Complex expressions with large NumPy arrays present a bit of a catch-22 situation performance-wise.
On the one hand, using a one-liner for the expression is not a good idea due to high memory usage (unnecessary temporary arrays that are need for the evaluation).
On the other hand, evaluation of the expression with one operation at a time can lead into suboptimal performance. Effectively, one carries out multiple for loops in the NumPy C-code.
Numexpr package provides tools for fast evaluation of array expressions.
x = numpy.random.random((1000000, 1))
y = numpy.random.random((1000000, 1))
import numexpr
poly = numexpr.evaluate("((.25*x + .75)*x - 1.5)*x - 2")
The expression is enclosed in quotes and will be evaluated using a single C-loop. Speed-ups in comparison to NumPy are typically between 0.95 and 4. Performance improves normaly most with arrays that do not fit in CPU cache.
Supported operators and functions include e.g.:
- +, -, *, /, **
- sin, cos, tan
- exp, log, sqrt
By default, numexpr tries to use multiple threads, which can also speed up the execution. The number of threads can be queried and set with:
The number of threads can also be controlled by the environment variables