ensures Vim is not in Vi mode

" Color Scheme
colorscheme codedark

" Enables mouse support if available
if has("mouse")
    set mouse=v                        " Enables mouse support in visual mode

" Filetype-specific indentation
function HtmlConfig()
    set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab shiftwidth=2

function PythonConfig()
    set tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4

function YamlConfig()
    set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab shiftwidth=2
    set indentkeys-=0# indentkeys-=<:>

" Autocommands
autocmd CursorHoldI * stopinsert       " Exit Insert mode if idle
autocmd FileType html call HtmlConfig()
autocmd FileType python call PythonConfig()
autocmd FileType yaml,yml call YamlConfig()

" Status line configuration
set statusline=\ File:\ %F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ Working\ Directory:\ %r%{getcwd()}%h\ -\ Line:\ %l\ -\ Column:\ %c

" Prevent defaults.vim from overwriting these settings
let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1