This repository contains the cRemoteDesktopGateway PowerShell module, containing Microsoft Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources to manage Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG).
- ESNAD_cConnectionAccessPolicy set connection access policy
- ESNAD_cRemoteDesktopGatewayServer set remote desktop gateway properties
- ESNAD_cResourceAccessPolicy set resource access policy
- ESNAD_cSSLCertificate set SSL certificate binding for Remote desktop Gateway
- Ensure: Wheter the rule should be present or removed
- RuleName Rule name
- Usergroups Contains user groups that are associated with the connection authorization policy (CAP).
- Status Specifies whether this connection authorization policy (CAP) will be used to evaluate a user for authorization. 0 - No, 1 - Yes.
- AuthMethod: Specifies how the RD Gateway server authenticates users. 0 - No authentication, 1 - Password authentication, 2 - Smart card authentication, 3 - Password and smart card authentication.
- AllowOnlySDRTSServers: Specifies whether connections are allowed only to Remote Desktop Session Host servers that enforce Remote Desktop Gateway redirection policy. 0 - No, 1 - Yes.
- IdleTimeout: Specifies the time interval, in minutes, after which an idle session is disconnected. A value of zero specifies an infinite amount of time.
- SessionTimeout: Specifies the action the server takes when a session times out. 0 - Disconnect the session, 1 - Silently reauthenticate and reauthorize the session.
- SessionTimeoutAction: Specifies the action the server takes when a session times out. 0 - Disconnect the session, 1 - Silently reauthenticate and reauthorize the session.
- EvaluationOrder: Specifies the evaluation order of the connection authorization policy (CAP). The CAP in which EvaluationOrder is set to a value of '1' is evaluated first.
- MaxConnections: Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed by the administrator. If this item is set to zero, no new connections are allowed.
- RequestSOH: Specifies whether to request clients to send a statement of health. 0 - No, 1 - Yes.
- SSLBridging: Specifies whether to use SSL Bridging. 0 - No SSL bridging, 1 - HTTPS-HTTP bridging, 2 - HTTPS-HTTPS bridging.
- CentralCAPEnabled Specifies where to store connection authorization policies (CAPs). 0 - Local Network Policy Server, 1- Central Network Policy Server.
- EnableOnlyMessagingCapableClients Specifies whether only clients that support logon messages and administrator messages can connect. 0 - No, 1 - Yes.
- Ensure: Wheter the rule should be present or removed
- RuleName: Resource access policy rule name
- Status: Specifies whether this resource authorization policy (RAP) will be used to authorize a user. 0 - No, 1 - Yes.
- PortNumbers: Specifies the port numbers for the ports through which connections are allowed for this policy. To allow connections through any port, specify '*' .
- ComputerGroupType: Specifies the computer group type. 0 - RD Gateway-managed group, 1 - Active Directory Domain Services network resource group, 2 - Allow users to connect to any network resource.
- ComputerGroup: Specifies the computer group that is associated with this resource authorization policy (RAP).
- UserGroups: Specifies the user groups that are associated with this resource authorization policy (RAP). A user must belong to one of these groups to access the RD Gateway server.
- Thumbprint: Contains the thumbprint of the SSL certificate to use.
The author of this module is Bart Danse.