- simple mood logging, per user account, time tracked, limited time between new moods logs
- Notes allowed as well, but as attribute on the logged mood record
- Support for adding API keys and endpoints to other media, to show info about time when mood changes
- Encrypted notes, with front end javascript encryption keys 5. Also, notes become their own table, but linked to the most recent allowed note
- Visualization: Data graphs for trends in both media and user moods
- Make sure the log entryies are indexed by user and created_at for quick search for last mood entry
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-authenticate-users-in-flask/
- https://pypi.org/project/Flask-Login/
pip install Flask-Login
GUESS: I think I'll add the below to the src/__init__.py
import flask_login
login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager()
For API access, I will probably want to to implment a jwt soluition, like I did in another project. my item catalog approach
Create secret key https://github.com/beaukinstler/fswd-item-catalog/blob/a96eb4767903ad5a8282d215555c33127cdb6640/db_setup.py#L25
In the User class, implement the secret_key global variable and the user functions:
""" Use jwt.encode to encrypt a token, and the secret key created global in the class. Parameters: self [optional] expiraexpiration: integer, seconds until expires Returns: encrypted token, containing id of the user """
@staticmethod verify_auth_token(token)
Purpose: Decrypt a token and check for the user id. Exceptions are thrown for expired tokens, and for BadSignatures. If these exceptions are found, "None" is returned Params: A token created with jwt.encode Returns: a user_id if successfully decrypted from the token
Based on the SQLAlchemy docs, I've decided to use Association Object as my model for linking the two tables.
az group create --name moody-flask --location eastus
az aks create --resource-group moody-flask --name flaskcluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
az aks get-credentials --resource-group moody-flask --name flaskcluster
kubectl get nodes
$ kubectl.exe get nodes
aks-nodepool1-11853184-vmss000000 Ready agent 7m19s v1.25.6
az acr create --resource-group moody-flask --name bkinmoodyflask --sku Basic
$ az acr show-endpoints --name bkinmoodyflask
←[93mTo configure client firewall w/o using wildcard storage blob urls, use "az acr update --name bkinmoodyflask --data-endpoint-enabled" to enable dedicated data endpoints.←[0m
"dataEndpoints": [
"endpoint": "*.blob.core.windows.net",
"region": "eastus"
"loginServer": "bkinmoodyflask.azurecr.io"
loginServer": "bkinmoodyflask.azurecr.io
az aks update -n flaskcluster -g moody-flask --attach-acr bkinmoodyflask
kubectl create deployment primary --image=bkinmoodyflask.azurecr.io/moodyflask:v0.2