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Lab 2 : Amazon ECS, First Deployment using Console and CloudFormation

1. Create a ECS in your console

1.2 Using a following instruction

1.3 Create ECS cluster

  1. Create a cluster key chain

  2. Select linux cluster

key chain

  1. Specify Cluster configuration
  • Cluster Name : Java-cluster
  • EC2 instance type : m5.large
  • Number of instances : 2
  • Key Pair : select your key pair


  • VPC : default VPC

  • Subnets : Select 2 subnets

  • Security Group : Create a new security Group OPEN ALL PORT , it is very important

  • Role : Select a EC2 instance role to support your Task (need to create a new role)

  • Need to Open all port in Security group, for dynamic port mapping of ALB


  1. Create a Resources if you have error on creating IAM Role for instance, then create a role for ECS Instance Role and execute it again.

1.4 Create a ALB

  1. Create a ALB
  • Specify name : -alb-ecs-cluster
  • Select the VPC which ECR is running on :
  • Select all AZs


  1. Create a security group
  • Speficy name : -alb-sg-default
  • Open all TCP


  1. Configure a default target group
  • Specify name : --alb-ecs-cluster-default-tg
  • Select Instance as target type


  1. Skip target registration Don't register target instances here.


1.5 Create Task definition

  1. Specify information
  • Task Definition Name : -psy-contianer-task-hello

  • Task Role : Creat a Amazon Elastic Container Service Task Role in IAM Role

  • Add : S3, DyanmoDB, Watch logs, RDS, Rekognition, Translate ECS

  • Network Mode : Bridge

  • Task memory (MiB) : 512

  • Task CPU (unit) : 1 vcpu


  1. Specify container information
  • Container name : java-container
  • Image : (for example, )
  • Memory Limits (MiB) : 128
  • Port mapping : 0 : 8080
  • important !!! you need to specify host port as empty


  1. Create a Task Check a created task

1.6 Create Service definition

  1. Configure service
  • Task Definition : Select a task you created in task definition (-psy-container-task-hello)

  • Cluster : select the cluster (container-workshop)

  • Service name : java-service

  • Number of tasks : 1

  • Minimum healthy percent : 50

  • Maximum percent : 200

  • Placement Templates : AZ Balanced spread


  1. Configure network
  • Select a ALB you crated
  • Specify Listner port : 80 HTTP
  • Select "Create New" as target group name
  • Specify Path pattern : /
  • Specify Evaluation Order : 1


  1. Cofigure autoscaling
  • None


1.7 Add one more service

  • Specify Path Pattern : /workshop/users*
  • Add ALB target group
  • Add health Check : /workshop/users/all

Confgratulation! You added 2 services in your ECS cluster.

2. Create a ECS cluster using CloudFormation

Use :

Lauch a whole stack. and test it(see output of CloudFormation)

1. Customize the templates

  1. (Recommendataion) download a zip file from

and Unzip it.

  1. (Optional) Clone the forked GitHub repository to your local machine.
git clone

  1. Modify the templates.
  2. Upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket of your choice. Upload master.yml, template, service foders
  • master.yml

    +- infrastructure/*

    +- services/*

  1. Either create a new CloudFormation stack by deploying the master.yaml template, or update your existing stack with your version of the templates.

  2. Change master.yml to point out your file location.

2. Lauch the stack with CloudFormaton

3. Create a ECS cluster using ECS-CLI (Optional)

  1. Install ecs-cli :

Create an ECS cluster with these resources:

  1. Create a infrastructure using Cloudformation
  • Use templates/infra.yaml
cd templates

aws cloudformation deploy \
  --stack-name aws-infra-ecscli \
  --template-file infra.yaml \
  --region ap-southeast-1 \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
aws cloudformation deploy \
  --stack-name aws-ecs-ec2 \
  --template-file master.yaml \
  --region ap-southeast-1 \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  1. Run the follow command to capture the output from the CloudFormation template as key/value pairs in the file ecs-cluster.props.
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --region ap-southeast-1 \
  --stack-name aws-infra-ecscli \
  --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs' \
  --output=text | \
  perl -lpe 's/\s+/=/g' | \
  tee ecs-cluster.props
  1. Setup the environment variables using the file (ecs-cluster.props)
set -o allexport
source ecs-cluster.props
set +o allexport
  1. Configure ECS CLI
ecs-cli configure --cluster $ECSCluster --region ap-southeast-1
  1. Create the task definition parameters for each of the service: greeting
  1. Start the greeting service up:
ecs-cli compose --verbose \
  --file greeting-docker-compose.yaml \
  --task-role-arn $ECSRole \
  --ecs-params ecs-params_greeting.yaml \
  --project-name greeting \
  service up \
  --target-group-arn $GreetingTargetGroupArn \
  --container-name greeting-service \
  --container-port 8081