Udacity Item Catalog
A simple web application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories and integrate third party user registration and authentication. Authenticated users have the ability to post, edit, and delete their own items. Set Up
Skills used for this project :
Python HTML CSS Bootstrap Flask Jinja2 SQLAchemy OAuth Facebook / Google Login
Run "For ubuntu users" :
- clone my repo into directory named catalog
- open your terminal and "cd" to where you clone or download the project -> cd [file]
- from the main directory run pip install -r requirements.txt
- Need to setup python3 and sublime or pycharm or any code tool use the "PEP8" style
- in terminal to run the main application $python3 App.py
- Access and test your application by visiting http://localhost:5000 locally
*if first time running, you must add a category before adding an item
After the last command you are able to browse the application at this URL:
JSON endpoints
Returns JSON of all categories /restaurants/JSON
Returns JSON of item /restaurants/int:restaurant_id/menu/JSON