To install the AWS CLI, please follow the instructions here: (
$ aws configure # to set your credentials (found in your page) and region (us-east-1)
Create a bucket and folder:
$ aws s3 mb s3://<bucket-name> --region us-east-1 # Create an S3 bucket (choose a unique bucket name)
$ aws s3 mb s3://<bucket-name>/<dcp-folder-name> # Create folder for your tarball files
$ touch FILES_GO_HERE.txt # Create a temp file
$ aws s3 cp FILES_GO_HERE.txt s3://<bucket-name>/<dcp-folder-name>/ # Which creates the folder on S3
Create a folder for your log files
$ aws s3 mb s3://<bucket-name>/<logs-folder-name> # Create a folder to keep your logs
$ touch LOGS_FILES_GO_HERE.txt # Create a temp file
$ aws s3 cp LOGS_FILES_GO_HERE.txt s3://<bucket-name>/<logs-folder-name>/ # Which creates the folder on S3