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Releases: avast/gradle-docker-compose-plugin

Allow to specify path to docker-compose executable

03 Feb 08:47
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Merge pull request #59 from Kazaag/master

Allow to specify location of the docker-compose executable

Fix docker-compose version reading

01 Feb 16:48
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fix version reading

Custom project name

30 Jan 12:17
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Allows to set -p option of docker-compose command.

Improved services listing

03 Jan 08:19
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If using Docker Compose 1.6.0+(one year old) then docker-compose config --services command is used for services names listing.

Otherwise, standard Docker Compose files are manually searched in parent directories as well (as docker-compose does).

Pull task

19 Dec 21:13
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Merge pull request #51 from double16/composepull

Add ComposePull task Closes #30 #40

Publishing to Gradle Portal fixed

30 Nov 19:13
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Merge branch 'PublishToPluginPortal'

Plugin added to Gradle Portal

30 Nov 19:10
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Merge pull request #49 from avast/PublishToPluginPortal

Publish to plugin portal

Allow to capture output of containers

09 Oct 17:07
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Merge pull request #46 from avast/CaptureContainerOutput

Optionally capture output of all containers and send it to Gradle output

Execute compilation before Docker Compose

04 Oct 06:53
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If isRequiredBy is invoked then the plugin ensures (using shouldRunBefore) that compilation tasks are executed before composeUp. This solves #38 when composeUp task is executed even if the compilation failed.

Correct waiting for ports on Mac and Windows

29 Sep 18:25
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The Docker for Windows/Mac opens exposed TCP ports immediately so the naive waiting for open port didn't work correctly. This release fixes this issue.