diff --git a/Release/Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.VideoImporters.dll b/Release/Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.VideoImporters.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b31c12
Binary files /dev/null and b/Release/Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.VideoImporters.dll differ
diff --git a/Release/RF_Center_1.fsx b/Release/RF_Center_1.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2429088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Release/RF_Center_1.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// F# Script File : RF_Center_1.fsx
+// Mapping Receptive Field Center Location Use Drift Grating(one marker)
+// Copyright (c) 2009-06-13 Zhang Li
+#r @"StiLib.dll"
+#r @"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll"
+open System
+open System.Windows.Forms
+open Microsoft.Xna.Framework
+open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
+open StiLib.Core
+open StiLib.Vision
+// Our Custom Experiment is inherited from StiLib.Core.SLForm
+type MyEx = class
+ inherit SLForm
+ val mutable text: Text
+ val mutable ex: SLExperiment
+ val mutable grating: Grating
+ val mutable step: float32
+ new() as this =
+ { inherit SLForm(800, 600, 0, true, true); grating = null; text = null; ex = null; step = 0.0f }
+ then
+ this.text <- new Text(this.GraphicsDevice, this.Services, this.SLConfig.["content"], "Thames")
+ this.ex <- new SLExperiment()
+ this.ex.AddExType(ExType.RF)
+ this.ex.Expara.trial <- 15
+ this.ex.Expara.durT <- 0.05f
+ this.ex.Expara.bgcolor <- Color.Gray
+ let mutable gpara = GratingPara.Default
+ gpara.tf <- 0.0f
+ gpara.sf <- 0.8f
+ gpara.sphase <- 0.0f
+ gpara.BasePara.diameter <- 2.0f
+ gpara.BasePara.movearea <- 4.0f
+ gpara.direction <- 45.0f
+ gpara.BasePara.center <- new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
+ this.grating <- new Grating(this.GraphicsDevice, this.Services, this.SLConfig.["content"], gpara)
+ this.step <- 0.3f
+ this.InitGrid()
+ member this.InitGrid() =
+ let mutable row = int( Math.Floor(float( this.grating.Para.BasePara.movearea / this.step )) )
+ if row % 2 = 0 then
+ row <- row + 1
+ this.ex.AddCondition(ExPara.Location, row)
+ override this.SetFlow() =
+ this.ex.Flow.TCount <- 0
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount <- 0
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- false
+ override this.MarkHead() =
+ this.DrawTip(ref this.text, this.ex.Expara.bgcolor, SLConstant.MarkHead)
+ this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0] <- this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN * this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN
+ this.ex.Rand.RandomizeSeed()
+ this.ex.Rand.RandomizeSequence(this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0])
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Extype.[0].Value)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Cond.[0].SKEY)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Rand.RSeed)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Expara.trial)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerSeparatorEncode()
+ this.grating.Para.Encode(this.ex.PPort)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(int( Math.Floor(float(this.step) * 100.0) ))
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEndEncode()
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- true
+ override this.Update() =
+ if this.GO_OVER = true then
+ this.Update_fGrating()
+ override this.Draw() =
+ this.GraphicsDevice.Clear(this.ex.Expara.bgcolor)
+ if this.GO_OVER = true then
+ this.grating.Draw(this.GraphicsDevice)
+ this.ex.Flow.Info <- this.ex.Flow.TCount.ToString() + " / " + this.ex.Expara.trial.ToString() + " Trials\n" +
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount.ToString() + " / " + this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0].ToString() + " Stimuli"
+ this.text.Draw(this.ex.Flow.Info)
+ else
+ this.text.Draw()
+ member this.Update_fGrating() =
+ if this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn = true then
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- false
+ this.ex.PPort.timer.ReStart()
+ do this.ex.PPort.Trigger()
+ if this.ex.PPort.timer.ElapsedSeconds < float this.ex.Expara.durT + 0.001 then
+ if this.ex.Flow.IsPred = false then
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- true
+ let RCount = Math.Floor(float (this.ex.Rand.RSequence.[this.ex.Flow.SCount] / this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN))
+ let CCount = this.ex.Rand.RSequence.[this.ex.Flow.SCount] % this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN
+ let Xgrid = -float32(this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN - 1) * this.step / 2.0f + this.step * float32(CCount)
+ let Ygrid = float32(this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN - 1) * this.step / 2.0f - this.step * float32(RCount)
+ this.ex.Flow.Rotate <- Matrix.CreateRotationZ(this.grating.Para.direction * float32 SLConstant.RadpDeg)
+ this.ex.Flow.Translate <- Matrix.CreateTranslation(Xgrid, Ygrid, 0.0f) * this.ex.Flow.Rotate * Matrix.CreateTranslation(this.grating.Para.BasePara.center)
+ this.grating.SetWorld(this.ex.Flow.Translate)
+ this.grating.SetTime(float32 this.ex.PPort.timer.ElapsedSeconds)
+ else
+ if this.ex.Flow.SCount - this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0] < -1 then
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- true
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount <- this.ex.Flow.SCount + 1
+ else
+ if this.ex.Flow.TCount - this.ex.Expara.trial < -1 then
+ this.ex.Rand.RandomizeSequence(this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0])
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- true
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.TCount <- this.ex.Flow.TCount + 1
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount <- 0
+ else
+ this.GO_OVER <- false
+ this.Update()
+let MyExperiment = new MyEx(Text = "F# Scripting RF_Center_1")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/RF_Center_2.fsx b/Release/RF_Center_2.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d71b805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Release/RF_Center_2.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// F# Script File : RF_Center_2.fsx
+// Mapping Receptive Field Center Location Use Drift Grating(two marker)
+// Copyright (c) 2009-06-13 Zhang Li
+#r @"StiLib.dll"
+#r @"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll"
+open System
+open System.Windows.Forms
+open Microsoft.Xna.Framework
+open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
+open StiLib.Core
+open StiLib.Vision
+// Our Custom Experiment is inherited from StiLib.Core.SLForm
+type MyEx = class
+ inherit SLForm
+ val mutable text: Text
+ val mutable ex: SLExperiment
+ val mutable grating: Grating
+ val mutable step: float32
+ new() as this =
+ { inherit SLForm(800, 600, 0, true, true); grating = null; text = null; ex = null; step = 0.0f }
+ then
+ this.text <- new Text(this.GraphicsDevice, this.Services, this.SLConfig.["content"], "Thames")
+ this.ex <- new SLExperiment()
+ this.ex.AddExType(ExType.RF)
+ this.ex.Expara.trial <- 15
+ this.ex.Expara.srestT <- 0.25f
+ this.ex.Expara.trestT <- 0.25f
+ this.ex.Expara.durT <- 0.5f
+ this.ex.Expara.bgcolor <- Color.Black
+ let mutable gpara = GratingPara.Default
+ gpara.tf <- 4.0f
+ gpara.sf <- 0.8f
+ gpara.sphase <- 0.0f
+ gpara.BasePara.diameter <- 2.0f
+ gpara.BasePara.movearea <- 5.0f
+ gpara.direction <- 90.0f
+ gpara.BasePara.center <- new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
+ this.grating <- new Grating(this.GraphicsDevice, this.Services, this.SLConfig.["content"], gpara)
+ this.step <- 0.25f
+ this.InitGrid()
+ member this.InitGrid() =
+ let mutable row = int( Math.Floor(float( this.grating.Para.BasePara.movearea / this.step )) )
+ if row % 2 = 0 then
+ row <- row + 1
+ this.ex.AddCondition(ExPara.Location, row)
+ override this.SetFlow() =
+ this.ex.Flow.TCount <- 0
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount <- 0
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.IsRested <- false
+ override this.MarkHead() =
+ this.DrawTip(ref this.text, this.ex.Expara.bgcolor, SLConstant.MarkHead)
+ this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0] <- this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN * this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN
+ this.ex.Rand.RandomizeSeed()
+ this.ex.Rand.RandomizeSequence(this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0])
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Extype.[0].Value)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Cond.[0].SKEY)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Rand.RSeed)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(this.ex.Expara.trial)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerSeparatorEncode()
+ this.grating.Para.Encode(this.ex.PPort)
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEncode(int( Math.Floor(float(this.step) * 100.0) ))
+ this.ex.PPort.MarkerEndEncode()
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- true
+ override this.Update() =
+ if this.GO_OVER = true then
+ this.Update_fGrating()
+ override this.Draw() =
+ this.GraphicsDevice.Clear(this.ex.Expara.bgcolor)
+ if this.GO_OVER = true then
+ this.grating.Draw(this.GraphicsDevice)
+ this.ex.Flow.Info <- this.ex.Flow.TCount.ToString() + " / " + this.ex.Expara.trial.ToString() + " Trials\n" +
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount.ToString() + " / " + this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0].ToString() + " Stimuli"
+ this.text.Draw(this.ex.Flow.Info)
+ else
+ this.text.Draw()
+ member this.Update_fGrating() =
+ if this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn = true then
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- false
+ this.ex.PPort.timer.ReStart()
+ do this.ex.PPort.Trigger()
+ if this.ex.PPort.timer.ElapsedSeconds < float this.ex.Expara.durT then
+ if this.ex.Flow.IsPred = false then
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- true
+ let RCount = Math.Floor(float (this.ex.Rand.RSequence.[this.ex.Flow.SCount] / this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN))
+ let CCount = this.ex.Rand.RSequence.[this.ex.Flow.SCount] % this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN
+ let Xgrid = -float32(this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN - 1) * this.step / 2.0f + this.step * float32(CCount)
+ let Ygrid = float32(this.ex.Cond.[0].VALUE.ValueN - 1) * this.step / 2.0f - this.step * float32(RCount)
+ this.ex.Flow.Rotate <- Matrix.CreateRotationZ(this.grating.Para.direction * float32 SLConstant.RadpDeg)
+ this.ex.Flow.Translate <- Matrix.CreateTranslation(Xgrid, Ygrid, 0.0f) * this.ex.Flow.Rotate * Matrix.CreateTranslation(this.grating.Para.BasePara.center)
+ this.grating.SetWorld(this.ex.Flow.Translate)
+ this.grating.SetVisible(true)
+ this.grating.SetTime(float32 this.ex.PPort.timer.ElapsedSeconds)
+ else
+ if this.ex.Flow.IsRested = false then
+ do this.ex.PPort.Trigger()
+ this.ex.Flow.IsRested <- true
+ this.grating.SetVisible(false)
+ if this.ex.Flow.SCount - this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0] < -1 then
+ if this.ex.PPort.timer.ElapsedSeconds > float this.ex.Expara.durT + float this.ex.Expara.srestT then
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- true
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.IsRested <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount <- this.ex.Flow.SCount + 1
+ else
+ if this.ex.Flow.TCount - this.ex.Expara.trial < -1 then
+ if this.ex.PPort.timer.ElapsedSeconds > float this.ex.Expara.durT + float this.ex.Expara.trestT then
+ this.ex.Rand.RandomizeSequence(this.ex.Expara.stimuli.[0])
+ this.ex.Flow.IsStiOn <- true
+ this.ex.Flow.IsPred <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.IsRested <- false
+ this.ex.Flow.TCount <- this.ex.Flow.TCount + 1
+ this.ex.Flow.SCount <- 0
+ else
+ this.GO_OVER <- false
+let MyExperiment = new MyEx(Text = "F# Scripting RF_Center_2")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/StiLib/StiLib/Vision/SLVideo.cs b/StiLib/StiLib/Vision/SLVideo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb46ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/StiLib/StiLib/Vision/SLVideo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#region File Description
+// SLVideo.cs
+// StiLib Video
+// Copyright (c) Zhang Li. 2009-06-19.
+#region Using Statements
+using System;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+namespace StiLib.Vision
+ ///
+ /// StiLib Video
+ ///
+ public class SLVideo : VisionStimulus
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Sprite Batch
+ ///
+ public SpriteBatch SpriteBatch;
+ ///
+ /// Basic Parameters
+ ///
+ public BasePara BasePara;
+ ///
+ /// Content Manager
+ ///
+ public ContentManager ContentManager;
+ ///
+ /// Video Texture
+ ///
+ public Texture2D Texture;
+ Video video;
+ VideoPlayer vplayer;
+ ///
+ /// Get the Video Player
+ ///
+ public VideoPlayer Player
+ {
+ get { return vplayer; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Set Video parameters to default,
+ /// before LoadContent() and Init()
+ ///
+ public SLVideo()
+ {
+ BasePara = BasePara.Default;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Init to default
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public SLVideo(GraphicsDevice gd, IServiceProvider service, string path, string videoname)
+ : this()
+ {
+ LoadContent(service, path, videoname);
+ Init(gd);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Init to custom base parameters
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public SLVideo(GraphicsDevice gd, IServiceProvider service, string path, string videoname, BasePara bpara)
+ : base(gd)
+ {
+ LoadContent(service, path, videoname);
+ Init(gd, bpara);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Load Compiled Video.xnb File using Content Manager
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void LoadContent(IServiceProvider service, string path, string videoname)
+ {
+ ContentManager = new ContentManager(service, path);
+ try
+ {
+ video = ContentManager.Load