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118 lines (77 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (77 loc) · 3.64 KB


Road map

  1. simple mood logging, per user account, time tracked, limited time between new moods logs
    1. Notes allowed as well, but as attribute on the logged mood record
  2. Support for adding API keys and endpoints to other media, to show info about time when mood changes
  3. Encrypted notes, with front end javascript encryption keys 5. Also, notes become their own table, but linked to the most recent allowed note
  4. Visualization: Data graphs for trends in both media and user moods
  5. Make sure the log entryies are indexed by user and created_at for quick search for last mood entry

User authentication



  • pip install Flask-Login

GUESS: I think I'll add the below to the src/

import flask_login

login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager()


API token

For API access, I will probably want to to implment a jwt soluition, like I did in another project. my item catalog approach

  1. Create secret key

  2. In the User class, implement the secret_key global variable and the user functions:

    • Global secret_key

    • User.generate_auth_token

       Use jwt.encode
       to encrypt a token, and the secret key created global
       in the class.
       	expiraexpiration: integer, seconds until expires
       Returns: encrypted token, containing id of the user
    • @staticmethod verify_auth_token(token)

       Purpose: Decrypt a token and check for the user id.
       		Exceptions are thrown for expired tokens,
       		and for BadSignatures. If these exceptions
       		are found, "None" is returned
       Params: A token created with jwt.encode
       Returns: a user_id if successfully decrypted
       		from the token

Many to many log table

Based on the SQLAlchemy docs, I've decided to use Association Object as my model for linking the two tables.


az group create --name moody-flask --location eastus
az aks create --resource-group moody-flask --name flaskcluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
az aks get-credentials --resource-group moody-flask --name flaskcluster
kubectl get nodes

$ kubectl.exe get nodes
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE     VERSION
aks-nodepool1-11853184-vmss000000   Ready    agent   7m19s   v1.25.6

az acr create --resource-group moody-flask --name bkinmoodyflask --sku Basic

$ az acr show-endpoints --name bkinmoodyflask
←[93mTo configure client firewall w/o using wildcard storage blob urls, use "az acr update --name bkinmoodyflask --data-endpoint-enabled" to enable dedicated data endpoints.←[0m
  "dataEndpoints": [
      "endpoint": "*",
      "region": "eastus"
  "loginServer": ""

loginServer": "

az aks update -n flaskcluster -g moody-flask --attach-acr bkinmoodyflask

kubectl create deployment primary