Releases: bengtmartensson/Girr
Continuous build
WARNING: This is a snapshot of the current development stand. It may have different issues, and possibly does not work at all. If this is not what you want, use the latest official release instead.
This is a new release to contain the latest release of IrpTransmogrifier, 1.2.13.
Version 2.2.12
Use IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.12. One medium-importance bugfix #36.
Version 2.2.11
Version using 1.2.11 of IrpTransmogrifier.
Long time stable version 2.2.10; using the (also long time stable) IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.10.
Change Remote to implement Iterable (#24). CommandSets should be first order citizens, function like getCommands in Remote and RemoteSet may exist, but only as deprecated.
New schema version 1.2 with systemID
Version using IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.8.
This is the corrected version of Version-2.2.8, which had incorrect commitId on MavenCentral.
Latest 'n greatest. Using IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.7.
Version using IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.6.
Note: version 2.2.6 on Maven central is erroneous (uses IrpTransmogifier-1.2.6-SNAPSHOT). Unfortunately, no way I can fix it without bumping the release number :-(
Tagging Version-2.2.5
Tagging Version-2.2.4