Releases: axuno/ClubSite
Releases · axuno/ClubSite
Bump version to v3.5.0
Migrate startup from Host.CreateDefaultBuilder to WebApplicationBuilder
- ASP.NET Core 3.1 used the Generic Host for Startup. This is compatible with NET6.0. NET6.0 now recommends the new minimal hosting model with WebApplicationBuilder.
- Most configuration now happens in WebApplicationBuilder and static helper classe
Fix NLog.{Environment}.config:
Add to targets: keepFileOpen="true" openFileCacheTimeout="5" concurrentWrites="true"
This will stop log files to be blocked while the app is running -
Update to PiranhaCMS 10.3.0
Update referenced packages
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 7.0.0
- NLog.Web.AspNetCore 5.2.1
- EPPlus 6.1.2
- MailKit 3.5.0
- Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 5.1.0
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 7.0.2
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 7.0.2
Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.5.0
Make Google fonts "Lato" and "Raleway" website-local fonts [See details] (#25)
- Original style sheet integration:;400&family=Raleway:wght@700&display=swap - Local fonts stored under
wwwroot/assets/fonts - Make BS5 variable "$light" equal to "$gray400"
Add HTML Content Block (featured) See details
Read Title from Region attribute
Add separate logger for "Not Found" (404) server responses
- Make error handler return correct status code
- Add separate logger for "Not Found" (404) server responses
- Make error handler return correct status code
Google Analytics: Migrate tags to v4 with GA4 tracking ID
- ID is now always read from Credentials.json
- Verified to be working, using GA4 realtime tracking
Features and enhancements
- Complete revision of the Blog: Display, filter, integrate latest posts into start page
- Posts with future publishing date will display on reaching this date
- Class PersonProfileBlock now derives from Block (was BlockGroup before)
- Missing MailSettings now throws InvalidOperationException
- Marked blocks used as Model in DisplayTemplates as Nullable
- Added messages to tournament page after the tournament is expired
- TournamentRegistration will now redirect to TournamentPage permalink
- Minor Bootstrap 5 css class fixes
- Tournament registrations can be downloaded in Excel format (before: CSV)
- Updated package references
- Migrated PiranhaCMS to v10.0.1
- Migrated project to NET6.0
- For production, the connection string for MSSQL now requires "Encrypt=true; TrustServerCertificate=true"
- Updated external NuGet references
- Updated external node modules
- Updated ClubSite.sln to Visual Studio 2022
What's Changed
- Upgrade to PiranhaCMS 9.2.0
- Allow tournament registration within given timeframe only
- Bump set-value from 2.0.1 to 4.0.1 in /ClubSite by @dependabot in #18
- Bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 in /ClubSite by @dependabot in #19
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0