This contains scripts to extract linguistic features form previously parsed text. The features can be extracted both from single sentences and from whole documents (or collections of documents). The scripts have been implemented for the Italian language, but are supposed to work on (mostly) all the languages for which there exist an annotation tagset in the Universal Dependencies (UD) framework.
- Requires Python 3.x
- Text
- The Linguistic Monitoring works on files containing sentences parsed in CoNLL-U format. More information about this format can be found in the Universal Dependencies page.
- Dictionary
- An optional file can be passed to the app in order to extract features regarding the frequency of the lexicon present in the text. The dictionary should contain a list of lemmas (one per line) followed by a tag indicating the frequency of use of that word in the selected language. You can create your own dictionary and use it in the app, using the following format:
lemma \t tag \n
For the Italian language, we already provide a Dictionary (DizionarioFondamentale) constructed according to Tullio De Mauro's Nuovo vocabolario di base della lingua italiana, which contains 7500 words that belong to the basic vocabulary of Italian. Each lemma is marked with a tag that indicates its frequency of use in the language:
- FO (fundamental lexicon): around 2000 words extremely frequent in the language, used in 86% of texts and discourses;
- AU (high usage lexicon): around 3000 words frequently used, they appear in the 6% of texts and discourses;
- AD (higly available lexicon): around 2000 words used only in a few contexts, but easily understood by every speaker.
To run use:
python [-p PATH][-d DICT][-t TYPE]
- optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
specify dictionary file, if present
specify the path of the directory that contains the file or the files you want to analyse or specify the single file you want to analyse
-t {0, 1}, -type {0, 1}
specify if you want to extract features from single sentences [0] or from a document containg one or more sentences [1]. The default value is [1] for documents.
All outputs of the analysis are stored in a directory output_results/ automatically created by the app.
In the case of sentences analysis, for each input file there will be created an output file with name inputfilename_sent.out, in which the results will be stored in a tab separated file with this format:
sentence_id \t feature_name_1 \t feature_name_2 \t feature_name_3 ... \n
In the case of documents analysis, if a directory is passed the output will be a single file with name directoryname_doc.out, if a single document is passed the output will be a single file with name documentname_doc.out. In both cases, the results will be stored in a tab separated file with this format:
document_id \t feature_name_1 \t feature_name_2 \t feature_name_3 ... \n