- White papers and further documents are available at: intel-realsense-downloads
- Intel RealSense Community - Official support, Q&A and other useful content
- Support Site - Contains content and web ticket capability for 1:1 interaction
- Intel RealSense Stereoscopic Depth Cameras - A technical paper describing the R200, LR200, SR300 and RS400 in detail. Includes theoretical background, performance expectations, post-processing suggestions, etc.
- Build an Autonomous Mobile Robot with the Intel® RealSense™ Camera, ROS*, and SAWR
- API How-To - List ot questions and answers related to the camera API
- Troubleshooting Q&A - List of questions and answers related to camera setup
- Build Configuration - List of supported CMake flags
- Projection In RealSense SDK 2.0 - A comprehensive document on Projection, Deprojection, and related helper processing-blocks the SDK provides
- Depth from Stereo - Tutorial introducing users to depth from stereo technology
- API Architecture - Overview of the high-level concepts
- C API - With doxygen-style API comments
- Latest Doxygen Output
- To build documentation locally from sources, on Ubuntu run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install doxygen
cd doc/doxygen
doxygen doxyfile
- Please also refer to API How-To for further doc how to use the APIs
- Frame Management - Frame Memory Management, Threading Model and Synchronization
- Frame Metadata - Support for frame-metadata attributes
- Post-Processing Filters - Post-acquisition Depth enhancement techniques
- Getting Started - Getting started with OpenCV
- Error Handling - Documents librealsense error handling policy
- Device specific topics:
- D400 at realsense.intel.com/ - Camera specifications
- D400 Advanced Mode - Overview of the Advanced Mode APIs
- D400 cameras with Raspberry Pi - Example of low-end system without USB3 interface
- D400 cameras on rooted Android device - Instructions of how to build the RealSense SDK for Android OS.
- IMU and Tracking-enabled devices - Introductionary material for D435i and T265 IMU and position tracking sensors.
- Record and Playback - SDK Record and Playback functionality using ROS-bag file format