Helps you add UUID for propel ActiveRecord
This behavior requires Propel >= 1.6.0 and Ramsey\Uuid for PHP >= 5.4
Get the code by cloning this repository, or by using Composer (recommended):
"require": {
"badlamer/propel-uuid-behavior": "dev-master"
Then, if you don't use Composer, or an autoloader in your application, add the
following configuration to your
or propel.ini
propel.behavior.uuid.class = vendor.badlamer.propel-uuid-behavior.src.UuidBehavior
is the path to access theUuidBehavior
class in "dot-path" notation.
Then declare the behavior in your schema.xml
<table name="person">
Explict define a column, else the beavior would create a colum called "uuid".
We need to have at least one column with primaryKey="true" to avoid the error:
>>Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getPhpName() on null in [...] vendor/propel/propel1/generator/lib/builder/om/QueryBuilder.php:478<<
<column name="id" type="CHAR" size="36" required="true" primaryKey="true" />
We are linking the column with the name >>id<< to the behavior.
Now the uuid generation is used for each new created entity.
<behavior name="uuid">
<parameter name="name" value="id" />