diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 802b3efb..ba9b94b3 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 Brewtils Changelog
+- Expanded Auto Generation to support Literal Type Hinting, if python version >= 3.8
diff --git a/brewtils/decorators.py b/brewtils/decorators.py
index a0f7734a..0082faf0 100644
--- a/brewtils/decorators.py
+++ b/brewtils/decorators.py
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
     from inspect import signature, Parameter as InspectParameter  # noqa
+    if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+        from typing import get_args
 __all__ = [
@@ -563,22 +566,48 @@ def _parameter_docstring(method, parameter):
     return None
+def _choices_type_hint(method, cmd_parameter):
+    if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+        for _, arg in enumerate(signature(method).parameters.values()):
+            if arg.name == cmd_parameter:
+                if str(arg.annotation).startswith("typing.Literal"):
+                    arg_choices = list()
+                    for arg_choice in get_args(arg.annotation):
+                        arg_choices.append(arg_choice)
+                    return arg_choices
+    return None
 def _parameter_type_hint(method, cmd_parameter):
     for _, arg in enumerate(signature(method).parameters.values()):
         if arg.name == cmd_parameter:
-            if str(arg.annotation) in ["<class 'str'>"]:
+            type_hint_class = str(arg.annotation)
+            if type_hint_class.startswith("typing.Literal"):
+                if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+                    choice_types = None
+                    for arg_choice in get_args(arg.annotation):
+                        if choice_types is None:
+                            choice_types = type(arg_choice)
+                        elif type(arg_choice) is not choice_types:
+                            choice_types = None
+                            break
+                    if choice_types is not None:
+                        type_hint_class = str(choice_types)
+            if type_hint_class in ["<class 'str'>"]:
                 return "String"
-            if str(arg.annotation) in ["<class 'int'>"]:
+            if type_hint_class in ["<class 'int'>"]:
                 return "Integer"
-            if str(arg.annotation) in ["<class 'float'>"]:
+            if type_hint_class in ["<class 'float'>"]:
                 return "Float"
-            if str(arg.annotation) in ["<class 'bool'>"]:
+            if type_hint_class in ["<class 'bool'>"]:
                 return "Boolean"
-            if str(arg.annotation) in ["<class 'object'>", "<class 'dict'>"]:
+            if type_hint_class in ["<class 'object'>", "<class 'dict'>"]:
                 return "Dictionary"
-            if str(arg.annotation).lower() in ["<class 'datetime'>"]:
+            if type_hint_class.lower() in ["<class 'datetime'>"]:
                 return "DateTime"
-            if str(arg.annotation) in ["<class 'bytes'>"]:
+            if type_hint_class in ["<class 'bytes'>"]:
                 return "Bytes"
     if hasattr(method, "func_doc"):
@@ -720,6 +749,9 @@ def _initialize_parameter(
     if param.type is None and method is not None:
         param.type = _parameter_type_hint(method, param.key)
+    if param.choices is None and method is not None:
+        param.choices = _choices_type_hint(method, param.key)
     # Type and type info
     # Type info is where type specific information goes. For now, this is specific
     # to file types. See #289 for more details.
diff --git a/brewtils/rest/client.py b/brewtils/rest/client.py
index ffe14fac..808d02b2 100644
--- a/brewtils/rest/client.py
+++ b/brewtils/rest/client.py
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def can_connect(self, **kwargs):
             self.session.get(self.config_url, **kwargs)
         except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex:
-            if type(ex) == requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+            if type(ex) is requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
                 return False
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ def post_chunked_file(self, fd, file_params, current_position=0):
             data = fd.read(file_params["chunk_size"])
             if not data:
-            if type(data) != bytes:
+            if type(data) is not bytes:
                 data = bytes(data, "utf-8")
             data = b64encode(data)
             chunk_result = self.session.post(
diff --git a/test/decorators_test.py b/test/decorators_test.py
index 583cb086..0f7936d5 100644
--- a/test/decorators_test.py
+++ b/test/decorators_test.py
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
 import pytest
 from mock import Mock
+if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+    from typing import Literal
 import brewtils.decorators
 from brewtils.decorators import (
@@ -208,6 +211,54 @@ def cmd(foo: int) -> dict:
                 assert bg_cmd.output_type == "JSON"
+            def test_type_hints_choices_any(self):
+                if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+                    @command
+                    def cmd(foo: Literal["a", 2] = "a") -> dict:
+                        return foo
+                    bg_cmd = _parse_method(cmd)
+                    assert len(bg_cmd.parameters) == 1
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].key == "foo"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].type == "Any"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].choices.value == ["a", 2]
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].default == "a"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].optional is True
+            def test_type_hints_choices_string(self):
+                if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+                    @command
+                    def cmd(foo: Literal["a", "b"] = "a") -> dict:
+                        return foo
+                    bg_cmd = _parse_method(cmd)
+                    assert len(bg_cmd.parameters) == 1
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].key == "foo"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].type == "String"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].choices.value == ["a", "b"]
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].default == "a"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].optional is True
+            def test_type_hints_choices_integer(self):
+                if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
+                    @command
+                    def cmd(foo: Literal[1, 2] = 1) -> dict:
+                        return foo
+                    bg_cmd = _parse_method(cmd)
+                    assert len(bg_cmd.parameters) == 1
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].key == "foo"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].type == "Integer"
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].choices.value == [1, 2]
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].default == 1
+                    assert bg_cmd.parameters[0].optional is True
         class TestDocString(object):
             def test_cmd_description(self):