diff --git a/doc/services.rst b/doc/services.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ac3738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/services.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Service Integrations
+This module provides classes to build steps that integrate with Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS and Amazon EMR.
+**Table of Contents**
+- `Amazon DynamoDB <#amazon-dynamodb>`__
+- `Amazon SNS <#amazon-sns>`__
+- `Amazon SQS <#amazon-sqs>`__
+- `Amazon EMR <#amazon-emr>`__
+Amazon DynamoDB
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.DynamoDBGetItemStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.DynamoDBPutItemStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.DynamoDBDeleteItemStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.DynamoDBUpdateItemStep
+Amazon SNS
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.SnsPublishStep
+Amazon SQS
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.SqsSendMessageStep
+Amazon EMR
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrCreateClusterStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrTerminateClusterStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrAddStepStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrCancelStepStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrSetClusterTerminationProtectionStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrModifyInstanceFleetByNameStep
+.. autoclass:: stepfunctions.steps.service.EmrModifyInstanceGroupByNameStep
diff --git a/doc/signing.rst b/doc/signing.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c8c0039..0000000
--- a/doc/signing.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-This section describes the recommended process of verifying the validity of the
-AWS Data Science Workflows Python SDK's compiled distributions on
-`PyPI `__.
-Whenever you download an application from the internet, we recommend that you
-authenticate the identity of the software publisher and check that the
-application is not altered or corrupted since it was published. This protects
-you from installing a version of the application that contains a virus or other
-malicious code.
-If after running the steps in this topic, you determine that the distribution
-for the AWS Data Science Workflows Python SDK is altered or corrupted, do NOT
-install the package. Instead, contact AWS Support (https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/).
-AWS Data Science Workflows Python SDK distributions on PyPI are signed using
-GnuPG, an open source implementation of the Pretty Good Privacy (OpenPGP)
-standard for secure digital signatures. GnuPG (also known as GPG) provides
-authentication and integrity checking through a digital signature. For more
-information about PGP and GnuPG (GPG), see http://www.gnupg.org.
-The first step is to establish trust with the software publisher. Download the
-public key of the software publisher, check that the owner of the public key is
-who they claim to be, and then add the public key to your keyring. Your keyring
-is a collection of known public keys. After you establish the authenticity of
-the public key, you can use it to verify the signature of the application.
-1. `Installing the GPG Tools <#installing-the-gpg-tools>`__
-2. `Authenticating and Importing the Public Key <#authenticating-and-importing-the-public-key>`__
-3. `Verify the Signature of the Package <#verify-the-signature-of-the-package>`__
-Installing the GPG Tools
-If your operating system is Linux or Unix, the GPG tools are likely already
-installed. To test whether the tools are installed on your system, type
-**gpg** at a command prompt. If the GPG tools are installed, you see a GPG
-command prompt. If the GPG tools are not installed, you see an error stating
-that the command cannot be found. You can install the GnuPG package from a
-**To install GPG tools on Debian-based Linux**
-From a terminal, run the following command: **apt-get install gnupg**
-**To install GPG tools on Red Hat–based Linux**
-From a terminal, run the following command: **yum install gnupg**
-Authenticating and Importing the Public Key
-The next step in the process is to authenticate the AWS Data Science Workflows
-Python SDK public key and add it as a trusted key in your GPG keyring.
-To authenticate and import the AWS Data Science Workflows Python SDK public key
-1. Copy the key from the following text and paste it into a file called
-`data_science_workflows.key`. Make sure to include everything that follows:
-.. code-block:: text
- mQINBF27JXsBEAC18lOq7/SmynwuTJZdzoSaYzfPjt+3RN5oFLd9VY559sLb1aqV
- ph+RPu35YOR0GbR76NQZV6p2OicunvjmvvOKXzud8nsV3gjcSCdxn22YwVDdFdx9
- N0dMOzo126kFIkubWNsBZDxzGsgIsku82+OKJbdSZyGEs7eOQCqieVpubnAk/pc5
- J4sqYDFhL2ijCIwAW6YUx4WEMq1ysVVcoNIo5J3+f1NzJZBvI9xwf+R2AnX06EZb
- FFIcX6kx5B8Sz6s4AI0EVFt9YOjtD+y6aBs3e63wx9etahq5No26NffNEve+pw3o
- FTU7sq6HxX/cE+ssJALAwV/3/1OiluZ/icePgYvsl8UWkkULsnHEImW2vZOe9UCw
- 9CYb7lgqMCd9o14kQy0+SeTS3EdFH+ONRub4RMkdT7NV5wfzgD4WpSYban1YLJYx
- XLYRIopMzWuRLSUKMHzqsN48UlNwUVzvpPlcVIAotzQQbgFaeWlW1Fvv3awqaF7Q
- lnt0EBX5n71LJNDmpTRPtICnxcVsNXT1Uctk1mtzYwuMrxk0pDJZs06qPLwehwmO
- 4A4bQCZ/1aVnXaauzshP7kzgPWG6kqOcSbn3VA/yhfDX/NBeY3Xg1ECDlFxmCrrV
- D7xqpZgVaztHbRIOr6ANKLMf72ZmqxiYayrFlLLOkJYtNCaC8igO5Baf2wARAQAB
- tFBTdGVwZnVuY3Rpb25zLVB5dGhvbi1TREstU2lnbmluZyA8c3RlcGZ1bmN0aW9u
- +3z59z7p4mvispmEzi4OOb1lMGBH+MdhkgblrcSaj4XcIslTkfKD4gP/cMSl14hb
- 5lra+1MwZZMDqhMTYuvTclIqPA/PXafkgL5g15JA5lFDyFQ2zuV1BgQlKh7o24Jw
- a1kDB0aSePkrh4gJHXAEoGDjX2mcGhEjlBvCH4ay7VGoG6l+rjcHnqSiVX0tg9dZ
- Ilc7RTR+1LX7jx8wdsYSUGekADy6wGTjk9HBTafh8Bl8sR2eNoH1qZuIn/YIHxkR
- JPH/74hG71pjS4FWPBbbPrdkC/G47mXMfLUrGpigcgkhePuA1BBW30U0ZZWWDHsf
- ISxp8hcQkR5gFhU+37tsC06pwihhDWgx4kTfeTmNqkl03fTH5lwNsig0HSpUINWR
- +EWN0jXb8DtjMzZbiDhLxQX9U3HBEdw2g2/Ktsqv+MM1P1choEGNtzots3V9fqMY
- Txy7MkYLtRDYu+sX5DNob309vPzbI4b3KBv6hCRJdnICjBvgL6C8WHaLm6+FU+68
- rFRKw6WImWHyygdnv8Bzdq4h+MaTE6AhteYutd+ZTWpazfE1h0ngrEerQju2VLZP
- ebT8O0rNFeHR6Iql5ak6kGeDLwnzcOOwqamO+vwGmRScwPT6NF9+HDkXCzITOE22
- 71zKVjGVf+tX5kHJzT8ZqQBxvnk5Cx/d7sr3kwLBhhygHLS/kn2K9fhYwbtsQTLE
- o9XvTBOip+DohHHJjZHcboeYnZ2g2b8Gnwe4cz75ogFNcuHZXusr8Y6enJX8wTBy
- /AvXPVUIyrHbrXcHaNS3UYKzbhkH6W1cfkV6Bb49FKYkxH0N1ZeooyS6zXyf0X4n
- ewy6mvaIcKURExIZyNqRHRhb4p/0BA7eXzMCryx1AZPcQnaMVQYJTi5e+HSnOxnK
- AB7jm2HHPHCRgO4qvavr5dIlEoKBM6qya1KVqoarw5hv8J8+R9ECn4kWZ8QjBlgO
- y65q/b3mwqK0rVA1w73BPWea/xLCLrqqVRGa/fB7dhTnPfn+BpaQ3qruLinIJatM
- 8c2/p1LZ1nuWgrssSkSMn3TlffF0Lq9jtcbi7K11A082RiB2L0lu+j8r07RgVQvZ
- 4UliS1Lklsp7Ixh+zoR712hKPQpNVLstEHTxQhXZTWAk/Ih7b9ukrL/1HJAnhZBe
- GwwFCRSxKwAACgkQYOsQOuMUqAnJvA//SDQZxf0zbge8o9kGfrm7bnExz8a6sxEn
- urooUaSk3isbGFAUg+Q7rQ+ViG9gDG74F5liwwcKoBct/Z9tCi/7p3QI0BE0bM1j
- IHdm5dXaZAcMlUy6f0p3DO3qE2IjnNjEjvpm7Xzt6tKJu/scZQNdQxG/CDn5+ezm
- nIatgDV6ugDDv/2o0BXMyAZT008T/QLR2U5dEsbt9H3Bzl4Ska6gjak2ToJL0T61
- 1dZjfv/1UbeYRPFCO6CsLj9uEq+RoHAsvAS4rl9HyM3b2sVzr8CMsP6LVdqlA2Qz
- /nIBd+GuLofi3/PGvvS63ubfqSRGd5VvJXoiRl2WoE8lmyIB5UJfFfd8Zdn6j+hQ
- c14VOp89mEfg57BiQXfZnzjFVNkl7T5I2g3X5O8StosncChqiJTSH5C731KUVqxO
- xYknFostioIVKmyis/Nwmwr6fIItYyYCwh5YCqAg0r4SLbhFEVXdannUbFPF6upO
- EbKlZP3Iyu/kYANMnq+9+GImrPrT/FCpM9RW1GFAnuVBt9Qjs+eRq4DQJl/EaIjZ
- cgqz+e5TZNxDK9r2sHC4zGWy88/2GuhD8xh4FH5hBIDJPmHUtKh9XElq187VA4Jg
- U0mbryduKMQIyuc6OLzfJUbVTMvKWaPASbGtvAAOwCFtAi33dZ8bOfjQLgOb9uDh
- /vQojRxttMc=
- =ovUh
-2. At a command prompt in the directory where you saved
-`data_science_workflows.key`, use the following command to import the AWS Data
-Science Workflows Python SDK public key into your keyring:
-.. code-block:: text
- gpg --import data_science_workflows.key
-The command returns results that are similar to the following:
-.. code-block:: text
- gpg: key 60EB103AE314A809: public key "Stepfunctions-Python-SDK-Signing " imported
- gpg: Total number processed: 1
- gpg: imported: 1
-Make a note of the key value; you need it in the next step. In the preceding
-example, the key value is 60EB103AE314A809.
-3. Verify the fingerprint by running the following command, replacing key-value
-with the value from the preceding step:
-.. code-block:: text
- gpg --fingerprint
-This command returns results similar to the following:
-.. code-block:: text
- pub rsa4096 2019-10-31 [SC] [expires: 2030-10-31] CC16 0577 B7BF 9D3D 6E5D
- 51C5 60EB 103A E314 A809 uid [ unknown]
- Stepfunctions-Python-SDK-Signing
- sub rsa4096 2019-10-31 [E]
- [expires: 2030-10-31]
-Additionally, the fingerprint string should be identical to CC16 0577 B7BF
-9D3D 6E5D 51C5 60EB 103A E314 A809, as shown in the preceding example.
-Compare the key fingerprint that is returned to the one published on this
-page. They should match. If they don't match, don't install the AWS Data
-Science Workflows Python SDK package, and contact AWS Support.
-Verify the Signature of the Package
-After you install the GPG tools, authenticate and import the AWS Data Science
-Workflows Python SDK public key, and verify that the public key is trusted, you
-are ready to verify the signature of the package.
-To verify the package signature, do the following.
-1. Download the detached signature for the package from PyPI
- Go to the downloads section for the Data Science Workflows Python SDK
- https://pypi.org/project/stepfunctions/#files on PyPI, Right-click on the SDK
- distribution link, and choose "Copy Link Location/Address".
- Append the string ".asc" to the end of the link you copied, and paste this
- new link on your browser.
- Your browser will prompt you to download a file, which is the detatched
- signature associated with the respective distribution. Save the file on your
- local machine.
-2. Verify the signature by running the following command at a command prompt
-in the directory where you saved signature file and the AWS Data Science
-Workflows Python SDK installation file. Both files must be present.
-.. code-block:: text
- gpg --verify
-The output should look something like the following:
-.. code-block:: text
- gpg: Signature made Thu 31 Oct 12:14:53 2019 PDT
- gpg: using RSA key CC160577B7BF9D3D6E5D51C560EB103AE314A809
- gpg: Good signature from "Stepfunctions-Python-SDK-Signing " [unknown]
- gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
- gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
- Primary key fingerprint: CC16 0577 B7BF 9D3D 6E5D 51C5 60EB 103A E314 A809
-If the output contains the phrase Good signature from "AWS Data Science
-Workflows Python SDK ", it means
-that the signature has successfully been verified, and you can proceed to run
-the AWS Data Science Workflows Python SDK package.
-If the output includes the phrase BAD signature, check whether you performed the
-procedure correctly. If you continue to get this response, don't run the
-installation file that you downloaded previously, and contact AWS Support.
-The following are details about the warnings you might see:
-.. code-block:: text
- WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! There is no
- indication that the signature belongs to the owner. This refers to your
- personal level of trust in your belief that you possess an authentic public
- key for AWS Data Science Workflows Python SDK. In an ideal world, you would
- visit an AWS office and receive the key in person. However, more often you
- download it from a website. In this case, the website is an AWS website.
- gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found. This means that the specific key is not
- "ultimately trusted" by you (or by other people whom you trust).
-For more information, see http://www.gnupg.org.
diff --git a/doc/steps.rst b/doc/steps.rst
index 8de4480..394f464 100644
--- a/doc/steps.rst
+++ b/doc/steps.rst
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ Functions.
+ services