Repository to store compose dojo workshops
You can find board of compose dojos here:
- Create your module (add some dependencies if needed). Use the following command to create a new module:
./gradlew createModule -PmoduleNameInCamelCase=MyNewModule
- Add your screen to the file screenList.kt
- [optional] prepare some code in the module
- Check it builds then push the code on main branch
- [optional] On a other branch put expected result/ help / partial result
- Let's train !
- add a readme containing GIF of the result in the module
- push the result on the main branch
- if valuable
- show to design team / interesed people in BAM
- write an article if not already written
- Share on Twitter/linkedin
- export it to School dojo
Use android studio to run the project on emulator or android device
Open the project in Xcode and run the project on a simulator or iOS device. Set up the team in the Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode if needed.
Run the following command in the terminal:
./gradlew :composeApp:wasmJsBrowserDevelopmentRun
Run the following command in the terminal:
./gradlew :composeApp:run