brew services start grabbit
This runs when started and every Monday at 10AM.
See brew services --help
for more info
Copy the plist
stuff from ./.goreleaser.yml to a file named ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bbkane.grabbit.plist
and change the following:
-> full path to grabbit binary
Turn it on with:
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.bbkane.grabbit.plist
See the following links to read up on launchd
or generate plist
- (the app costs $15)
This runs when started and every Monday at 10AM
See the following links to read up on systemd
or generate timers
See the following links to read up crond
or generate entries:
I don't regularly use Windows so I can't really help here. If you have a nice way to schedule grabbit on Windows, I'd appreciate a Pull Request updating this section