IoTConnect Device SDKs (System Development Kit) are highly secure and reliable, solving the purpose of D2C (device to cloud) and C2D (cloud to device) communications. It is a mediator between device and cloud platforms.
IoTConnect Device SDKs help you to easily and quickly connect your devices to IoTConnect. IoTConnect Device SDKs include a set of tools, libraries, developer guides with code samples, and porting guides. IoTConnect SDK is a full-fledged workshop for you to build innovative IoT products or solutions on your choice of hardware platforms.
- Send Data
- Received Data
- OTA update
- Symantec Auth
- [CocoaMQTT] ( for MQTTClient connection
- [Starscream] ( for Websocket library
- [CocoaAsyncSocket] ( for socket library
- Please use Xcode 12.4 to compile
- Targets
- IoTConnect
- IoTConnectDemo
- Key Branches
- develop: contains the latest dev code.
- master: this contains the code for the current app store release.
import IoTConnect
let objConfig = IoTConnectConfig(cpId: "{replace-with-your-id}",
uniqueId: "{replace-with-your-id}",
env: .QA,
mqttConnectionType: .userCredntialAuthentication,
sdkOptions: nil)
SDKClient.shared.initialize(config: objConfig)
SDKClient.shared.getDeviceCallBack { (message) in
print("message: ", message as Any)
SDKClient.shared.getTwinUpdateCallBack { (twinMessage) in
print("twinMessage: ", twinMessage as Any)