Today is...
as beautiful as other days
but you realize
another year has gone
in a blink of the eyes
Do you know..?
today is just special
so special to you
that's why
Let's make it...
happy late bday
ciee makin tua
tapi semoga makin banyak juga bahagianya ya
thank you udah milih lahir
dan bertahan nyampe sekarang
apapun yang terjadi
i'm prouf of you always
walaupun telat tapi hbd ya
sorry kalau aneh tiba-tiba ngasih begini
let's make it...
the best celebration ever
and let me share...
a piece of happiness to you
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and make it the best memory..
I'd like to wish you one more time
a very happy birthday Xola Mathembisa
a very happy birthday diajeng :D