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JWT Claims used in the kas-fleet-manager

Below is the list of jwt claims used in the kas-fleet-manager


  • email - email address of the entity for which a token was issued

  • exp - expiry timestamp of token (for ocm short living tokens it is 15 minutes counted from the time of issuing of the token (iat))

  • first_name - first name of the entity for which the token was issued

  • iat - timestamp of issuing of the token

  • iss - issuer of the token (e.g.

  • last_name - last name of the entity for which the token was issued

  • preferred_username - preferred username of the entity for which the token was issued. Available in decoded ocm short living token

  • typ - type of token, e.g. Bearer

  • realm_access

    • roles - list of realm access roles of an entity for which the token was issued (there might be different types of roles, e.g. ocm specific or elevated admin permissions), e.g.
      • offline_access - specifies whether offline access to ocm
      • admin:org:all - admin permissions within the ocm organisation

Kafka admin endpoint roles

  • realm_access
    • roles
      • kas-fleet-manager-admin-read - has permissions to list all kafka clusters across all ocm organisations
      • kas-fleet-manager-admin-write -has permissions to list and update all kafka clusters across all ocm organisations
      • kas-fleet-manager-admin-full -has permissions to list, update and delete all kafka clusters across all ocm organisations


  • account_id - account id of the entity for which a token was issued. Assigned to kafka clusters (only displayed by presenter, when invoking private admin endpoint)

  • is_org_admin - if set to true, user with this claim in their token has elevated privileges, compared to users with this claim set to false, e.g. they can update and delete kafkas not owned by them within the same organisation (having the same org_id value)

  • org_id - organisation ID of the entity for which a token was issued. When kafka cluster is created, organisation_id field is populated with org_id from the short living ocm token. Kafka requests are filtered by organisation id (when org_id is present in the jwt claim). If a user is an organisation admin (is_org_admin: true) - kafka clusters within the same organisation can be deleted or updated by this user even if they are not an owner of these kafka clusters


NOTE: the hyperlinks below are not publicly accessible outside of Red Hat organization.

  • rh-org-id - Red Hat organisation id for given service account

  • rh-user-id - user id in service account.

  • username - username of the entity for which the token was issued. Obtained from the short living ocm token used in the http request. Kafka request owner value is assigned from the username value.


  • kas-fleetshard-operator-cluster-id - used by authenticated context to call dataplane endpoints


  • kas_fleetshard_operator