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In-situ optical data processing with R

Simon Bélanger 01/12/2018

Introduction and scope of the document

Over the years, I have developed an expertize at collecting field observations, from large icebreakers to small boats, using several type of optical instruments in support of our research activities in remote sensing. In aquatic optics, we defined two main types of optical properties of the water medium: the inherent and apparent optical properties. IOPs ans AOPs can be measured in situ using submersible instruments, or remotely using above water radiometry. The purpose of this document is not to provide the theoritical background of these measurements. The reader is refered to the NASA or IOCCG protocols that are widely accepted by the scientific community.

Instead, the present document aims at helping the students to process their raw data collected on the field and convert them into IOPs or AOPs. Almost every IOPs or AOPs requires some kind of corrections to end up with a valid physical quantity. I have implemented most of these corrections in the R language, which is free and widely use in science. In 2016, I decided to gather the code in several R packages that I am sharing via the Open Source repository GitHub ( That includes the folllowing packages:

  • Cops : This package was initially developped by Bernard Gentilly at the Laboratoire d’Océanologie de Villefranche (LOV) for the COPS. The COPS is a Compact Optical Profilling System commercialized by Biospherical instruments. We have updated the package and implement new functions. This is an ongoing work.
  • Riops : I developped this package first for our optical package that included an a-sphere and a HydroScat-6 from HobiLabs, a Sesbird CTD and a ECO-triplet from WetLabs. Later I adapted the code to process WetLabs AC-s, BB-9, BB-3 and FLBBTR.
  • asd : this package can process ASD data (Analytical Spectral Device) for both calculating land and water surface reflectance (i.e. the water reflectance or Rrs). I have written a User’s Guide specifically for this package (available only in French to date).
  • HyperocR : this package was first developped for the HyperSAS data processing which allows simultaneous above-water measurements of the water surface, the sky radiances and the downwelling irradiance. It can calculate the reflectance (Rrs) at fixed station or along ship transects.
  • RspectoAbs This package was written to process spectrophotometric measurement in the laboratory (for (a_{CDOM}) and (a_p)).

I will provide you some tips to get started with the processing of your data. It will be the support document of a data workshop that will be held in Rimouski in December 2018.

Data folders and files structure for in-water vertical profiles.

In 2012, we have adopted a systematic way to store our raw data collected in the field. Most of the time, field data are store in different folders, often one folder per instrument or one folder for a given date, etc. When I come back from the field I tend to copy the data folders in a folder ./L1/. Then I create another folder, ./L2/ where I will organize the data in a more systematic way. In fact, some the code is adapted to work with this predefined way to organize the raw data in sub-folders. It therefore important to respect the following instructions to avoid potential problems…

You have to create one folder per station. The folder name contains the date and the Station ID. That is


In this folder, you can then create one subfolder for each type of measure (COPS, IOPs, ASD, etc.). Then you put your raw data in their respective sub-folder.

For example, supposed you have visited the station P1 on the 6th of June 2015. You deployed the COPS (three profile) and one IOP package. So you will create one folder for the station:


Next you will create one subfolder for the COPS data and one for the IOPs.

./L2/20150606_StationP1/COPS/ and ./L2/20150606_StationP1/IOPs/

Next, simply copy your raw files for that station in the appropriate subfolder. It takes some time to organize at first but is easy to retrieve the data later (even many years later). An example is given on the next figure .

The COPS data processing


In the field, we always document the deployement operations in a log sheet. Make sure you have this log sheet in hand before starting. This will save you a lot a time. In fact, it is common that a bad profile was recorded in the field for any reason. For example:

  • The reference sensor (Ed0) was shaded during the profile or the profiler went below the boat;
  • The profile was started too late and the top layer were missed;
  • The operator start a profile but the boat start to move, draggind the instrument at the surface while recording;
  • The acquisition was stated accidentally during the upcast;
  • etc.

Normally this kind of problem should be logged and the data can be discarded before trying to process them. Usually, we don’t have time on the boat to delete the data.

The log file should also provide insight about the profile quality. This can really help when it is the time to quality control the data.

Installation of the Cops package

As any other package available on GitHub, the installation is straitforward using the devools package utilities, i.e.:


This will install the binaries and all the dependencies, which can take some times.

To install the full code sources, you can also “clone” the package in a local folder. You have to create a “New project…” from the file menu and choose the “Version Control” project type, and then choose “Git” option. Next you have to indicate the full path of the R package repository on GitHub, as illustrate below.

Step 0 : Get stated with Cops processing and configuration of the INIT file

Unfortunately, most function of the Cops package does not have a help page. This is because the user only need to know one single function to launch the processing, i.e. the cops.go(). So let’s get started.

## @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
## TO BEGIN A PROCESSING AND PRODUCE   PDF   PLOTS,     TYPE : cops.go(interactive = FALSE)
## @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

As you can see, when you load the package with the library() function, you got a message saying:


I strongly recommanded to first set the working directory (i.e. a folder were you put the COPS data for a given station) using setwd() and than type cops.go(interactive = FALSE). See what happen.

cops.go(interactive = FALSE)

You will get the following message:

CREATE a file named directories.for.cops.dat in current directory (where R is launched) and put in it the names of the directories where data files can be found (one by line)

In the present example, I will create a very simple ASCII file named directories.for.cops.dat in my working directory in which I will put the full path of the folder I want to process,


One can process as many folders as wanted, but I don’t recommand that when you process the COPS data for a given station for the first time. In fact you need to quality control each vertical profile (one by one). That being said, the batch processing is very useful when the code change, which could appen in the future. So, after the QC at the end of the processing, I generally create a directories.for.cops.dat file in the ./L2/ folder containing all the station folder paths.

You can launch again the code.

cops.go(interactive = FALSE)

This time you get the following message:

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PROCESSING DIRECTORY C:/data/ProjetX/L2/20500619_StationY1/cops @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ EDIT file C:/data/ProjetX/L2/20500619_StationY1/cops/init.cops.dat and CUSTOMIZE IT

As you can see, the program has created a file named init.cops.dat in your working directory. This file contains several informations that are required in the data processing but also for reading the data properly. In general, the parameters (or global variable) found in the init.cops.dat file remains the same for all station for a given field campaign.

You have to edit the following lines:

  • instruments.optics;character;Ed0,EdZ,LuZ : The instruments.optics variable is a vector of three character strings indicating which type of sensor was available on the current COPS configuration. The default is Ed0 (above water surface irradiance), EdZ (in-water downwelling irradiance) and LuZ (in-water upwelling radiance). Some systems may have EuZ (in-water upwelling irradiance) instead of LuZ. The Cops package version 3.2-5 and greater can process COPS systems having both LuZ and EuZ. In that case, all other fields must have 4 parameters instead of 3.
  • tiltmax.optics;numeric; 10,5,5 : the tiltmax.optics is a numeric vector of three threshold values used to filter the data for the three sensors available in instruments.optics. Here the default (10,5,5) will eliminate every data collected when the Ed0 instrument tilt was greater than 10 degrees and when EdZ or LuZ tilt were greater than 5 degrees, as recommended by NASA protocols.
  • time.interval.for.smoothing.optics;numeric; 40,40,40 The time.interval.for.smoothing.optics variable is a tricky one. It is used to smooth the data on a regular depth interval grid using a method known as LOESS (local polynomial regression fitting) which is a non-parametric method usually employed to smooth time-series (but here applied to light profile). LOESS compute polynomial on the data for a given window size that is moving along the profile. The value of 40 represent about 3 seconds of measurements. The larger the value, the smoother the fitted profile. These parameters (one by sensor) often need to be adjusted for a given profile. In shallow turbid waters for example, one should use values closer to 20… There is no clear rules to set these values. This is why I have implemented a linear interpolation scheme to extrapolate the surface values to calculate the water-leaving radiance (see Bélanger et al. (2017)).
  • sub.surface.removed.layer.optics;numeric; 0, 0.1, 0 : The sub.surface.removed.layer.optics variable is use to exclude the data very close the air-sea interface. In fact, near-surface data may be very noisy due to wave focusing effect under clear sky. It is mostly important for EdZ. By default, we eliminate the first 10 cm (0.1 m) of the water column for EdZ, also because the sensor may exits the water a fraction of second when the profiler it at the surface.
  • delta.capteur.optics;numeric; 0, -0.09, 0.25 : The delta.capteur.optics variable a numeric vector of three values indicating the physical distance between the pressure sensor and the actual radiometers. By default, we assume that the EdZ sensor is 9 cm abovethe pressure sensor (so minus 9 cm relative to the measured pressure), which is normally on the back of the LuZ sensor. The LuZ sensor length is about 25 cm below the pressure sensor (so we have to add 25 cm to get the depth of the LuZ measurement). This setup is quite standard and will not change unless you physically change the setup (e.g. is EuZ is used instead of LuZ).
  • radius.instrument.optics;numeric; 0.035, 0.035, 0.035 : The radius.instrument.optics variable a numeric vector of three values of instrument radius that will be used in the shadow correction. All sensor are 3.5 cm radius. (Note that this variable could be hard coded as it never change).

The next parameters are important for reading the data correctly. You need to look into one profile to see how the data are written in the files.

  •;character;%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S : The variable is a string indicating how the date and time are written in the file. This can change depending on the regional setting of the computer used to record the data on the field. The default assumes %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S but we often encountered %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S. You may need to read the help about POSIXct representing calendar dates and times format in R.
  • instruments.others;character;Master : The instruments.others variable is single string indicating whether or not an other intrument is included in the COPS files. In the old COPS data acquisition (before 2014 or so), the data file included diagnostic information on the system (input voltage to instrument, temperature, etc.) in columns that were named Master+VariableName. These data are now stored in a separate file. So YOU WILL LIKELY have to put NA (in capital letters) instead of Master if you’re working with recent COPS data.
  •;character;LuZ : The variable inditace on which radiometer the pressure sensor is located. Default is LuZ but may be EuZ if you are using another set up.
  •;numeric; 0 : variable is a numeric value indicating the number of field present in the file name before the date. In fact, every COPS file are automatically named continaing the date and time of the acquisition (computer date/time when the file was created). Suppose you have a file named 06-261_CAST_004_180813_150418_URC, there are 3 fields separated by "_" before the date. So here we would put 3 instead of 0 (default value).

As mentioned above, the init.cops.dat file should not change much from one station to another and can be copy/paste to every folder you want to process.

Step 1 : Configure the info.cops.dat file and run the code for the first time to generate results

Once you are set with the init.cops.dat file, you can launch again the code.

cops.go(interactive = FALSE)

This time you get the following message:

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PROCESSING DIRECTORY C:/data/ProjetX/L2/20500619_StationY1/cops @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Read 17 items EDIT file C:/data/ProjetX/L2/20500619_StationY1/cops/info.cops.dat and CUSTOMIZE IT this file must contain as much lines as cops-experiments you want to process you will find a header with instructions to fill this file

Now if you look into the working directory, you will find a file named info.cops.dat. This is another ASCII file you need to edit. As mentioned above, the header of that file provides instruction on how to arrange the information to process each light profiles you have in your working directory. The header lines start with a “#”. After the header, you have to provide a line for each profile you want to process. Each line will need to have 8 mandatory fields separated by “;”. The created file already contains one line per file found in the working disrectory. The first field is the file name. So you have to remove the lines that are not corresponding to calibrated light profile file (e.g. the init.cops.dat or the GPS file). Then you have to set the processing parameters for each line.

  • The fields number 2 and 3 are the longitude and latitude in decimal degree, respectively. You have to provide them to allow the code to compute the sun position in the sky. This is mandatory. If your system was fitted with a BioGPS, you have to copy the GPS file in the working directory and put NA in fields 2 and 3. The code will retreive the position of the profile automatically. NOTE: Sometime you may get an error when reading the GPS file. This is because a header line may be found in the middle of the file. This happen because only create one GPS file per day. If the file exists when restating the COPS, it will happen the data at the end of the existing file. You have to clean the GPS file by removing header lines (except the first line of the file).

  • The field number 4 is for the shadow correction method to use for calculating the water-leaving radiance and the reflectance (NA, 0 or a decimal value). The instrument shadow effect has been described in Gordon and Ding (1992) and Zibordi and Ferrari (1995). The correction they proposed requires the total spectral absorption coefficients of the surface water. There is three options: if NA, no correction is applied; if 0, you have to provide the absorption coefficients for all wavelengths in a file called absorption.cops.dat; if a decimal value is provided, the code will assume it as the chlorophyll-a concentration and estimate empirically the absorption value using a Case-1 water bio-optical model (Morel and Maritorenna, JGR 2001).

  • The field number 5 is the time window, which is the number of seconds after the start of the recording corresponding to the actual begining and the end of the cast, respectively.

When you process the data for the first time, the fields 4 to 8 can be leave as is. The processing will take the default values found in init.cops.dat for fields 6 to 8. The later fields were described above and they stand for sub.surface.removed.layer, tiltmax.optics, and time.interval.for.smoothing. All of them contains 3 (or 4) values separated with “,” for each sensors.

You can launch again the code.

cops.go(interactive = FALSE)

Normally the code will run without errors, except if the data is not good (a very bad profile that was recorded by error on the field) or if you have made a mistake in the init.cops.dat file (e.g. often you did not changed Master to NA for field instruments.others, or you made a mistake in the date/time format, etc.) or if the data file was recorded specifically for the Bioshade measurements.

Step 2: Preliminary analysis of the results output and processing parameters adjustment for each profiles

First of all, when the code is run without error, it creates two (or three) new directories (BIN/, PDF/, and optionnaly ASC/) in the working directory as well as two ASCII files names absorption.cops.dat and remove.cops.dat. The former is the file you have to edit if you want to correct for instrument self-shaddow effect (see above) using measured absorption coefficients (one line per profile). The remove.cops.dat file lists the same file names found in info.cops.dat follow by a semi-column and an integer (0,1 or 2). By default, all file are set to 1, which consider a normal light profile. To remove profile, we change the integer to 0. If the file is a Bioshade measurement, we change the integer to 2.

Let’s focus now on the PDF/ directory in which one PDF per profile was generated. You will have to open each PDF and analyse the results to adjust the processing parameters.

Step 2.1 : Set the right time.window field

The first thing to check is the second page of the PDF document showing the pressure, or depth of the profiler, versus time in second since the begining of the recording.

Example of pressure or depth of the profiler versus time in second since the begining of the recording

The title of the plot provides the date/time, the duration of the cast, the position and the sun zenith angle. Check this information if it is correct. In that example the cast duration was 31 seconds. The profiler was at the surface right at the begining and reach the bottom after about 25 seconds. So for this cast the time.window variable (field #5) would be set to 0,25 or 1,25 if you want to remove the first second. To decide if we keep the begining of the cast we can look at the instrument tilt during the profile.

Example of instrument tilt for Ed0 and EdZ (i.e. the profiler) during the cast

Here the tilt below the threshold (10 for Ed0 and 5 for Edz and LuZ) even near the surface. So we could keep the begin of the cast and edit the info.cops.dat as :


If I reprocess the file with this new parameter, I will obtain the following plots.

Example of pressure or depth of the profiler versus time in second since the begining of the recording. Red points have been discarded for the rest of the analysis using the time.window field.

Example of instrument tilt for Ed0 and EdZ (i.e. the profiler) during the cast. Red points have been discarded for the rest of the analysis using the time.window field.

Note that this step can be avoid if the data are clean using the Shiny App developped by Guislain Bécu. This application can be downloaded from

Step 2.2 : Check the instrument tilt near the surface (tiltmax.optics field)

In the above example, the tilt was not a problem. It is some time very difficult to keep the COPS vertical (strong current or wind, too much tension in the cable, etc). The following example shows and extreme case we encountered in the Labrador Sea in 2014. Keeping the tilt threshold at 5 the for the in-water sensors would have remove nearly all the data. So we increase the threshold to 10 degree for that profile. This may be acceptable in the open ocean when the profiler is far from the ship.

Example of instrument tilt for Ed0 and EdZ (i.e. the profiler) during the VITALS cruise in 2014 onboard the Hudson

Step 2.3 : Check the dowelling irradiance conditions during the cast.

Downwelling irradiance above water (Ed0) must be stable during a light profile. Cloudy sky can make it highly variable. Some shadow on the instrument from the ship structure a person near by (on small boat sometime) can be a problem. Big change in Ed0 will likely results in a bad light profile because LuZ and EdZ are normalized by the Ed0 variability (see NASA protocols).

Example of stable Ed0 conditions during a vertical profile

In this example, Ed0 was very stable. The variability was due to tilt of the instrument probably resulting from a moving boat by waves. The LOESS smoothing completely remove these artefacts. In this example, the conditions were perfect.

The next example shows a drastic drop in Ed0 during a profile. This kind of unstable conditions is bad for the rest of the data processing. This profile should be discarded. To do so, you need to edit the file remove.cops.dat but changing the value of 1 to 0 for that file.

Example of an unstable Ed0 conditions during a vertical profile

Step 2.4 : Check the quality of the LuZ or EuZ extrapolation to the surface and the overall fitting quality

One of the most important thing to check when processing COPS data is the quality of the extrapolation of the upwelling radiance or irradiance at the sea surface. This will determine the quality the remote sensing reflectance, which is one of the most important AOP. In the current version, there is two methods implemented to extrapolate to the sea surface: the LOESS and a linear fit on the log-transformed radiance or irradiance profile near the surface.

The following plot allow you to evaluate the quality of the LuZ extrapolation to the surface (x = 0-). The first plot is a zoom on the top 5 meters of the water column.

Example of LuZ extrapolation to the surface (z=0-) using non-linear fitting with LOESS method (solid line) and the linear method (dashed line) described in Bélanger et al (2017). COPS measurements are the small dots while the big solid circles indicate the maximum depth used to make the linear extrapolation of LuZ to 0- depth.

In this shallow water example, the increase in LuZ near the bottom is NOT an artefact. It is due to the bottom reflectance which reflect a large fraction of the EdZ that reached the bottom. So the LuZ at the bottom is then being attenuated upward above th bottom. For an insightful discussion, please refer to Maritorena and Morel (L&O, 1994).

The next plot is good to appreciate the overall quality of the LOESS fit for each 19 wavelenghts.

Example of LuZ fitted with the LOESS method for each individual channels.

Note the depth at which the instrument noise is reached (about 1e-5). At 330 nm, LuZ is in the noise at almost all depths, while the 380 nm and 412 nm channels reach the noise at about 0.8 m and 1.5 m depth, respectively. Overall the fit is pretty good but not perfect. It can be improved by using a slightly smaller value for time.interval.for.smoothing.optics for LuZ. I would recude it from 40 to 20. Compare the results.

Comparison of *time.interval.for.smoothing.optics* values of 40 versus 20.

The improvement of the non linear fit is obvious for 875 nm. The linear versus non-linear extrapolation to the sub-surface are also in better agreement. Note that the linear extrapolation at 412 nm was not good.

This step may require to run the code several times before finding the best parameters.

Step 2.5 : Check the quality of the EdZ fit quality

As for LuZ, we check whether the LOESS parameters need adjustment to fit the measurements. In the following plot, the default time.interval.for.smoothing.optics of 40 works well, except at 320 and 380 nm because of the noise. In addition, we can see that the EdZ are more noisy compare to LuZ due to wave focusing effect. This is expected under clear sky and wavy surface.

Example of EdZ fit with the LOESS

Example of EdZ fit with the LOESS for each wavelength

The following plot is obtained time.interval.for.smoothing.optics of 20, which improve significantly the improve the fit at 320 and 380 nm.

Example of EdZ fit with the LOESS using time window of 20 instread of 40

Step 3 : Compare replicates

Once each profile was processed with appropriate values for the time.window, tiltmax.optics and time.interval.for.smoothing.optics fields, then we compare the profile. Two plots are generated for Rrs and Kd (from the surface layer) with every file set to 1 in the file remove.cops.dat. The solid lines are for the LOESS methe while the dashed lines is for the linear extrapolation.

Example of 6 replicates for Kd

For Kd, there is not obvious difference among replicates or methods.

Example of 6 replicates for Rrs

In general, there are always more differences in Rrs due to the extrapolation. In this example, we found some differences:

  • The linear extrapolation yield lower Rrs values at all wavelengths. This is often the case in very absorbing waters as the one observed here.
  • The LOESS function yield an artefact at 412 nm (5 out of 6 spectra) that is obviously not realistic.
  • the shape of the cast number 3 differs markedly from the other. Further examination of the data from this cast revealed that is was made in only 3 m depth while all other cast were in about 4.5 m depth.

So for this station we should:

  • eliminate the cast number 3;
  • use the linear exprapolation for Rrs.

Step 4: Remove outlier and document the data processing

In the above example, the cast number 3 must be flag, or remove for further data procesessing. Again, we do that by editing the file remove.cops.dat such as:







You can also check again the comments logged by the field operators. It usually help to identify the cast that may be better than the other.

It is also important to document the data processing in a log file. I usualy fill an EXCEL file with the following columns: COPS File name; Station; kept; Processing comments. In the later column I would explain why I did not kept the profile (here it was shallower than the other cast).

Step 5 : Instrument self-shading correction

To complete the data processing, you should consider to correct for the instrument self-shading. This is done by choosing one of the shadow.correction method (field number 4 in the info.cops.dat file) to use for calculating the water-leaving radiance and the reflectance. As most of our work are in coastal or in-land or Arctic waters, I strongly recommand to set the shadow.correction to 0 and provide the total absorption coefficients for all wavelengths in the absorption.cops.dat file. Exceptionnaly, if you don’t have absorption measurement and you work in oceanic water, you can provided the chlorophyll-a concentration and the Case-1 water bio-optical model of Morel and Maritorenna (JGR 2001) will be employed.

Absorption coefficients can be measured using in-water instruments, such as AC-s or a-sphere, or from discrete samples for CDOM and particulate matter using filter pad thecnique. If in-water coefficients are available, it will be relatively strait forward to edit the absorption.cops.dat file using compute.aTOT.for.COPS() function from the Riops package (see below).

If only discrete samples is available, the absorption.cops.dat file may be edited using compute.discrete.aTOT.for.COPS() function from the RspectroAbs package (under construction).

The importance of this correction can be visualised in the PDF document in the page showing the various water-leaving radiances and reflectances spectra. The next figure shows a typical Case-2 water case. The correction is relatively important in the NIR and UV bands.

Example of Rrs and shadow correction coefficient

Step 6 : Generate the data base

Once you have processed all station individually and discard the cast you consider of lower quality, then you can easily generate a database. You have to create an ASCCI file named directories.for.cops.dat in the parent folder of the stations folder, i.e. for example


and put all the station paths you want to include in the data base. Next you can run the generate.cops.DB(). This function compute mean and standard deviation of selected parameters using the profiles that passed the QC (as found in remove.cops.dat file). The folowing parameters are computed :

  • Kd1p: is the mean spectral diffuse attenuation from the surface to the 1% light level for each wavelength (2 matrices for mean and s.d.)
  • Kd10p: is the mean spectral diffuse attenuation from the surface to the 10% light level for each wavelength (2 matrices for mean and s.d.)
  • Rrs: is the mean spectral Remote sensing reflectance (2 matrices for mean and s.d.)
  • Ed0.0p: is the mean spectral incident irradiance at surface (2 matrices for mean and s.d.)
  • Ed0.f: is the modeled or measured (with Bioshade) fraction of diffuse skylight to the total downwelling irradiance (matrix)
  • Ed0.f.measured: is a flag indicating whether Ed0.f was measured using the BioShade (=1) or modelled using the Gregg and Carder (1990) model (=0)
  • date: is a vector of date in POSIXCT format
  • lat: is a vector of latitude
  • lon: is a vector of longitude
  • sunzen: is a vector of solar zenith angle
  • waves: is a vector of wavelenghts

The object COPS.DB is saved in RData format. The data are also saved in ASCII (.dat with comma separator) and a figure showing the measured (\rho_w) spectra of the data base is produced.

COPS.DB <- generate.cops.DB(path="/data/ProjetX/L2/", 
                            waves.DB = c(412,443,490,555), 
                            mission = "MISSION_IMPOSSIBLE")

Note here that you can select the actual wavelengths to include in the database. In th e example above I only selected 4 channels. The default wavelenths are (from the former UQAR config): 305, 320, 330, 340, 380, 412, 443, 465, 490, 510, 532, 555, 589, 625, 665, 683, 694, 710, 780.

## List of 15
##  $ waves         : num [1:18] 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 532 ...
##  $ Rrs.m         : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Kd.1p.m       : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Kd.10p.m      : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Ed0.0p.m      : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $        : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $      : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $     : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $     : num [1:6, 1:19] NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Ed0.f         : num [1:6, 1:19] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ Ed0.f.measured: num [1:6] 0 0 0 1 1 1
##  $ date          : POSIXct[1:6], format: "2014-05-08 14:55:37" "2014-05-09 15:35:56" ...
##  $ sunzen        : num [1:6] 42.1 43.4 43.6 48.6 35.6 ...
##  $ lat           : num [1:6] 59.1 60.5 59.7 55.3 53.8 ...
##  $ lon           : num [1:6] -49.9 -48.3 -49.2 -53.9 -52.8 ...

Data format

The /BIN folders contain the binary data stored in the RData format. These files contain list of variables named cops. All the information for a given cast is store in these data structure. This is very easy in R to deal with this type of data. The example below contains as much as 89 variables, including processing parameters, raw data, fitted data and so on.

## List of 89
##  $ verbose                           : logi TRUE
##  $ indice.water                      : num 1.34
##  $ rau.Fresnel                       : num 0.043
##  $ win.width                         : num 9
##  $ win.height                        : num 7
##  $ instruments.optics                : chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ tiltmax.optics                    : Named num [1:3] 5 5 5
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ time.interval.for.smoothing.optics: Named num [1:3] 40 50 40
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ sub.surface.removed.layer.optics  : Named num [1:3] 0 0 0
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ delta.capteur.optics              : Named num [1:3] 0 -0.09 0.25
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ radius.instrument.optics          : Named num [1:3] 0.035 0.035 0.035
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $                       : chr "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
##  $ instruments.others                : chr "NA"
##  $                       : chr "LuZ"
##  $      : num 1
##  $ time.window                       : num [1:2] 11 1000
##  $ depth.discretization              : num [1:19] 0 0.01 1 0.02 2 0.05 5 0.1 10 0.2 ...
##  $ file                              : chr "IML4_150630_1339_C_data_004.csv"
##  $ chl                               : logi NA
##  $ SHADOW.CORRECTION                 : logi TRUE
##  $ absorption.waves                  : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ absorption.values                 : Named num [1:19] 5.09 4.07 3.51 3.02 1.67 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ blacks                            : chr(0) 
##  $ Ed0                               : num [1:1925, 1:19] 0.728 0.728 0.728 0.728 0.728 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ EdZ                               : num [1:1925, 1:19] 0.00575 0.00387 0.00608 0.00624 0.00601 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ                               : num [1:1925, 1:19] -2.73e-05 -5.64e-06 -2.91e-05 -2.98e-05 -2.96e-05 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Ed0.anc                           :'data.frame':  1925 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ Roll : num [1:1925] -0.0699 -0.0699 -0.1398 -0.0699 0 ...
##   ..$ Pitch: num [1:1925] 0.909 0.769 0.699 0.559 0.489 ...
##  $ EdZ.anc                           :'data.frame':  1925 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ Roll : num [1:1925] -0.979 -0.839 -1.328 -1.258 -0.699 ...
##   ..$ Pitch: num [1:1925] 17.1 16.1 13.5 12.6 13 ...
##  $ LuZ.anc                           :'data.frame':  1925 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ Depth: num [1:1925] 1 0.988 0.98 0.965 0.951 ...
##   ..$ Temp : num [1:1925] 8.78 8.81 8.79 8.8 8.79 ...
##  $ Ed0.waves                         : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ EdZ.waves                         : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ LuZ.waves                         : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ Others                            :'data.frame':  1925 obs. of  6 variables:
##   ..$ GeneralExcelTime : num [1:1925] 42186 42186 42186 42186 42186 ...
##   ..$ DateTime         : chr [1:1925] "06/30/2015 14:11:30" "06/30/2015 14:11:30" "06/30/2015 14:11:31" "06/30/2015 14:11:31" ...
##   ..$ DateTimeUTC      : chr [1:1925] "06-30-2015 02:11:30.906 " "06-30-2015 02:11:30.968 " "06-30-2015 02:11:31.031 " "06-30-2015 02:11:31.093 " ...
##   ..$ Millisecond      : int [1:1925] 906 968 31 93 171 234 296 359 421 500 ...
##   ..$ BioGPS_Position  : num [1:1925] 10 141132 -6834 4840 10 ...
##   ..$ BioShade_Position: int [1:1925] 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 ...
##  $ file                              : chr "IML4_150630_1339_C_data_004.csv"
##  $ potential.gps.file                : chr "IML4_150630_1339_gps.csv"
##  $ Ed0.tilt                          : num [1:1925] 0.911 0.772 0.713 0.564 0.489 ...
##  $ EdZ.tilt                          : num [1:1925] 17.1 16.1 13.5 12.7 13.1 ...
##  $ LuZ.tilt                          : NULL
##  $ change.position                   : logi FALSE
##  $ longitude                         : num -68.6
##  $ latitude                          : num 48.7
##  $ dates                             : POSIXct[1:1925], format: "2015-06-30 14:11:30" "2015-06-30 14:11:30" ...
##  $ date.mean                         : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2015-06-30 14:12:38"
##  $ cops.duration.secs                : num 115
##  $ day                               : num 30
##  $ month                             : num 6
##  $ year                              : num 2015
##  $ sunzen                            : num 38.3
##  $ Depth                             : num [1:1925] 1 0.988 0.98 0.965 0.951 ...
##  $ Depth.good                        : logi [1:1925] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##  $ depth.fitted                      : num [1:332] 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 ...
##  $                            : num [1:19] NA 31.8 47.2 49.1 65.8 ...
##  $ Ed0.0p                            : num [1:19] 0.739 22.587 42.821 47.517 61.878 ...
##  $ Ed0.fitted                        : num [1:332, 1:19] 0.739 0.739 0.739 0.739 0.739 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:332] "0" "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Ed0.correction                    : num [1:1925, 1:19] 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ.fitted                        : num [1:332, 1:19] 2.23e-05 2.22e-05 2.21e-05 2.20e-05 2.19e-05 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:332] "0" "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ KZ.LuZ.fitted                     : num [1:331, 1:19] 0.514 0.513 0.512 0.512 0.511 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:331] "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" "0.04" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ K0.LuZ.fitted                     : num [1:331, 1:19] 0.514 0.513 0.513 0.513 0.512 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:331] "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" "0.04" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ.0m                            : num [1:19] 2.23e-05 8.31e-42 9.14e-02 2.35e-01 8.96e-02 ...
##  $                        : num [1:19] NA 4.85 4.22 3.53 2.1 ...
##  $ LuZ.Z.interval                    : num [1:19] NA 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 ...
##  $ LuZ.0m.linear                     : num [1:19] NA 0.0108 0.0251 0.0365 0.095 ...
##  $ EdZ.fitted                        : num [1:332, 1:19] 0.0221 0.0216 0.0212 0.0207 0.0203 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:332] "0" "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ KZ.EdZ.fitted                     : num [1:331, 1:19] 2.11 2.11 2.1 2.09 2.08 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:331] "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" "0.04" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ K0.EdZ.fitted                     : num [1:331, 1:19] 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.1 2.1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:331] "0.01" "0.02" "0.03" "0.04" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ EdZ.0m                            : num [1:19] 0.0221 40.4582 122.9247 207.2934 167.716 ...
##  $                        : num [1:19] 5.81 4.69 4.1 3.54 1.98 ...
##  $ EdZ.Z.interval                    : num [1:19] 0.802 0.802 0.847 1.245 2.171 ...
##  $ EdZ.0m.linear                     : num [1:19] 1.26 36.8 63.48 67.57 72.44 ...
##  $ Q.0                               : num [1:19] 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 ...
##  $ Q.sun.nadir                       : num [1:19] 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 ...
##  $ f.0                               : num [1:19] 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 ...
##  $ f.sun                             : num [1:19] 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.aR                       : Named num [1:19] 0.178 0.1425 0.1228 0.1058 0.0583 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.Edif                     : num [1:19] NA 0.224 0.3 0.285 0.294 ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.Edir                     : num [1:19] NA 0.125 0.2 0.221 0.357 ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.ratio.edsky.edsun        : num [1:19] NA 1.8 1.504 1.287 0.822 ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.eps.sun                  : Named num [1:19] 0.537 0.46 0.412 0.368 0.223 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $                  : Named num [1:19] 0.56 0.481 0.432 0.386 0.236 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.eps                      : Named num [1:19] NA 0.474 0.424 0.378 0.229 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ.shad.correction               : Named num [1:19] NA 0.526 0.576 0.622 0.771 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Lw.0p                             : Named num [1:19] NA 8.42e-42 8.46e-02 2.01e-01 6.19e-02 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ nLw.0p                            : Named num [1:19] NA 2.88e-41 2.11e-01 4.43e-01 1.19e-01 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ R.0m                              : Named num [1:19] NA 2.29e-42 1.21e-02 2.60e-02 6.15e-03 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Rrs.0p                            : Named num [1:19] NA 3.73e-43 1.98e-03 4.23e-03 1.00e-03 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Lw.0p.linear                      : Named num [1:19] NA 0.0109 0.0232 0.0312 0.0657 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ nLw.0p.linear                     : Named num [1:19] NA 0.0374 0.058 0.0687 0.1261 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ R.0m.linear                       : Named num [1:19] NA 0.00297 0.00333 0.00404 0.00652 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Rrs.0p.linear                     : Named num [1:19] NA 0.000484 0.000543 0.000658 0.001061 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...

The case of Bioshade

Some COPS system include a so called Bioshade. It allows to estimate the fraction of diffuse skylight to the total downwelling irradiance, as explain in Bélanger et al. (2017). The BioSHADE system is fitted to the reference (E_d(0+, \lambda)) radiometer. Briefly, the BioSHADE is a motor that moves a black aluminum band (shadowband) 1.5 mm thick and 2.5 cm wide back and forth above the (E_d(0+, \lambda)) sensor. Under clear sky conditions, when the shadowband completely blocks direct sun at time (t_{shadow}), the radiometer measures the diffuse skylight (minus a part of the sky that is also blocked by the shadowband), (E_{d,diffuse}^*(0+, \lambda, t_{shadow})). When the shadowband is horizontal, the sensor measures the global solar irradiance. So to assess the global solar irradiance at the time (t_{shadow}), we interpolate (E_d(0+, \lambda)) just before and after the shadowband started to shade the sensor. This allows to approximate the fraction of diffuse skylight to the total downwelling irradiance as :

Because part of the sky is also blocked by the shadowband at (t_{shadow}), (f^*) will slightly underestimate (f). This underestimation will have negligible impact on the calculations of the shading error when (\theta_0) is around 35(^{\circ}), which is close to most conditions encountered.

To activate the Bioshade processing, we have to edit remove.cops.dat file and change the integer to 2. For example:


As for the other files, the time.window field must be edited in the info.cops.dat but the other parameters will be ignore. Here is an example of the PDF file produce by a bioshade procesing. The next figure shows that the BioShade was activated during the recovering of the profiler. In fact, the profiler was at 30 depth when the acquisition was started.

Example of depth versus time for a BioShade measurements

The next plot shows the Bioshade position as a function of time, which a relative unit. The shadowband is horizontal, i.e. not shading the sensor, when it is <5000 or >25000. So here the shadowband a round-trip, passing twice above the sensor. The red points will be used to interpolate (E_d(0+, \lambda)) just before and after the shadowband started to shade the sensor.

Example of Bioshade position versus time

The next plot shows the (E_d(0+, \lambda)) as a function of time. The solid lines are the interpolated data use to assess the global irradiance when the shadowband passed in front the sun, which occured at about 68 and 110 seconds atfer the begining of the data acquisition.

Example of downwelling irradiance measured during a Bioshade measurement

In this example is was a clear sky. The resulting contribution of diffuse sky to the global irradiance is shown in the next plot. The fraction of diffuse skylight to the total downwelling irradiance (green curve) increases exponentially from the NIR (<10%) to the UV (~50%).

Example of total (black), direct (red) and diffuse (blue) downwelling irradiance assessed using the Bioshade measurements

The RData structure saved for a Bioshade file is shown below.

## List of 56
##  $ verbose                           : logi TRUE
##  $ indice.water                      : num 1.34
##  $ rau.Fresnel                       : num 0.043
##  $ win.width                         : num 9
##  $ win.height                        : num 7
##  $ instruments.optics                : chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ tiltmax.optics                    : Named num [1:3] 5 5 5
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ time.interval.for.smoothing.optics: Named num [1:3] 40 80 80
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ sub.surface.removed.layer.optics  : Named num [1:3] 0 0 0
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ delta.capteur.optics              : Named num [1:3] 0 -0.09 0.25
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $ radius.instrument.optics          : Named num [1:3] 0.035 0.035 0.035
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "Ed0" "EdZ" "LuZ"
##  $                       : chr "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
##  $ instruments.others                : chr "NA"
##  $                       : chr "LuZ"
##  $      : num 1
##  $ time.window                       : num [1:2] 0 10000
##  $ depth.discretization              : num [1:19] 0 0.01 1 0.02 2 0.05 5 0.1 10 0.2 ...
##  $ file                              : chr "IML4_150630_1339_C_data_005.csv"
##  $ chl                               : logi NA
##  $ SHADOW.CORRECTION                 : logi FALSE
##  $ absorption.waves                  : logi NA
##  $ absorption.values                 : logi NA
##  $ blacks                            : chr(0) 
##  $ Ed0                               : num [1:2745, 1:19] 0.729 0.731 0.732 0.734 0.736 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ EdZ                               : num [1:2745, 1:19] -0.00054 0.00025 0.00026 0.000315 0.001807 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ LuZ                               : num [1:2745, 1:19] -1.06e-05 -1.09e-05 -1.19e-05 1.40e-05 -7.65e-06 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Ed0.anc                           :'data.frame':  2745 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ Roll : num [1:2745] 3.08 2.66 2.31 1.89 1.19 ...
##   ..$ Pitch: num [1:2745] 1.887 1.328 1.118 1.118 0.839 ...
##  $ EdZ.anc                           :'data.frame':  2745 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ Roll : num [1:2745] -0.349 0.21 0.559 1.048 1.398 ...
##   ..$ Pitch: num [1:2745] -8.35 -6.51 -6.3 -5.32 -5.04 ...
##  $ LuZ.anc                           :'data.frame':  2745 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ Depth: num [1:2745] 29.8 29.8 29.7 29.7 29.7 ...
##   ..$ Temp : num [1:2745] 2.96 2.97 2.97 2.96 2.97 ...
##  $ Ed0.waves                         : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ EdZ.waves                         : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ LuZ.waves                         : num [1:19] 305 320 330 340 380 412 443 465 490 510 ...
##  $ Others                            :'data.frame':  2745 obs. of  6 variables:
##   ..$ GeneralExcelTime : num [1:2745] 42186 42186 42186 42186 42186 ...
##   ..$ DateTime         : chr [1:2745] "06/30/2015 14:13:40" "06/30/2015 14:13:41" "06/30/2015 14:13:41" "06/30/2015 14:13:41" ...
##   ..$ DateTimeUTC      : chr [1:2745] "06-30-2015 02:13:40.968 " "06-30-2015 02:13:41.031 " "06-30-2015 02:13:41.109 " "06-30-2015 02:13:41.171 " ...
##   ..$ Millisecond      : int [1:2745] 968 31 109 171 234 296 359 437 500 562 ...
##   ..$ BioGPS_Position  : num [1:2745] 10 141342 -6834 4840 10 ...
##   ..$ BioShade_Position: int [1:2745] 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 31289 ...
##  $ file                              : chr "IML4_150630_1339_C_data_005.csv"
##  $ potential.gps.file                : chr "IML4_150630_1339_gps.csv"
##  $ Ed0.tilt                          : num [1:2745] 3.61 2.97 2.56 2.19 1.45 ...
##  $ EdZ.tilt                          : num [1:2745] 8.35 6.52 6.33 5.42 5.23 ...
##  $ LuZ.tilt                          : NULL
##  $ change.position                   : logi FALSE
##  $ longitude                         : num -68.6
##  $ latitude                          : num 48.7
##  $ dates                             : POSIXct[1:2745], format: "2015-06-30 14:13:40" "2015-06-30 14:13:41" ...
##  $ date.mean                         : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2015-06-30 14:15:11"
##  $ cops.duration.secs                : num 182
##  $ day                               : num 30
##  $ month                             : num 6
##  $ year                              : num 2015
##  $ sunzen                            : num 37.9
##  $ Depth                             : num [1:2745] 29.8 29.8 29.7 29.7 29.7 ...
##  $ Depth.good                        : logi [1:2745] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
##  $ depth.fitted                      : num [1:331] 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 ...
##  $                            : num [1:19] NA 32.1 47.6 49.4 66.2 ...
##  $ Ed0.fitted                        : num [1:2438, 1:19] 0.749 0.749 0.749 0.749 0.749 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2438] "0.967999935150146" "1.03099989891052" "1.10899996757507" "1.1710000038147" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Ed0.tot                           : Named num [1:19] 0.737 22.186 41.945 46.487 60.448 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Ed0.dif                           : Named num [1:19] 0.381 11.144 19.931 20.476 19.835 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...
##  $ Ed0.f                             : Named num [1:19] 0.517 0.502 0.475 0.44 0.328 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "305" "320" "330" "340" ...

The in-water IOPs data processing

In-water measurements of IOPs can be acheive using various optical instruments. In general, several instruments are put on the same frame refer to as an optical package. Optical packages usuallr includes a CTD to measure the water temperature and salinity and a set of optical sensors for IOPs, such as absorption ((a(\lambda))) scattering ((b(\lambda))), backscattering ((b_b(\lambda))), and attenuation ((c(\lambda))) meters. Fluorescence for CDOM and Chlorophyll-a is aslo often measured. In most case, the raw measurements require several corrections and calibration in order to get accurate IOPs. For example, backscattering measurements is, in reality, not measure directly. It is instead a measure of the Volume Scattering Function (VSF) a a given scattering angle in the backward direction relative to the laser beam. This type of measure should be corrected for the loss of signal due to the attenuation of the light beam along the optical path (see Doxaran et al. (2016) for a detailed discussion on that topic). Absorption measurements also require correction for water temperature and salinity. In addition, if the absorption is measured using reflecting tubes suahc as those of an ac-9 or ac-s instruments (WetLabs), a correction is needed for the loss of photons due to scattering within the tube.

The purpose of the Riops package was first to apply the necessary corrections to the IOPs measured using an optical package available at UQAR that contains the following instruments:

  • A Hydroscat-6 from Hobilabs for the particulate backscatteing at six wavesbands at 394, 420, 470, 532, 620 and 700 nm.
  • An a-sphere from Hobilabs, which is a submersible teflon integrating sphere that measures the absorption coefficients at 1500 wavelengths between 360 and 764 nm, that are binned at 1 nm resolution.
  • An ECO triplet from WetLabs for CDOM fluoresece with excitation wavelength at 370 nm and emission wavelengthd at 420, 460 and 500nm.
  • A SBE19+ CTD from Seabird for temperature, conductivity and depth.

This optical package also includes a data logger named MiniDAS commercialized by HobiLabs.

Later, I extended the R code to deal with typical WetLabs optical pakcages loan from Pierre Larouche at IML and Marcel Babin at Takuvik. Typically, these packages includes a data logger named DH4 from WetLabs and a set of optical instruments such as:

  • A microCAT CTD from SeaBirdb for temperature, conductivity and depth.
  • An AC-s from WetLab for spectral beam attenuation and absorption measurements using reflecting tubes
  • A BB9 from WetLabs for the particulate backscatteing at nine wavesbands.
  • A BB3 from WetLabs for the particulate backscatteing at nine wavesbands.
  • A FLBBCD, which is an ECO triplet from WetLabs for chlorophyll fluorescence, bacskattering and CDOM fluorescence
  • A FLCHL from WetLabs forchlorophyll fluorescence.
  • A LISST from Sequoia for particles size distribution (PSD)

I recently inludes some routines to read WetLabs ECOVSF that we deployed in standalone mode in 2018 during Lake Pulse and CoastJB projects.

The Riops package includes reading funtions for all these instruments, but the main interest of the package in the correct.merge.IOP.profile() function that read, merge, correct and clean the data from all instruments available on the optical package. In fact, the data are :

  • resampled on a unique time frame,
  • corrected for temperature, salinity and attenuation,
  • and interpolated on a common grid of equally spaced depth.

Note that the processing was designed for data collected using an optical package deployed to collect data for vertical profile. This means that stand-alone deployment of the optical instruments are still not fully supported (as during the Lake Pulse project). Adaptation of the code will be necessary.

Preparation raw data

In the field, we always document the deployement operations in a log sheet. Make sure you have this log sheet in hand before starting. Unlike the COPS, we usually perform only one IOPs profile on the field. As mention above, there is two main types of optical package supported, i.e. the Hobilabs and the WetLabs. The data pre-processing differ among the instrument package.

Hobilabs data pre-processing

For each cast performed on the field, the output from each instrument is captured in a seperate file and stored in the MiniDAS memory. The instrument files contain a copy of every byte the instrument transmits, in its native format. Each file’s name contains the cast number, which is incremented automatically by the MiniDAS each time the switch is turned ON. The cast number should have been logged by the operator in the field. For example the following files are produced by cast number 5:

  • ASPH005.bin : contains the data from the a-sphere in binary format. You need to process the raw data using a software called IGOR with the appropriate calibration file. IGOR is a window-based program that requires a liscence, which was provided by Hobilabs. In IGOR you can open the a-Sphere Processing Template 201.pxt file, which will add an “a-sphere” menu. Then load the a-Sphere calibration file using “Load Calibration File…” in the a-Sphere menu. All the other a-Sphere functions depend on information in the calibration file. Next click “Load and Graph Dataset…” from the a-sphere menu and select the raw data file to process. Then choose the width of the spectral bands into which data will be averaged. The default is 5 nm but change it to 1 nm, which the smallest wavelength increment available. Finally, choose the “Export Dataset…” command to save the data as tab-delimited text (ASCII). Save the data with the same name but by changing the extension to txt. (e.g., ASPH005.BIN → ASPH005.txt).

  • HS6005.raw : contains the data from the Hydroscat-6 in binary format. You need to process the raw data using a software called HydroSoft with the appropriate calibration file. Simply to menu ProcessingProcess Raw Files to open a window dialog wich allows the conversion of the raw data into the calibrated files saved in ASCII (e.g., HS6005.raw → HS6005.dat).

  • CTD005.txt : contains the data from the CTD in ASCII format (ready for the processing in R).

  • FL005.txt : contains the data from the ECO triplet in ASCII format (ready for the processing in R).

Finnaly, simply copy the four ASCII files in the appropriate directory, for example in :


WetLabs data pre-processing

As mentioned above, the WetLabs optical packages usually include a data logger named DH4. Unlike the MiniDAS, the DH4 produces only one file for each IOP cast refer to as archive file. The archive files generated by the DH4 are in binary format and there extention the cast number (e.g. cast number 5 will be named archive.005). To extract the data from them, you need to use the WAP (Wetlabs Archive file Processing) software. To process the data in WAP:

  • you will need one device file for each WetLabs instrument (i.e., ac-s, BB9, BB3, FLECO, etc.). The device files store the calibration coefficients. No device file or calibration file is needed for the LISST and CTD at this stage.
  • you need to know the port number of the DH4 in which each intrument were connected.

Supposed your package had a CTD in DH4 port 1, a BB9 in port 2, a FLBBCD in port 3 and an ac-s in port 4. The archive file generated for the cast number 5 will be named archive.005. The WAP will extract the data and create the following files:

  • archive_21_CTD-ENGR.005 (or archive_21_T_ASCII.005) : is the CTD file in ASCII format.
  • archive_22_ECO.005 : is the BB9 file in ASCII format.
  • archive_23_ECO.005 : is the FLBBCD file in ASCII format.
  • archive_24_ACS.005 : is the AC-s filein ASCII format.
  • archive_TO.005 : is an ASCII file which contains the time offset to consider to syncronised the instrument clock.

So the DH4 port number follow the base name archive_2. It will be important to know this information when you process the data. Once extracted, these data could be process in R using the Riops package.

A detailed description of the WAP is available elsewhere and is out of the scope of the present document.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the LISST data format is in ASCII but in raw counts. I wrote an R function to convert the file into a binary file format readable with the LISST software which is used to calulate the Particles Size Distribution (PSD). Otherwise one can use Matlab routines provided by Sequoia to convert the ASCII into PSD.

Installation of the Riops package

As any other package available on GitHub, the installation is straitforward using the devools package utilities, i.e.:


Follow the same instructions if you want to install the source code.

Reading routines

The package includes several function to read the data

  • read.ACs() Reads AC-s file
  • read.ASPH() Reads A-Sphere ASCII file as exported by IGOR software.
  • read.BB3() Reads BB-3 file
  • read.BB9() Reads BB-9 file
  • read.CTD() Reads CTD SBE19+ file in ASCII format
  • read.CTD.DH4() Reads CTD (MicroCAT) file
  • read.FLBBCD() Reads ECO triplet for chlrophyll, bb700 and cdom file
  • read.FLCHL() Reads chlorophyll fluorescence file
  • read.FLECO() Reads ECO triplet for CDOM fluorescence file
  • read.HS6() Reads Hydroscat-6 file as created by Hydrosoft
  • read.LISST() Reads LISST file in format *.asc

Processing vertical profiles of IOPS

Step 0 : Get stated with IOPs processing and preparation of the input information

I built the Riops package with the same phylosophy as the Cops package. Let’s load the library first.

## @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
## 1. Create an ASCII file named directories.for.IOPs.dat 
##    in which the full path of the folder(s) containing the IOPs raw data to process
## 2. Type IOPs.go(report=FALSE)
## 3. Edit the files, and instrument.dat to provide  
##    the adequate parameters for the processing (see header of copied, 
##    (e.g. lat, lon, cast number, calibration file, blank, depth and smoothing intervals, etc) 
## 4. Type again IOPs.go(report=TRUE)
## 5. Look at the IOPs.plot.pdf 
## WARNING: user will be prompted to synchronized the data form different instruments
## This is due to the fact that instrument's clock are never perfectly synchronized
## @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

So one can launch the code with a single call to the function IOPs.go(). I strongly recommanded to first set the working directory (i.e. a folder were you put the iops data for a given station) using setwd() and than type IOPs.go(report = FALSE). See what happen.

IOPs.go(report = F)

You will get the following message:

CREATE a file named directories.for.IOPs.dat in current directory (where R is launched) and put in it the names of the directories where data files can be found (one by line)

So this is exactly as for the cops package.

Create the directories.for.IOPs.dat file

Once you put the full path of the folder to process in the file directories.for.IOPs.dat, you can lanch again the code.

IOPs.go(report = F)

And you get this message:

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PROCESSING DIRECTORY ~/L2/20150710_StationIML4/CageBioOptique/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ EDIT file ~/L2/20150710_StationIML4/CageBioOptique/ and CUSTOMIZE IT EDIT file ~/L2/20150710_StationIML4/CageBioOptique/instrument.dat and CUSTOMIZE IT

So two new files are created in the working directory, which need to be edited.

Edit the instrument.dat file

The instrument.dat only contains a list of supported instruments followed by a coma and an integer indicating whether the instrument was deployed or not: 0 = not deployed; 1 = deployed. In this example, the UQAR package was used including a Hydroscat-6 (HS6), an ECO Triplet (FLECO), an a-sphere (ASPH) and a CTD (CTD.UQAR).

Example of the ASCII files to edit for the IOP procesing

Edit the file

The next file, contains a header describing the 12 fields to edit. The fields a separated by comas and they are breifly described in the header of the file. Here I provide more information.

  • The first two fields are the lon/lat coordinates in decimal degrees. These are needed to produce the location map of PDF report (see below).
  • The third field is the cast number. It is a character string of three digits corresponding to either MINIDAS cast number or file extension generated by the WAP from DH4 archive file (e.g. “001”).
  • The forth and fifth fields are actual CTD and LISST start time, respectively. This can be NA for most situations, except when a time stamp is not avalailable in the current set up. The user will be asked to put the start time in POSIXct format as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” (e.g.“2015-05-06 12:18:01” or NA)
  • The minx and maxx are the indices of the CTD vector corresponding to the start and the end of the IOP profile. If NA, the user will be prompt to select the index interactively by clicking on the plot of time versus depth. The begining of the profile is when the optical begin the downcast while the end is just before the CTD exit the water colomn. Note that at the end of the processing, the is updated with the values obtained interactively. it can be edited to remove bad data points near the sea surface.
  • The field Zint (8th) is the depth interval in meter for the smoothed profiles. In fact, all the measured parameter will be resample on the same depth vector. By default a depth interval of 0.5 m. In deep waters it can be 1 m interval. In very shallow water when the profile is made very slowly, a Zint of 0.25 or even 0.1 meter may be better (it is the user’s choice).
  • The field depth.interval.for.smoothing (9th) is the depth interval in meter that will be used to smooth data with the LOESS function. This is very similar to what is done in the COPS processing.
  • The field asph.skip (10th) is only used when processing a-sphere profile. It is the number or records to skip at the begining of an asphere file. This is only (rarely) necessary when the asphere file contain 2 or more profiles. It can ce ignore most of the time. When it happens, look into the file.
  • The last two fields (11th and 12th) are parameters used for plots that are included in the PDF report. maxbb is the maximum value of the y-axis of the (b_b) plots, which is useful when you have outliers. is the number of depth to put in the spectral IOP plots.

Launch the processing and edit the file

If you launch again the function IOPs.go() the code may stop again or run without error depending on the set up. In fact some instrument requires calibration information such as the water temperature of the pure water calibration, the year of calibration, etc. The calibration information are stored in the The file includes the following information (NOTE: any field can be ommited with out problem):

  • Tref.ASPH is the temperature of pure water used by Hobilabs for the ASPH calibration. In 2010 and 2014 it was 13.2, in 2013 it was 19, in 2016 it was 14.4.
  • HS6.CALYEAR is the year of the HS6 calibration.
  • Tref.ACS is the temperature of pure water used by Wetlabs for the ACS calibration. For example, the IML ACs calibration made by WetLabs in 2013 was 20.3
  • scat.correction is the method for the scattering correction of AC-S abssorption. There is four options available for this correction:
    • “mckee”: This correction method is described in Mckee, Piskozub, and Brown (2008) and requires simultaneous measurement of particle backscattering ((b_{bp}));
    • “zaneveld”: This correction method is described in Zaneveld, Kitchen, and Moore (1994) and assumed a spectrally dependent loss of photon in the reflecting tube due to a fraction of the scattering estimated in the NIR assuming null non-water absorption in the NIR.
    • “baseline”: This is a white correction assuming null non-water absorption in the NIR.
    • “none”: no correction.
  • blank.ASPH is a string for the path of the blank file for ASPH as created by analyse.ASPH.blank.
  • blank.ACS is a string for the path of the blank file for ACS as created by analyse.ACs.blank.
  • blank.BB9 is a string for the path of the blank file for BB9.
  • blank.BB3 is a string for the path of the blank file for BB3.

Step 1 : Instruments synchronisation (if necessary)

Some instrument does not have a pressure sensor or an absolute time stamp. To synchronize the instrument, the program may need user’s input. This is the case of the ECO triplet of UQAR. When this instrument is available, the user will be prompt to click on the plot to identify the moment when the instruments exit the water column (or enter in the water if it is more obvious), which is easy to detect. On the figure , we can clearly identify the moment when the instrument exited the water column at about 55:00 time. Similary, figure shows the salinity, which jumped at the entrance or the exit of the water column. Based in this point, a pressure vector will be added to the FLECO data for further processing

Example of the fluoresence signal versus time of the FLECO. The user clicked the outlier points when the intrument exit the water. The index of that point was 1629. \label{FLECOvsTIME}

Example of the salinity versus time of the CTD. The user clicked the outlier points when the intrument exit the water. The index of that point was 2504. \label{CTDvsTIME}

In the case of the WetLabs DH4, all the absolute time usually comes from the CTD and the time offset between each sensor is written in a file named archive_TO.001 (if the cast number is “001”). This why this file must be provided.

At this stage, the programm with will add the depth to instruments without pressure sensors. For BB9, BB3, FLBBCD, FLECO and ACs, the depth is obtained from the CTD using time stamp.

Step 2 : Identify the begining and the end of the cast

In general, when we run the processing for the first time we set the minx and maxx to NA. Those are the indices of the CTD vector corresponding to the start and the end of the IOP profile. If NA, the user will be prompt to select the index interactively by clicking on the plot of time versus depth. The begining of the profile is when the optical begin the downcast while the end is just before the CTD exit the water column.

The next figure shows an example of a typical IOP cast with the depth of the optical package, as measured by the CTD, as a function of time. The optical package was put at 5 meters depth for about 5 minutes for the instrument’s warm up. At about 49:30, the package was raise to the sea surface for a few seconds and then lowered in the water column to reach 64 meters depth. Note that last part of the profile was not continuous (due probably to problems with the winch or the cable…). The upcast was quick compared to the downcast. The user clicked to set the begining of cast (index 1166) and at the end of the cast (index 2469). Those are minx and maxx and they will be store in the file by the program. The next time you run the code, the user will not be prompt. However, those values can be edited to remove bad data points near the sea surface (next step).

Example of depth versus time for an IOP profile. \label{DepthvsTime}

Normally the program will run until the end of the processing and produce three RData file in the working directory:

  • IOP.RData : is a list containing all the data from all instruments.
  • IOP.fitted.down.RData : is a list containing the smoothed data from the downcast resampled in a regular depth vector with the vertical resolution requested. This is determine using the Zint parameter of (see above).
  • IOP.fitted.up.RData : is the same but for the upcast (usually of lower quality).

Step 3 : Produce the PDF report and check if the parameters of need adjustment

The program can produce a PDF report using a sweave template. IMPORTANT: you need to install latex on your computer to produce the PDF.

IOPs.go(report = T)

It will create a PDF file with many plots of the CTD and the IOPs profiles. It also includes spectral plots for the (b_b(\lambda)), (b_{bp}(\lambda)), (a_{nw}(\lambda)). The number of spectra in these plot can be changed usung the parameter of the file. After looking at the plot you may want to remove some data points near the sea surface that look like outliers. To do so simply edit manually the minx and maxx parameters from the

Step 4 : Output absorption coefficients from the COPS processing. (Optionnal)

You can run again the program to output the absorption coefficient from the surface layer and write the values in the absorption.cops.dat file located in “../COPS/” folder (assuming you are located in the IOPs folder). IMPORTANT: the folder structure is very important here (COPS in capital letters). You should also have run the COPS processing before. The programme will get the wavelengths in one of the RData file in“../COPS/BIN/”.

IOPs.go(output.aTOT.COPS = TRUE, 
        depth.interval = c(0.75,2.1), 
        a.instrument = "ASPH", 
        cast = "down")

You can take the absorption from the a-sphere (ASPH) or the ac-s (ACS), from the down or the up cast and for the depth interval you want. Default are shown above.

The program will create a figure in the IOPs/ folder named absorption.for.cops.png, as shown below (Fig. ).

Example of spectral non-water absorption (red) from the a-sphere and the pure water absorption (blue). The black dots are the total absorption coefficients corresponding to the COPS bands (the UV was extrapolated from the 360-400 nm range). \label{abs4cops}

Processing backscattering at fixed depth

In shallow waters, we often deploy instrument in stand alone mode. This was the case during the Lake Pulse project. I have recently developped a set of routines to deal with the WetLabs ECO meters deployed in stand-alone mode and record in raw numeric counts. This includes the VSF3, BB9 and BB3.

The processing includes the application of the calibration coefficients to convert the raw numerical counts into volume scattering function (VSF). The dark offsets may be taken from the calibration file (device file) or from the dark measurements taken on the field. Next, if absorption coefficients are provided, the VSF is corrected for loss of photons due to attenuation along the pathlength. The VSF is finaly converted in to total backscattering ((b_b)) and particles backscattering ((b_{bp})).

The main function to launch this type of processing is run.process.ECO.batch(). The data must be prepare following the instructions provided in the help of this function. Briefly, the raw data should be place in a single data folder ../raw/ and the corresponding dark measurements in ../dark/. But the most important thing to do before runing this programm is to prepare the log.file. This ASCII file contains several fields (semi-column delimiter) : ECO.filename; dev.file; ECO.type; ECO.bands; Station; Date; UTCTime; Depth; Salinity; dark.file; start; end; process; Anw1;..;AnwX

Again, see the help pages to get started…

Laboratory spectrophotometric absorption measurements

See RspectroAbs package

CDOM absorption

Data preparation

All the data must be place in a single ../csv/ folder. The most important thing to do before runing the code is to prepare the log.file. This file contains 6 fields :

  • ID is the sample ID. It is usually the base name of the CSV file. for example, 407839 ID will have the following file name: 407839.Sample.Raw.csv (from the Perkin Elmer Lambda 850), where the “.Sample.Raw.csv” was automatically added by the Lambda850 software.
  • Station is the Station name. For example: “IML4”, “L3_18”, etc.
  • Depth is the depth of the sample in meters.
  • pathlength is the pathlength of the cuvette in meters (e.g. 0.1 when using 10-cm cuvette).
  • Ag.good is a binary field where 1 will process the sample while 0 will skip the sample.
  • DilutionFactor Is a factor to adjust the final Ag value if dilution was performed in the lab (default=1).

Data processing

See run.process.Ag.batch() help page. The program will automatically create two new folders in the data.path to store the results. For each process sample, a png and a RData file is produce and stored in data.path/png and data.path/RData, respectively.

Particles absorption using filter pad technique inside an integrating sphere

Data preparation

The data files must be named following a convention we adpopted in 2011. Name the file follow: ID_REPL_TYPE, where

  • ID = Sample ID (could include station ID + depth + date),
  • REPL = replicate ID (e.g. A (1st), B (2nd)),
  • TYPE = type of measurement, (i.e. Ap for total absorption; Nap for non-algal pacticles after bleaching)

For example for a sample CL6_surf_20170801_A_Ap.Sample.Raw.csv is for the ID CL6_surf_20170801 the replicate A and the total particulate Ap. The same filter measured after pigment extraction would be named CL6_surf_20170801_A_Nap.Sample.Raw.csv.

As for CDOM, but the log.file should contains 11 fields :

  • ID Unique ID of the sample
  • Repl A letter corresponding to the replicate (A,B,C,etc)
  • Station Station name
  • Depth Depth of the sample
  • Vol Filtered volume in mL
  • Farea clearance area of particles on filter in m^2
  • blank.file ID if the reference blank filter
  • Ap.good Boolean quality control indicator (1=good ; 0 = not good)
  • NAp.good Boolean quality control indicator (1=good ; 0 = not good)
  • process Boolean (1=to be process ; 0 = to skip in the batch processing)
  • NAP.method String indicating the method is retained to derive phytoplankton absorption (“Measured”, “Fitted”, “BS90_1”“,”BS90_2")

Data processing

Step 1: Convert OD to absorption coefficient

See run.process.Ap.batch() help page.

Step 2: Average replicate and QC

See run.process.replicate.batch() help page.

Step 3: Compute phytoplancton absorption coefficient

See run.compute.Aph.batch() help page.


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