From 47064a1dcc41749f372c9a7779f9d71a3a8936c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: folhesgabriel <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 12:21:27 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: caged crawler

 models/br_me_caged/code/ | 191 +++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 163 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/br_me_caged/code/ b/models/br_me_caged/code/
index 5bdf6153..e27999c8 100644
--- a/models/br_me_caged/code/
+++ b/models/br_me_caged/code/
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 from datetime import timedelta
 from unidecode import unidecode
 import re
+from datetime import datetime, date
+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
     "uf" : "sigla_uf",
@@ -37,9 +39,12 @@
 def download_file(ftp, remote_dir, filename, local_dir):
-    Downloads and extracts a .7z file from an FTP server.
+    Downloads and extracts a .7z file from an FTP server with error handling.
         ftp (ftplib.FTP): an active FTP connection
@@ -48,34 +53,83 @@ def download_file(ftp, remote_dir, filename, local_dir):
         local_dir (str): the local directory to save and extract the file
-        None
+        bool: True if file downloaded and extracted successfully, False otherwise
+    global CORRUPT_FILES
     os.makedirs(local_dir, exist_ok=True)
     output_path = os.path.join(local_dir, filename)
-    with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
-        ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, f.write)
+    try:
+        with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
+            ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, f.write)
-    with py7zr.SevenZipFile(output_path, 'r') as archive:
-        archive.extractall(path=local_dir)
+        try:
+            with py7zr.SevenZipFile(output_path, 'r') as archive:
+                archive.extractall(path=local_dir)
+            os.remove(output_path)
+            return True
+        except (py7zr.Bad7zFile, _lzma.LZMAError) as extract_error:
+            print(f"Error extracting file {filename}: {extract_error}")
+            CORRUPT_FILES.append({
+                'filename': filename,
+                'local_path': output_path,
+                'error': str(extract_error)
+            })
+            return False
+    except Exception as download_error:
+        print(f"Error downloading file {filename}: {download_error}")
+        CORRUPT_FILES.append({
+            'filename': filename,
+            'local_path': output_path,
+            'error': str(download_error)
+        })
+        print(f'removendo zip corroimpido {output_path}')
+        if os.path.exists(output_path): 
+            os.remove(output_path)
+        txt_output_path = output_path.replace('.7z', '.txt')
+        print(f'removendo txt corroimpido {txt_output_path}')
+        if os.path.exists(txt_output_path): 
+            os.remove(txt_output_path)
+        return False 
-    os.remove(output_path)
-def crawler_novo_caged_ftp(yearmonth: str, ftp_host="") -> None:
+def crawler_novo_caged_ftp(
+    yearmonth: str, 
+    ftp_host: str = "", 
+    file_types: list = None
+) -> list:
-    Downloads all .7z files from a specified year and month in the CAGED dataset from CAGED/
+    Downloads specified .7z files from a CAGED dataset FTP server.
         yearmonth (str): the month to download data from (e.g., '202301' for January 2023)
         ftp_host (str): the FTP host to connect to (default: "")
+        file_types (list): list of file types to download. 
+                           Options: 'MOV' (movement), 'FOR' (out of deadline), 'EXC' (excluded)
+                           If None, downloads all files
-        None
+        list: List of successfully and unsuccessfully downloaded files
+    global CORRUPT_FILES
     if len(yearmonth) != 6 or not yearmonth.isdigit():
         raise ValueError("yearmonth must be a string in the format 'YYYYMM'")
+    if file_types:
+        file_types = [ft.upper() for ft in file_types]
+        valid_types = ['MOV', 'FOR', 'EXC']
+        if not all(ft in valid_types for ft in file_types):
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid file types. Choose from {valid_types}")
     ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftp_host)
     ftp.cwd(f'pdet/microdados/NOVO CAGED/{int(yearmonth[0:4])}/')
@@ -88,19 +142,46 @@ def crawler_novo_caged_ftp(yearmonth: str, ftp_host="") -> None:
     print(f'Baixando para o mês: {yearmonth}')
     filenames = [f for f in ftp.nlst() if f.endswith('.7z')]
+    successful_downloads = []
+    failed_downloads = []
     for file in filenames:
-        if file.startswith('CAGEDMOV'):
+        if 'CAGEDMOV' in file and (not file_types or 'MOV' in file_types):
             print(f'Baixando o arquivo: {file}')
-            download_file(ftp, yearmonth, file, "/tmp/caged/microdados_movimentacao/input/")
-        elif file.startswith('CAGEDFOR'):
+            success = download_file(ftp, yearmonth, file, "/tmp/caged/microdados_movimentacao/input/")
+            (successful_downloads if success else failed_downloads).append(file)
+        elif 'CAGEDFOR' in file and (not file_types or 'FOR' in file_types):
             print(f'Baixando o arquivo: {file}')
-            download_file(ftp, yearmonth, file, "/tmp/caged/microdados_movimentacao_fora_prazo/input/")
-        elif file.startswith('CAGEDEXC'):
+            success = download_file(ftp, yearmonth, file, "/tmp/caged/microdados_movimentacao_fora_prazo/input/")
+            (successful_downloads if success else failed_downloads).append(file)
+        elif 'CAGEDEXC' in file and (not file_types or 'EXC' in file_types):
             print(f'Baixando o arquivo: {file}')
-            download_file(ftp, yearmonth, file, "/tmp/caged/microdados_movimentacao_excluida/input/")
+            success = download_file(ftp, yearmonth, file, "/tmp/caged/microdados_movimentacao_excluida/input/")
+            (successful_downloads if success else failed_downloads).append(file)
+    print("\nDownload Summary:")
+    print(f"Successfully downloaded: {successful_downloads}")
+    print(f"Failed downloads: {failed_downloads}")
+        print("\nCorrupt Files Details:")
+        for corrupt_file in CORRUPT_FILES:
+            print(f"Filename: {corrupt_file['filename']}")
+            print(f"Local Path: {corrupt_file['local_path']}")
+            print(f"Error: {corrupt_file['error']}")
+            print("---")
+    return {
+        'successful': successful_downloads, 
+        'failed': failed_downloads, 
+        'corrupt_files': CORRUPT_FILES
+    }
 def build_partitions(table_id: str, yearmonth: str) -> str:
     build partitions from gtup files
@@ -137,9 +218,13 @@ def build_partitions(table_id: str, yearmonth: str) -> str:
     for uf in dict_uf.values():
-        os.system(f"mkdir -p /tmp/caged/{table_id}/output/ano={yearmonth[0:4]}/mes={int(yearmonth[4:])}/sigla_uf={uf}/")
+        os.makedirs(
+            f"/tmp/caged/{table_id}/output/ano={yearmonth[0:4]}/mes={int(yearmonth[4:])}/sigla_uf={uf}/", 
+            exist_ok=True
+        )
+    input_files = glob(f"/tmp/caged/{table_id}/input/*{yearmonth}*")
-    input_files = glob(f"/tmp/caged/{table_id}/input/*txt")
     for filename in tqdm(input_files):
         df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=";", dtype={"uf": str})
@@ -151,16 +236,17 @@ def build_partitions(table_id: str, yearmonth: str) -> str:
         df["uf"] = df["uf"].map(dict_uf)
         df.rename(columns=RENAME_DICT, inplace=True)
-        df.columns
         for state in dict_uf.values():
             data = df[df["sigla_uf"] == state]
-            if table_id != 'microdados_movimentacao_excluida':
+            if table_id == 'microdados_movimentacao':
                 data = data.drop(["competenciamov", "sigla_uf", "regiao","competenciadec", "unidadesalariocodigo", "valorsalariofixo"], axis=1)
-            else:
-                data = data.drop(["competenciamov", "sigla_uf", "regiao","competenciadec", "unidadesalariocodigo", "valorsalariofixo", "competenciaexc"], axis=1)
+            elif table_id == 'microdados_movimentacao_fora_prazo':
+                data = data.drop(["sigla_uf", "regiao","competenciadec", "unidadesalariocodigo", "valorsalariofixo"], axis=1)
+            elif table_id == 'microdados_movimentacao_excluida':
+                data = data.drop(["sigla_uf", "regiao","competenciadec", "unidadesalariocodigo", "valorsalariofixo", "competenciaexc"], axis=1)
@@ -168,8 +254,57 @@ def build_partitions(table_id: str, yearmonth: str) -> str:
             del data
         del df
+def generate_yearmonth_range(start_date: str, end_date: str) -> list:
+    """
+    Generate a list of yearmonth strings between start_date and end_date (inclusive).
+    Parameters:
+    start_date (str): Start date in format 'YYYYMM'
+    end_date (str): End date in format 'YYYYMM'
+    Returns:
+    list: List of yearmonth strings in chronological order
+    Raises:
+    ValueError: If date format is incorrect or start_date is after end_date
+    """
+    # Validate input format
+    if not (len(start_date) == 6 and len(end_date) == 6 and 
+            start_date.isdigit() and end_date.isdigit()):
+        raise ValueError("Dates must be in 'YYYYMM' format")
+    # Convert to datetime objects
+    start = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y%m')
+    end = datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y%m')
+    # Validate date order
+    if start > end:
+        raise ValueError("Start date must be before or equal to end date")
+    # Generate list of yearmonths
+    yearmonths = []
+    current = start
+    while current <= end:
+        yearmonths.append(current.strftime('%Y%m'))
+        current += relativedelta(months=1)
+    return yearmonths
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    YEARMONTH = '202301'
-    TABLE =  'microdados_movimentacao'
-    crawler_novo_caged_ftp(yearmonth=YEARMONTH)
-    build_partitions(table_id=TABLE, yearmonth=YEARMONTH)
+    #NOTE: mude intervalo de datas e de tabelas conforme necessário
+    date_range = generate_yearmonth_range('202002', '202410')
+    table_ids = ['microdados_movimentacao_fora_prazo','microdados_movimentacao_excluida']
+    for YEARMONTH in date_range:
+        TABLE = 'microdados_movimentacao_excluida'
+        downloads = crawler_novo_caged_ftp(yearmonth=YEARMONTH, file_types=['EXC', 'FOR'])
+        print(downloads)
+    for table in table_ids:
+        for YEARMONTH in date_range:    
+            build_partitions(table_id=table, yearmonth=YEARMONTH)
\ No newline at end of file