diff --git a/Control coverage/Feature/CDN.md b/Control coverage/Feature/CDN.md
index 0dbee199..f6a554b8 100644
--- a/Control coverage/Feature/CDN.md
+++ b/Control coverage/Feature/CDN.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
- [Azure_CDN_DP_Enable_Https](#azure_cdn_dp_enable_https)
+- [Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration](#azure_frontdoor_cdnprofile_netsec_enable_waf_configuration)
@@ -60,5 +61,69 @@ One of the following conditions is met:
properties.isHttpAllowed, properties.isHttpsAllowed, properties.deliveryPolicy.rules
+ ## Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration
+### Display Name
+Front Door should have Web Application Firewall configured
+### Rationale
+Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Front Door provides centralized protection for your web applications. WAF defends your web services against common exploits & vulnerablities. It keeps your service highly available for your users and helps you meet compliance requirements.
+ ### Control Spec
+> **Passed:**
+> Web Application Firewall has been configured on Front Door CDN
+> and Configured WAF Policy mode must be Prevention only.
+> and Configured WAF Policy mode must be in Enabled State only.
+> **Failed:**
+> WAF is not configured on Front Door CDN.
+> or Configured WAF Policy mode is not Prevention.
+> or Configured WAF Policy mode is not in Enabled State.
+> **Error:**
+> There was an error fetching WAF Configuration details of Front Door CDN.
+### Recommendation
+- **Azure Portal**
+ Use the Azure portal to configure WAF Policy on the Front Door CDN.
+- **Powershell**
+ Use following Powershell Bulk Remediation scripts to Configure WAF Policy on the Front Door CDN:
+ You can configure WAF Policy on Front Door using below BRS:
+ [Remediate-ConfigureWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN](../../Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-ConfigureWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN.ps1)
+ You can enable State of WAF Policy configured on Front Door using below BRS:
+ [Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN](../../Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN.ps1)
+ You can enable Prevention Mode on WAF Policy configured on Front Door using below BRS:
+ [Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDN](../../Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDN.ps1)
+### Azure Policy or ARM API used for evaluation
+- ARM API to get Front Door resources in a subscription: /subscriptions/{0}/
+**Properties:** [*]
+- ARM API to get Front Door Endpoints resources in a subscription: /subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{2}/afdEndpoints?api-version=2021-06-01
+**Properties:** [*].properties.hostname, [*].properties.enabledState,
+- ARM API to get WAF Policies in a subscription: /subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Network/frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies?api-version=2020-11-01
+**Properties:** [*].properties.policySettings
+- ARM API to get Security Policies in a subscription:
+ /subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{2}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01
+**Properties:** [*].properties.parameters
diff --git a/Control coverage/README.md b/Control coverage/README.md
index 35f27e5e..1fb6ecec 100644
--- a/Control coverage/README.md
+++ b/Control coverage/README.md
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Below resource types can be checked for validating the security controls:
## Externally Scanned controls in Azure Tenant Security (AzTS)
There are certain controls that cannot be effectively evaluated by AzTS (due to various limitations for e.g. some controls requires VM instances to be in running state) for such controls AzTS will put verification result as 'ExtScanned'. And effective verification result of such controls should be determined based on external feeds later (if available).
diff --git a/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Readme.md b/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Readme.md
index 3e2285dd..386939df 100644
--- a/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Readme.md
+++ b/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Readme.md
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Bulk remediation scripts (BRS) can be used to remediate non-compliant resources/
28. [Azure_Storage_DP_Use_Secure_TLS_Version_Trial](Readme.md#28-Azure_Storage_DP_Use_Secure_TLS_Version_Trial)
29. [Azure_ApplicationGateway_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration](Readme.md#29-Azure_ApplicationGateway_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration)
30. [Azure_LoadBalancer_NetSec_Restrict_Network_Traffic](Readme.md#30-Azure_LoadBalancer_NetSec_Restrict_Network_Traffic)
+32. [Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration](Readme.md#32-Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration)
@@ -606,7 +607,6 @@ Yes
## 29. Azure_ApplicationGateway_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration
### Display Name
@@ -651,6 +651,31 @@ Yes
+## 32. Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration
+### Display Name
+WAF Policy should be configured on Endpoints in Front Door
+### Link to Bulk Remediation Script (BRS)
+You can Configure WAF Policy on Front Door CDN using below BRS:
+You can enable State of WAF Policy configured on Front Door using below BRS:
+You can enable Prevention Mode on WAF Policy configured on Front Door using below BRS:
+### Minimum permissions required to run the script
+Contributor role at resource level
+### [Supports managed identity](Readme.md#supports-managed-identity-based-remediations) based remediation
+### Supports rollback?
## Supports managed identity based remediations
Both System assigned and User assigned managed identities are supported.
diff --git a/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN.ps1 b/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f1e9537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+# Overview:
+ This script is used to enable state of the WAF Policy configured on endpoints of Front Door CDNs in a Subscription.
+# Control ID:
+ Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration
+# Display Name:
+ Front Door should have Web Application Firewall configured
+# Prerequisites:
+ 1. Contributor or higher privileges on the Front Door CDNs in a Subscription.
+ 2. Must be connected to Azure with an authenticated account.
+# Steps performed by the script:
+ To remediate:
+ 1. Validate and install the modules required to run the script.
+ 2. Get the list of all Front Door CDNs Endpoints in a Subscription that do not have WAF Policy Enabled
+ 3. Back up details of Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) that are to be remediated.
+ 4. Enable Policy for all endpoints in the Front Doors.
+ To roll back:
+ 1. Validate and install the modules required to run the script.
+ 2. Get the list of Front Doors' Endpoint(s) in a Subscription, the changes made to which previously, are to be rolled back.
+ 3. Revert back Policy State to Disabled for all endpoints in all the Front Doors.
+# Instructions to execute the script:
+ To remediate:
+ 1. Download the script.
+ 2. Load the script in a PowerShell session. Refer https://aka.ms/AzTS-docs/RemediationscriptExcSteps to know more about loading the script.
+ 3. Execute the script to enable WAF Policy on All endpoints of Front Door CDNs in a Subscription. Refer `Examples`, below.
+ To roll back:
+ 1. Download the script.
+ 2. Load the script in a PowerShell session. Refer https://aka.ms/AzTS-docs/RemediationscriptExcSteps to know more about loading the script.
+ 3. Execute the script to disable WAF Policy on All endpoints of Front Door CDNs in a Subscription. Refer `Examples`, below.
+# Examples:
+ To remediate:
+ 1. To review the Front Door CDNs in a Subscription that will be remediated:
+ Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -DryRun
+ 2. To Enable WAF Policy for Endpoint(s) of all Front Door CDNs in a Subscription:
+ Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck
+ 3. To Enable WAF Policy for Endpoint(s) of all Front Door CDNs in a Subscription, from a previously taken snapshot:
+ Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202109131040\EnableFrontDoorCDNWAFPolicy\frontdoorCDNEndpointsWithoutPolicyEnabled.csv
+ To know more about the options supported by the remediation command, execute:
+ Get-Help Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -Detailed
+ To roll back:
+ 1. To Disable WAF Policy for Endpoint(s) all Front Door CDNs in a Subscription, from a previously taken snapshot:
+ Disable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202109131040\EnableFrontDoorCDNWAFPolicy\RemediatedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForEnabledState.csv
+ To know more about the options supported by the roll back command, execute:
+ Get-Help Disable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -Detailed
+function Setup-Prerequisites
+ <#
+ Checks if the prerequisites are met, else, sets them up.
+ Checks if the prerequisites are met, else, sets them up.
+ Includes installing any required Azure modules.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to Setup-Prerequisites.
+ None. Setup-Prerequisites does not return anything that can be piped and used as an input to another command.
+ PS> Setup-Prerequisites
+ None
+ #>
+ # List of required modules
+ $requiredModules = @("Az.Accounts", "Az.FrontDoor", "Az.Cdn")
+ Write-Host "Required modules: $($requiredModules -join ', ')"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Checking if the required modules are present..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $availableModules = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable $requiredModules -ErrorAction Stop)
+ # Check if the required modules are installed.
+ $requiredModules | ForEach-Object {
+ if ($availableModules.Name -notcontains $_)
+ {
+ Write-Host "[$($_)] module is not present." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host "Installing [$($_)] module..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Install-Module -Name $_ -Scope CurrentUser -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "[$($_)] module installed." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[$($_)] module is present." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ }
+function Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN
+ <#
+ Remediates 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ Remediates 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ WAF Policy must be Enabled for Front Door CDN Endpoint(s).
+ .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
+ Specifies the ID of the Subscription to be remediated.
+ Specifies a forceful remediation without any prompts.
+ .Parameter PerformPreReqCheck
+ Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command.
+ Specifies a dry run of the actual remediation.
+ Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the remediation.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoors.
+ None. Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN does not return anything that can be piped and used as an input to another command.
+ PS> Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -DryRun
+ PS> Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck
+ PS> Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202201011212\EnableFrontDoorCDNWAFPolicy\frontdoorCDNEndpointsWithoutPolicyEnabled.csv
+ None
+ #>
+ param (
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DryRun", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the ID of the Subscription to be remediated")]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the ID of the Subscription to be remediated")]
+ $SubscriptionId,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", HelpMessage="Specifies a forceful remediation without any prompts")]
+ $Force,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DryRun", HelpMessage="Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command")]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", HelpMessage="Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command")]
+ $PerformPreReqCheck,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DryRun", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies a dry run of the actual remediation")]
+ $DryRun,
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", HelpMessage="Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the remediation")]
+ $FilePath
+ )
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ if ($PerformPreReqCheck)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 5] Validate and install the modules required to run the script and validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Setting up prerequisites..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Setup-Prerequisites
+ Write-Host "Completed setting up prerequisites." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error occurred while setting up prerequisites. Error: $($_)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 5] Validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ # Connect to Azure account
+ $context = Get-AzContext
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($context))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Connecting to Azure account..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ Write-Host "Connected to Azure account." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ # Setting up context for the current Subscription.
+ $context = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "Subscription Name: [$($context.Subscription.Name)]"
+ Write-Host "Subscription ID: [$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Name: [$($context.Account.Id)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Type: [$($context.Account.Type)]"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "To enable WAF Policy for Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) in a Subscription, Contributor or higher privileges on the Front Door CDNs are required." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "[Step 2 of 5] Preparing to fetch all Front Door CDNs"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $frontDoorCDNs = @()
+ $frontDoorEndPoints = @()
+ $resourceAppIdURI = "https://management.azure.com/"
+ $apiResponse =@()
+ $classicAccessToken= (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $ResourceAppIdURI).Token
+ $endPointPolicies = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
+ # To keep track of remediated and skipped resources
+ $logRemediatedResources = @()
+ $logSkippedResources=@()
+ # Control Id
+ $controlIds = "Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration"
+ # No file path provided as input to the script. Fetch all Front Door CDNs in the Subscription.
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Fetching all Front Door CDNs in Subscription: [$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId)]..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ # Get all Front Door CDNs in the Subscription
+ $frontDoorCDNs = Get-AzFrontDoorCdnProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $totalfrontDoors = ($frontDoorCDNs | Measure-Object).Count
+ if($totalfrontDoors -gt 0)
+ {
+ $frontDoorCDNs | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontDoor = $_
+ $frontDoorId = $_.Id
+ $resourceGroupName = $_.Id.Split('/')[4]
+ $frontDoorName = $_.Name
+ if($null -ne $classicAccessToken)
+ {
+ $header = "Bearer " + $classicAccessToken
+ $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"}
+ $uri = [string]:: Format("{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/{2}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{3}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01",$resourceAppIdURI,$SubscriptionId,$resourceGroupName,$frontDoorName)
+ $apiResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
+ if($apiResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $apiResponse.StatusCode -le 399)
+ {
+ if($null -ne $apiResponse.Content)
+ {
+ $content = $apiResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $value = $content.value
+ $totalValues = ($value | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($i=0; $i -lt $totalValues; $i++)
+ {
+ $wafPolicyId = $value[$i].properties.parameters.wafPolicy.id
+ $wafPolicyName = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[8]
+ $wafPolicyResourceGroup = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[4]
+ $associations = $value[$i].properties.parameters.associations
+ $totalAssociations = ($associations | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($j=0; $j -lt $totalAssociations; $j++)
+ {
+ $association = $associations[$j]
+ $domains = $association.domains
+ $totalDomains = ($domains | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($k=0; $k -lt $totalDomains; $k++)
+ {
+ $domain = $domains[$k]
+ $id = $domain.id
+ $endpointName = $id.Split('/')[10]
+ $EndpointPolicy = New-Object System.Object
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "endpointName" -Value $endpointName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyName" -Value $wafPolicyName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyResourceGroup" -Value $wafPolicyResourceGroup
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyId" -Value $wafPolicyId
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "frontdoorName" -Value $frontDoorName
+ $endPointPolicies.Add($EndpointPolicy) | Out-Null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Get all Endpoint(s) for this Front Door CDN.
+ $endpoints = ( Get-AzFrontDoorCdnEndpoint -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ProfileName $frontDoorName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints += $endpoints | Select-Object @{N='EndpointId';E={$_.Id}},
+ @{N='FrontDoorName';E={$frontDoorName}},
+ @{N='ResourceGroupName';E={$resourceGroupName}},
+ @{N='EndPointName';E={$_.Name}},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyName';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName }},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyResourceGroup';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup}},
+ @{N='IsWAFConfigured';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsPreventionMode';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyMode -eq 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -eq 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Input file - [$($FilePath)] not found. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Fetching all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) from [$($FilePath)]..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsDetails = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $FilePath
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails = $frontDoorEndpointsDetails | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.EndPointName) }
+ $uniquefrontDoors = $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | Select-Object -Unique -Property FrontDoorName, ResourceGroupName
+ foreach($frontdoor in $uniquefrontDoors)
+ {
+ $resourceGroupName = $frontdoor.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $frontdoor.FrontDoorName
+ if($null -ne $classicAccessToken)
+ {
+ $header = "Bearer " + $classicAccessToken
+ $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"}
+ $uri = [string]:: Format("{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/{2}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{3}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01",$resourceAppIdURI,$SubscriptionId,$resourceGroupName,$frontDoorName)
+ $apiResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
+ if($apiResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $apiResponse.StatusCode -le 399)
+ {
+ if($null -ne $apiResponse.Content)
+ {
+ $content = $apiResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $value = $content.value
+ $totalValues = ($value | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($i=0; $i -lt $totalValues; $i++)
+ {
+ $wafPolicyId = $value[$i].properties.parameters.wafPolicy.id
+ $wafPolicyName = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[8]
+ $wafPolicyResourceGroup = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[4]
+ $associations = $value[$i].properties.parameters.associations
+ $totalAssociations = ($associations | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($j=0; $j -lt $totalAssociations; $j++)
+ {
+ $association = $associations[$j]
+ $domains = $association.domains
+ $totalDomains = ($domains | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($k=0; $k -lt $totalDomains; $k++)
+ {
+ $domain = $domains[$k]
+ $id = $domain.id
+ $endpointName = $id.Split('/')[10]
+ $EndpointPolicy = New-Object System.Object
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "endpointName" -Value $endpointName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyName" -Value $wafPolicyName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyResourceGroup" -Value $wafPolicyResourceGroup
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyId" -Value $wafPolicyId
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "frontdoorName" -Value $frontDoorName
+ $endPointPolicies.Add($EndpointPolicy) | Out-Null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontdoorEndpointName = $_.EndPointName
+ $resourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $_.FrontDoorName
+ try
+ {
+ $endpoints = ( Get-AzFrontDoorCdnEndpoint -EndpointName $frontdoorEndpointName -ProfileName $frontDoorName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints += $endpoints | Select-Object @{N='EndpointId';E={$_.Id}},
+ @{N='FrontDoorName';E={$frontDoorName}},
+ @{N='ResourceGroupName';E={$resourceGroupName}},
+ @{N='EndPointName';E={$_.Name}},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyName';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName }},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyResourceGroup';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup}},
+ @{N='IsWAFConfigured';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsPreventionMode';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyMode -eq 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -eq 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error fetching Front Door CDN Endpoint: ID - [$($frontdoorEndpointId)]. Error: [$($_)]" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host "Skipping this Front Door CDN Endpoint..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath))
+ {
+ $totalfrontDoors = ($frontDoorCDNs | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoors -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDNs found. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found $($totalfrontDoors) Front Door CDN(s)." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndPoints = ($frontDoorEndPoints | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndPoints -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) found having WAF Policy not Enabled. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndPoints)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ # Includes Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) where WAF Policy is in not Enabled
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled = @()
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured = 0
+ # Includes Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) that were skipped during remediation. There were errors remediating them.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped = @()
+ Write-Host "[Step 3 of 5] Fetching Endpoint(s) for which WAF Policy is not enabled"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Separating Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) for which WAF Policy is not enabled..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints | ForEach-Object {
+ $endPoint = $_
+ if($_.IsWAFConfigured -eq $false)
+ {
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured = $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured + 1
+ }
+ if(($_.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled -eq $false) -and ($_.IsWAFConfigured -eq $true))
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled += $endPoint
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $logResource = @{}
+ $logResource.Add("ResourceGroupName",($_.ResourceGroupName))
+ $logResource.Add("ResourceName",($_.FrontDoorName))
+ $logResource.Add("EndPointName",($_.EndPointName))
+ $logResource.Add("Reason","WAF Policy already enabled on endpoint")
+ $logSkippedResources += $logResource
+ }
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled = ($frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured)] Front Door Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is not configured. Use [Remediate-ConfigureWAFOnAzureFrontDoor.ps1] BRS to Configure WAF Policy on Front Door Endpoints without WAF Policy Configured." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDN endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is not Enabled.. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled)] Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is not Enabled ." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Following Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) are having WAF Policies not Enabled:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $colsProperty = @{Expression={$_.EndpointId};Label="Endpoint Id";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.EndPointName};Label="Endpoint";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.ResourceGroupName};Label="Resource Group";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.FrontDoorName};Label="Front Door";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyName};Label="WAF Policy Name";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup};Label="WAF Policy RG";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFConfigured};Label="Is WAF Policy Configured?";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled};Label="Is associated WAF Policy in Enabled State";Width=7;Alignment="left"}
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Back up snapshots to `%LocalApplicationData%'.
+ $backupFolderPath = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData'))\AzTS\Remediation\Subscriptions\$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId.replace('-','_'))\$($(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddhhmm'))\EnableFrontDoorCDNWAFPolicy"
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $backupFolderPath))
+ {
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $backupFolderPath | Out-Null
+ }
+ Write-Host "[Step 4 of 5] Backing up Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) details"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath))
+ {
+ # Backing up Front Door CDN Endpoints details.
+ $backupFileForWAFNotEnabled = "$($backupFolderPath)\frontdoorCDNEndpointsWithoutPolicyEnabled.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled | Export-CSV -Path $backupFileForWAFNotEnabled -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "Front Door Endpoint(s) details have been successful backed up to $($backupFolderPath)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "Skipped as -FilePath is provided" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ if (-not $DryRun)
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy will be Enabled for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ if (-not $Force)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Do you want to Enable WAF Policies associated with Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)? " -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning) -NoNewline
+ $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "(Y|N)"
+ if($userInput -ne "Y")
+ {
+ Write-Host " WAF Policy will not be enabled for any Front Door CDN Endpoint(s). Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy will be enabled for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "'Force' flag is provided. WAF Policy will be enabled on all Front Door CDN Endoint(s) without any further prompts." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ Write-Host "[Step 5 of 5] Enabling WAF Policy for Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # To hold results from the remediation.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated = @()
+ # Remidiate Controls by Eanbling WAF Policy
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint = $_
+ $wafPolicyName = $_.WAFPolicyName
+ $wafPolicyRG = $_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup
+ $endpointsSkipped = @()
+ try
+ {
+ $updatedPolicy = Update-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name $wafPolicyName -ResourceGroupName $wafPolicyRG -EnabledState Enabled
+ if ($updatedPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -ne 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $endpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled = $true
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ $endpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ $totalRemediated = ($frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Measure-Object).Count
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ($totalRemediated -eq $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled)
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Enabled for all [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) ." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Enabled for [$totalRemediated] out of [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotEnabled)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ $colsProperty = @{Expression={$_.EndpointId};Label="Endpoint Id";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.EndPointName};Label="Endpoint";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.ResourceGroupName};Label="Resource Group";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.FrontDoorName};Label="Front Door";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyName};Label="WAF Policy Name";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup};Label="WAF Policy RG";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFConfigured};Label="Is WAF Policy Configured?";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled};Label="Is associated WAF Policy in Enabled State";Width=7;Alignment="left"}
+ Write-Host "Remediation Summary:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ($($frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Successfully enabled WAF Policy on the following Frontdoor CDN Endpoint(s) in the subscription:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediatedFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\RemediatedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForEnabledState.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Export-CSV -Path $frontDoorEndpointsRemediatedFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to [$($frontDoorEndpointsRemediatedFile)]"
+ Write-Host "Use this file for any roll back that may be required." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ }
+ if ($($endpointsSkipped | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error performing remediation steps for the following Front Door CDN Endpoint(s):" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ $endpointsSkipped | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $endpointsSkippedFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\SkippedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForEnabledState.csv"
+ $endpointsSkipped | Export-CSV -Path $endpointsSkippedFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to [$($endpointsSkippedFile)]"
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 5 of 5] Enabling WAF Policy for Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Skipped as -DryRun switch is provided." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Next steps:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host "Run the same command with -FilePath $($backupFile) and without -DryRun, to Enable WAF Policy for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) listed in the file." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ }
+function Disable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN
+ <#
+ Rolls back remediation done for 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ Rolls back remediation done for 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ Disables back all WAF Policies in all Front Door CDNs in the Subscription.
+ .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
+ Specifies the ID of the Subscription that was previously remediated.
+ Specifies a forceful roll back without any prompts.
+ .Parameter PerformPreReqCheck
+ Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command.
+ Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the roll back.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to Disable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN.
+ None. Disable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN does not return anything that can be piped and used as an input to another command.
+ PS> Disable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoorCDN -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202211190719\EnableFrontDoorCDNWAFPolicy\RemediatedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForEnabledState.csv
+ None
+ #>
+ param (
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the ID of the Subscription that was previously remediated.")]
+ $SubscriptionId,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies a forceful roll back without any prompts")]
+ $Force,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command")]
+ $PerformPreReqCheck,
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the roll back")]
+ $FilePath
+ )
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ if ($PerformPreReqCheck)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 4] Validate and install the modules required to run the script and validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Setting up prerequisites..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Setup-Prerequisites
+ Write-Host "Completed setting up prerequisites"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error occurred while setting up prerequisites. Error: $($_)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 4] Validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ # Connect to Azure account
+ $context = Get-AzContext
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($context))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Connecting to Azure account..."
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ Write-Host "Connected to Azure account." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Setting up context for the current Subscription.
+ $context = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop
+ }
+ Write-Host "Subscription Name: [$($context.Subscription.Name)]"
+ Write-Host "Subscription ID: [$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Name: [$($context.Account.Id)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Type: [$($context.Account.Type)]"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # Note about the required access required for remediation
+ Write-Host "To Disable WAF Policy for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) in a Subscription, Contributor or higher privileges on the Front Door CDNs are required." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "[Step 2 of 4] Preparing to fetch all Front Door CDN Endpoints"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Input file - [$($FilePath)] not found. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Fetching all Front Door CDN Endpoints from [$($FilePath)]..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints = @()
+ $resourceAppIdURI = "https://management.azure.com/"
+ $apiResponse =@()
+ $classicAccessToken= (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $ResourceAppIdURI).Token
+ $endPointPolicies = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
+ $frontDoorEndpointsDetails = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $FilePath
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails = $frontDoorEndpointsDetails | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.EndPointName) }
+ $uniquefrontDoors = $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | Select-Object -Unique -Property FrontDoorName, ResourceGroupName
+ foreach($frontdoor in $uniquefrontDoors)
+ {
+ $resourceGroupName = $frontdoor.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $frontdoor.FrontDoorName
+ if($null -ne $classicAccessToken)
+ {
+ $header = "Bearer " + $classicAccessToken
+ $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"}
+ $uri = [string]:: Format("{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/{2}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{3}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01",$resourceAppIdURI,$SubscriptionId,$resourceGroupName,$frontDoorName)
+ $apiResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
+ if($apiResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $apiResponse.StatusCode -le 399)
+ {
+ if($null -ne $apiResponse.Content)
+ {
+ $content = $apiResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $value = $content.value
+ $totalValues = ($value | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($i=0; $i -lt $totalValues; $i++)
+ {
+ $wafPolicyId = $value[$i].properties.parameters.wafPolicy.id
+ $wafPolicyName = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[8]
+ $wafPolicyResourceGroup = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[4]
+ $associations = $value[$i].properties.parameters.associations
+ $totalAssociations = ($associations | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($j=0; $j -lt $totalAssociations; $j++)
+ {
+ $association = $associations[$j]
+ $domains = $association.domains
+ $totalDomains = ($domains | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($k=0; $k -lt $totalDomains; $k++)
+ {
+ $domain = $domains[$k]
+ $id = $domain.id
+ $endpointName = $id.Split('/')[10]
+ $EndpointPolicy = New-Object System.Object
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "endpointName" -Value $endpointName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyName" -Value $wafPolicyName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyResourceGroup" -Value $wafPolicyResourceGroup
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyId" -Value $wafPolicyId
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "frontdoorName" -Value $frontDoorName
+ $endPointPolicies.Add($EndpointPolicy) | Out-Null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontdoorEndpointName = $_.EndPointName
+ $resourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $_.FrontDoorName
+ try
+ {
+ $endpoints = ( Get-AzFrontDoorCdnEndpoint -EndpointName $frontdoorEndpointName -ProfileName $frontDoorName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints += $endpoints | Select-Object @{N='EndpointId';E={$_.Id}},
+ @{N='FrontDoorName';E={$frontDoorName}},
+ @{N='ResourceGroupName';E={$resourceGroupName}},
+ @{N='EndPointName';E={$_.Name}},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyName';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName }},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyResourceGroup';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup}},
+ @{N='IsWAFConfigured';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsPreventionMode';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyMode -eq 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -eq 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error fetching Front Door CDN Endpoint: ID - [$($frontdoorEndpointId)]... Error: $($_)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host "Skipping this Front Door CDN Endpoint..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ }
+ # Includes Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) where WAF Policy is in Enabled
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled = @()
+ Write-Host "[Step 3 of 4] Fetching Endpoint(s) for which WAF Policy is enabled"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Separating Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) for which WAF Policy is enabled..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints | ForEach-Object {
+ $endPoint = $_
+ if(($_.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled -eq $true) -and ($_.IsWAFConfigured -eq $true))
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled += $endPoint
+ }
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled = ($frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is Enabled.. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled)] Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is Enabled in file to Rollback." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # Back up snapshots to `%LocalApplicationData%'.
+ $backupFolderPath = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData'))\AzTS\Remediation\Subscriptions\$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId.replace('-','_'))\$($(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddhhmm'))\EnableFrontDoorCDNWAFPolicy"
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $backupFolderPath))
+ {
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $backupFolderPath | Out-Null
+ }
+ if (-not $Force)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Do you want to Disable WAF Policy for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)?" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning) -NoNewline
+ $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "(Y|N)"
+ if($userInput -ne "Y")
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy will not be Disabled for any Front Door CDN Endpoint(s). Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "'Force' flag is provided. WAF Policy will be Disabled for all the Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) without any further prompts." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning) -NoNewline
+ }
+ Write-Host "[Step 4 of 4] Disabling WAF Policy for Front Door CDNs Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # Includes Front Door CDN s, to which, previously made changes were successfully rolled back.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack = @()
+ # Includes Front Door CDN s that were skipped during roll back. There were errors rolling back the changes made previously.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped = @()
+ # Roll back by disabling WAF Policy
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint = $_
+ $wafPolicyName = $_.WAFPolicyName
+ $wafPolicyRG = $_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup
+ try
+ {
+ $endpointResource = Update-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name $wafPolicyName -ResourceGroupName $wafPolicyRG -EnabledState Disabled
+ if ($endpointResource.PolicyEnabledState -ne 'Disabled')
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled = $false
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsRolledBack = ($frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Measure-Object).Count
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsRolledBack -eq $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled)
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Disabled for all [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) ." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy disabled for [$totalfrontDoorEndpointsRolledBack] out of [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyEnabled)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ Write-Host "Rollback Summary:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $colsProperty = @{Expression={$_.EndpointId};Label="Endpoint Id";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.EndPointName};Label="Endpoint";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.ResourceGroupName};Label="Resource Group";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.FrontDoorName};Label="Front Door";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyName};Label="WAF Policy Name";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup};Label="WAF Policy RG";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFConfigured};Label="Is WAF Policy Configured?";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFPolicyStateEnabled};Label="Is associated WAF Policy in Enabled State";Width=7;Alignment="left"}
+ if ($($frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Successfully disabled WAF Policy on the following Frontdoor CDN Endpoint(s) in the subscription:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBackFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\RolledBackfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForWAFPolicyState.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Export-CSV -Path $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBackFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to $($frontDoorEndpointsRolledBackFile)"
+ }
+ if ($($frontDoorEndpointsSkipped | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error Disabling WAF Policy for the following Front Door CDN Endpoint(s):" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkippedFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\RolledBackSkippedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForWAFPolicyState.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped | Export-CSV -Path $frontDoorEndpointsSkippedFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to $($frontDoorEndpointsSkippedFile)"
+ }
+# Defines commonly used constants.
+class Constants
+ # Defines commonly used colour codes, corresponding to the severity of the log.
+ static [Hashtable] $MessageType = @{
+ Error = [System.ConsoleColor]::Red
+ Warning = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
+ Info = [System.ConsoleColor]::Cyan
+ Update = [System.ConsoleColor]::Green
+ Default = [System.ConsoleColor]::White
+ }
+ static [String] $DoubleDashLine = "========================================================================================================================"
+ static [String] $SingleDashLine = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDN.ps1 b/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDN.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a214f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/RemediationScripts/Remediate-EnableWAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDN.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,1158 @@
+# Overview:
+ This script is used to enable WAF Policy Mode to Prevention on all endpoints of Front Door CDNs in a Subscription.
+# Control ID:
+ Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration
+# Display Name:
+ Front Door should have Web Application Firewall configured
+# Prerequisites:
+ 1. Contributor or higher privileges on the Front Door CDNs in a Subscription.
+ 2. Must be connected to Azure with an authenticated account.
+# Steps performed by the script:
+ To remediate:
+ 1. Validate and install the modules required to run the script.
+ 2. Get the list of all Front Door CDNs Endpoints in a Subscription that do not have WAF Policy in Prevention Mode
+ 3. Back up details of Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) that are to be remediated.
+ 4. Set Policy mode to Prevention for all endpoints in the Front Doors.
+ To roll back:
+ 1. Validate and install the modules required to run the script.
+ 2. Get the list of Front Doors' Endpoint(s) in a Subscription, the changes made to which previously, are to be rolled back.
+ 3. Revert Policy mode to Detection all endpoints in all the Front Doors.
+# Instructions to execute the script:
+ To remediate:
+ 1. Download the script.
+ 2. Load the script in a PowerShell session. Refer https://aka.ms/AzTS-docs/RemediationscriptExcSteps to know more about loading the script.
+ 3. Execute the script to enable Prevention Mode for WAF Policy on All endpoints of Front Door CDNs in a Subscription. Refer `Examples`, below.
+ To roll back:
+ 1. Download the script.
+ 2. Load the script in a PowerShell session. Refer https://aka.ms/AzTS-docs/RemediationscriptExcSteps to know more about loading the script.
+ 3. Execute the script to enable Prevention Mode WAF Policy on All endpoints of Front Door CDNs in a Subscription. Refer `Examples`, below.
+# Examples:
+ To remediate:
+ 1. To review the Front Door CDNs in a Subscription that will be remediated:
+ Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -DryRun
+ 2. To Switch WAF Policy Mode to Prvention for Endpoint(s) of all Front Door CDNs in a Subscription:
+ Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck
+ 3. To Switch WAF Policy Mode to Prvention for Endpoint(s) of all Front Door CDNs in a Subscription, from a previously taken snapshot:
+ Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202109131040\SetFrontDoorCDNPolicyModeToPrevention\frontdoorCDNEndpointsWithoutPolicyInPreventionMode.csv
+ To know more about the options supported by the remediation command, execute:
+ Get-Help Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -Detailed
+ To roll back:
+ 1. To Switch WAF Policy Mode to Prvention for Endpoint(s) all Front Door CDNs in a Subscription, from a previously taken snapshot:
+ Disable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202109131040\SetFrontDoorCDNPolicyModeToPrevention\RemediatedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForPreventionMode.csv
+ To know more about the options supported by the roll back command, execute:
+ Get-Help Disable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -Detailed
+function Setup-Prerequisites
+ <#
+ Checks if the prerequisites are met, else, sets them up.
+ Checks if the prerequisites are met, else, sets them up.
+ Includes installing any required Azure modules.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to Setup-Prerequisites.
+ None. Setup-Prerequisites does not return anything that can be piped and used as an input to another command.
+ PS> Setup-Prerequisites
+ None
+ #>
+ # List of required modules
+ $requiredModules = @("Az.Accounts", "Az.FrontDoor", "Az.Cdn")
+ Write-Host "Required modules: $($requiredModules -join ', ')"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Checking if the required modules are present..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $availableModules = $(Get-Module -ListAvailable $requiredModules -ErrorAction Stop)
+ # Check if the required modules are installed.
+ $requiredModules | ForEach-Object {
+ if ($availableModules.Name -notcontains $_)
+ {
+ Write-Host "[$($_)] module is not present." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host "Installing [$($_)] module..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Install-Module -Name $_ -Scope CurrentUser -Repository 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "[$($_)] module installed." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[$($_)] module is present." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ }
+function Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints
+ <#
+ Remediates 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ Remediates 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ WAF Policy Mode must be in Prevention Mode for Front Door CDN Endpoint(s).
+ .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
+ Specifies the ID of the Subscription to be remediated.
+ Specifies a forceful remediation without any prompts.
+ .Parameter PerformPreReqCheck
+ Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command.
+ Specifies a dry run of the actual remediation.
+ Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the remediation.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to Enable-WAFPolicyForFrontDoors.
+ None. Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints does not return anything that can be piped and used as an input to another command.
+ PS> Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -DryRun
+ PS> Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck
+ PS> Enable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202201011212\SetFrontDoorCDNPolicyModeToPrevention\frontdoorCDNEndpointsWithoutPolicyInPreventionMode.csv
+ None
+ #>
+ param (
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DryRun", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the ID of the Subscription to be remediated")]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the ID of the Subscription to be remediated")]
+ $SubscriptionId,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", HelpMessage="Specifies a forceful remediation without any prompts")]
+ $Force,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DryRun", HelpMessage="Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command")]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", HelpMessage="Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command")]
+ $PerformPreReqCheck,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DryRun", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies a dry run of the actual remediation")]
+ $DryRun,
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WetRun", HelpMessage="Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the remediation")]
+ $FilePath
+ )
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ if ($PerformPreReqCheck)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 5] Validate and install the modules required to run the script and validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Setting up prerequisites..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Setup-Prerequisites
+ Write-Host "Completed setting up prerequisites." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error occurred while setting up prerequisites. Error: $($_)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 5] Validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ # Connect to Azure account
+ $context = Get-AzContext
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($context))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Connecting to Azure account..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ Write-Host "Connected to Azure account." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ # Setting up context for the current Subscription.
+ $context = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "Subscription Name: [$($context.Subscription.Name)]"
+ Write-Host "Subscription ID: [$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Name: [$($context.Account.Id)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Type: [$($context.Account.Type)]"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "To enable Prevention Mode on WAF Policy for Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) in a Subscription, Contributor or higher privileges on the Front Door CDNs are required." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host "[Step 2 of 5] Preparing to fetch all Front Door CDNs"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ $frontDoorCDNs = @()
+ $frontDoorEndPoints = @()
+ $resourceAppIdURI = "https://management.azure.com/"
+ $apiResponse =@()
+ $classicAccessToken= (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $ResourceAppIdURI).Token
+ $endPointPolicies = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
+ # To keep track of remediated and skipped resources
+ $logRemediatedResources = @()
+ $logSkippedResources=@()
+ # Control Id
+ $controlIds = "Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration"
+ # No file path provided as input to the script. Fetch all Front Door CDNs in the Subscription.
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Fetching all Front Door CDNs in Subscription: $($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ # Get all Front Door CDNs in the Subscription
+ $frontDoorCDNs = Get-AzFrontDoorCdnProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $totalfrontDoors = ($frontDoorCDNs | Measure-Object).Count
+ if($totalfrontDoors -gt 0)
+ {
+ $frontDoorCDNs | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontDoor = $_
+ $frontDoorId = $_.Id
+ $resourceGroupName = $_.Id.Split('/')[4]
+ $frontDoorName = $_.Name
+ if($null -ne $classicAccessToken)
+ {
+ $header = "Bearer " + $classicAccessToken
+ $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"}
+ $uri = [string]:: Format("{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/{2}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{3}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01",$resourceAppIdURI,$SubscriptionId,$resourceGroupName,$frontDoorName)
+ $apiResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
+ if($apiResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $apiResponse.StatusCode -le 399)
+ {
+ if($null -ne $apiResponse.Content)
+ {
+ $content = $apiResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $value = $content.value
+ $totalValues = ($value | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($i=0; $i -lt $totalValues; $i++)
+ {
+ $wafPolicyId = $value[$i].properties.parameters.wafPolicy.id
+ $wafPolicyName = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[8]
+ $wafPolicyResourceGroup = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[4]
+ $domains = $value[$i].properties.parameters.associations[0].domains
+ $totalDomains = ($domains | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($j=0; $j -lt $totalDomains; $j++)
+ {
+ $domain = $domains[$j]
+ $id = $domain.id
+ $endpointName = $id.Split('/')[10]
+ $d = [ordered]@{wafPolicyName= $wafPolicyName ;wafPolicyId= $wafPolicyId ;endpointName= $endpointName }
+ $EndpointPolicy = New-Object System.Object
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "endpointName" -Value $endpointName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyName" -Value $wafPolicyName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyResourceGroup" -Value $wafPolicyResourceGroup
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyId" -Value $wafPolicyId
+ $endPointPolicies.Add($EndpointPolicy) | Out-Null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Get all Endpoint(s) for this Front Door CDN.
+ $endpoints = ( Get-AzFrontDoorCdnEndpoint -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ProfileName $frontDoorName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints += $endpoints | Select-Object @{N='EndpointId';E={$_.Id}},
+ @{N='FrontDoorName';E={$frontDoorName}},
+ @{N='ResourceGroupName';E={$resourceGroupName}},
+ @{N='EndPointName';E={$_.Name}},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyName';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName }},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyResourceGroup';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup}},
+ @{N='IsWAFConfigured';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsPreventionMode';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyMode -eq 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsWAFEnabled';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -eq 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath))
+ {
+ Write-Host "ERROR: Input file - $($FilePath) not found. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Fetching all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) from $($FilePath)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsDetails = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $FilePath
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails = $frontDoorEndpointsDetails | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.EndPointName) }
+ $uniquefrontDoors = $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | Select-Object -Unique -Property FrontDoorName, ResourceGroupName
+ foreach($frontdoor in $uniquefrontDoors)
+ {
+ $resourceGroupName = $frontdoor.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $frontdoor.FrontDoorName
+ if($null -ne $classicAccessToken)
+ {
+ $header = "Bearer " + $classicAccessToken
+ $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"}
+ $uri = [string]:: Format("{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/{2}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{3}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01",$resourceAppIdURI,$SubscriptionId,$resourceGroupName,$frontDoorName)
+ $apiResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
+ if($apiResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $apiResponse.StatusCode -le 399)
+ {
+ if($null -ne $apiResponse.Content)
+ {
+ $content = $apiResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $value = $content.value
+ $totalValues = ($value | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($i=0; $i -lt $totalValues; $i++)
+ {
+ $wafPolicyId = $value[$i].properties.parameters.wafPolicy.id
+ $wafPolicyName = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[8]
+ $wafPolicyResourceGroup = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[4]
+ $associations = $value[$i].properties.parameters.associations
+ $totalAssociations = ($associations | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($j=0; $j -lt $totalAssociations; $j++)
+ {
+ $association = $associations[$j]
+ $domains = $association.domains
+ $totalDomains = ($domains | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($k=0; $k -lt $totalDomains; $k++)
+ {
+ $domain = $domains[$k]
+ $id = $domain.id
+ $endpointName = $id.Split('/')[10]
+ $EndpointPolicy = New-Object System.Object
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "endpointName" -Value $endpointName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyName" -Value $wafPolicyName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyResourceGroup" -Value $wafPolicyResourceGroup
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyId" -Value $wafPolicyId
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "frontdoorName" -Value $frontDoorName
+ $endPointPolicies.Add($EndpointPolicy) | Out-Null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontdoorEndpointName = $_.EndPointName
+ $resourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $_.FrontDoorName
+ try
+ {
+ $endpoints = ( Get-AzFrontDoorCdnEndpoint -EndpointName $frontdoorEndpointName -ProfileName $frontDoorName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints += $endpoints | Select-Object @{N='EndpointId';E={$_.Id}},
+ @{N='FrontDoorName';E={$frontDoorName}},
+ @{N='ResourceGroupName';E={$resourceGroupName}},
+ @{N='EndPointName';E={$_.Name}},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyName';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName }},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyResourceGroup';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup}},
+ @{N='IsWAFConfigured';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsPreventionMode';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyMode -eq 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsWAFEnabled';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -eq 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error fetching Front Door CDN Endpoint: ID - [$($frontdoorEndpointId)]. Error: [$($_)]" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host "Skipping this Front Door CDN Endpoint..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath))
+ {
+ $totalfrontDoors = ($frontDoorCDNs | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoors -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDNs found. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoors)] Front Door CDN(s)." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndPoints = ($frontDoorEndPoints | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndPoints -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) having WAF Policy not in Prevention Mode. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndPoints)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ # Includes Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) where WAF Policy is in Prevention Mode
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention = @()
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured = 0
+ # Includes Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) that were skipped during remediation. There were errors remediating them.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped = @()
+ Write-Host "[Step 3 of 5] Fetching Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Separating Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) for which WAF Policy is not in Prevention Mode..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints | ForEach-Object {
+ $endPoint = $_
+ if($_.IsWAFConfigured -eq $false)
+ {
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured = $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured + 1
+ }
+ if(($_.IsPreventionMode -eq $false) -and ($_.IsWAFConfigured -eq $true))
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention += $endPoint
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $logResource = @{}
+ $logResource.Add("ResourceGroupName",($_.ResourceGroupName))
+ $logResource.Add("ResourceName",($_.FrontDoorName))
+ $logResource.Add("EndPointName",($_.EndPointName))
+ $logResource.Add("Reason","WAF Policy already in Prevention Mode on endpoint")
+ $logSkippedResources += $logResource
+ }
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention = ($frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotConfigured)] Front Door Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is not configured. Use [Remediate-ConfigureWAFOnAzureFrontDoor.ps1] BRS to Configure WAF Policy on Front Door Endpoints without WAF Policy Configured." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDN endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is not in Prevention Mode.. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention)] Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is not in Prevention Mode ." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Following Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) are having WAF Policies with Mode not in Prevention:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $colsProperty = @{Expression={$_.EndpointId};Label="Endpoint Id";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.EndPointName};Label="Endpoint";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.ResourceGroupName};Label="Resource Group";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.FrontDoorName};Label="Front Door";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyName};Label="WAF Policy Name";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup};Label="WAF Policy RG";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFConfigured};Label="Is WAF Policy Configured?";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsPreventionMode};Label="Is Prevention Mode on ";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFEnabled};Label="Is associated WAF Policy in Enabled State";Width=7;Alignment="left"}
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Back up snapshots to `%LocalApplicationData%'.
+ $backupFolderPath = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData'))\AzTS\Remediation\Subscriptions\$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId.replace('-','_'))\$($(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddhhmm'))\SetFrontDoorCDNPolicyModeToPrevention"
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $backupFolderPath))
+ {
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $backupFolderPath | Out-Null
+ }
+ Write-Host "[Step 4 of 5] Backing up Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) details"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FilePath))
+ {
+ # Backing up Front Door CDN Endpoints details.
+ $backupFileForWAFNotInPreventionMode = "$($backupFolderPath)\frontdoorCDNEndpointsWithoutPolicyInPreventionMode.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention | Export-CSV -Path $backupFileForWAFNotInPreventionMode -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "Front Door Endpoint(s) details have been successful backed up to [$($backupFolderPath)]" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "Skipped as -FilePath is provided" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ if (-not $DryRun)
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy mode will be switched to Prevention for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ if (-not $Force)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Do you want to switch WAF Policy Mode to Prevention from Detection associated with Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)? " -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning) -NoNewline
+ $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "(Y|N)"
+ if($userInput -ne "Y")
+ {
+ Write-Host " WAF Policy Mode will not be switched to Prevention from Detection for any Front Door CDN Endpoint(s). Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "'Force' flag is provided. WAF Policy Mode will be switched to Prevention from Detection on all Front Door CDN Endoint(s) without any further prompts." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ Write-Host "[Step 5 of 5] Switching Mode to Prevention from Detection for Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # To hold results from the remediation.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated = @()
+ # Remidiate Controls by Switching Policy Mode from Detection to Prevention
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint = $_
+ $wafPolicyName = $_.WAFPolicyName
+ $wafPolicyRG = $_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup
+ $endpointsSkipped = @()
+ try
+ {
+ $endpointResource = Update-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name $wafPolicyName -ResourceGroupName $wafPolicyRG -Mode Prevention
+ if ($endpointResource.PolicyMode -ne 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $endpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint.IsPreventionMode = $true
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ $endpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ $totalRemediated = ($frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Measure-Object).Count
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ($totalRemediated -eq $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention)
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Mode changed to Prevention for all [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) ." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Mode changed to Prevention for [$totalRemediated] out of [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyNotInPrevention)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ $colsProperty = @{Expression={$_.EndpointId};Label="Endpoint Id";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.EndPointName};Label="Endpoint";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.ResourceGroupName};Label="Resource Group";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.FrontDoorName};Label="Front Door";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyName};Label="WAF Policy Name";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup};Label="WAF Policy RG";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFConfigured};Label="Is WAF Policy Configured?";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsPreventionMode};Label="Is Prevention Mode on ";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFEnabled};Label="Is associated WAF Policy in Enabled State";Width=7;Alignment="left"}
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Remediation Summary:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ if ($($frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediatedFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\RemediatedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForPreventionMode.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRemediated | Export-CSV -Path $frontDoorEndpointsRemediatedFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to [$($frontDoorEndpointsRemediatedFile)]"
+ Write-Host "Use this file for any roll back that may be required." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ }
+ if ($($endpointsSkipped | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error performing remediation steps for the following Front Door CDN Endpoint(s):" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ $endpointsSkipped | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $endpointsSkippedFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\SkippedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForPreventionMode.csv"
+ $endpointsSkipped | Export-CSV -Path $endpointsSkippedFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to [$($endpointsSkippedFile)]"
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 5 of 5] Switching WAF Policy mode to Prevention for Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Skipped as -DryRun switch is provided." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Next steps:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host "Run the same command with -FilePath $($backupFile) and without -DryRun, to switch WAF Policy Mode to Prvention for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) listed in the file." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ }
+function Disable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints
+ <#
+ Rolls back remediation done for 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ Rolls back remediation done for 'Azure_FrontDoor_CDNProfile_NetSec_Enable_WAF_Configuration' Control.
+ Switches the Policy Mode to Detection from Prevention for all WAF Policies in all Front Door CDN s in the Subscription.
+ .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
+ Specifies the ID of the Subscription that was previously remediated.
+ Specifies a forceful roll back without any prompts.
+ .Parameter PerformPreReqCheck
+ Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command.
+ Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the roll back.
+ None. You cannot pipe objects to Disable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorCDNEndPoints.
+ None. Disable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorEndPoints does not return anything that can be piped and used as an input to another command.
+ PS> Disable-WAFPolicyPreventionModeForFrontDoorEndPoints -SubscriptionId 00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000 -PerformPreReqCheck -FilePath C:\AzTS\Subscriptions\00000000-xxxx-0000-xxxx-000000000000\202211190719\SetFrontDoorCDNPolicyModeToPrevention\RemediatedfrontDoorCDNEndpointsForPreventionMode.csv
+ None
+ #>
+ param (
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the ID of the Subscription that was previously remediated.")]
+ $SubscriptionId,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies a forceful roll back without any prompts")]
+ $Force,
+ [Switch]
+ [Parameter(HelpMessage="Specifies validation of prerequisites for the command")]
+ $PerformPreReqCheck,
+ [String]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Specifies the path to the file to be used as input for the roll back")]
+ $FilePath
+ )
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ if ($PerformPreReqCheck)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 4] Validate and install the modules required to run the script and validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Setting up prerequisites..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Setup-Prerequisites
+ Write-Host "Completed setting up prerequisites"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error occurred while setting up prerequisites. Error: $($_)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "[Step 1 of 4] Validate the user"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ # Connect to Azure account
+ $context = Get-AzContext
+ if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($context))
+ {
+ Write-Host "Connecting to Azure account..."
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Connect-AzAccount -Subscription $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ Write-Host "Connected to Azure account." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Setting up context for the current Subscription.
+ $context = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ErrorAction Stop
+ }
+ Write-Host "Subscription Name: [$($context.Subscription.Name)]"
+ Write-Host "Subscription ID: [$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Name: [$($context.Account.Id)]"
+ Write-Host "Account Type: [$($context.Account.Type)]"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # Note about the required access required for remediation
+ Write-Host "To Switich WAF Policy Mode to Detection for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) in a Subscription, Contributor or higher privileges on the Front Door CDNs are required." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ Write-Host "[Step 2 of 4] Preparing to fetch all Front Door CDN Endpoints"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath))
+ {
+ Write-Host "ERROR: Input file - [$($FilePath)] not found. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Host "Fetching all Front Door CDN Endpoints from $($FilePath)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsDetails = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $FilePath
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails = $frontDoorEndpointsDetails | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.EndPointName) }
+ $frontDoorEndPoints = @()
+ $resourceAppIdURI = "https://management.azure.com/"
+ $apiResponse =@()
+ $classicAccessToken= (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $ResourceAppIdURI).Token
+ $endPointPolicies = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
+ $uniquefrontDoors = $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | Select-Object -Unique -Property FrontDoorName, ResourceGroupName
+ foreach($frontdoor in $uniquefrontDoors)
+ {
+ $resourceGroupName = $frontdoor.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $frontdoor.FrontDoorName
+ if($null -ne $classicAccessToken)
+ {
+ $header = "Bearer " + $classicAccessToken
+ $headers = @{"Authorization"=$header;"Content-Type"="application/json"; "x-ms-version" ="2013-08-01"}
+ $uri = [string]:: Format("{0}/subscriptions/{1}/resourceGroups/{2}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{3}/securityPolicies?api-version=2021-06-01",$resourceAppIdURI,$SubscriptionId,$resourceGroupName,$frontDoorName)
+ $apiResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
+ if($apiResponse.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $apiResponse.StatusCode -le 399)
+ {
+ if($null -ne $apiResponse.Content)
+ {
+ $content = $apiResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+ $value = $content.value
+ $totalValues = ($value | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($i=0; $i -lt $totalValues; $i++)
+ {
+ $wafPolicyId = $value[$i].properties.parameters.wafPolicy.id
+ $wafPolicyName = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[8]
+ $wafPolicyResourceGroup = $wafPolicyId.Split('/')[4]
+ $associations = $value[$i].properties.parameters.associations
+ $totalAssociations = ($associations | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($j=0; $j -lt $totalAssociations; $j++)
+ {
+ $association = $associations[$j]
+ $domains = $association.domains
+ $totalDomains = ($domains | Measure-Object).Count
+ for($k=0; $k -lt $totalDomains; $k++)
+ {
+ $domain = $domains[$k]
+ $id = $domain.id
+ $endpointName = $id.Split('/')[10]
+ $EndpointPolicy = New-Object System.Object
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "endpointName" -Value $endpointName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyName" -Value $wafPolicyName
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyResourceGroup" -Value $wafPolicyResourceGroup
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "wafPolicyId" -Value $wafPolicyId
+ $EndpointPolicy | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "frontdoorName" -Value $frontDoorName
+ $endPointPolicies.Add($EndpointPolicy) | Out-Null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $validfrontDoorEndpointsDetails | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontdoorEndpointName = $_.EndPointName
+ $resourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName
+ $frontDoorName = $_.FrontDoorName
+ try
+ {
+ $endpoints = ( Get-AzFrontDoorCdnEndpoint -EndpointName $frontdoorEndpointName -ProfileName $frontDoorName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints += $endpoints | Select-Object @{N='EndpointId';E={$_.Id}},
+ @{N='FrontDoorName';E={$frontDoorName}},
+ @{N='ResourceGroupName';E={$resourceGroupName}},
+ @{N='EndPointName';E={$_.Name}},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyName';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName }},
+ @{N='WAFPolicyResourceGroup';E={ $endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup}},
+ @{N='IsWAFConfigured';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsPreventionMode';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyMode -eq 'Prevention')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }},
+ @{N='IsWAFEnabled';E={
+ if(($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -eq $null)
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $WAFPolicy = Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyName) -ResourceGroupName ($endPointPolicies | where endpointName -eq $_.Name | select -ExpandProperty wafPolicyResourceGroup)
+ if($WAFPolicy.PolicyEnabledState -eq 'Enabled')
+ {
+ $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $false
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error fetching Front Door CDN Endpoint: ID - [$($frontdoorEndpointId)]. Error: $($_)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ Write-Host "Skipping this Front Door CDN Endpoint..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ }
+ # Includes Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) where WAF Policy is in Prevention Mode
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention = @()
+ Write-Host "[Step 3 of 4] Fetching Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Separating Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) for which WAF Policy is in Prevention Mode..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $frontDoorEndPoints | ForEach-Object {
+ $endPoint = $_
+ if(($_.IsPreventionMode -eq $true) -and ($_.IsWAFConfigured -eq $true))
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention += $endPoint
+ }
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention = ($frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention | Measure-Object).Count
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention -eq 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "No Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is in Prevention Mode.. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ return
+ }
+ Write-Host "Found [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention)] Front Door CDN Endpoints(s) found where WAF Policy is in Prevention Mode in file to Rollback." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # Back up snapshots to `%LocalApplicationData%'.
+ $backupFolderPath = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData'))\AzTS\Remediation\Subscriptions\$($context.Subscription.SubscriptionId.replace('-','_'))\$($(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddhhmm'))\SetFrontDoorCDNPolicyModeToPrevention"
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $backupFolderPath))
+ {
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $backupFolderPath | Out-Null
+ }
+ if (-not $Force)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Do you want to switch WAF Policy Mode to Detection for all Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)?" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning) -NoNewline
+ $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "(Y|N)"
+ if($userInput -ne "Y")
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Mode will not be switched to Detection for any Front Door CDN Endpoint(s). Exiting..." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "'Force' flag is provided. WAF Policy Mode will be switched to Detection for all the Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) without any further prompts." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning) -NoNewline
+ }
+ Write-Host "[Step 3 of 4] Switching WAF Policy mode to Detection for Front Door CDNs Endpoint(s)"
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ # Includes Front Door CDNs, to which, previously made changes were successfully rolled back.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack = @()
+ # Includes Front Door CDNs that were skipped during roll back. There were errors rolling back the changes made previously.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped = @()
+ # Roll back by switching Policy Mode from to Detection from Prevention
+ $frontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention | ForEach-Object {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint = $_
+ $wafPolicyName = $_.WAFPolicyName
+ $wafPolicyRG = $_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup
+ try
+ {
+ $endpointResource = Update-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy -Name $wafPolicyName -ResourceGroupName $wafPolicyRG -Mode Detection
+ if ($endpointResource.PolicyMode -ne 'Detection')
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndPoint.IsPreventionMode = $false
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped += $frontDoorEndPoint
+ }
+ }
+ $totalfrontDoorEndpointsRolledBack = ($frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Measure-Object).Count
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::SingleDashLine)
+ if ($totalfrontDoorEndpointsRolledBack -eq $totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention)
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Mode changed to Prevention for all [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s) ." -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Update)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "WAF Policy Mode changed to Detection for [$totalfrontDoorEndpointsRolledBack] out of [$($totalfrontDoorEndpointsWithWAFPolicyInPrevention)] Front Door CDN Endpoint(s)" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Warning)
+ }
+ Write-Host $([Constants]::DoubleDashLine)
+ Write-Host "Rollback Summary:" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Info)
+ $colsProperty = @{Expression={$_.EndpointId};Label="Endpoint Id";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.EndPointName};Label="Endpoint";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.ResourceGroupName};Label="Resource Group";Width=10;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.FrontDoorName};Label="Front Door";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyName};Label="WAF Policy Name";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.WAFPolicyResourceGroup};Label="WAF Policy RG";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFConfigured};Label="Is WAF Policy Configured?";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsPreventionMode};Label="Is Prevention Mode on ";Width=7;Alignment="left"},
+ @{Expression={$_.IsWAFEnabled};Label="Is associated WAF Policy in Enabled State";Width=7;Alignment="left"}
+ if ($($frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBackFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\RolledBackfrontDoorEndpointsForWAFPolicyMode.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBack | Export-CSV -Path $frontDoorEndpointsRolledBackFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to $($frontDoorEndpointsRolledBackFile)"
+ }
+ if ($($frontDoorEndpointsSkipped | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Error Switching WAF Policy Mode to Detection from Prevention for the following Front Door CDN Endpoint(s):" -ForegroundColor $([Constants]::MessageType.Error)
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped | Format-Table -Property $colsProperty -Wrap
+ # Write this to a file.
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkippedFile = "$($backupFolderPath)\RollbackSkippedEndpointsForWAFPolicyMode.csv"
+ $frontDoorEndpointsSkipped | Export-CSV -Path $frontDoorEndpointsSkippedFile -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-Host "This information has been saved to [$($frontDoorEndpointsSkippedFile)]"
+ }
+# Defines commonly used constants.
+class Constants
+ # Defines commonly used colour codes, corresponding to the severity of the log.
+ static [Hashtable] $MessageType = @{
+ Error = [System.ConsoleColor]::Red
+ Warning = [System.ConsoleColor]::Yellow
+ Info = [System.ConsoleColor]::Cyan
+ Update = [System.ConsoleColor]::Green
+ Default = [System.ConsoleColor]::White
+ }
+ static [String] $DoubleDashLine = "========================================================================================================================"
+ static [String] $SingleDashLine = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
\ No newline at end of file