This document demonstrates the steps of setting up the Infineon PSoC™ 6 boards for connecting to Avnet's IoTConnect Platform. Supported boards are listed in the
- GNU Arm® Embedded Compiler (GCC_ARM) - Default value of TOOLCHAIN
The project has been tested with the Eclipse option in Project Creator.
- PC with Windows. The project is tested with Windows 10, though the setup should work with Linux or Mac as well.
- USB-A to micro-USB data cable
- 2.4GHz WiFi Network
- A serial terminal application such as Tera Term or a browser-based application like Google Chrome Labs Serial Terminal
- A registered myInfineon Account
For OTA Support, you must use this application with ModusToolbox™ 3.2.
- Connect the board to a USB port on your PC. A new USB device should be detected. Firmware logs will be available on that COM port.
- Open the Serial Terminal application and configure as shown below:
- Port: (Select the COM port with the device)
- Speed:
- Data:
8 bits
- Parity:
- Stop Bits:
- Flow Control:
If you wish to contribute to this project or work with your own git fork, or evaluate an application version that is not yet released, the setup steps will change the setup steps slightly. In that case, read before continuing to the steps below.
Follow the Contributing Guidelines if you are contributing to this project.
- Download, install ModusToolbox™ software version 3.2 or later. Install the development suite with Modus Toolbox™ Setup. Ensure that Modus Toolbox™ Tools Package and Modus Toolbox™ Programming tools are selected during setup. The setup tool may require you to log into your Infineon account.
- Open the Project Creator.
- Select one of the supported boards from and click Next.
- At the top of the window, choose a path where the project will be installed. On Windows, ensure that this path is short starting from a root of a drive like C:\iotc-basic, or else ong paths will trigger the 256 Windows path limit and cause compiling errors. Refer to the Troubleshooting section of this document for more information.
- Select Eclipse IDE for Modus Toolbox™ in the pulldown below the installation path. VsCode integration and other tools may work, but actively tested and not a part of this guide.
- Select the Avnet IoTConnect Basic Example from the Wi-Fi Category.
- Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen.
- Open the installed Eclipse IDE For Modus Toolbox™ application.
- When prompted for the workspace, choose an arbitrary location for your workspace and click the Launch button.
- Click the Import Existing Application In-Place link in the Quick Panel at the bottom left of the window.
- Select the directory chosen during the Project Creator step above (C:/avt-demo, for example).
The Compilation Database Parser makes it so that Eclipse IDE understands compile time preprocessor defines applied to the project while editing code. Depending on the development stage, one can improve Eclipse build time and responsiveness by disabling it using this method: Right-click the project and select Properties > C/C++ General >Preprocessor Include Paths > Providers, and deselect the Compilation Database Parser check box.
- At this point you should be able to build and run the application by clicking the application first in the project explorer panel and then clicking the application-name-Debug or Program *KitProg3_MiniProg4 launch configurations in Quick Panel at the bottom left of the IDE screen.
- Examine the console messages on the serial terminal. Once the device boots up, it will print the auto-generated DUID (Device Unique ID) that you will use to create the device in the steps at Cloud Account Setup below in this guide:
Generated device unique ID (DUID) is: psoc6-xxxxxxxx
- Once the Cloud Account Setup is complete, In the config/ application directory modify app_config.h per your IoTConnect device setup wifi_config.h per your WiFi connection settings.
- Debug or Program the application.
An IoTConnect account is required. If you need to create an account, a free 2-month subscription is available.
Please follow the Creating a New IoTConnect Account guide and select one of the two implementations of IoTConnect:
Be sure to check any SPAM folder for the temporary password.
Login to IoTConnect using the corresponding link below to the version to which you registered:
The Company ID (CPID) and Environment (ENV) variables are required to be stored into the device. Take note of these values for later reference.
An IoTConnect Device Template will need to be created or imported.
- Download the premade Device Template.
- Import the template into your IoTConnect instance: Importing a Device Template guide
For more information on Template Management please see the IoTConnect Documentation website.
- Create a new device in the IoTConnect portal. (Follow the Create a New Device guide for a detailed walkthrough.)
- Enter the DUID noted from earlier into the Unique ID field
- Enter the same DUID or descriptive name of your choosing as Display Name to help identify your device
- Select the template from the dropdown box that was just imported ("psoc6mtb")
- Ensure "Auto-generated" is selected under Device certificate
- Click Save & View
- In the info panel, click the Connection Infohyperink on top right and download the certificate by clicking the download icon on the top right .
- You will need to open the device certificate and private key files and
provide them in configs/app_config.h formatted specified as a C string #define like so:
The same format needs to be used for the private key as
#define IOTCONNECT_DEVICE_CERT \ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \ "MIICwTCCAakCFFUmScR+Y+XTcu0YKMQcFDXSENLKMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMB0x\n" \ "GzAZBgNVBAMMEmF2dGRzLWlvdGNlZjJmNDAyMjAeFw0yNDA1MDIxOTEyMzRaFw0y\n" \ "NTA1MDIxOTEyMzRaMB0xGzAZBgNVBAMMEmF2dGRzLWlvdGNlZjJmNDAyMjCCASIw\n" \ "DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANA1q0MJwVLGn2uz7O/I2Wo80vnf\n" \ "ho+U/LW7bHW3JkzrkWIsc2cnT9fDhbSHmUkNlj5yUl+DtsM5LlAV/QO+EHd1xubU\n" \ "fmtXmk+/vB5g4OhGAI CvxlEqm2jW239sU\n" \ "po153s2XPfO0A0NN8L PPTVVA/SlwmuKOp\n" \ "YdtfTzhdBNiPtnt6xP THIS IS AN EXAMPLE mP25wfeCeNh1e64\n" \ "KWMVsY1wBsPLsC7KmC aIaEJsTRiECAwEA\n" \ "ATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ quxEn1IkGjmNF2I\n" \ "m/3+BM/2qPTxZVnfZfgKr3xD3hedymY0JRiKHKZGVWQSClobrbL5p6DraYBwWSFe\n" \ "h/lKhhBl0quu1vqXPhbMQaVcrBh4NGU8uDi3kezytqVhewR7wru/V3pdwvSer+Am\n" \ "qr5Sg/2HGybLHGsYhiRqU6bEYhPUzmQJs5FBR9HPd1xsME0qP6MW9FnR7S06G+z4\n" \ "UkWMseIlcxY6mGViLZGS362rAOAFQE9QYA9qdWyM+AIvjZjlQCbkTOiaEd6GXQIU\n" \ "khPBBRXBKbDpQ02LgX6tsJUEbGbnPC94LfwnkTuVx/CFKWZfmg==\n" \ "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
At this point, the device can be reprogrammed with the newly built firmware.
This project supports IoTConnect OTA via the ota-update library with the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W board.
The port of the OTA feature is rudimentary for purpose demonstration and not recommended for production. If you wish to support the OTA functionality for your board, please learn more from the README of the mtb-example-ota-https sample.
In order to add ioTConnect OTA support to this project, do the following steps only once, in this specific order, once you have opened this project in Eclipse:
- Select this application in the top left panel and open the Library Manager from the bottom left Quick Panel. Note that the library manager may take some time appear in the quick panel.
- Clik the Add Library button and add ota-update version release-v4.2.0 and ota-bootloader-abstraction version release-v1.2.0 libraries.
- Locate the
line in the Makefile and set OTA_SUPPORT to 1:
- It is necessary to modify the linker files so that the image components are placed in the correct flash section:
- Locate the CM4 component template files for your board in the templates-ota directory. For example, for CY8CPROTO-062-4343W they will be at templates-ota/TARGET_CY8CPROTO-062-4343W/COMPONENT_CM4/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM
- Replace your BSP files with the files from the templates-ota directory. For CY8CPROTO-062-4343W, your corresponding BSP files would be located at bsps/TARGET_APP_CY8CPROTO-062-4343W/COMPONENT_CM4/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/
- If you cloned this project's repo or have your own repository, this part of the setup can be streamlined by simply
renaming the templates-ota directory to
before the project is imported with Project Creator.
The modifications from templates-ota directory are not compatible with OTA_SUPPORT being disabled, so if you need to switch to OTA_SUPPORT=0, it is recommended that you re-create this project with the Project Creator.
- Log into your IoTConnect account and ensure that the toggle for Settings -> Configurations -> Firmware configurations is enabled.
- Click on Firmware configurations and ensure that the OTA URL Expiry is set to at least 25 (minutes). IoTConnect provides a signed URL that's valid for 5 minutes by default. Increasing this value will ensure that the URL does not expire before the download completes.
- Update the chunk buffer to "uint8_t chunk_buffer[CY_OTA_CHUNK_SIZE + 1024]" at mtb_shared/ota-update/<version>/source/cy_ota_internal.h.
- If on AWS, please note that OTA support in currently work in progress. We have had some limited success with changes suggested the, but these modifications to the Infineon's OTA library gave us inconsistent results.
- If on Azure, you can achieve up to around four times reduction in download time by increasing "CY_OTA_CHUNK_SIZE" at mtb_shared/ota-update/<version>/include/cy_ota_api.h up to 65536 bytes.
We need to build the MCUboot-Based Basic Bootloader application separately and load it onto the board (only once). The following steps are compatible with the bootloader sample application version release-7.0.0 and if any issues are encountered, you should clone the mtb-example-mcuboot-basic release-v7.0.0 tag of the application and use the steps similar to the to import the local project with Project Creator.
- Use the Project Creator to import the MCUboot-Based Basic Bootloader application into a separate workspace/directory.
- Copy the psoc62_2m_ext_swap_single.json flashmap JSON file from this project in the flashmap directory into the <MCUboot>/flashmap director.
- Modify the value of the FLASH_MAP variable in the <MCUboot>/ file to use psoc62_2m_ext_swap_single.json
- Connect the board to your PC using the provided USB cable through the KitProg3 USB connector.
- Select the MCUboot-Based_Basic_Bootloader.bootloader_app in the <MCUboot> project in the left panel and open the Eclipse Terminal window in the bottom panel. The terminal should be in the MCUboot-Based_Basic_Bootloader/bootloader_app directory.
- From the terminal, execute the
make program_proj
command to build and program the MCUboot-based bootloader application.
You can now build and upload the basic example application. If this is done correctly, when starting up the board you should see the bootloader messages followed by the application startup messages.